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After drawing both the last one and this one of her, I can say for certain I prefer drawing her with less revealing clothes ? ! They suit her more. I am somebody who actually prefers wearing non-revealing clothes irl so it just feels right for her too! Nevertheless, cute bathing suit is cute!!




Cherri what you doin!? My heart cant handle all this cute stuff.


These little "show the belly" swimsuits are the best! 💖 What a cute pic!


Mel is a precious cinnamon roll~


So does Mel make all her ice cream home made? I mean with a baby in the belly she's probably got a increase in milk making. Okay Cherri, you win. Mel is my favorite Waifu now. Mabel is still a favorite but gosh darn it Mel's stolen my heart. Why you do this to me Cherri? Too many beautiful and wonderful Mom characters. q_q 💙💙


Gah, she's definitely super cute in that bathing suit ;3; I think Mel's gotta be one of my top favorite waifus as well, she's just so darn amazing and lovable ;; <3


Messy messy


this is cuuute omg, I love the colors~


Love the artistic direction and while im a fan of more revealing attire, your right, cute AF

Rawk Manx

will we be seeing more Mommel in the future? she looks so cute covered or not


She is just so cute ❤️❤️❤️ love her belly 👌

Joey Mac

I simply cannot deal with how stinkin' cute she is. From her hair, to her posture, her bathing suit, her tum & copious spillage...I just, ughhhh, AGREE WITH EVERYTHING THAT'S GOING ON HERE.