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if you couldn't tell by the horrendous quality lol, i'm just quickly throwing around ideas!!

but ... a possible new character? i based her off the tattoo i have on my thigh, which is a lucky cat! i'm still pretty undecided on her hair tho

she loves gold and riches (obviously), enjoys traditional crafts like pottery and calligraphy, and eats grilled fish for every meal!!

possible names so far:


Tsukiko ("Tsu")




Little Othinus

First off. She's adorable and secondly its a wonderful idea!! I think the Japanese word for luck or wealth should be her name or some play on the word.


thank you!! and i was thinking that too, i'll have to do some more research to make sure i put together a name that makes sense in the language!


I actually like Tsukiko.She has a real elegant look and Tsukiko sounds elegant...ish 😂.Jokes aside I could see her being like a princess.

Smyling Beast

I love that you've adapted the traditional Japanese 'lucky cat' design into your distinctive style. She's extremely cute! I can picture her owning a curio shop that collects rare and valuable trinkets. This is a really promising design!


Maybe "Asuza" :D


Tsu-chan! Amazing, I love her already!


I liked her hair style, she sure looks promising!


Mew!! She is adorable ♡


Oh my god Cherri she's beautiful! Even in this "rough" state (or so you seem to think) she seems elegant and very traditional (her dress looks oriental to me). Wonderful work, even for a "horrendous" drawing.