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I publish every chapter in whole shortly after it's finished on the site http://totempole666.com.

All chapters in PDF and CBR can be found in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-comics-links-1012176 or by choosing the TAG "full chapters".




Vilga's been looking especially good the last couple pages, but the bottom panel here is particularly good! The way she's hugging herself that prominently displays her boobs is such an iconic expression of her unique blend of sexy innocence!


He will not be able to control himself, fuck her and then get turned himself 😂 that would be hilarious The buildup of this story is awesome


I wonder if there're going to be printed versions of the cummoner... Would buy them :D


Welp, guess the party is over


So he ain't gonna kill her?

Andy M

I suspect while he may be evil, he isn’t a killer. I also wonder how escaped the effects of the transformation?


I'd love to print it! It's a bit of a big undertaking though (cummoner will be around 740 pages after this chapter). I'm gonna look into it this year, but will have to go through something like kickstarter or Indiegogo to secure funds for it.


Well, if she is still on the clock...


I think he is going to *try* to kill her, now that she has done his bidding, but he is not going to have much success with that. She's more magically supercharged than ever, and she's kinda pissed at him. He is absolutely no match for her... but he probably knows that, too.

Joe Bananas

Back in 'Second Cumming' Lucy made a pact with bird mage. She asked him to destroy Vilga, two panels later he said he would take her to hell for a day, torture her, and then kill her. I gotta believe if he survived the blast someone else did too and they are gonna save Vilga somehow.


I feel like he's more of a put people into situations that get them killed sort of guy.


Define torture. She was going out of her mind with the belt on. Killing her is a little harder to play word games with, so bring it on Lucy.

Joe Bananas

Yes I agree that the belt was the torture part. Something is due to disrupt Lucys' little plan, whether it be the paladin already in hell, the paladins sword in Vilgas' cottage, or maybe a certain demon buried under the forest? Still in certain religions when you die you end up in Heaven or Hell, and certainly Lucy would not want a ticking time bomb like Vilga running around his kingdom. Wonder if he thought that far ahead?




I'm looking forward to it, I'm definitely in! I am supporting you for quite a while now and have never been disappointed. Thank you!