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Hello! This post is public so all my patrons can see it in case some of you are locked from my content. Here's a thread explaining why your payment may have been processed as a fraudulent charge this month. https://twitter.com/G0ffThew/status/1025007391723511808?s=19 UPDATE: official patreon tweet https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/1025071287020871680?s=19 Long story short, Patreon changed their IP so your bank may have detected the payment as suspicious or fraudulent and did not allow it to go through. There are a few fixes explained in the thread - mostly summing up to "email/call" your bank. This is another instance of Patreon making things very hard for their creators to get paid. It's quite frustrating to see this happen - especially because it affects much smaller creators than myself and their losses are signifcally larger in proportion. I seem to have already lost about $100 due to this, but I know others have lost more. All in all, I just want to apologize to you guys for all this hassle...! I'm trying to stay positive and keep you all informed when patreon will not. Sadly, this whole fiasco is entirely out of my control and we can only take things at whatever speed Patreon does. As always, thank you all for your incredible support! I love providing content for you guys, and while this stuff does put a small dent in my motivation, it will never stop me from creating. Thank you! Cherry



Thank you for making a post about this. I was very stressed when my payment didn't go through despite no issues with my debit card. I solved it by switching to my PayPal account, which charges the card. That way my payment went through and I didn't have to deal with calling my bank.


Thankfully I was already using Paypal so I don't think I had to worry about this, but hopefully this situation gets fixed so you and anyone else gets the full support they deserve!


Thank you for posting your solution! I'm glad it was sorted out for you and sorry about all that unnecessary stress 😓 bleh!


Thank you! Glad to hear you didn't have to deal with too much of this disaster! Here's hoping patreon gets it together soon!

Nathan Smith

Was curious why my payment went through the 2nd of the month rather then the 1st. That may have been the cause.


Had to switch to my paypal for the time being but i hope to use the payment I've always been using. Contacting my bank now. Thanks Patreon -_-

Rawk Manx

I haven't noticed any irregular activity with my card but I will be sure to keep an eye on it to be sure!


Hey, no sweat Cherri. This isn't your fault in the least! Just Patreon being frustrating as usual again....


Yeah this sucks and now I'm trying to update my card info but it won't let me :( What do I do?


Please check out the Patreon Twitter link above, but the two fixes I've seen is to either change the card info or link it through PayPal instead!