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imma just spoil it now and say this is part of another short comic (barely even a comic tbh, more like an image set) where mama has a wet dream about her friendly neighbor wolf man <3 so sadly nothing actually happens between them officially yet! but oh boy, i missed drawing couple poses!




Oh he is very good looking, but is he enough wolf for the mom?


Certainly!! And despite his looks, he's actually very sensitive and sweet, which dog mom is always a sucker for

Smyling Beast

And just like that, the self-insert fantasies of a thousand anonymous fan boys went up in smoke XD Even though it's just a dream (THIS time), it's great to see Mabel getting some proper attention~


11/10 would imagine myself in his perspective being that close to dog mom. Something I will never be able to accomplish 😭.


oh dear this is just too much for me, i cant take this! Just perfect really

Richard Blake

Is that a wedding band on the wolf's finger? How naughty.


Woah Mama! Literally! XD


Omg there so cute together!


They should be official tho, they’re quite the cute pair :)