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Suppose i should finally get around to making one of these for her - honestly, i draw her in so many different ways and AU's that nothing will ever be able to represent that, so i figured i'd just stick to her "canon" bodytype and universe for the ref!




Once this is done I am 1000% yoinking it for the future


I'll be saving this once this is done. For reasons.... Honestly this looks amazing and I love seeing more Mel!💙💙💙

Whiffy Plush

Ahhh I love this so much. I'm def saving this when it's done, I love drawing Mel. so much <3


Caramel's got a great design. Glad there's a good set look outside of all the other AUs!


She's looking really sweet there~ Also I appreciate that Mel's canon work outfit involves overalls and milkbucket. <3

Rawk Manx

I like Mel


ahh this is looking lovely so far! ;u; Bless Mel ahh <3