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Hi guys! We're nearing the end of June already, so I wanted to let you all know I have decided to change my tiers up a bit, and give you all some time to switch tiers, unsub, whatever you wanna do. I haven't changed them at all since I literally started drawing online back in 2017, so they're in need of a change. Especially because my workflow, schedule, and priorities have changed a lot in 3 years - and additionally, my recent decision to take a small step back from the internet in general and slow my posting down a tad.

A rundown of the new tiers and their rewards:

$3 - The same (WIP's, allow suggestions for poll, and comic access when I'm off hiatus)


- Voting in Fanart Poll

- GIF speedpaints (I got my program back working for this, so they will be returning)


This is by far the most changed tier, so if you are part of this tier, please read carefully! **

Since I no longer have time to create resources, I am changing this tier to OC PATREON POLL.

Once a month I will either take or offer suggestions for at least One exclusive illustration of my OC's, which will then be voted on by you guys. Basically, a lot like the fanart poll, but it is with my original characters AND the image is exclusive to the $10 tier. 

** The commission discount is also still honored! 

Please make sure to switch tiers or make whatever decision you have regarding this switch before the month is up, or else you will still be charged as usual! All tier changes will be implemented at the start of July.

Thank you guys as always for your support, especially during this critical time where I know finances can be hard for even the luckiest of us. It is so appreciated!


Whiffy Plush

This is really good to know. I'll keep it in mind in case money gets better on my end. Thanks for keeping us up to date!!

Nathan Smith

Really happy to see that you’re adding an OC vote, it’ll be great to see more of your characters.

Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:01:02 I think the change is more than reasonable, hope you get some fun ideas for the OC polls. :>
2020-06-29 20:29:41 I think the change is more than reasonable, hope you get some fun ideas for the OC polls. :>

I think the change is more than reasonable, hope you get some fun ideas for the OC polls. :>


These seem like good changes! Thanks for the heads up, and I'm always happy to support ya Cherri! ;u;