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If you follow me on twitter, then this is old news! 

Regardless, i am VERY excited to announce I've partnered with a company to bring you MABEL THE TEACHER! An ultra-exclusive, 23cm tall (not including the base), full colour resin figurine!

You're looking at the concept art, but the final design will more or less exactly reflect these images. She comes with a specially designed gift box (which I will have concept art of soon)!   

As you might have guessed, these are *incredibly* costly to manufacture, so once I have received a sample of her, a kickstarter will be going up to help fund the production costs.  

It's always been a shame to me that more of these types of products aren't available in the community. As a figure collector myself, I would love to add more furry-centric figures to my  collection! As I'm sure many of you would! But the cost to manufacture is just... so out of reach, for the most part. Quality is especially important to me, so I've chosen to go with a company that I believe can reflect the high standards I hold my own art to.  But naturally, higher quality = more $$$.  

My hopes are high but so is my faith. If this is something you're interested in supporting, please keep an eye in the upcoming few weeks! I am currently waiting on a sample from the company just to make sure everything is up to par,  and then not too long after that, the kickstarter (should) be going up, provided everything goes to plan and I like the sample. 

A full breakdown of costs will be posted at the time as well. As an independent artist, I simply cannot price these the same way a multi-million  dollar company can, so I ask for your understanding when the time comes.   I look forward to sharing more of this project with you guys! It is a HUGE undertaking but so exciting at the same time! Thank you for all the support! 


Q: What is the cost?

A: I don't know yet as I'm still working out the numbers. It will be announced as soon as I know!

Q: Is she solid resin?

A: Yes! 

Q: Is she limited run?

A: Yes. The kickstarter will basically act as a pre-order for her, and only one run of her will ever be manufactured.

Any more questions, feel free to ask below! I'll answer to the best of my ability, but please understand that any questions about price at the moment I likely won't be able to answer.




Where do I sign up? 😍

Whiffy Plush

I love the idea, and while I doubt I'll be able to afford a figure, I'm definitely supporting that kickstarter. Out of curiosity, will there be other rewards for the kickstarter (example: some projects offer a sticker/decal as a $5-10 reward)? It's definitely okay if you're not planning anything like that. The project is already pretty ambitious!


Absolutely!! I realize that the cost of a figure is not something everybody can afford, and I greatly appreciate wanting to support the project regardless. I have a lower-cost tier in the works to support the project, for an 11x17 poster of the same art that's on the special gift box ^^


Ahh I'm so excited for this project, I'm sure it'll go great Cherri! ;u; I'll be keeping an eye out for that kickstarter, and be sure to hit it up!! ✌️✨

Whiffy Plush

That's really cool! Thanks for the info Cherri! I'll definitely look into that when you open things up. I imagine a lot of this is in the concepting phase, but if it's okay to ask, do you know if the art will be SFW or NSFW? Sorry to ask so much.

Whiffy Plush

Nice, thanks for the head's up! I live in a pretty strict household (I've never told my family about any NSFW artists I follow), so I just wanna make sure I don't accidentally order something they'll have me tear up.


I said it before and I'll say it again. Shoutout to you for getting this partnership!! I can't wait to see how this goes!

Special K

Is she a 3D version or a two sided stance?


She’s a 3D resin figure! Very similar to the anime-style ones you might see at conventions or online.


I'm excited. There has never been merchandising of the artists that I like, let alone figures. I do not have much money, but I will definitely participate in this project to have one. I love your art, you never disappoint us! A question. Participate in the kickstarter is already considered a reserve to have the figure?


Thank you for all the support! And yes! There will be a tier in the Kickstarter that essentially functions as a pre-order of the figure and special gift box packaging.


Yet another thing to add to the “things I probably shouldn’t get due to my low income but I really want to” list lmao. ...but seriously, it’s super cool that a dogmom figure is going to exist 👍


This is super cool! I'll be ready to pledge when it starts up. I've worked at plastic molding companies all my working life so I've seen first hand how cartoonishly expensive start up costs to make simple objects like plastic plates or utensils get, much less detailed figures. So the effort to make something like this a reality is greatly appreciated Cheri. I think a lot of us have faith that if it's up to your standards, it will be worth the price!

Simone Wolfeh

Now here's an exciting prospect o3o I've never been much of a figure collector...but that might just change


is this still in the works or did i totally miss the kickstarter? same question about the art book you announced a while back


I was curious about the art book and this vinyl figure you had, I know its 2021, but will the kickstarters for your art book and vinyl figure begin sometime this year? Since it was 2018 for the art book and 2019 for this