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i'll be posting this on my websites n shit tomorrow, but i thought u guys would like this sneak peak! PLUS this is the hd version without the big ol patreon watermark at the bottom like the ones im gonna be posting publicly hehe




Yes, Dog Mom, your cheesecake *is* the tastiest...

Smyling Beast

Amazing work Cherry! The way the light plays upon each of Dog Mom's outlying regions makes her look like even more of a heavenly vision. Motherly softness for days~ The jar of dog biscuits on the kitchen counter is a cute little touch as well ... I guess it's only fair that she sneaks a few while she's busy cooking :3

Richard Blake

I do wonder what her kids would think if they'd walk in on her whilst she's nude cooking... Or are they so used to their mom's clotheless behavior that non of them care anymore?


is there gonna be the source file for this? :-D