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A Night in the Hills with Harding

Dragon Age Inquisition

For P.N.

By Azure

Chapter One: Capitalizing on Opportunity


Harding’s POV-

“I'm just a simple Dwarven girl who started out just by growing up in the Hinterlands, I enjoyed nature and loved walking outdoors, I had a thrill for adventuring after all. My mom worked as a seamstress in the nearby village and my father was just a modest merchant trader in general goods and merchandise, so we had a fairly simple and easy life so far, it wasn't perfect, but things were okay for the most part. Still, never in my life would I have expected to have become a Scout for the Inquisition when the call came for would-be volunteers to sign up. When things started getting crazy all over the world with Rifts opening up and monsters becoming feral I felt it was only a matter of time before things took a turn for the worst. My mom really didn’t want me to become part of any of it, not at all, but I wanted to be of better use to our village and protect the people from the monsters in any way I knew how. She originally just wanted me to become a seamstress like she did, remaining all ladylike and delicate despite my short stack appearance as a Dwarf, hence why she gave me the name ‘Lace’.

Unfortunately for her, I was far too outgoing and proactive to simply stand by and do nothing.  I had things I wanted to do for the safety of our village and all our livelihoods. Plus, I just had a thirst for adventure and traveling would be a win-win for me. Becoming a Scout for the Inquisition was the greatest day of my life and it let me see so many great and interesting things along the way. I didn't even mind fighting monsters out in the wilder parts of the world,even if I was just a Scout only meant to survey and report, but every place I went to I've seen new and crazy things. LIke where certain fire-breathing Dragons roam. Yet, none of it, nothing I've witnessed caught my eye like the sight of the charming, charismatic, and devilishly handsome ‘Herald of Andraste’, otherwise known as the Inquisitor. He was a Dwarven man with a fierce spirit who went by the name of Duraz Cadash.

“Even if he hadn't been a Dwarf like me, which had been a very good bonus in my opinion,  I still would've braved myself to make a move on him and ask him out on a date or something at the very least. If the times of war against supernatural forces didn’t make survival a priority things would be easier for romance. I honestly couldn’t think of a good excuse to give him that didn’t involve Inquisition business or reporting what scouted locations for resources, but I’ve seen people all over the base of Skyhold engaging in romance anyway since they'd feel they might all die tomorrow. At first.I just didn’t want to risk getting hurt in case I didn't tickle his fancy, he was surrounded by the likes of Cassandra, Morrigan, and Leliana after all. But, things changed recently and made me rethink my priorities a little. Funny how a near-fatal scrape from a rampaging Dragon manages to give you the courage needed to pursue something like this, whereas I was originally too afraid to do."

“Yep, after watching him slay that large frightening beast earlier, I figured that it's about damn time I went and acted on those feelings and finally let them all loose. I'll let the pieces fall where they may.”

End of Lace Harding’s Journal Entry Number Fourteen....


Standing atop of a stone lookout tower somewhere within Skyhold, which had been the usual spot for her seeing as how it overlooked the mountains and scenery from high up, was Lace Harding; the Dwarven Scout for the Inquisition.

She was currently waiting for the Inquisitor to arrive as per her ‘Special’ request made earlier sent to him in the form of a letter that she sent this afternoon. Arranging this 'Meeting' still made her feel very nervous about how he'd reciprocate when she tells him her feelings. It wasn't something she was very good at considering she had hardly ever been so feminine or even in love before all this. She stood leaning over the stone railing wearing something other than her usual clothing for a change. Usually she wears her scouting garb which consists of everyday light armor, leather traveling gear, cloth long sleeve shirt, and pants with a hint of chainmail underneath. Lace had decided to go with something completely different today; she was wearing a somewhat modest villager-style green dress around her lovely short stack full-figured body. It highlighted her curves bringing out much as much of her long-hidden femininity as humanly possible, catching the eyes of many male soldiers all around the base. It was emerald in color and matched the color of her eyes as well as complimented her auburn hair which had now been undone from its usual braided laurel style and let down all over her creamy freckled shoulders. She really was feeling anxious right now, being that she was a Dwarf herself she often wondered if she looked conventionally pretty enough for somebody like the Inquisitor. She wasn’t exactly the most elegant or ladylike of all the women that fought alongside him within his party. Lady Josephine, Vivienne, Cassandra, Morrigan, even Leilana all had eyes on Inquisitor Duraz Cadash the same way she does. Even so, Lace felt like she had to give it a try and hope for the best,  even if it meant dolling herself up in ways she'd never anticipate doing so.

“Okay….alright, I sent the letter just a little while ago. He should be here by now if he had gotten it after the appropriate amount of time. I assume he didn’t get dragged into another mission. Oh please don't let it be that at least. The breaks here at Skyhold in-between stuff like the usual peace-keeping business and so on are so rare and far too few in-between. He’s even saved the world for good now, I just hope that he’s not too busy that he ignores that message…..” Lace said to herself, breathing quietly in an anxious manner until she heard steps coming up the ladder to the tower she was in.

Turning her head in the direction of the door, she was expecting either Sara or Leilana to come to relieve her from duty, but to her pleasant surprise, she saw him climbing up.

Lace felt her heart become stricken in her chest the moment she saw him standing before her, he fresh from the battle beyond the gates and wearing his usual casual clothing when inside of Skyhold taking it easy. He was standing at about four feet several inches, wearing his thick blonde hair back in a tied ponytail with several messy bangs crossing his face. He was the handsome specimen of a Dwarven man that Lace came to know simply as ‘Duraz Cadash’, otherwise known as the Inquisitor and a now world-renowned hero.

His ears were a bit larger than normal size for Dwarves, his beard of dirty blonde hair was looking thick with a mustache in two neatly braided ends. The former had also been braided here and there leaving chin beard burly in a rather Viking-style design. He had a pair of bushy eyebrows that went handsomely along with his facial features, his appearance made him look both bold yet compassionate all at the same time. Duraz even had a bit of a wide nose complete with large dark blue eyes that Lace often got lost in when speaking to him directly. Around his face there was a thin line inked into his skin trailing from his nose to his ears over his proud cheekbones, they were tattoos of spears crossing his cheeks poking out from the direction of his beard. An odd choice of aesthetic in her opinion, but Lace didn’t seem to mind one bit because of how tough he looked. Over his brow were a few more tattoos such as a diamond with a parallel line that moved across his brow; a diamond with a parallel line placed down from his line at an inward angle. Lastly, on his nose was a zigzag tattoo completing the nearly obscured collection of markings on his face. Duraz was still a handsome devil regardless and Lace knew it was love at first sight the moment she saw him during their first meeting.

“Ho there, Scout Harding, haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?" Duraz greeted in his usual friendly manner and a smile on his face.

Lace suddenly found it hard to breathe as she turned to face him, fighting off the need to turn back around and stare at the mountain range behind. She quickly shushed that part of herself out and focused on him, greeting Duraz with a smile on her own when she spoke up.

“Greetings, Inquisitor Duraz, I...um….oooh...how do I put this...ugh...I practiced it so much this morning too.” She said to herself briefly, feeling put on the spot now that he was finally here and staring at her with a confused look on his face. Seeing Scout Harding was always a treat for Duraz, but today she seemed completely distracted and befuddled.

Lace started getting flustered and held her forehead in her hands, wondering how she could brave unexplored territories and worldly dangers, yet she was couldn't be able to confess her feelings to the man of her dreams

‘Crap! How do I go about doing this without making it seem like I’m interested in him because he’s famous for saving the world? Uuuugh! Stupid Lace!' She cursed mentally and focused on him again, noticing that he was staring at her with concern.

“Looking a bit lost there, huh Harding? Are you alright? Need to...confide in me about something intimate perhaps? People do that a lot around me after all." He guessed in a lighthearted way and chuckled in a friendly manner making the things easier on Lace now that the tension in the air relaxed a fair bit. She quickly cleared her throat and spoke up again.

“Y-yes, actually, I...I need advice from someone, mainly you, on how to uh….approach somebody romantically? That is, if you don't mind, Inquisitor Cadash.” She spilled out with a blush on her cheeks. Lace really didn’t want it to be that noticeable with her affections towards him. Thankfully it seemed like Duraz understood entirely and simply nodded his head to her request.

“Of course, I’ll be happy to help you, Lace. And please, just call me 'Duraz', we're friends, aren't we?" He teased in a friendly way making her let out a sigh of relief as he held out his right hand towards her like a gentleman. "Come with me so we can chat inside next to a fireplace where it’s warm and comfy. The lookout, while beautiful, isn’t the most romantic of places to discuss something like this with confidentiality.” He offered, unwittingly charming the Dwarven girl even more and he led the way down the ladder, taking her hand while Lace touched her chest tightly feeling a wave of relief come over her.

“Whew, okay, that...was a close call towards being embarrassed and humiliated, but I still need to tell him it’s that it’s me who wants him.” She whispered to herself and started climbing down the ladder behind Duraz, careful not to let her dress show off her underwear to all the people down below.

She then followed him into one of the domestic buildings attached to Skyhold's main castle and saw that he had a fire lit up inside. Being guided towards one of the couches, Lace sat herself down and felt the warmth make her feel more relaxed. When Duraz closed the door behind them and locked it, she found it harder not to release her feelings that had been bottling up at this point. There was just too much romantic tension in the air for her not to stay quiet.

He sat down on a nearby sofa, keeping his focus on her and admiring the Dwarven girl's newly acquired beauty and demure loveliness. He pulled his seat closer to hers, making her thankful that the light of the fire's red glow made it harder to see the blush on her cheeks.

“Alright, let's begin. Tell me what's on your mind, Lace. Who could this guy be that has you so flustered like so?" Duraz began and stroked his beard softly while she took a deep breath and calmed herself before starting up the whole story without giving too much away on the identity of her affections.

"Well, you see I'm used to traveling outdoors and seeing giant monsters on the horizon, Inquis- I mean, Duraz, but I've never had trouble like this where I'm trying to express myself to a certain guy I like who's done only the most amazing things I can imagine. I’ve been having these feelings for a long time now and now they're bottled up and ready to burst, I mean some advice on what to do when I confess." She lied, making it seem like a roundabout way of getting it out there that she likes him, nay, adores him, and would gladly spread her legs taking him onto her body for a roll around in the sheets.

Lace watched him stroking his beard as he eyed her with a curious stare and grinned.

"So tell me about this guy then, Lace. Can I guess that he.....has a beard, perhaps?" He asked, making her nod swiftly with her eyes going a bit wide at how accurate his assumption was, but then again, most Dwarfs had beards or five O'clock shadow by default anyway.

"Hmmm Hm.~" She nodded.

"Is he....a Dwarf?" He guessed again, making her increasingly nervous as she clutched hands into her skirt and nodded once more, making Duraz's smile widen as he went on. " What about his build? Is he tough-looking, fierce, has the brows of a bushy pirate and has a way with women?"

'Holy shit.....' Lace let out inside of her mind while her eyes widened in focus at Duraz's smug-looking face as he smiled sweetly at her from across. She slowly nodded again, ready to answer that question with her question, feeling as though confessing just became easier.

"All of the above?" She said nervously and watched as he got up from his chair to go over to the couch she was seated on, placing himself next to her like a doting father figure, but with an inquisitive stare in his eyes that Lace got lost into staring at.

"Is it.....me?" He guessed with a hearty chuckle and she covered her mouth with her soft-looking hands in surprise as she nodded her head slowly in response to his accusation.

'Oooh to hell with it! it's now or never!' She thought and took them off of her face, showing him the scarlet glow of her cheeks as she spoke up. "I.....love you, Cadash, or rather I've been in love with you since we first met! I've been crazy about you ever since our first meeting and grew to acknowledge these feelings the more we got together for field reports as well as all the time I got to know you in."

She finally admitted it, feeling her heart race as she leaned forward onto her kneecaps, placing her dress along the couch as she waited to hear Duraz's answer. To her delight, he never dropped that smile and instead, reached over to take her hands into both of his own, clutching them. His meaty strong-looking fingers clutched Lace's soft dainty and demure palms into them, making her feel as though this moment were made out of magic.

"Finally let it all out, huh? Well, Scout Harding...or should I say, Lace Harding....*Leans in closely to her face*...I'm crazy about you too." He confessed, making her eyes widen in surprise as her heart thumped wildly within her chest. She could tell he wasn't humoring her nor deceiving her with sweet lies at all, he was being completely honest and it floored the Dwarven girl completely. Her crush had it bad for her the way she did for him.

"Uuhhhh! You do...!? I..I....Duraz...!~" She breathed out in excitement and relief and embrace him by putting her arms around his thick-looking neck, feeling his beard tickle her chin the moment they closed in with each other.

At first, they only hugged like they were parted, longtime lovers just barely reuniting, Lace was beyond happy right now and felt her body pushing into his chest for a scant couple of minutes until he moved. He pulled himself back a bit, allowing her to stare romantical into his face before his right set of fingers cupped hers and pulled her onto his lips for a sweet kiss.

'Mmhhmmm.~" Duraz hummed into her mouth, tasting Lace Harding on his tongue, feeling her whimper happily with delight before closing her eyes and kissing her back.

'Uaaaahhh! Dreams really do come true! Mmhhmm!~' Lace moaned happily as she started kissing Duraz with all the pent-up passion she had in her body. Her soft lips curled apart allowing him to develop their embrace just a bit more. He pushed himself forward making her roll her body back onto the cushioned end of the couch.

It was times like this she was glad to be as short as she was, otherwise this couch would make things a tad uncomfortable for the both of them. Lace felt him begin peeling apart her lips, tasting the inside of her mouth with his tongue daring inside of it to lather it in saliva. He was as passionate a kisser as she always dreamed he would be, even for as aggressive as he was getting, Duraz was still gentle and cordial with Lace's body. They both were letting things proceed as smoothly as humanly possible with him now running a hand along her outstretched right leg, squeezing her soft right thigh fondly.

"Hhmmhmm! *Gasp...!*...oohhh....yes, this is how I always dreamed it would be between us, handsome. Hope you don't mind if we.....go a little further than simply kissing.~" She teased with a pleased smirk on her now hot and bothered face.

"Heh, I wouldn't have it any other way, I figured there was a reason you were wearing this dress. It does really very good on you by the way." He said, making her smile in response as he started tugging up the hem of her skirt making it slide up along her thighs like so. Lace allowed him to do that, heck, she allowed him to do whatever he wanted to with her and would gladly offer her body to him.

Thinking that way, she started tugging down the top of her dress after untying the cross-knot in the back of it, showing her smooth-looking slightly freckled backside. Pulling it down somewhat she allowed him a full view of her pendulous breasts, measured at a plump C-cup average making Cadash's mouth begin to water.

"Mmhmm, I like it very much." He commented with a sly grin and found his way towards her bloomers from underneath her dress. Lace quickly started shaking the green attire off of her body completely allowing for her to be revealed in her semi-naked glory leaving only a cupless corset over her top and a pair of thin-looking bloomers around her bottom.

For how expensive the dress was, it didn't matter when compared to this moment. She quickly brought her legs up high pulling her bottoms off of herself completely, exposing her ample plump ass as well as her moistened pussy to Cadash's face.

"You'll like this even more then.~" She teased, making her bloomers come off of her dainty soft-looking feet before kicking them away. She briefly held her hands around her thighs in a coy playful manner, making Cadash smirk as he tried prying them open with his fists.

Giggling mischievously, Lace let him part open her legs allowing him an unrestricted view of her moistening pussy in full unrestrained glory. She had a slight fuzz of auburn hair along the surface of her sex, making her look 'Seasoned' for lack of a better word. That was perfectly fine with Cadash seeing as how he liked all-natural women anyway.

"You're right, I do. How about I get you properly 'seasoned' up before we make this a day to never forget, hm? You truly do look amazing, Harding, I'm glad you feel this way towards me and vice versa." He said in a soothing charming manner that just made Lace's heart soar into the skies above with happiness.

"Oh, believe me, I'm the one whose thankful for the Fates allowing this moment to become reality. Now then, are you going to keep sweet-talking me, or are you going to taste me, O'Great Herald of Andraste?" Lace tased coyly making her legs spread wider with a hand tracing around her mound suggestively. She deployed two of her fingers to spread open her sex before his eyes, making him feel thirstier by the second.

"I am going to make you scream my actual name, Harding. Watch." He stated before diving down between her legs, bringing his right hand up to her crotch then dipping a thick-looking finger into the gooey cusp of her vaginal folds.

Lace instinctively hissed loudly in reaction and tossed back her head, moaning quietly as she felt her sex begin spreading around his digit.

"Mmmmm!~" She squealed quietly with face flossing over with hotness, Cadash's finger slowly pushed into her pussy, gently digging itself back out before plunging back inside to make Lace's body react to him in a pleasurable way.

He started pumping it into her folds more quickly, making her feel every prod and push of that large thick-looking middle finger of his. He was testing out which were her weak parts and found that she likes it when he pushes himself into the knuckle inside of her writhing body. Cadash could feel the moisture around his finger and the insides of Lace's sex coiling around it while she shuddered explicitly in reaction.

"HhaaaahhH!~ Ooohhh keep it going, Cadash! Keep it going!" She begged, making him grin widely at her as he began fingering her sex more strongly using two fingers now instead of him. The slick moistness of her cunt gushed around his hand, making the insertions more liberated as they slid in at an expedient rate.

Lace was being pleasured to the point she was starting to thump her waist up off the couch, rising up and down while bouncing around to the sensation of the man's magic fingers tingling her body. It wouldn't be long now before she cums and she hopes to last long enough to get to the main event without being tuckered out.

Cadash fucked her snatch further using his ring and middle fingers, making Harding's folds gush more until she started shuddering with an explosive climax!

"Gaaaagggghhh!~" She squealed loudly in ecstasy, bringing his face down into her body where her sex gushed all over his thick-looking nose and beard like so. Cadash was feeling the spritz of Lace's nectar splashing all over his muzzle, making him taste it and finding himself addicted to the flavor.

"Hmmm.~" He hummed with delight and brought his face down into Harding's sex, making her head bolt upward in surprise as she felt his mouth start kissing the gushing opening of her slit like a second mouth.

'N-no...! W-wait...! Aaaaghh!' She thought out loud to herself until she was feeling his lips gingerly nibble apart her sensitive pussy like a tender piece of meat. Cadash was careful not to bite down on any part of her body, instead, he took his time expertly tasting her insides by rolling his tongue around all over the inner sanctum of her velvet moist sex.

"Hmmmhmm. *Sllpppr..sllprr..schluupp...!*" His lips popped and sucked eloquently around the sensitive folds of her pussy, making Harding want to grab onto the back of his head and thrust herself into his face. She was damn near close to doing that if she hadn't been struggling to sane amidst the amazing pleasure.

Her short track body started thumping off the couch more wildly against Cadash's face now, he kept his thick strong-looking hands gripping her upper thighs altogether for he now gorged himself on her sex like a starving animal. Closing his eyes and focusing on tasting Harding's more sensitive areas, he continued rolling his tongue around in a spiral inside of her pussy, making her go crazy with ecstasy as they continued this for some time more.

Her chest was rising and falling with her breathing hotly in euphoric delight, Harding could barely contain herself now that she was experiencing the tender highly sexual art of cunnilingus from the love of her life. Her folds gushed and squelched tightly around Cadash's tongue the more he entered it, digging his face into her muff with his nose pushing against her groin was a sensation she'll never forget for as long as she lives. having to bite down on a set of fingers, Harding struggled to stay sane as this continued up until the point she came hard with an Earth-shattering climax delivered right into Cadashs's face.

her head pulled back, thumping itself along the couch's cushions as she screamed loudly in ecstasy with a hand covering her mouth. Her body quivered and her waist now smothered the man's maw while he went on tasting her even more. She shuddered blissfully with sex still being gorged by the man in question, rising his face in her juices for she came hard for nearly a minute tops all over his beard, lips, and nostrils.

"Uuuuugggghhhh! Aaaahhh.......oohh Cadash, that was amazing!" She let out a deep exhale of breath as she was left panting along the surface of the couch with a smile on her face.

Taking one last lick of her sex before pulling himself up off of her, Cadash ran his tongue around her lips, tasting her with a smile as he sat upon his kneecaps between the woman's legs. His pants were stricken hard with tentpole erection, making him growl in mild pain seeing as how his pants made it tighter the longer he kept them on. Harding was taking a good hard look at it and mewling quietly underneath her throat with undisguised lust, her face flashed his a smile before raising her right foot up to his crotch, pressing her bare soft sole against the surface of his bulge, making him growl even louder with oncoming ecstasy and bestial lust.

"Nngg! Woman, you certainly know how to light a fire inside of a man's heart alright. Ghhh! How about I take these off before you go even further, I'd hate for these things to chafe.." Duraz grunted briskly, causing Lace to take away her feet from his waist.

She eagerly waited for him to shuck off all of his clothing as he got off the couch the next second. His busy hands tended to each part of his clothing, undoing every latch and knot to where he slid his top off of his chest, unveiling a very firm well-built torso with manly hair all over it. There wasn't too much on the surface, but enough to give off the impression he was a half-man half-werewolf kind of creature.

"Hehehehe, Dwarves are hairy, aren't they?" She joked making him snicker back as he undid the hem of his pants next, letting them drop around his ankles entirely showing Lace a thick set of boxers covering something massive underneath the surface.

Her eyes focused intensely on the bulge while Cadash started moving his boxers down his waist, letting a thick slab of fourteen-inch member spring out making her eyes bulge out of her sockets and her mouth fall open in surprise. To Harding, it was as big as maybe one of his arms, if not an upper thigh. The Herald of Andraste had a massive appendage sticking out like a third extension equivalent to an infant's arm. It was astonishing how he kept it under wraps inside of mobile light armor clothing for so long.

Even loking at it made her insides quiver with increasing lust as he grabbed her attention by getting back up onto the couch ready to have sex with the cutest SCout in the Inquisition right now.

"Alright, spread em, beautiful. Time to make you an honest woman, and make me a happy 'Inquisitor'." He said softly making Harding wordlessly part her legs and keep them lying along the upper edges of the couch ready to embrace him wholeheartedly as he got on top of her in a missionary position.

Cadash placed himself atop of her delectably curvaceous short stack body, admiring her curves and thickness in all the right places as he hovered his member directly above her snatch. The thick bulbous head of his meat brushed against the entrance of her pussy, steadily pushing into her as he brought himself down upon her like so. Harding tossed back her head and bit down on her bottom lip for she was feeling her sex splitting wide open to welcome the massive intruder into her depths, feeling her silken walls wrap tightly around him as he sunk himself into the hilt with a grunt.

"Hmmnggh!~" Cadash grunted loudly as he felt the woman's tight juicy pussy squeeze him into her hymen, making him grab hold of her left thigh, placing his other hand around her waist as he prepared to take her virginity from her forever.

Lace briefly looked in his direction, smiling sweetly as she nodded her head 'Yes' to his unanswered question.

"Do it, make me yours, Cadash. Make my dreams come true at long last." She breathed out and felt him rut his pelvis inward in a sharp thrust, making her hymen rupture as she felt the thickness of his magnificent cock push forward into her sopping wetness like so.

Harding wordlessly screamed out in pain as she felt his amazing member push its way into her pussy, making its way towards her cervix and causing her to quiver sensationally in response. Her toes wiggled and her face scrunched up into an expression of mild pain and rising ecstasy as she felt his body press down upon her from above.

"Hnnggghh!~ Aaaaahhhh....Cadassssh!~" She cried out with face huffing loudly in rising euphoria for she felt him wedging into her sex like it were a hand fitting a very tight glove. Harding couldn't help but feel a great amount of pain from having her virginity taken by such a monster, yet at the same time, Cadash's gentle nature made it so that she eased into the embrace little by little.

Soon enough her agony was gone and all that was left was an absolute pleasure with her walls curling around his cock, making him groan as he began pumping into her from above with his legs pushing upward into her creamy thighs.

"I'm moving now." He announced quietly in a grunt of a whisper, feeling her body push back against him as he slammed his waist gently into her sex from the top. His large balls started slapping into the cusp of her sex, making her cheeks and upper thighs become tender with his strokes as he fucked her voraciously in a quickly escalating manner.

Cadash started grunting loudly as he felt Harding's sex curdle and squeeze around his length the more he sundered into her like a machine. His cock spread out her walls, pushing into her cervix and piercing her very womb as he began picking up the pace. He was seeing the woman bawl a hand into her mouth to keep from crying out in ecstasy and pain until the latter had passed. Deciding on not having any of that, he leaned forward on top of her and moved her hands away from her face, kissing her fully with a passionate lip-lock right after that.

"Mmhhmmm! Mmmhpp....mhhp..mhpp...mmhpp..mhoppp! HHmmhm!~" Harding moaned loudly in his mouth, tasting his lips amidst the slight scratchiness of his beard tickling her breasts. Cadash started making out hungrily with the adorable redheaded woman of his dreams, feeling her wrap her arms around him as he bucked voraciously into her delicate frame from above.

Slap after slap of sexes smashing together could be heard through the closed-off room, Cadash pressed himself thoroughly into Harding's tight snug little snatch, feeling her writhe uncontrollably with her legs coming up to wrap tightly around his ass.

"Nngg! You're really....squeezing me, Lace. Heh he he hehehe, you've must've really been aching for this." He grunted out and pushed then pulled himself along her delicately-soft body, feeling her insides squeeze tenderly around his length even more. It was driving him crazy with lustful delight as he slammed voraciously into her frame, making her insides gush even more around his cock.

"Haaaahh....! Cadaasssh! Aaahh.....! Yes! I've been waiting for this forever since that moment I fell hard for you. Uungghh! It's everything I pictured it would be..!" She gasped and made sure her tits heaved vertically along the scruff of his chest, tickling his pecs with her nipples as she squeezed his body onto her frame even more.

Lace was beginning to feel her first orgasm approaching as he plowed into her lick clockwork, making her squeeze her insides around him each and every time he pulled himself back.Over and over again Cadash pounded himself into her sex, taking note on how she reacts to each and every push of him going against the groove of her cervix like so. Eventually, their animal-like rutting reached a crescendo, making him bury himself into her waist at an automatic pace like it was about to let loose his orgasm himself.

"Aahh..aahh..ah..ah..ah..ahhh! Im...g-getting close, Cadash!~" Lace announced, squeezing her ankles behind his back and savoring the sensation of her walls squeezing around his cock while it speared her insides tirelessly, ready to convulse into a miasma of pleasure.

"M-Me too...!" He grunted and plowed his mighty pelvis into her waist, delivering one final strike of his cock against her loins until she was screaming out his name in orgasmic ecstasy!

"Ggyaaaaaaggghh!~" Harding cried out with her head tossing back, her body shivered with intensity as she felt his length bloating readily with ejaculate to send into her pussy.

Cadash howled out loudly as he drew himself back from the vice-like grip of her pussy, bringing him back to the tip until he delivered one hard thrust into her sex for the final blow. Feeling Lace's insides squeezing around his length gave him the push he needed to cum, and thus, he growled loudly with pleasure relief feeling thick ropes of rich and creamy sperm flow into the woman's fertile insides like so!

Harding kept her hand and feet locked behind his limbs, feeling his cum splashing into her womb like a molten flow of lava into her body. She growled loudly into his neck, feeling the need to bite down on his side as they rutted softly into each other for the duration of their sexual experience.

"Nngh...! Ngh....ngh....aaaahhh....!" Cadash moaned pleasantly, finishing his climax inside of Harding's tight snug pussy with a smile. A splotch of cum came oozing out from within her opening as he rested atop of her body cradling her face into his hands until they met in another languid lip-locked filled with passion.

'I am so happy right now....oooohhh! I cannot believe things played out perfectly in the way I was hoping. I love you, Cadash! More than anything in the world!' Lace said inside her mind while sucking gently on his tongue while feeling him beginning to pull himself off of her now sweaty body.


Thick gout of sperm came gushing out of he gaping sex, she'd be amazed if she didn't wind up pregnant after today, but Lace became focused on the sight of Cadash's member remaining stiffened to the extreme already. This mildly perplexed her until she saw the ever0-ready grin on his mug as he gestured to her to get up and turn around with his fingers.

"Oh ho ho, we're not done yet, Lace. I want to take your anal virginity next, I hope you're willing to try that out. I heard it was a very special thing that makes certain women feel like clay right after." He said as she groggily got up and rotated her body, lacing herself on her hands and knees and wiggling her rear excitedly at him, ready to experiment indeed.

" I've heard from certain party members that practice this sort of thing. Apparently it's a whole nother level entirely in regards to intimate sexual relations. Come and get me, Inquisitor.~" She said with a sly tone in her voice, winking at him while secretly feeling anxious to have his meat pumping out of her ass right this second.

Cadash said nothing else and decided to have actions speak for words in their place, he brought himself up to Lace's backside, running his hands along her rear then squeezing her cheeks fondly with a smile on his face. He felt her moan pleasantly and enjoyed the doughy pleasantness of her buttcheeks before spreading them open to show her cute little anus ready for plowing.

'I really am nervous about this if I were being honest, but.....I love him enough to let him do whatever he wants with me. Whatever he wants, I'll proudly have his baby if fortune smiles on me once again, but let's not think about that right now. Romance first, then maybe....marriage in the near future I suppose.' Lace considered as she looked back at Duraz from over her right shoulder with a loving smile.

She saw him wink at her and bring the head of his meat up to her cheeks, aiming the engorged cum-oozing head into the ring of her anus very slowly before pushing it on in. Lace's eyes widened and her mouth pursed tightly as she felt the sensation of her rear door opening up to welcome the thickness of her lover's penis into her bowels.. Slowly but surely, Cadash pushed himself into her body, making her clutch the couch surface as she felt a pleasurable yet painful sensation of having her ass rent asunder by his mighty cock.

"Uuuggghhh.......!" She quietly whimpered, feeling her anus stretch tightly around his length, choking it into a dark warm tunnel that made the man in question growl with increasing sensation.

"Hnhh! Hooooh, this is something else alright. It's very tight and warm in here, you know." He joked making her laugh a little until she strained her face into a purely flustered expression.

Clutching her ass tightly into each of his hands, Cadash pushed himself halfway inside of her anus, letting it stay there and giving Harding a moment to catch her breath before he started moving. Harding whimpered loudly once again, feeling the insides of her anus turn inside out with the gentle rutting of Cadashs's heavy body pounding gently into her frame from behind her buttocks slapped and squeezed against his waist, feeling his length sawing out of her like so, giving her a synergetic flow of both pleasure and mild pain.

It was a new sensation alright, one that would no doubt make Harding feel sore later on, but it was most worth it in her opinion. She clutched her fingers around the couch tightly, making sure she held on tight while he began pounding himself into her ass even faster causing her body to sway to and fro.

"Uuuaaaaaaghh! Aaahh..aahh..aahh..aahh..aahh! Cadaassshh!" She cried out in ecstasy, closing her eyes and letting her mouth hang open as she felt him slam into her ass with more 'Umph'.

Clap after clap of flesh mingling with each other went underway, Cadash held her waist firmly into his hands, making sure she stayed put while he bottomed out of her ass like so. His balls started tenderizing her nether region, occasionally making splotches of sperm continue oozing out of her pussy while feeling her rectal cavity hollow out to repeated penetrations of his cock.

It was feeling like her anal cavity was being plunged like a long hard sausage, making the woman cradle her feet beneath his thighs. Cadash felt the tight contractions of her ass begin making his cock swell with impending ejaculation already as he burrowed into the girl's plump and perfect ass, planning to make this his own for years to come. He tilted his head backward and started slamming away into her frame with more force, making her huff loudly with breasts jiggling about as they fucked even more. Harding wasn't sure how much more she could take, but she was relishing how good it felt to have such a manly stud like Duraz plow her ass raw after taking her anal virginity shortly after taking her other one. She started howling loudly with her head tossing back, making her frame jiggle on all fours while the sounds of bodily coitus continued for some time longer on the couch.

He fucked her voraciously, making each hard inch of his shaft bury into her anus then scrub it out once he pulled back, he did this repeatedly over and over again until she became a mewling mess unable to transmit any kind of rational thought. All she could do was scream his name out loudly, making him smile for she was finally addressing him with a name instead of 'Inquisitor' while moaning like a Banshee.

The sounds of bodily coitus continued for a near thirty minutes when Harding suddenly went into spasm right before Duraz did. Her body squeaked with orgasmic euphoria, shaking as she wriggled herself into the man's lap as he pulled her off of her hands in order to embrace her from behind and wrap his lips around hers in a fierce kiss. She kept a hand around the back of his face, moaning loudly into his mouth as they shared in each other's saliva just before succumbing to climax at the same time.

"Mmmmnngghh! Hhhnmmnnggh!" Harding moaned loudly into Duraz's mouth, shivering with orgasmic elation while feeling his member bloat with sperm before sending everything out into her bowels!

Her curvy short stack body rolled graphically against his, bucking her buttocks into his lap over and over again as they came together in a harmonious climax for nearly two minutes tops. Eventually, they slowed down to a halt, feeling finally finished completely with her rolling back on his side with Cadash spooning her from her behind, huffing hotly in post-orgasmic bliss and having a smile on his face while doing so.

"Aaahh, how was that, Scout Harding? Feel like taking it like a champ every day?" Duraz chortled gruffly as he cradled her from behind, feeling his member plop out of her asshole with a wet 'Schlup' and oozing sperm coming from within.

"You...*Huff...huff...huff*...will just have to keep sticking it in the other hole, O'Great Inquisitor. I don't think...I can walk or even scout if I have trouble standing up, hehe hehe." She giggled happily and shared another kiss with him as they laid naked along with the couch with each other, clutching hands as a promise for a new future unfolded before them.

Suddenly Lace was glad she braved the risks in letting him hear her confession, between this and watching him slay Dragons and close rifts, she felt this was far more dangerous all things considered.

But it certainly paid off.

End of Chapter

To be continued?

This has been for P.N., thanks for reading.



Awesome Work 😃😀🙂😄😁😆🤣😅😂😻❤👍