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the public demands more XTRA THICK dog mom...... and who am i to deny the people of what they want 




Holy hell Cheri.... O.O When this is done I think I speak for all of us when I say you win the internet! XD


Milky goodness!


Apparently her pups did a number on her lactation cycle then we all thought they did when she was pregnant with them.


I am starting to think she's part Bovine as of late. :D

Josue Herazo

i hope you will draw all of this for the last 100 years :') ty cherry !


Can't wait to see it fully colored Cherry~ ;3

Smyling Beast

Good Lord almighty ..! Got a notification about this at work and I just had to witness the glory of the pic immediately, and damn the consequences. I was not disappointed. The fact that you entertain your fans' perverted whims about an Extra Thick™ Dog Mom just makes us adore your work all the more. She's breath-taking~!