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slight redesign anyway

For the upcoming art book I just decided to do a simple update to her design. I'm really excited about it!! I think this look totally suits her

still deciding if I wanna give her a classic cropped dobe tail or keep it natural though.....




She looks great! Can't wait to see her in the book!


I think it works. While Demi did look distinct from her sister already, this helps to differentiate her even more, so that she and Mabel offer different "flavors" of good looks.


I see you kept her best feature intact, also it would be lovely to see all that hair colored. Curly hair is too pretty


i would NEVER. she's gotta stay double cheeked up for life. walks into a room and her ass walks in 5 minutes later


Ass. Keep the ass. Mmmmm ass


Ooo I like this redesign, she looks great Cherri!! ;v; of course ya gotta keep that phat ass, how could you go without it haha ;P anyway I'm very excited and can't wait to see her in the art book!! <3


Hot as all heck, dat ass still making jaws drop from 100 yards!

Perry Beans

"ASS STIIL PHAT" Cherri please, I can't be laughing this much in the morning, it's criminal! She looks great though, definately a great redesign <3

Whiffy Plush

She's adorable. Glad all her features are in tact as well. I look forward to that book

Nathan Smith

Got those Bayanotta legs going on. Two thumbs up!