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happy holidays everybody!!! i've made this post available to all my patrons!

thank you guys so much for all your support this year! it means so much to me!!

as somebody who generally felt like an unsuccessful person for a very long time until my art began to gain traction just this past summer, i have never felt better about myself and my work, and i owe a huge portion of that to you guys, my supporters! whether you pledged today or have been here since the beginning, i appreciate your support so much - on days where i feel shitty and am doubting my own abilities, i remember i've got all you guys who believe in me enough to even throw me a few bucks every month, so thank you so much!!

and that's about all for my sappy thank you note! i hope you guys have a lovely holiday and get somethin sparkly that was on your wishlist this year!

in the meantime, enjoy the dog mom ASS




Happy to be there for ya :3


HEY! you're sweet and awesome and super talented. You got this!


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You deserve every bit of success you got. Happy Holidays!

Momma Rex

Love your art and I'm happy to support you, keep doing what you're doing and happy holidays! 😁

Smyling Beast

Now there's a sight to jingle your bells! What a succulent festive Dog Mom~ I'll bet her fur smells like sugar cookies :3 Many thanks for all of your superb artwork this year Cherry! May the popularity of your lovely OCs continue to reach new heights in the year to come, you deserve it! I'm actually really excited to see further windows into Dog Mom and family's lives, I'm a sucker for your snippets of character enriching info, as well as the super sexy stuff which you do so very well :) Enjoy the well-earned Christmas break!


The pleasure is ours, Cheri. =^^= Merry Christmas and happy new year! =)

Chiku Rattus

It truly has been a delight to support you and your endeavors! Hope you have a fantastic holiday season, and let's make next year even more amazing than this year! :D


Hey, thanks for sharing the wealth! Believe in us who believe in you. And in the Heart of the Cards.