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HEY!! We are almost done moving guys! thanks so much for all your patience! as you can probably guess since i'm posting this, I got my work desk and PC back today!! it feels so good, i can't WAIT to get back to work! Things might be a little slow going as we are still getting settled a bit (plus, Jinx is visiting our new apartment at the end of the month!!!) but regularly scheduled posting should be returning soon <3 thanks guys! 



Isaiah Herd

Good luck! And enjoy the new area and home!

Whiffy Plush

Aw, Cherri you and Drii take all the time you need! I hope it all goes well for you two!! (Boob doodle's adorable, btw!!)


Good luck with you two in regards to the move! And take as much time as you need

Richie-Rich (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:04:49 Eyyy, I'm glad moving is going smoothly and you got your setup back Cherri! ;u; hope y'all have a good time getting settled in and all that good stuff! &lt;3
2019-10-05 23:10:48 Eyyy, I'm glad moving is going smoothly and you got your setup back Cherri! ;u; hope y'all have a good time getting settled in and all that good stuff! <3

Eyyy, I'm glad moving is going smoothly and you got your setup back Cherri! ;u; hope y'all have a good time getting settled in and all that good stuff! <3

Antonio Rogers

Dont rush it get back when ya can

Rawk Manx

remember when your moving boxes around you wanna lift with your legs not your boobs