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i took an additional day off today for mental health and drew whatever came to mind... which was princess peach! for some reason, lol. her outfit in mario kart is my fave, personally. i am partial to skintight suits :^)




Very cute Cheri. 😊 Hope you're feeling better!


I can't blame you for Peach coming to mind honestly, especially with that racer outfit haha! Seriously tho I LOVE this pose and pov already, this is looking great so far! ;v; also, hope you continue to feel better Cherri, take all the time you need to rest for your mental health 💖

Whiffy Plush

This is looking beautiful so far. I hope you feel better soon. I'm cheering you on!

Rawk Manx

take as long as you need to get better we can wait


Hope you're feeling better mentally :)


To add another voice to the choir here, I agree with every above comment and it's always exciting to see anything that strikes your fancy to draw!