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Still working on this and that today, just a heads up. Enjoy.



Ice Cold Crushing


By Azure/ For A.B.

Chapter Two- Double Snowbird Stuffing


Pre-Volume Three Fall...

Standing in the elevator leading up to the staff offices was one thing, but Jaune couldn't fathom why he was standing next to Ruby's uncle Qrow Branwen. He was feeling anxious and admittedly nervous being around an esteemed Huntsman like him. Although, Ruby spoke fondly of all times and Jaune couldn't help but wonder if maybe the legend didn't match up to the reality. He was seeing him constantly chug the contents of his hip flask like it was freshwater and hiccuping quite a lot like a drunkard would be. Another thing that occupied his thoughts right now was that Winter Schnee; the Elite Atlas Specialist, called them both up to her temporary office stationed here at Beacon's main tower building. Ever since last time, and after finding out about a strange scent in her classroom, Glynda Goodwitch threw quite a fit and forced Ozpin to give Winter a temporary place to work during her stay here.

Jaune probably already knew what it was about and what she wanted, grinning like a doofus at the same time. He had admired Winter's refined beauty from afar as soon as he had met her, imagine how he feels now knowing he had sex with her alongside Neptune for the seal of approval regarding her sister. Winter was indeed a woman to be respected and feared despite being a law-abiding stick in the mud according to Ruby's uncle, but he and Neptune knew better that she was really only a sex deprived human who cared deeply for Jaune's so-called 'Snow Angel'. He was honestly starting to see Winter in a more affectionate light now and it confuses his feelings for Weiss quite a bit.

"*Hic*..Hey Kid, I can tell you're feeling anxious about our surprise summoning with the Ice Queen. I wouldn't worry too much about it though. I'm sure it's just another of her famous tongue-lashings about some rule we didn't bother being informed about suddenly being broken so just she could chew us out over it. I'd rather get this done and be on my merry way. *Hic*" Qrow said while putting away his hip flask once their elevator reached the top floor of the building, otherwise known as their destination where Winter's temporary office resided. They were on the staff floor now.

"I think I'm good. Not going to worry about losing face in front of her, that's for sure." Jaune said back and found the tension easier to breathe in now that Qrow broke the silence between them. 'I do kinda wonder why she called you up here with me though.'

"As much of a pain-in-the-ass she can be, I think all she needs is a good pounding to get that stick up her ass out. Either that or Yoga lessons. The ass thing more though, uptight as she is, but I'll admit she's got a great body to look at." Qrow commented, giving Jaune a reason to blush when he remembered how naked Winter was when getting double-stuffed by him and Neptune.

Before he could salivate at the memory of losing his V-card to the white-haired Sister of Weiss, Jaune heard the elevator doors pull open with a chime and saw Qrow walk out of it first. He followed suit and they both made way for the temporary office Winter was using and currently waiting inside of.

Pulling open the door and walking in, Jaune saw the woman herself sitting cross-legged on the desk looking coy rather than professional for some reason. She particularly focused on Jaune with that smile and clicked a button from a nearby remote control she had next to her seat. The doors behind them closed promptly and locked with the electronic locks bolting shut, Jaune knew for certain that the woman meant business and wanted that familiar pleasure right now.

"Ah, finally, you two made it. I was beginning to get worried you'd make me wait all day or simply stand me up." Winter began and zeroed in her focus on Jaune's adorable blushing face before looking at Qrow with a slight frown on hers. 'That drunkard is certainly not my ideal choice for the second pick, but I can't complain I suppose. He'll do, the real breadwinner is already standing in front of me.

"Alright, Ice Queen, what did you call us in for? We didn't do anything outside the book today, at least not recently anyway." Qrow retorted, letting out another hiccup as he watched Winter hop off of the desk and bring her hands up behind her neck to undo the business bun of her hair.

Jaune watched with awe as she let down her majestic silver-colored mane of silky wavy hair, appearing as beautiful as an actual Snow Angel and smiling coyly when she turned his attention to him.

"Now then, Jaune. I trust you know what I am about to ask of you? *Jaune nods* Splendid, allow me to explain to Qrow here so we can better get out affairs in order before we start." Winter turned to Qrow, earning a suspicious look in his eyes as she spoke up. "Qrow, I believe you are familiar with the phrase 'Scratching an Itch', yes? Well, just be aware that what we're about to do here shall stay classified, remain impersonal, and if you play your cards right this can be routine for whenever I am in need of stress relief. Although only if you're with Mister Arc here."

"W-whoa.....hold on, Ice Queen. Are you seriously asking for....?" He trailed off and Winter nodded then looked to Jaune, who blushed nervously while scratching the side of his cheek. This was a world-breaking revelation to Qrow, for he only suspected Winter to amuse herself using toys or be a closet bondage Queen that uses underlings to get her fill. To say this shocked him was an understatement, especially if it meant that Jaune Arc gotta tap that first. "Wow...I would have never figured a rule-abiding Career Soldier like yourself to be the kinky type, Winter."

"You see, Qrow, I have a certain 'Itch' that is often bothering me for days at a time and it needs amending right away. Otherwise, I can't perform to my fullest ability. Jaune here was kind enough to help me alleviate when evaluating his worthiness for my sister's affection now....he'll be my go-to guy for it at all times. Having a third party is mandatory as well, given what I like."

At this, Qrow's eyes lit up in surprise and he could feel his arousal increasing already as they both watched the woman begin to undo the buttons on her Atleasian vest. Jaune nearly let his jaw drop when he saw Winter pull open her vest to reveal the blue lace bra she had underneath, she pulled that up as well and revealed a pair of bulbous D-cup sized boobs nakedly before his and Qrow's starstruck eyes. He had never had a taste of Winter Schnee the first time around, but that didn't make her stripping herself naked any less exciting.


Qrow nearly did a spit take after seeing the woman's breasts in full, marveling at actually seeing the frosty Specialist's tits in full unrestricted view out of nowhere like this. Winter saw his reaction and found it amusing enough to chuckle just before speaking up again.

"You are to keep quiet about this though, absolutely no one can know about it. Not General Ironwood, neither Ozpin, and certainly not your 'Snow Angel' as you like to call her, Jaune. For....obvious reasons." She pointed out, making Jaune flush slightly with embarrassment since this was a new rule for him to obey. He nodded in agreement and wondered if maybe Winter was starting to enjoy him more personally after their first go-around before.

"Yes, ma'am!" He squeaked out and heard Qrow chuckling as he undid his trousers to let down his pants, showing his thickened nine-inch erection already hardened and ready for fun.

Winter purred delightfully when she saw it and hastily undid the suspenders to the lower half of her uniform, leaving it spilling down slowly around her legs until there was nothing but a silken pair of ice blue panties matching her discarded brasserie. The woman's luscious creamy-skinned thighs still had her thigh-high boots over them until she undid the latch for each of those as well, she shimmied out of most of her clothing and appeared naked as can be. The only thing left from her outfit was the ice blue garter belt around her waist and the panties themselves before she promptly slid down her thighs and kicked them off of her feet playfully.

Jaune felt his jaw drop at the sight of Winter exposing her moist partially fuzzy peach to him once again, additionally with the view of her ample soft-looking buttocks resting fully on top of the desk surface. She spread her legs apart and showed him the insides of her pussy by spreading her sex open with her fingers, beckoning for him to come over with a finger hook gesture. She seemed less-than-interested in Qrow however, even if he had already pulled down his pants.

"I am officially offering myself to both of you. I want to feel it in each of my holes, as hard and as fast as you possibly can. Do a good enough job and I'll even make this an everyday 'Stress Relief Therapy' conducted secretly while I am here at Beacon. How about it? Feel like helping me scratch an itch?" Winter offered and Jaune couldn't look more excited if he tried, feeling steam start puffing out his ears as he nodded vigorously with excitement.


"Good, now remove your pants as well as that armored chest plate so we can get started, you'll have the honor of having my pussy while Qrow sticks it in my ass, Jaune. I believe you, Qrow, mentioned about me needing to get the stick out, right?" Winter pointed out, making Qrow rub the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.

"Heh, you heard that huh? Well, now I'm embarrassed..."He trailed off then saw Jaune pull down his jeans and boxers, revealing a thickened ten-inch and half-sized cock with balls the size of baseballs and remaining fully erect before Winter's eyes. Qrow was surprised by how well-endowed the lad was and saw Winter licking her lips with excitement, making him wonder what the hell his parents had been feeding him.

"...and now I feel awkward. Better prop yourself up now, Ice-Queen. Stick out that butt for me so I can take you to pound town and give you some trouble standing up straight." Qrow let out as Winter got up off the desk to head over to them, ready to place herself in between the two gentlemen.

She spread out one of her legs far apart, granting Jaune plenty of space as she guided him over into her front, embracing him with one arm and feeling him pushing his meat into her slit headfirst with a thrust.


"Hhggnhhhh! Aaagghhh.....oohh...my! M-Mister Arc...that feels splendid!" Winter cried out with mouth hanging open and remain agape as she felt the thickness of his penis pushing slowly into her cunt, filling out her sex as it embedded at least a third of itself inside.

'Ggnhhkk! Oh man! This....feels....positively amazing! It's just as good as before. So slippery and snug, not to mention tight, inside. Uugghh!' Jaune grunted to himself, marveling at the sensation of Winter's pussy squeezing tightly around his dick the further he pushed himself into Winter's frame.

The Silver-haired Schnee woman honestly never felt such a fulfilling sensation in her life, even her cold plastic toys back in her office didn't make her feel this good. Her folds were reacting instantly to the sensation of Jaune's meat burrowing slowly into her sex, making them curdle around him sensationally as she brought her other leg up around the side of his waist. He quickly grabbed onto the woman's buttocks, keeping her upright and hanging off of his pelvis while simultaneously pulling open her creamy soft cheeks.

"Yeah, that's it. Keep her spread nice and open for me, kiddo. I'm going to go plunge Miss Perfect's backyard thoroughly. Let's make that crack I made a reality.~" Qrow growled as he held onto one side of Winter's pelvis with his right hand and used the other one to guide his turgid penis into the area between her butt cheeks.

Winter herself was feeling slightly anxious since it was Qrow now plunging the soft warm cavity that is her ass. Nevertheless, she enjoyed the sensation of having two thick hard penises sliding into her body at the same time. She could basically feel them both worming their way into each orifice, making the area between each hole thin out a little as it caused her profound sensation. The soothing churning of Jaunes cock sliding even further into her snatch was making her totally relaxed and in a state of bliss. She looked him in the eyes and saw a youthful spark of manliness and energy inside of them, giving Winter confusing feelings on whether or not she longed to have his cock inside of her at all times or simply falling for the boy himself. She let her actions speak for her by bringing up each of her legs into the air next and allowing Jaune to take hold of each them so he could better carry her weight.

With a warm rush of phallic flesh cleaving into her damp butthole, Winter stiffened up, clenching her teeth and digging her fingernails into Jaune's shoulder while she felt the intense sensation of Branwen's manhood driving into her rear. Her toes wound up curling tightly as a result, her mouth remained open as she felt his waist push up into her doughy buttocks, squeezing her in between the two men and making her feel grandiose pleasure by having them both fill her up.

She tossed her head back and let out a blissful ear-piercing scream of ecstasy once they began rowing into her in unison. The gentle smacking of genitals meshing into Winter's frame began in sequence as Jaune and Qrow together began fucking her in earnest, making her squeal internally with delight as she felt her insides being churned by each of their hard cocks.

"Aaahhh! Oohhh....yess! Mn Ghh! Ooohhh...start pushing into me like you really mean it!" She barked out, letting her breathy moans and ragged gasps of sensation speak for her as they started rutting into her body with heavier motion in their thrusts.

Jaune was still more or less new to this sort of thing despite his first time double-teaming Winter with Neptune, but he was naturally talented at lovemaking thanks to his pelvis musically heaving into Winter's waist on instinct. He was feeling her pussy squeeze tightly around him while he drove into her innermost sensitive pink depths. Now, the gentle music of pelvic bones colliding into the girl really picked up, leaving Winter's legs to dangle helplessly in the air with her clutching her fingers tightly around Jaune's neck, while they dangled about. With Qrow, he was feeling the same sensation of pleasure considering how tight Winter's ass seemed to be, albeit a little bit loosened up from the feel of it. He still enjoyed how warm and smoother her cheeks felt with pressing against his waist like this. The muscular orifice of her rectal cavity started clutching his meat tightly, making him row into her body even faster with hips slapping against her frame in a sequence of back-and-forth bodily music.

"Nngh..nghn..ngh..nngh..nghn..gnh..gnh! Aaghnhh! W-Winter...! It feels soooo good!" Jaune groaned in drunken pleasure, feeling her insides churning tightly around his length the harder he sunk into the woman like an animal about to mate with its chosen partner.

Just then, he felt Winter's soft right hand affectionately cares the right side of his face, causing him to look into her adoring gaze and feel his heart skipping a beat.

"It does. It really does, Jaune. Now be quiet and fuck me.~" She cooed silently with a husky voice dripping with lust. Jaune simply nodded with a scarlet blush across his face as he continued throbbing his pelvis up into Winter's delicate light-skinned frame without pause.

Together the two of them kept the Schnee meat in this sandwich moaning by rolling their groins into her body in a sensual back-and-forth that was driving Winter crazy. They'd alternate between being passionate and being gentle, making sure to churn her insides thoroughly with hard precise thrusts of their dicks plunging all the way deep into her insides. For Qrow it was a little harder since Winter's ass wasn't all that slippery compared to the pussy wrapping around Jaune's meat. Winter herself was feeling all of it and more, both of them were making her brain melt with pleasure while her tits wildly jiggled themselves around as they went on.

"Uunnghh...uugnnh...guuhh..guuhh....ugh..ughhh! Aaahhh...! You both...feel incredible inside of me right now! Ahhhh! Fuck me Faster! Throw everything you have into this!~" Winter cried out, begging while making a beautifully flustered as she hangs off of Jaune's neck. She was breathing laboriously while the men threw themselves into her body during this stand-and-carry position.

Her pussy folds squelched and squirted all over the blonde's waist, making Winter want to clutch her legs tightly behind his back as they rowed into her body for well over thirty minutes in total. Each and every time one of them would pull out of her, the other would drive himself back inside of either her asshole or her pussy in a complete hurry. Winter additionally felt each set of their balls smacking against her netherregion in a gentle tandem, and moving even faster for they were reaching their inevitable climax.

"Hggnnhh! Ahh.....! Ooh yeah....hnhh! You've got a real nice ass, Ice Queen. Nnghh! I'm about to blow in a few. Hope you're ready to feel cum inside of your ass." Qrow growled while throwing himself voraciously into the woman's buttcheeks. He was savoring the sensation of her tight anus clenching snugly around his length, once he had bottomed out of her bum a few more times Winter succumbed to the apex of pleasure and hollered out.

"Aaaggghhh! I'm cumming!" She announced, curling her spine a bit and making her body writhe uncontrollably along Jaune's frame, feeling Qrow push into her asshole as they came.

Jaune growled as well and pulled his cock back to the point only the tip was left inside, just before cumming, he shoved everything back inside of Winter Schnee's twitching pussy to join her in a mutual climax! He pushed himself to the hilt, gnashing his pubic bone with hers and feeling everything come out like water bursting out from a water dam. Winter locked her ankles behind his back, digging her heels into his waist as she came with them in triage of intense orgasms.

Winter had closed her eyes and shuddered blissfully in an explosive orgasm, she was writhing and undulating between each of the boys while they erupted inside of her like a pair of semen-filled volcanos! Thick ropes of cum came rushing out into each of Winter's holes with Jaune's pouring out into the woman's womb while Qrow's filled up her anus to the point some of it seeped out from between her crack.


Winter had a blissful smile on her face as she clung tightly onto Jaune's body through his shoulders, grabbing onto them with fingernails digging his skin. He didn't mind the pain at all since his Aura was helping stave off any bleeding or damage, regardless he was feeling too good to feel it since cumming inside of Winter's pussy was a purely mind-melting experience altogether. It certainly helped that she even had her legs clutching him tightly from the waist below while all three parties rowed into each other with cum filling out Winter's insides for a few solid minutes. While Qrow was pumping cum into the woman's rectum, he couldn't but notice that Winter was being particularly in favor of Jaune, given how affectionate and literally clingy she was being with his body. This brought a smile to his face, a sly one, for it had given him the means to tease the haughty lapdog of Ironwood even more. It was pretty obvious she had taken a liking to the boy, at the very least his dick anyway. She cried out again after finishing riding out her climax with her pussy still milking every last drop of the front man's balls before her limbs went ragdoll on her. Winter was finally done cumming and so were Jaune and Qrow, both of her holes were stuffed full of sperm leaving her with a blissful smile on her face.

Being the gentleman they both were, they gave her a moment to recuperate while keeping her held upright in their arms.

"*Huff...huff.....huff*..More.....I need to feel it more, you two. Especially you, Mister Arc." She began and looked up between the two of them, keeping an arm around Qrow's neck while grinding her pelvis along Jaune's waist, feeling his sperm continue to ooze out of her pussy until they both removed themselves from her body.

In a thick wet splotch, cum spilled down onto the floor below with Winter not caring in the slightest bit, the woman pointed to the top of the desk surface with a smile directed at Jaune's face. It was obvious what she wanted, but the gesture was still lost on the blond-headed boy.

"Lay on that desk, Mister Arc, and don't you dare try to get off until I am done enjoying myself." She commanded.

"Y-yes, ma'am!" He squeaked out and followed suit, walking over to the teaching desk with his direction still hanging hard and firm despite cumming mere seconds ago. Winter turned to Qrow next and slapped the back of her ass with a smile before spreading open one of her cheeks to show his cream filling up her entire anal cavity. "You, Qrow, will simply get back on top of me with that thing going right back into my ass. Got it? Good."

"Yes, your majesty. Yeesh, talk about demanding." Qrow replied with a smirk and quickly leaned in closely to whisper behind her right ear with a sly smile. "Got it bad for the boy, Winter? Or is it just his dick you have fallen in love with?"

Winter blushed in response to his accusation. Part of her wanted to Summon a Monster or two just to have Qrow thrown out the nearest window as penance for his words just now. Instead, she simply held herself back and sighed, ignoring him. She focused solely on Jaune after he had laid himself down along the desk surface waiting for her with the dick still fully erect. That was one thing Winter truly loved about Jaune, that he was as virile and as durable as they come, making her feel wet again already.

'Mmmhhh! He's so perfect...! I love having a partner that can withstand so much with such durability.' Winter squealed internally in thought and walked over to place herself atop of Jaune's body with. her hands grabbed onto his shoulders while her lower half louvered above his waist with a freshly creampied pussy being spread open with her fingers then slowly lowering down onto the boy's dick with a shove.


"Hnngghhh! Aaahh....mnnghh!~ Ooohh that feels so good from this angle, Mister Arc. Stay still and let me, or rather Qrow, do all the work in moving me around." She instructed while casting a look of bashfulness in his direction, making  Jaune wonder if that frosty demeanor of hers simply softens up around him automatically these days.

Winter whimpered quietly as she lowered herself further and further down on his waist, feeling his member driving in deeply to where she rested her groin at the hilt of his dick. Jaune was snug deep inside of her cervix now, spreading out the opening to her womb and giving Winter Schnee all the reason in the world to shudder blissfully with sensation.

Qrow quickly chuckled after seeing her blustering depression, he wanted to mock Winter more but felt she'd summon Monsters and have him thrown out the office if he did. They knew each long enough to be predictable to the other. Instead, he simply placed his kneecaps atop of the desk surface and guided his turgid ten-inch cannon into the gaping butthole that was Winter's cream-filled anus with a grunt. The head of his length pushed into her buttocks, making it spread out all over again as Winter grabbed onto Jaune's shoulders, enjoying the sensation of two cocks pushing themselves into her body at the same time.

With a shove, Qrow pushed himself as far as he could into her ass, leaving half of his length sticking out of it and seeing Winter's buttocks heaving gently against his waist.

"Ohhh.....!~ Ooohh yesss! Nnnghhh! That's it, boys, now.....get started on fucking me for this second round!" She cried out, begging them to plow her rather than ordering them to.

Qrow flashed a knowing look at  Jaune and they both nodded, each man grabbing the sides of her slim waist to her wide ample hips and beginning to throw themselves into the  Schnee babe's body in tandem!

"Nnghh!" Jaune threw his pelvis up first, shoving himself all the way into Winter's womb and seeing her mewl pleasurably in response as he slowly pulled himself back out. Qrow followed suit and shoved his cock into her ass, enjoying the tight warm constrictions her rectal muscle was providing him and pulling out in time for Jaune to screw himself into her pussy once again.

Together the boys worked a diligent pace of back-and-forth fucking with each of their dicks pushing into Winter in a strong forceful tandem. Soon the skin-pelting noises of sexual coitus began again with her in the middle, moaning like a Banshee and writhing about between each boy.

"Uuuaahh...uaahh..ahh...ahh...ahh..ahhh!~ More....! K-Keep it going! F-Faster, you two! Aaahhh!~" Winter yelled out, tossing back her head and hooking her right arm behind Qrow's neck while raising her chest up so that Jaune could see her titties wriggling about in front of his face. She cradled his cheeks with her left hand, basking in the glow of this raunchy threesome she was enjoying it.

Soon their bodies started plowing into her even faster, making loud slapping noises as one phallus filled the woman up through her sex while the other simply hollowed out her nice plump heart-shaped ass in turns. Winter's body was bouncing and grinding little by little between the guys, enjoying each set of balls smacking into her nether region as they continued fucking her for an indeterminate amount of time. Smack after smack of bodies clapped into the frosty maiden's frame, filling each orifice up with thick foot-long members that made her core meltdown with lustful pleasure.

"Aahhh...ahhh...ahh...ah......ahh..ahh...ahhh! Ooohh yesss! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Ohhh I love it!~" She cried out again, making Qrow chuckle while Jaune simply blushed at her once frosty demeanor becoming completely inverted.

As he drove himself into Winters' pussy from an undetermined period of time, steadily feeling his balls clenching up ready to ejaculate, he noticed that the woman was constantly looking him in the eyes with a loving smile. He wondered if this meant anything and was curious as to why his heart was beating so rapidly. Yet, Qrow and Jaune continued pounding the bricks out of Winter's pussy and asshole together in a sequence in intense hip-bucking movements. The woman howled constantly in nirvana, making her breasts jiggle as the fucking became more wild and intense. Eventually, she was feeling ready to cum herself, and before she could succumb to orgasm, Winter reached down and heled Jaune's face into her soft hands making him look up into her eyes as she lowered her face down to his with a kiss!


"Mmmmm!~" She closed her eyes and moaned loudly into the embrace, savoring the sensation of the boy's lips on her own, curling them apart with her tongue sliding into his mouth. It wasn't a lip-lock done entirely out of passion, but rather.....out of affection she had grown from the blonde boy in question.

'S-she kissing me! She's really kissing me like w-we're.....!' Jaune freaked out a little yet relaxed and closed his eyes as he savored the sensation of Winter's tongue sloshing around inside of his mouth, dominating his.

Qrow continued to bucking rampantly into her buttocks, feeling her anus beginning to close up around his meat causing him to slam into her ass one last time before cumming!

"Hnngghh! Holy...shit! Here I come, Ice Queen!" He announced, tossing back his head and gripping the sides of her hips tightly as he drove his length deep into her ass, filling it up with thick amounts of sperm now flooding her anus.

Winter's eyes burst open in surprise as she felt the warm spunk invade her rectal cavity, she felt her own body trembling with arousal as she herself came to orgasm not long after. Her pussy then squeezed around Jaune's meat tightly, making him throw his pelvis up into her sex, filling it to the brim as they came together in a mutual climax. Winter made sure to hold onto the boy's face as she felt her womanhood milk the young man for all he was worth.

"Nngghhh! Mmhhmmmm....! *Arrrrrcc!*" she growled between his teeth, cleaning his palette with her tongue before breaking off in order to howl quietly into the air. "Uuuggghhh!~"


Thick splashes of sperm flowed into each of Winter's orifices en masse, both her anus and her pussy clenched each of the men's cocks. She was milking them for all they worth and enjoying how full her insides felt as her stress melted away completely. Winter had held onto Jaune's face the entire time, making the boy look into her dazzling ocean blue eyes with a blushing smile as he felt everything drain out into her womb like so.

Eventually, they all finished cumming into Winter's body, feeling refreshed and completely drained at the same time when she collapsed between them with a smile on her face. She was left panting tiredly with a grin, circling a finger around Jaune's chest as she felt Qrow slowly pulls himself out of her asshole with a 'Plop'. A thick amount of semen slowly oozed out of her anus while it was still twitching on reflex.

"Well, nnghh!...that was refreshing, hope you got all the kinks in your body ironed out now, Ice Queen." He said while pulling up his trousers and grabbing his shirt from the floor. Qrow was seeing Winter remain comfortably on top of Jaune, saying nothing and simply basking in the afterglow of their moment together. It was very clear to him now that she had fallen in love with him, or at least preferred his dick over any others. He was curious as to where that would lead her if she decides to pursue a more long-lasting relationship with the boy. 'Yeah, that ain't my business. Better to leave them alone with each other for right now, I played my part as the secondary...and had fun while doing it. It's up to them to see whether or not something comes of this....odd arrangement we have going on.'

He pulled his shirt and cloak over his shoulders, grunting with satisfaction as he checked himself in the mirror before leaving the office. Qrow cast one last look at Winter resting atop of Jaune, almost lovingly like a girlfriend, before making his way outside.

'Hey.....I wonder where's going in such a hurry. Maybe he's got to meet up with Ruby and Yang for something?' Jaune wondered and felt Winter stir as she raised herself up a little to where her tits almost dangled in front of his face.

"So, Jaune.....what say we start discussing our next arranged meeting this week. I am getting very attached to the 'Relationship' of ours we have going on. Hehehe.~" She chuckled seductively while circling a finger around his lips in a playful manner. "But for right now, let's simply bask in the moment. I'm very much enjoying this."

"Yes, Ma'am." Jaune responded, feeling confused about his feelings between Winter and Weiss now.

To be continued....

End of Chapter

This has been for A.B.*


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