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alright, so... hear me out, this might be a little long 

I'm sure you have all noticed that it's taken me a really really long time to introduce Mabel's son Chase despite the fact that I've mentioned here and there that he exists. I've had people ask me if I decided to scrap the idea, if I changed my mind, if I was just taking a while to design him, etc etc. And the answer is no, I have not scrapped him - in fact his design has existed for many many months and has been a character that I draw privately. 

When I first announced Mabel would have a 15 yr old son back in like... wow, almost a year ago now? So about October/November of 2017... I was immediately bombarded by messages of people expecting sexual things to happen between Chase and Mabel. I won't get into them, but they were generally pretty graphic "requests", and I made sure to make clear that there are not, and never will be any plans for such a thing. I continued to get messages asking about it, some people even stating they were going to draw fanart of Mabel and Chase in sexual depictions together. This disgusted me greatly.

Please understand why I have been so hesitant to even speak of him before now despite the fact that I have mentioned him multiple times in the past. I am hesitant to post this here, heck, I am even hesitant to post this explanation because I'm worried people will tell me to just ignore the gross messages/potential fanart. Please understand, I can't ignore something like that and it does make me very uncomfortable.

That being said, after much deliberation and thought, I have decided to officially release his design and have him integrated into future comics/stories involving Mabel. I am releasing him here first, to my patrons whom I trust a lot, before going public with his design and this explanation. 

As always thank you guys for all your support. Despite my fears I am really excited to finally introduce this character that has just been living quietly inside my head for all these months. Please, feel free to ask any questions about him if you want! 

Thank you!! 




I'm really sorry you have to deal with all that. Hopefully, with this explanation, people will respect your wishes. Not that people should even need an explanation to not draw porn of an underage kid, but still.


I completely agree with you. It's so gross that people can't just like what you do and respect what you ask. I love his design and can't wait to see more of him. I would love to see interaction between her children. Like, for example, Chase being stuck baby sitting the twins when there's a party and he brings them along and they end up being the life of the party. Haha the possibilities are endless. Keep up the great work I'm so honored to be your patron <3


I'm both glad to finally see him but also feel really bad there is that, well "trash" and it sucks but I hope you don't let that dissuade your from drawing more of him and the twins in the comics or drawings and hey why not do like a sweet family portrait of them to help set the tone?


We understand, it's kind of like how buxbi is hesitant about the same thing. I'm glad that we do get to see more of the family, and just like with Mabel, Demi, and all your characters, I know he will be liked and appreciated the same way.


I can't blame you at all for being hesitant on posting this, just hearing that some people want incest involved is disgusting to say the least. It definitely can't be ignored, and I hope for the best for you and the future of this character! ( very neat design too, I like it! ;v; )

Rawk Manx

wow that's disgusting, not sure if you've seen his stuff but the same thing pretty much happened to jinusenpai with his dog moms dog child deterring him from drawing him, why can't people just let moms be moms with their kids and not make it gross


Thank you for sharing with us! I agree tho, everyone else in the comments have had my thoughts so I feel there's no need to repeat them, but thank you for allowing us to see!!


I, too, would be disgusted. I'm sorry you have had to deal with that in the past. Hopefully you never have to deal with that in the future.

Nathan Smith

Oooof, yeah that was a really disturbing trend. I remember there was a couple artist who scrapped their OC’s kids because of it. Glad you felt comfortable to show him now, he has a great look.


Wow this is awesome I love the art and sorry you have to discuss that it must have been very disturbing and awkward


HE'S GOT THAT NECK MANE POOF LIKE HIS (future) DAD. Yes good. I love his design, Cherri! Can't wait to see cute stuff with these three and their mum! :3

Perry Beans

Definately understandable, hopeflly people respect your wishes whenthey go public.. Definately good to see you go forward with releasing their designs though, what absolute dears!


His design is super cool!


Looks like a cool dude


In every fandom there will be people who are into the more extremes. Some are more tolerable then others and some aren't. I do think as the artist of him you are well within your power to have waited this long after being sent those sort of messages. Especially if it was making you feel uncomfortable. I will say I think his design if cute and I hope we get to see more of him in the future. I think it would be really sweet if we got a comic of some sort of them all sitting at the dinner table and Mabel introduces her new boyfriend (he be a pretty boy) and Chase is like "He seems cool" and the two end up hitting it off really well and becoming close. Family bonding is some of the most heart warming and endearing stuff to see. At least i think so.


Damn, that's super uncool of those people. Then again, I guess there will always be those types of people. I've been wondering what he looked like, and he looks fantastic! The twins are also as cute as ever. Also, just a quick question. Does Chase get along well with the twins? I hope he does. He seems like a chill, fluffy boi.


For the most part yeah! He's a little grumpy in general so sometimes they get on his nerves (especially Frankie because she's so hyperactive and loud) but there's not usually anything more than typical sibling bickering :)


A: Awesome design, super dig it B: Sucks that your had to deal with that stuff. C: Roll with the punches, i doubt nintendo expected bowsette when they made a new powerup item, pervs gonna perv D: don't let it discourage you! You got a fan base that appreciates your story behind it all, smut for smut sake or smut with story or story for story, your gonna have fans on all side. E: keep being an awesome creator!


I'm so sorry you've had people come to you and say that kind of shit......like wtf yall These are really cute designs and I hope you can be left alone with ppl not bugging you with that anymore.


Wow. Wtf people... Get a life and stop bothering people for shit you know will never be made. Its like they think they've been following an entirely different artist this entire time. That's all I gotta say.