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Devil’s Delight

Black Clover

By Azure

Chapter Three- Thirst of Yume and Lust of Vanessa

Asta x Yume x Vanessa Enoteca


After the month of training had finally passed, Asta had received his blessing from the village's Grand wizard and traveled alongside Yume on his way to go attend the Magical Knight selection trials. He traveled the road with the second girl of his dreams, practically feeling her boundless love for him radiate like a burning fire the entire trip there. As much as Asta wanted to indulge in carnal satisfaction with the voluptuous full-bodied girl, he knew they had to hurry lest they miss the selection exams that were about to begin. He promised her to have a romp with her later once they were chosen for whichever group of Magic Knights they'd be picked up for.

Of course, Asta promised Sister Lily he'd get married to her someday once he makes it big as the next Wizard King, this time around the woman didn't brush off his dream as silly when he said it. If anything. Lily had been blushing like a bashful young maiden starving for love, she would be waiting with anticipation for Asta to come back one day and offer him her hand in marriage as well as her virginity like they agreed. Lily secretly prayed for the gift of motherhood to happen to her sooner than you would think, ever since making love to Asta that night she had been eager to make that a reality with him as her husband. Asta would certainly be very eager to make that a reality himself, but he would also gather a large group of other love slaves to his calling and make them his broodmare as per the Devil's suggestion. He had already started with Yume, then went on to claim Dominante Code and a girl named Mariella at the same time a little while ago. Now he simply wanted more and would no doubt busy himself in the capital of Clover Kingdom charming more women into being his lovers and visiting those two girls as soon as he arrived. He would show all those who mocked him and bullied him for being unblessed by Magic just how wrong they were to insult his dream, thinking he'd never amount to anything. He would show them all indeed.

With his Devil's help, Asta will make them eat their words as he stands atop the Clover Kingdom as the Devilish New Wizard King. And it all starts right here in the coliseum just outside the Capital, there the Magical Knight recruitment takes place....


"Hehe! Alright....! We finally made it, Yume! Look at all these people! It's like everybody's trying to enter the Magic Knights just like we are, huh?" Asta gushed excitedly, looking around all over the place to see many young aspiring wizards like himself and Yume.

The girl held a stoic unreadable face as she could hear the faint whispers of gossip, much of it being condescending and judgemental of herself and Asta both being 'Country Bumpkins' as they like to call them. She can't say she really liked this kind of disrespectful way of speaking at all, if only they knew what her boyfriend was capable of, then they wouldn't be so brazen.  Yume was tempted to teach whoever badmouthed them directly a very 'firm' lesson if it came back to it, until then...she held her tongue and simply walked around with Asta.

Together they noticed the birds that flew all over the place, flocking to each person in certain numbers to gauge who was stronger in terms of Mana capacity and who wasn't. A large number of at least two dozen of them picked and flew around Asta's entire body, making it obvious that he was lacking in Mana entirely. It still amazed people since there weren't that many before, there was even one nesting atop of his head with a derpy look on its face.

"Asta....? You are aware you're being pecked by a lot of those, right?" Yume questioned when seeing her short, muscular, lover getting nibbled from all angles by the Magical birds without so much as flinching. They were chirping all over while he was just smiling nonchalantly, eating a bean bun he had brought with him from the village.

"Yeah, I think it's because they like me....! Must be because I have a Grimoire, right?" Asta chuckled cluelessly, earning a flat look from Yume when his Devil spoke up within his mind.

'Well, that's one way to put it, Asta, but really it's because you don't have a shred of Mana in your entire body. These little peckers are swarming you because it's in their nature to do so with those who have less-than-standard amounts of Mana. So yes, you're special in other words, heheheh.' The Devil chuckled, glad that his jibe didn't dampen Asta's spirits as he continued walking around and taking in the sights.

Asta then accidentally bumped into a large muscular foreign-looking man who looked like he ran with the tough crowd. He immediately felt a wave of raw intimidating power coming out of him when he simply looked at Asta, keeping a comically murderous glare on his face. He was as tall as six feet high, rippling with muscle and was as big as a giant. Asta saw that he was wearing a small black cloak over his body bearing the symbol of a Bull's skull on it.

"Hey, watch where you're going, runt. Do you have a death wish or something?" The man asked, making a scary look in his eyes that petrified everyone around him save for Yume and Asta himself.

'O-okay...better play it cool and be friendly. He's probably a hopeful like me.' Asta said to himself and the Devil inside his subconscious simply sat in the middle of space watching everything play out with a tub of popcorn he somehow materialized between his hands. "Boy, you look pretty big for a fifteen-year-old, huh? What kind of troubles have you been going through taking these trials and failing every time?"

'Oh hoo hoo, this'll be good.' The Devil thought, munching on his popcorn. He saw the tall muscular man reach for the boy's head, grabbing onto his skull like it was a ball and was clenching his fingers on it like he was ready to crush it into pieces.

Asta comically flinched in mild pain and legitimately felt the raw power and terror coming from the man while keeping the clueless smile plastered on his face, he wasn't like anybody else he'd ever met before.

"Hehe? Did...I say the wrong thing?" He nervously asked himself as he saw the murderous glare in his eyes intensify.

"You sure you wanna die today, punk?" The tall man asked with a vein popping out of his forehead, his entire expression screamed murder and everyone else around them was too nervous to bother intervening to get him to stop.

Yume, however, noticed this and was about to intervene herself until she saw a modest-looking guy with fluffy light brown hair come walking up to him. Behind him, she also saw a creepy-looking taller young man with darkened eyes and an utterly morose complexion on his face. Besides his bizarre uniform outfit, she assumed him to be a Hex-type of spellcaster that people would always be wary around. She noticed that they were all wearing matching black cloaks bearing the Taurus symbol on them and assumed the first guy was attempting to calm the big man down.

"U-uh, captain! You've gotta go to the thing now, they're about to call up the selected candidates of the first batch. Please don't make this a murder scene." He nervously asked, making the tall murderous man see reason as he let go of Asta's head and dropped him like a watermelon before turning around to walk away. "What were you even doing down here anyway?

"Had to take a shit." He said while simply lighting up a cigarette and puffing it, returning to his more mellow demeanor at the drop of a fly. The fluffy-haired guy from earlier opened up a rift portal in front of him, impressing some of the newer recruits and making Asta look gobsmacked at such amazing magic being shown.

'Whooooaaaa! Awesome! They can go from place to place just like that?' He thought excitedly, making his eyes darken and sparkle as was his traditional trait.

Yume and Asta heard mutterings from all around, listing the names of those three odd men that just came through. The taller, more intimidating one was Captain of the Black Bulls; Yami Sukehiro. The creepy-faced oddball who mutters to himself silently was Gordon Agrippa; a Wizard who specializes in hexes. The last guy, the one who opened a rift portal in space, was Finral Leulacies; a wannabe womanizer who kept flirting with girls here and there wherever he went. They were part of the lowest-ranked, most infamous band of rowdy Magic Knights wanted for always causing trouble during missions, they were known simply as the 'Black Bulls'. Asta had this thought in mind when thinking about them.

'That's the one group I don't want to be a part of at all!' He thought to himself while making a funny face for Yume to quietly laugh at. They are called up to the selection circle and begin the first selection process of the trials and depending on how they do, get sorted into either the most prestigious of Magic Knight groups such as Golden Dawn or the bottom of the barrel one like the Black Bulls.

"Come on, Asta, we've got to go take that test. Let's show these knights what you're made of and impress them the pants off them, I know you can do it.~" Yume encouraged with a kindly face, taking the boy's hand into her own and guiding him in the direction of the center of the coliseum to begin the selection process.


The first of the Trials featured levitation via Broomstick, they were given out by the Golden Dawn's captain, wowing the audience as they received one each. Asta failed spectacularly to get his own off the ground and levitate thanks to his body not housing any Magic to make floatation possible. Of course,  Yume aced her test with ease and stood atop of her own as it hovered into the air flawlessly.

When it came to Combat, however, Asta initially believed his opponent to be a fairly decent guy as honest as him, but it turned out he was just a condescending and obnoxiously self-centered opportunist when he revealed his true colors. Asta had no qualms about demonstrating his bizarre abilities by calling out the Five-Leaf Grimoire and quashing the man's defensive magic spell with ease thanks to a single swing of his large rusted sword. He had wowed a good portion of the audience and confused the captains since they no detected no magical means of summoning that sword to attack At first, he thought he had truly impressed the Knight Captains enough to warrant admission into one of the higher-caliber group of Knights, but so far only one person recognized his latent potential despite having no Magic to show at all.

He was chosen by Yami Sukehiro, the man who had given him the stink eye earlier when bumping into him on accident. He was the Captain of the Black Bulls and recognized Asta's resolve to become the Wizard King, making him an official part of his group while Yume got sorted into the highest-ranking house; The Golden Dawn. This more or less bummed Asta out because he wanted to be in the same place as Yume, not only as rivals trying to best each other in their race to Wizard King first, but also to have sex daily when inside of the private palace of the group. He wasn' going to complain about it, he would always settle for seeing Yume here in the city whenever possible. But now Asta was officially recognized as part of the Black Bulls alongside some girl with silver hair wrapped in two adorable twin tails; Noelle Vermillion.

The day of the selection exams came to an end and before Asta could go with Captain Yami to the Black Bulls headquarters, he had to make a pitstop to the restroom real quick.


Quietly making her way through the hallway leading to Asta's stall in the public bathroom, Yume had dusted her hands clean after scaring off the opponent her lover had beaten earlier; a haughty arrogant young man named Sekke. He was having sour grapes when Asta bested him earlier and had plotted to sabotage the boy with a spell while he was in the restroom. Needless to say, Yume wasn't having any of that and scared him off with a showing of her amazing power; the Spirit Winds. Having fine-tuned control over her Magic, Yume made that cowardly man quake in absolute fear before he ran away, leaving her to walk up to Asta's door ready to say a proper 'Goodbye' for now.

*Knock knock!*

"Asta, are you finished in there?" Yume asked gently and heard the toilet flush. The door opened up, revealing Asta pulling up his pants with a sly smile on his face.

"Yume....., I'm glad to see you. I guess we're making this our the time and place to hash out our promise, huh?" He asked, seeing her smile bashfully with a gentle blush on her face. She pushed him back inside of the stall and closed the door behind her while giving Asta a look of lust.

"We are, I'm afraid I got admitted into Golden Dawn just as you became a part of the Black Bulls, Asta. It might be a while until we see each other again, so let's make this time very special." Yume explained with a gentle expression of love written on her face. She started pulling up the bottom of her humble tight-fitting brown top, revealing her pendulous breasts in fully naked glory before Asta's eyes.

Those naked globes of flesh spilled out elegantly with nipples having already become erect. Asta was feeling the lust swell inside of his young body as he watched Yume swivel them around into each hand, salaciously smiling at him with a coy face while doing so.

"Sit down, I want to taste you before we both have at it and leave for our respective groups." She instructed and Asta did as he was told, placing himself back onto the toilet seat with the lid down and undoing his pants in the process.

With a shuffle of his fingers, he undid his belt and slid his pants down around his ankles, releasing his mighty large cock to sprung out fully erect. Yume licked her lips eagerly with excitement and dropped down to her knees, placing herself closer to Asta's waist with a lip-bitten smile on her lips. She gently wrapped her fingers around the base-end of his shaft, pumping him slowly and squeezing his member in a soft repetition of an up-down jerking motion. She was jerking him off to fluff him up, enjoying the flustered look on his face as he enjoyed the sensation of her hands pumping him like so.

"Mmnnghh!~ Yume....!" Asta breathed out, leaning back and getting comfortable on the toilet seat, watching the girl's tits heaving gently about from below his waist. Yume was frenziedly working both sets of soft smooth palms around his dick, pumping it eagerly until a dabble of precum soon came oozing out from his dick's head.

The girl's eyes sparkled with delight before leaning down over his waist, pushing herself onto his crotch with mouth swallowing the thick head of his amazing meat into her gullet. A loud pop of suction came out from her lips as she swallowed up the head of his cock, sucking up a few more inches of meat until she slowly made her way to the very hilt itself. Asta was really feeling Yume's slimy slender throat cushioning his cock, he ran his fingers through her soft teal-colored hair with a blissful smile, watching as she started bobbing her head on his crotch while sucking him off.

*Schlupp schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlupp!*

"Mmmhmmm.~ *Asta...!*" Yume moaned as she slowly pulled herself up, letting her lips seal tightly around the very center of his meat.

Her hands stayed curled around the bottom half of it, pumping and stroking him at the same time she let her tongue swivel around the edge of his length. She was working Asta's cock like a pro, sucking and swallowing as much as she could at certain intervals while still licking up the underside with her tongue. She was very much enjoying the taste of the young man's thick meat plunging voraciously into the back of her mouth, causing her to slobber all over it like she secretly wanted. The loud squelching noises of lips and mouth slobbering on cock continued unabated with Asta practically thrusting his waist directly into Yume's soft looking face. She welcomed it and held her hands around his kneecaps, thrusting her head violently into her lover's pelvis as she was determined to gobble up every last inch inside.


"Hnhhnngh! Yume.....!  Oh, that feels so good!" Asta cried out, grabbing the back of her head tightly using both hands, pushing himself further into Yume's mouth while hearing the raucous noises of sucking echoing throughout the restroom.

'If only the Captain of Golden Dawn could see their newly prized student right now. I bet they'd never suspect to see this girl, so blessed with Mana, humbly gobble all over this boy's dick like a common slut. She's doing it so eagerly too, with a look of pure love written on her face. I can't wait to see my boy here do this to all of the female captains as well as their fertile young subordinates.' The Devil mused as he watched through Asta's eyes as Yume ferociously threw her head back and forth into the boy's pelvis, swallowing everything with an intoxicated smile on her face.

This deepthroat fellatio continued for what seemed like a few more minutes until Asta felt the urge to cum rising faster the harder Yume sucked him off.  He held her head there between his legs firmly, enjoying the feel of her gullet swallowing up his cock until he let out a deep barely-restrained groan before cumming.

"Ggnnhhh! Take it all, Yume! Swallow everything into your stomach...!" Asta growled, enjoying the look of obedience and happiness reflected in his best friend's eyes as he cums. He could feel his shaft swelling like an organ, pumping Yume's throat completely with thick ropes of sperm blasting the roof of her esophagus.


"Mmhmm. *Gulp...gulp...gulp*...hmmm! *Asta...!*" She mouthed, finishing up swallowing his pint-sized load. Yume waited until he was completely done before peeling herself off of Asta's waist with her lips caked in sperm. "Ahh, I love you, Asta. I love you so very much.~"

She quickly ran her tongue along her lips, cleaning up every last drop of semen that had spritzed all over her face. She did it in such an erotic and provocative way that it only took milliseconds for Asta to become as hard as his sword all over again. His cock sprung to life, sticking out at her like a shipwreck and making Yume rise up in a hurry to take off her skirt and panties so she could mount him.

"Hurry...I might get left behind soon if I don't meet up with Captain Yami. Oh and for the record,  Yume. I love you too.~" Asta said, making her eyes light up in tears of joy as she pulled down her lace black panties around her ankles after hiking up her skirt. She still wore the lace stockings over her beautiful mature legs, giving her a highly sexual appearance for a fully-developed teenage girl like her.

Yume stood back and spread apart her legs, showing Asta the cusp of her juicy crimson-colored sex with a smile. She had pried open her folds suggestively with her fingers and made herself straddle the boy's waist, impaling her cunt directly onto his cock with a highly blissful smile on her face.


"Ngahhh....! Aaahhh....ooohhh...yes! Oh how I've missed this, Asta! How I will miss it for a while....mhmm! Make love to me!" She cried out, holding her arms around the back of his neck as she began rolling herself onto his waist She felt her insides churn as they curled around Asta's beefy member tightly, giving her an unbridled sensation of pure ecstasy in the process.

Yume started riding his waist in a seated cowgirl position, feeling his monster-sized length pummel directly into the depths of her cervix like so.

"Hnhh.....! You got it, Yume! God, I'm glad you have such a well-developed body. All these curves can make lots of women in the capital jealous of you." Asta growled, cupping Yume's buttocks and proceeding to rut his pelvis upward to meet her thrusts. Together they were rutting like a pair of wild animals, ignoring the loud sounds of clapping flesh reverberate from within the bathroom stall and all over the immediate area.

Yume's pale buttocks slapped voraciously into Asta's thighs, jiggling between his fingers as he pushed through her entire womanhood with a single stroke every time she landed on his meat once again. The girl was practically hopping up and down on him, rolling her pelvis around occasionally and feeling his member pushing out the insides of her warm sensitive sex. Yume's mouth hung open and her eyes closed tight, she was breathing hotly in nonstop euphoria while making her breasts jiggle faster in front of his face!

"Mmhm...mhmm..hmm...mhmm..mhmm.....ooohhhh....Asta! Oohhh! I love it when you do this to me! Please...let it all out inside of me, I want to feel your sperm caking my insides right away!~" She breathed out again, leaning back so that her titties bounce more fluidly into the air, giving Asta a show as he met her pelvis with his own.

Grunting and breathing hotly in rising pleasure, he reached up and grabbed hold of both of Yume's tits and let go of her ass in the process. He dug his fingers into the soft adipose tissue of her melons, making her squeal pathetically in pleasure as she bit down onto her right set of fingers in blind euphoria. Over and over her waist fell down onto Asta's meat, feeling it churning her insides for the next five or ten minutes until she had started nearing her end.

Yume could feel her folds gushing tightly around his length, preparing to unleash an almighty orgasm in which she hopes to coax a thick cascade of seed directly from Asta's balls. She held onto his shoulders and embraced him completely with both hands crossed behind his neck, her legs went up and criss crossed behind his waist as well. This change in position made Yume grind on Asta faster, causing her vaginal muscles to squeeze every last inch of his length until he felt his balls swelling with ejaculatory pressure once again. He was ready to cum a bucket-load inside of his childhood friend, part of him she'd get pregnant as some form of new domineering fetish he developed.

"Uuaahh.....aagghh....aaaaahhhh! I'm cumming, Asta! I'm cumming!~" She cried out, throwing her head back into the air while her body trembled intensely with a mind-blowing orgasm atop of his dick!

Asta grit his teeth and held onto Yume's waist with his hands, keeping her seated onto his lap as he felt his eruption take place inside of her waiting cervix! His balls throbbed and he let out a thick explosion of sperm directly into the mouth of Yume's babymaker! The woman could feel every thick blast of sperm caking the walls of her womb, making her shudder pleasurably even more while she rides out her orgasm together with Asta!


"Ooooaaaaaah....uhhhhhh! Asta....Asta.....mmhmm!~" Yume breathed out, embracing him lovingly as she held her hands behind his neck, guiding him onto her lips a second time to lead him into another loving kiss.

Together they let their saliva mingle with each other as Yume ground herself gently along with Asta's cock, enjoying his body as she felt her insides flourish with cum. She didn't want to let go of him anytime soon but knew that time was of the essence. Either her Captain or his would come looking for them and ruin this moment all together.

'I know I've gotta hurry things up...but dammit, I can't resist Yume's face when she's looking like this. Normally she's just so stoic it's hard to tell what she's thinking, but ever since we became a thing she's become such an angel. I really wish we didn't have to be in separate Knight groups.' Asta thought to himself he made out with Yume for another minute and a half. Together they wrangled each other's spit and made out hungrily like animals until she started pulling back from his face.

The girl had a somber, somewhat remorseful look as she nodded to Asta and pried her body off of his with sperm oozing out of her gaping slit like before. It was quite a majestic sight seeing so much of his seed spill out of her, often enough it made him wonder if he got her pregnant.

"Ah, that was amazing, Asta. It always is. We better hurry and get dressed before making our way back to our respective commanders.~" Yume suggested as she tried pulling up her tights and panties, ignoring the sludge of sperm that continued spilling out of her pussy while doing so.

Asta quickly sat up and did the same with his pants, tying the knots of his shoddy makeshift belt and looking at Yume redo her skirt before pulling down her top. She was smiling peacefully at him as if this were an everyday thing the two simply enjoyed with each other, that is, until they finally separated and went back to their respective knight groups. Asta felt he had to say something in regards to that fact and held onto both Yume's hands with a determined smile on his face

"Yume, I promise that we'll be together again in the end. Well, me and Sister Lily included obviously, probably many others too, but even if we're in different groups of Magic Knights I'll make sure to pay a visit to you now and then in the city. I swear it!" Asta boldly declared, making the normally impassive girl smile happily upon hearing it.

"Alright, I'll hold you to it. I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Asta, not only for all the enjoyable moments like this but also to see how strong you've become." She nodded and cupped his cheeks gently into her hands, about to kiss him again when someone large literally kicked in the door to their stall.


"Oy, Runt! What the hell's taking you so long? Taking a shit doesn't last forever when you're eating the bread from this place. We're about to head out in a minute and we'll be leaving without you if you don't wrap it up." Captain Yami bellowed out after he had kicked in the door to Asta's stall, catching the two of them completely by surprise and making Yume's face light up like a tomato.

They slowly turned their heads to see the man looking pleasantly startled upon finding Asta with a girl, and if that surprise wasn't enough, Asta's pants actually fell down around his ankles right after, simply because he didn't tie his belt properly enough.


"Ummm....I'll be right there?" Asta said while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. He honestly felt nervous when he saw Yami stare at them vacantly with a blank expression on his face, that is until he made a thumbs-up gesture and grinned as a proud papa would.

"Nice! Bagged yourself a cutie already, eh Asta? Heh, not bad at all. I'm sure Finral will probably be bleeding out of his eye sockets when he finds out that you're having girls like that hang off of you already." Yami praised, making Asta grin nervously and saw Yume simply walk out of the stall with an embarrassed look on her face, shaking her plump posterior left to right as she went.

She briefly looked back and flashed Asta a coy playful wink, knowing that they'd just meet up again sooner than later and get back to business.

'Heh, I'll see you again later too, Yume. Hopefully, you'll introduce me to some of your friends when you start making them in the Golden Dawn. I'm crossing my fingers for some of them to be female though, hehe.' He thought devilishly, mirroring his Devilish counterpart's mischievous chuckle until he felt an iron-like craw grabbing the top of his head. "E-eck!"

Asta looked up at his side to see Captain Yami grabbing his cranium a second time with his right hand, lifting him up with ease while wearing a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"Oy,how long are you gonna stand there staring at her ass with your pants down, punk? We gotta get moving, boy, and introduce you to the members of my crew before they burn the place down. Well, you and that other member I picked up anyway." Yami said as he waited for Asta to finish tying up his pants properly before lugging him over his right shoulder and walking out of the men's room, completely leaving this area of the coliseum to go meet up with Finral waiting by the time/space portal he had just opened up.

'Hm? He has another member he got from the selections? I wonder who it might be.' Asta wondered until he saw the fair-haired young man named Finral nearby, standing next to the creepy man Gordon Agrippa as well as an unfamiliar girl that is as young as Asta. She had silver-hair done in a pair of adorable twin-tails and wearing a rather exotic-looking outfit that showed off her lithe teenage curves quite nicely.

Asta immediately felt his arousal stimulate when he saw her, from the annoying haughty look on her face to the way she carried herself with nobility and graceful mannerisms. The girl was sure to be stuck-up and annoying, but that only added to her appeal in making Asta want to fuck her senseless when he got the chance. Also, he thinks he may have been falling for her the same way he had done for Sister Lily so very long ago. There was just something about her that made him smile.

"Yo! We're here, let's get going, you three. Gotta make sure the Black Bulls House isn't a shamble by the time I get back, knowing how those rowdy idiots like to screw around." Yami said before tossing Asta into the portal like a trash bag, making him yelp comically as he had arrived in a place somewhere within the Clover Kingdom Capital, in front of a large rustic-looking house that looked several stories tall and as old as time itself.

'Wow, so this is home now, huh?' Asta wondered, astonished until he grinned adventurously before getting back up onto his feet. "This is where the story of mine will begin. time to go meet the crew and let em know the name of the Kingdom's Future Wizard King.~"

Yami, Finral, Gordon, and the girl from earlier all arrived soon after and walked up to the house with Asta, ready to meet the rest of the Black Bulls. Asta was unaware that the girl with the silver hair was eying him the entire time, all with an anxious blush on her face and partially annoyed look in her eyes.

'Hehehe, oh she's a keeper alright. She's eying you already.~' The Devil cackled mischievously as he gazed at the girl from the side, noting that she was of nobility too.


Meeting the crew had been an experience Asta would never forget, they were as rowdy and as unruly as one would never come to think about when you consider them to be Magic Knights. All of them were either picking fights with each other, sleeping drunk on the couch, standing in a corner somewhere doing nothing, or simply feasting on a large pile of food right in the center of a small table.

To say Asta was floored was a statement in and of itself, especially when seeing a smiling face upon his fellow 'Recruit' who was named Noelle Silva. Asta was introduced to Magne; the Flame Magic-user with a Punk Biker aesthetic. Luck Volta; a scrappy Lightning user who locked even younger than Asta and was always seeking a fight with either someone strong or the Captain himself. Gauche Adlai; a creepy tall young man whose obsession with his little sister, he made Asta a little wary of him at first. Then there was 'Gray' who had taken the form of a tall monster-like person, whom the Devil inside of Asta mentions isn't his real appearance at all. Charmy; a small yet adorable food-obsessed girl with dark hair and looking like she was more petite than a child. He had trouble figuring out whether she was crazy or just charming in her own way.

Lastly was Vanessa Enoteca, a gorgeous woman wearing only her lavender-lace lingerie when sleeping on the couch in a drunken stupor and waking up to the captain's arrival. She was the last to get up and go greet Asta, wearing nothing else except her underwear and the Black Bulls cloak over her shoulders.

She was a fairly tall feminine beauty that was ideal in womanhood, she had medium length wavy pink hair and purple gem-like eyes. She had a body most women would kill for with her bodacious curves rivaling Yume's and a set of full-looking E-cup sized titties being worn by a frilly pink lace brassiere. She had curves and a nice plump ass that showed quite nicely through her lace panties, she currently has a sultry look in her eyes that said she wanted to fuck Asta right off the bat. The boy couldn't help but look down her chest as she bent down to greet him like a doting mother.


"Well hello there, little guy? Welcome to the family. My name is Vanessa and I'm sure we'll get along famously, you and I.~" Vanessa said while looking at Asta with a silken tone in her voice and lustful look in her eyes when looking at him up close.

'Uh, Devil....? Is she already affected by our..you know...Mana?' Asta silently asked his partner and looked down at Vanessa's exposed cleavage being nestled snugly between the cups of her bra. He was feeling his erection throb proudly from the inside of his pants thankfully without the others knowing.

'I'd say it's a strong possibility, she is a drunkard, after all, Mana tolerance sometimes goes hand-in-hand with alcohol levels. So we are probably intoxicating her with our Dark Mana without actually intending to, not as if you didn't want to go plow this lovely woman already though, right Asta?' The Devil said, chuckling evilly while Asta simply looked up into the woman's dazzling face, seeing her suddenly becoming queasy as she dove off to the side of the couch with her hand covering up her mouth.

"*Bleghhhhhh!!*" Vanessa vomited rainbows due to drinking too much before she crashed on the couch.

Everyone, minus Gauche and Charmy, got a good look at her ass while simply ignoring that the woman gave a very bad impression to the newbies already.

'Wow, look at her go.' Asta thought to himself, hearing his partner laugh maniacally as he watched her throw up for a little under a minute before finally calming down. 'That wasn't on us, was it?'

'Heheheheh! Nope, she's just a heavy drinker who got influenced by our Dark Mana as a 'First-Time' queasiness. She'll be back to normal soon enough, I will say this though; say she's a keeper, especially with that voluptuous adult body of hers. I know you like that part of older women if your preferences in Sister Lily and that Witch are anything to go by. Before you seduce her, get her to magically cleanse out her mouth or offer up some mouthwash.' The Devil laughed.

"Well, that's all the crew members present so far. For now, head upstairs and go pick out your rooms before I choose a very shoddy one for you each, just for my amusement. Go!" Yami commanded both Asta and Noelle.

"Yessir!" They chimed in unison before making their way up the stairs to the second floor of the place. They were determined to find their rooms before Yami did it for them, all while Vanessa looked at Asta's back as he went up the stairs.

She felt a lingering motion that isn't associated with being queasy or drunk, she was instead getting a soothing intoxicating sensation of arousal the longer she looked at him. Part of her wished she could follow him up and help him find a suitable room more personally, for reasons she didn't fully understand either. Maybe she was just attracted to Asta right off the bat rather than lusting after an uncaring Yami as she had always done out of fun.

"I....urgh....better go grab some mouthwash first." She said to himself.


It became nighttime in the blink of an eye and Asta set down his Grimoire at the side of his char inside of the cozy little bedroom he had chosen for himself. It was reasonably sized, big enough to practice his sword swings if he couldn't do it outside, but small enough so that it felt a little like home back at the Orphanage.

Asta was wearing only his loose-fitting pants with a sleeveless faded gray top, he was standing in the middle of his room doing push-ups when the door opened up and revealed Vanessa Enoteca, standing in place and wearing only the same lingerie getup she had worn when he met her.

"Came to by to wish you a good evening, Asta-Kun, and maybe get to know you a little bit before you get settled in here at the Black Bulls." She greeted in a friendly way, making it obvious she had wanted to fuck him since the stench of his Dark Mana had seeped deeply into her body at this point, making her fall madly in love with the boy.

"Heh, I'm very thankful, Miss Vanessa. How about we sit on my bed then? I'd like to get to know you better too." Asta offered and went over to place himself on his bed, waiting for Vanessa to come over to him.

The woman sexily swayed her hips as she made her way over to the soft twin-sized bed Asta was sitting on. She crawled seductively onto the surface and remained gazing at him with a lustful look in her eyes. She tossed away her Black Bulls cloak from off of her naked shoulders in order to let more of her skin be exposed to him. Vanessa wasn't even trying to hide it anymore at this point and Asta knew that he had his 'Claws' inside of her the moment they met. Usually, it takes a fair bit of concentration in order to excite someone with the aphrodisiac-like effects of his Dark Mana after letting it flow into their body, but in Vanessa's case; he already had her.

"Heh, I don't think you're interested in getting to 'Know' me after all, aren't you?" Ast asked, feeling even more aroused by the woman every second as she crawled her way up to his waist and swiftly pulled down the cups of her bra right after. "Mmghp!"

He saw the woman's E-cup sized tits spilled out into the open, making Asta's jaw drop when he saw them. They were nearly as big and as full as Yume's, if not bigger. Asta felt his cock throbbing even harder underneath his pants, catching Vanessa's attention as she crawled up to grab onto one of his hands, pulling it onto her right tit with a smile.

"Mmnghh! S-so soft....and warm.~" He moaned, squeezing his fingers around the surface of her breast, reaching for the other one and together fondling Vanessa's chest altogether with a sly smile on his face.

"Hmmnghh!~ Ahh....!~ You...*Huff*..you really aren't shy about it, aren't you?" She asked, breathing rapturously as she felt the boy's magically-laced fingers dig into each doughy curvature of her breasts. Vanessa was positively euphoric right now, feeling the boy groping both of her tits and squeezing them even harder for a few more minutes until he pulled her onto his lips!

With a soft smack of lips engaging lips, Vanessa was on top of him, kissing the small well-sculpted boy with all the energy she had in her body. Her hands went up to wrap around his neck, embracing him fully as they began to swap tongues in and around inside of each other's mouths. Vanessa, feeling her erogenous areas tingling thanks to his Dark Mana, suddenly felt the need to breed with him as though her life depended on it. Her hands massaged the side of his face, pulling him further onto her lips so that she could try swallowing his tongue dominantly, but only found Asta to be the one dominating her.

"Mmhmmhm! *Sclupp..sllppr..schlppp*...hhmmhmm!~" Vanessa mewled inside of Asta's face, feeling his tongue grooving into her throat and swirling around inside of it until she was positively melting down from between the legs. 'T-this boy....nnghh! He knows exactly where to hit me in all the right places! Mmhmm!'

Vanessa brought one of her hands down his waist, fondling his thick bulge from within the fabric until she was groping a large fleshy monolith underneath. She was surprised by how big he was, honestly probably the biggest thing she had ever seen outside of a few animals out in the wild. Vanessa was a pure woman in every manner of sexual intimacy, she had originally intended to seduce Yami at some point, but over time it just became playful bantering between two close friends. With this newcomer; Asta, it was the real deal.

She wanted to give him her first time and fuck him senseless.

Together they continued making out and groping each other, Asta held onto the sides of her waist and cupped her ass right his hand. He squeezed his fingers into the woman's plump butt cheeks, enjoying the whimper she made as she hungrily swallowed his saliva amidst the tongue-swapping exchange they kept going for a total of five whole minutes.

"Aah...!" Vanessa gasped, tastily smacking her lips as she pulled back from Asta's blushing face and rolled onto her backside in order to pull off her panties in the air.  Her legs went up as she tugged her frilled-lace panties down from off of her body, rolling it past her butt and down her long luscious legs. Asta watched with increasing arousal and amusement, savoring the sight of a beautiful woman offering herself to him like so.

The sight of her glistening sex came into the picture with her folds looking just as pink as her hair, with plenty of moisture indicating she was extremely hot for him right now. Vanessa kicked off her panties from down her right leg and gave it to Asta before spreading out her legs before him in a provocative way. The woman was positively excited for him and spread out the folds of her sex before his eyes, showing him the depths of her womanhood with a smile.

"Take me already.~" She breathed out, letting hot gasps of breath escape her lips as she watched him slide down his pants the very next second.

"Heh, you got it. For the record, I wanted to fuck you too the moment I first saw you. Sleeping on that couch in your underwear made me want it so badly." Asta admitted, making Vanessa blush immensely at the thought.

She felt her heart pounding and knew that one day she would get one of her male cohorts excited enough to wanna aim for that. Although, to her surprise, no one actually bothered trying to hit on her outside of Finral in a half-assed attempt. Vanessa guessed it was because they probably thought she was teasing everybody or simply holding a candle for Yami, but that's all changed now. She watched Asta slide down his pants, exposing the thick lumber log of a cock that was his penis.

"Oh...my....god." She let out, astounded by the sheer size and girth of his meat for someone so young. He was nearly as big as a horse with that monstrous length, and with balls as large as a pair of peaches on top of it.

Asta had his member out with a confident smile and got up onto his feet, planting them just outside of Vanessa's body, preparing to take her in a good Ol fashioned mating press position. He learned a lot about positions and sex acts from a book or two he had gotten from the library. It served to help Asta in his secondary quest of gathering women for his soon-to-be harem.

Placing himself directly above her, prying open her vaginal lips with his thumbs as he guided the head of his meat into the pink wet opening of her pussy, Asta flashed Vanessa a charming smile before plunging himself straight into her sex!


"Ggyyaaaahhh.....! Ooooh....my.....god...! Ahhh!~" She cried out with her lunging her chest into the air, making her bodacious pair of breasts jiggle as she felt her insides spreading apart to welcome his mighty length.

"Hnghh...! S-so tight....!  Hnnghh...!" Asta grunted, feeling the silken squishy folds of Vanessa's tight pussy swallowing him up. He had pushed past her cherry after bumping it one time, thrusting past it without a care and knowing the woman to be a champ in taking it without pain thanks to the Dark Mana infused with her body.

He sunk in to the hilt, leaving his balls dangling just outside of her ass, and began pounding his shorter frame into the woman from above like he was a predatory animal! Asta's firm rock-hard hips throw themselves onto the woman's sex, making loud slapping noises fill up the air as he felt her insides coiling around his length like there was no tomorrow. Their pelvises collided in an endless back-and-forth between bodies, with Vanessa's legs sticking out into the air barefoot with toes curling tightly into her soles. She threw her hands behind Asta's neck and interlocked her fingers with each other, embracing him with a desperate smile of longing need as he fucked her savagely into the bed like so!

"Aahh..ahh....ahh..ahh..ahh..ahh..aahh! Asta-kun! Aaahhhh....!~" She cried out, watching the little man pumping his lower body savagely into her frame from below. She was seeing a ferocity unlike anything she's ever felt before, watching as his cock cleaved into her juice-guzzling pussy at a near-constant rate.

Asta's thrusts were powerful and precise, he made sure to push directly into the top of her womb, making a protrusion appear from inside of her stomach. It truly amazed Vanessa just how gigantic his meat really as he pumped it into her body. Asta was feeling Vanessa becoming even tighter around his dick, squeezing it into her depths while she pulled him down onto her body in an attempt for a deep kiss. Grinning, he engaged her as such, grabbing onto one of her breasts and then squeezing it into his palm as he swallowed up her tongue into his mouth once more.

"Mmmmmhnnh!~ Mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm...mhmm!~" Vanessa moaned blissfully as she wrapped her arms entirely around Asta's neck, making him change position to where it became a basic missionary arrangement with her wrapping her long legs around his muscular backside.

"Nghhhh....*She's tightening up!* I'm not going to last much longer at this rate. Still just a little bit sore from having it with Yume today, but damn...it just feels so good inside of her!' Asta thought to himself, bucking his hips more powerfully into her body and making the woman's sex gush constantly as she succumbed to a full-blown orgasm right there underneath his body!

She broke off from his lips and wound up screaming loudly into the air for a brief moment until he covered up her mouth. Asta didn't want Vanessa awakening the others and drawing attention to his bedroom. their tongue mingled salaciously into each other yet again, this time with Vanessa exerting dominance for she was riled up with sexual energy at this very moment. Her pussy gushed and soaked Asta's waist more and more each time, she eventually came hard and crossed her ankles behind his ass, making sure he was as deep as possible without a means to pull out.

"Mmmhmm! *I'm cumming! I'm cumming, Asta-kun!*" She mouthed into his face, letting his saliva drip down into mouth once he pulled back a few inches. She saw him grin with confidence as he pulled himself back to the neck of his cock, letting only the head stay inside of her cunt.

"Great, because I am too, and I'm going to put everything inside of you, Miss Vanessa. You're mine now, I want you to sleep in my room more often and be my go-to sex slave without anybody knowing." Asta said, receiving immediate nods from her as he drove himself to the hilt inside of her pussy right before he came himself! "Hnhh! I'm cumming! Take it all!"

Vanessa clung onto his back with each hand, clinging onto Asta's short muscle-toned frame for dear life as she felt her climax wash over her body with his happening at the same time inside of her cervix. She could feel his immense shaft swelling up, making her slightly panic because she wasn't entirely sure it was a safe day for her at all. Still, the thrill of having this stud of a boy knock her up, made Vanessa embrace the risk as she felt him unload a thick payload of sperm into her fertile womanly depths!


"Ggghhh....Vanessa...!" Asta groaned, seeing an utterly happy face beneath him as he pumped rope upon rope of thick viscous seed straight into the woman's babymaker like so.

Vanessa moaned loudly, relishing the feeling of such a mind-blowing experience she had just shared with Asta. Falling in love at first sight was one thing, but feeling the man blow what felt like a gallon-sized load of cum directly into her cervix was heaven unto itself. She ground her hips directly into his waist above, riding out her climax until they were both spent completely atop his bed. She collapsed with a tired yet blissful-looking smile on her face, feeling Asta's sperm dribble out of her fleshy pocket as he passed out atop of her large breasts like they were a pillow.

"*Huff...huff..huff*...Another one to add to the group and this one just happens to be living with me. Win-win, hehe." Asta chuckled darkly, looking up at Vanessa's sleeping face and cradling her torso preciously into his arms as they fell asleep naked atop his bed with each other.

End of Chapter

To be continued....?

Up Next: Noelle Silva, Sol Marron

This has been for D.M. Thanks for reading.


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