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Here's the situation. I always wanted to do different comics at totempole666.com, which is why the site is called Totempole666 and not TheCummoner. However, Cummoner has grown into a big world of many characters and even though some story-arcs end (like Lucy's), the comic persists and might run for years to come. There's certainly potential for both erotica and comedy in a fantasy world that's almost unending.

But! The recent drawing of a robot girl kinda made me want to do a sci-fi hentai comic. If any of you follow me on Twitter you might have noticed I've been playing Hardspace: Shipbreaker and I also re-read the Murderbot Diaries books recently. It all made me sit and write and storyboard a bunch of pages for a potential chapter of a space comic with bots and spaceships.
There'd be a bot discovering sexuality, potential cute crew members and the endless possibilities of tentacley alien life and ghost-filled derelicts.

At the same time I have several pages for the next chapter of Cummoner almost done and it would start running after the current one's done.

What do you guys think about switching to a different comic/world/story?
Cummoner would be back and in future we'd probably go to space again, switch things up from time to time. Maybe do a vote for the next comic/story to get a chapter.

Let me know what you guys think! Feel free to comment. 



I'm guessing it works like how you alternate between Vilga, Nissa and Meva stories. If it's by chapters I'm totally fine with it :) can't miss the others out too long


Hahahaha! The cute ladies try and escape to space, but the tentacles always get them! :D

Lord of Nightmares

My only concern here is the you'd be watering down how quickly you get through Vilga and Tuck story if you also add in another comic alongside of the Ghost Hunters stuff.


I love all of your work, and I am looking forward to what you come up with! Everything you suggested sounds great.


Well maybe not exactly “after next” but find a way to park Vilga for a bit. Totally down for robots though!

MK Piatkowski

Robots and Hentai bore the crap out of me, probably because I want the hot guy action. (I still want that ghost with the great tongue to come out of hell and do all kinds of sexy things to Sroka.) I want dick, honestly. Do what you want but I am on a limited budget so I would have to reevaluate my commitment here if it becomes about sex robots.


I get it but perhaps there can be plenty of Dick in a sifi world too. I'm all for variety but I'm kinda invested in the Cummoner universe as well.


I know quite well had hard and dangerous it is to be stuck in a rut and keep on going the same old stuff. Therefore, mix it up with whatever your artist heart desires, I just hope you keep Cummoner going, as I grew quite fond of it.


Exactly like that! I mean, other than Vilga, Nissa and Meva being set in the same world with possibly appearing in the same stories in future.


I get your concerns! But I need to take breaks from drawing Vilga anyway (like when I do Ghosthunters), plus Vilga and Tuck's story has been hitting some milestones lately, hence the ideas for a small switch.


I get it! The plan was to have a guy be the main character in the scifi-story though, and to feature various characters there in general. I'm actually planning just one robot, the girl.


I've been mixing it up with different characters in Cummoner and it's been fun, I just feel a sci-fi setting would be fresh and allow for some cool new kinks to explore


I agree, a new series will give you the opportunity to explore new settings, genres, and general tone of stories you wish to explore. In case it does not work out, you can always drop it, create another or whatever. Just be vocal with your community, like now, so we know what's going on.


Great poll. Great discussion. I totally understand as an artist, it’s time for you to develop something different. Personally, I’m not into the robot thing. Erotic fantasy genre is what brought me to you and you do it so well. I will continue to support your work because your style and stories are fun, erotic, and unpredictable. I’m sure the majority of the community agrees.


Senpai noticed me! Keen to see what you'll do :) always enjoyed your comic


I’d like to see cummoner remain the main tittle but I’d probably like the other stuff too honestly idk. Always been more of a fantasy person though


I'm confident that the quality would hold up with another plotline, even one set outside the main Cummoner world. That said, I think it would be best served if the next 'live' chapter is in the existing setting and the new setting stays in reserve for the moment. Give yourself however long that chapter takes to plan out the characters and plotline(s), settle what works best with the art, and generally make sure that the first chapter or two can stand up and capture an audience on its own. There are a lot of comics out there where we can see the artist still figuring all that out as they go along, only to regret it and want to fix things later.