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Going to try and stream tomorrow on Picarto! Later than usual, starting around 2PM UTC. Will post a link when I do!


I publish every chapter in whole shortly after it's finished on the site http://totempole666.com.

All chapters in PDF and CBR can be found in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-comics-links-1012176 or by choosing the TAG "full chapters".




It would be quite funny if this was all planned by him, tricking the other demon to rip it off, get hexed and not being blamed, because "I tried to prevent this, you know"

Daniel S

No way this can go wrong!


Bet this is what Lucy had planned all along.


In the long history of bad ideas, this surely has to rank in the top ten. As Dan S says: No way this can go wrong! :D Countdown to orgasmic-originated destruction commences in 5..4...3... XD

Omnius Erasmus

But since the succubus sucks up the life force, would she act like the pendant or Tuck's sword and remain unharmed? Or would she amplify Vilga's orgasmic onslaught and turn into a catatonic zombie-succubus? I'm sure Meva would be curious what would happen, too. You know, for science.