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speedpaint + sourcefile of this one to come when its finished!




I swear there's never and never will be a version of dog mom that's not amazing 😜


Beautiful ♡


She's amazing!!!


Cheri, how do you always make Dog Mom such a Goddess? ^^

Pokebii (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 22:17:41 Amazing and splendidly hot as always :>
2018-01-10 05:45:16 Amazing and splendidly hot as always :>

Amazing and splendidly hot as always :>

Smyling Beast

If the day ever comes when I must choose my preferred method of execution, I shall boldly ask for XXXtra Dog Mom to be dropped upon me from a great height.

Smyling Beast

XD I literally posted that because I was running out of ways to verbally do proper justice to the majesty of your OC. Glad it had the desired effect though!