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whenever i do personal work my sketch is about 1000x messier! so its so cool to watch it go from sketch to lines. sure neatens things up. lol 



Whiffy Plush

Really cool to see the process of your badge Cherri. I've seen so many cool badges on Twitter, and was always curious on what a good approach to drawing one was. Really nice to see the steps on adding Mel's hair color as well. That part always stumps me when drawing her XD


This is more of a personal opinion but my advice is to keep it simple! Something bright, Colorful and clean. Not only does it print better but it keeps things nice and eye catching, easy to process shapes, which is exactly what a badge should be!

Whiffy Plush

That's some really good advice. Thank you Cherri! I've been toying around with some badge ideas (in the case I get a reason to make one!), so having this advice will help me a lot when the time comes!