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Hi hi! i've been kind of MIA because as many of you know we are moving soon :) our move date is october 1st but since we're moving provinces it's like a WHOLE thing where we need to get all our IDs changed, license plates, get everything sorted etc... it's so time consuming, and also it's about 4 hours away from where we live now so whenever we have to be there in person we have to take 2 days to go up there :( it sucks lol! 

But enough complaining about that. I'm going to be doing my very best to get all patreon rewards released on time and any delays will be announced. if youve sent me a message or email please give me time to reply, i currently have about 40+ emails/messages I need to answer at the moment and (sadly) I am only one person. lol

thank yall!! <3 




Best of luck to you on your move and we'll be right here for ya! Hope you enjoy your new place!

Richie-Rich (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:05:24 Oh gosh, I hope all goes well with the rest of your move Cherri! ;u; we'll be here to support ya, and wish ya best of luck &lt;3 also, very lovely work on this kitty! &lt;3
2019-09-14 15:39:47 Oh gosh, I hope all goes well with the rest of your move Cherri! ;u; we'll be here to support ya, and wish ya best of luck <3 also, very lovely work on this kitty! <3

Oh gosh, I hope all goes well with the rest of your move Cherri! ;u; we'll be here to support ya, and wish ya best of luck <3 also, very lovely work on this kitty! <3

Whiffy Plush (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:05:24 We understand Cherri. You and Drii take all the time you need. I hope all goes well, and I'm cheering you on &lt;3
2019-09-14 16:14:51 We understand Cherri. You and Drii take all the time you need. I hope all goes well, and I'm cheering you on <3

We understand Cherri. You and Drii take all the time you need. I hope all goes well, and I'm cheering you on <3

Rawk Manx

mama said knock you out

Daragoth (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:05:24 You aren't complaining Cherri and it sounds like it's something you are very much looking forward too. Are just you and Drii moving? Or you, your family and her? Been a bit confused on that part but I hope you all have a safe journey and hope to see what you plan to create once you've gotten all settled down again and gotten back to created the beautiful characters you bring to life. &lt;3
2019-09-16 08:49:22 You aren't complaining Cherri and it sounds like it's something you are very much looking forward too. Are just you and Drii moving? Or you, your family and her? Been a bit confused on that part but I hope you all have a safe journey and hope to see what you plan to create once you've gotten all settled down again and gotten back to created the beautiful characters you bring to life. <3

You aren't complaining Cherri and it sounds like it's something you are very much looking forward too. Are just you and Drii moving? Or you, your family and her? Been a bit confused on that part but I hope you all have a safe journey and hope to see what you plan to create once you've gotten all settled down again and gotten back to created the beautiful characters you bring to life. <3


With the images you posted on Twitter, you two got a MASSIVE place just to the two of you. So are you two engaged at this time? Or not yet? I know in the past you've called her your wife and so just curious if this move to such a big place for the two of you is working toward marriage. ^_^ And of course. Moving is stressful and something emotionally rough. I speak from experience. :)


Yeah we got pretty lucky actually since it's a big place for a decent price! We're not engaged (wife is kinda like a petname for us lol) but I have been patiently waiting for Drii to pop the question 0:-) ...


That's pretty amazing to hear. And oh my gosh you two are just the darnedest. Never knew "wife" was a petname but that's so sweet and wholesome. And don't rely on just her popping the question. You never know if she's maybe waiting for you to do that first. ^-^