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Sketch of a panel from the new comic update!

Also, sorry if things are a little slow. I've been going through some stuff. I won't burden you guys with the details, but I've been pushing through and working as hard as I can to make sure all the Patreon content is fulfilled on-time as usual.

Thank you for all your support!




His tail better be fucking wagging


Cherrrrrriiii omg yes 🙌👀


I hope things get better for you soon Cherri! ;; keep up the great work and I know you can do it! <3


Sorry to hear you're going through a rough spot. Here's hoping everything works out. 💜


Good things need time, dont push yourself so hard! <3

Rawk Manx

I don't think anyone wants to see a burned out Cherri, please take your time if needed

Nathan Smith

I love him! Make 20 more of him.

Perry Beans

What a cutiehunk aaaaaaa!!


Can't a guy just be happy to see a lady he likes? Or one he wants to be with? >_>