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UMM *ding dong* hello??? patreon?? are you still alive?

Sorry about the radio silence the past 5 days. HAPPY FEBRUARY!! Patreon decided to ring in the second month of the year by totally fucking up everybody's payments again! So I held off on posting until they all went through. For those of you who don't know, if your payment is in the "processing" stage, you will not be able to see any of my content before it goes through. This usually isn't a problem because the processing stage doesn't last for more than a few hours per person, but this time Patreon really fucked up and it lasted as long as a whole 5 days for some of you. To make things easier, I just held off on posting before they all went through to make sure nobody missed any updates. (I held off on posting a $10 tier pose pack as well, so thank you for your patience as I get that up shortly here!)

ALSO!! I saw some people reporting that Patreon, in some cases, double or triple charged their card. Please check!! If it happened to you, please contact Patreon to get it sorted out.

I'm super tired of us creators needing to do Patreon's job for them and let our generous patrons know when Patreon mega-fucked up again, but... what can you do, I guess?

ANYWAY! Sorry about my rambling there. Enjoy the best mom!! Stay safe out there. For her.




Thanks for holding off, Cheri. ^^ Patreon really screwed the pooch this time round. 🙄 Loving how you drew Inko, so cute! ^^


Patreon, for a company that exists to handle money for artists; sure doesn't handle money well.

Whiffy Plush

Patreon sure is clumsy. At least we got this cutie! (Thanks for the head's up on charges, by the way. Checked my paypal, and things are looking a-ok!)


Ahh no worries Cherri, we appreciate you holding off until Patreon could get their shit together >:o It sucks that you and other creators have to deal with it ; ; anyway, gosh I still love that TUM of hers, she's such a precious mom! ;3; 💖


this mama midoriya pic was worth the wait <3


We need more!