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Nahida left the village's main building and went straight to his hotel. As soon as he arrived, he noticed some fences had been put in place so no one could get in. 'That makes me a bit sad.'

This showed that Tsunade still hadn't changed her mind. It even seemed that she trusted him even less now.

'Well...' Nahida passed through the protections and entered the hotel. When he entered, he saw Nazuna at the reception desk, attending to some customers. A smile appeared on Nazuna's face. Nahida had disappeared for two days and hadn't said when he would return.

Apart from Nazuna, only Joulan was at the reception. Rias hadn't arrived yet because it wasn't lunchtime.

Nahida closed the door and waited. As soon as the couple had left, Nahida approached Nazuna. "Where were you? I was worried!" She told him.

"I told you I was going out, didn't I?"

"You did, but you didn't say when you'd be back. I thought you'd only be away for a few hours!"

"I thought I said I'd be away for a few days."

"You didn't!"

"I only came here to eat; I left my things in the village. I'm going back there as soon as I've finished eating. Are you having trouble taking care of everything?"

"Don't worry about it. We're taking care of everything. Oh, and that girl called Bulma was looking for you, but I didn't know where you were. She seemed a bit sad."

"Haaa~~" Nahida sighed. "I'll talk to her later and explain everything. Now I want to eat! I can't eat more noodles. I need to eat something else!"


"What? Don't we have anything to eat?"

"Today's lunch is noodles..."

"Are you kidding?"

"No... And it's not ready either."

"I'll ask Lucky to prepare something different. I don't want to eat noodles again! I want to eat anything but that!"

"You can stay here and rest. I'll go over and talk to him."

"No need, I'll go there myself. Ah, and where Kelly is."

"About her... She left hours ago."

"She left?" Nahida asked, startled. "What do you mean she left?"

"I don't know why she left either, but she went to the same place you always go. That place that has a store."

"She went to my world?!" Nahida asked.

An emergency had arisen.


But even though it was an emergency, Nahida didn't worry too much and waited for his food to be prepared while he chatted with some customers who had arrived for lunch.

He would eat rice with meat and a tomato salad. It was a simple food he couldn't find in Naruto's world.

'This is so good!!!' Nahida devoured all the food quickly, and soon after eating, he began to worry about Kelly. She still hadn't returned, meaning she had gotten into trouble.

'Damn... I don't want to go after her.'

Nahida knew Kelly didn't look strange and could be mistaken for a tourist. However, Kelly was just a robot, just like Shelly. For this reason, Kelly could end up doing something crazy.

"Are you going to go out after her?"

"I'm still thinking about it. I don't know where she's gone, so going out to look for her won't do any good."

Kelly had left long ago.

"I'll go back to the village. When night comes, I'll come back to see if she's returned."


Nahida prepared to leave, but Rias arrived just as he was about to open the door.

"Oh? Nahida? Are you leaving?"

"I'm going to a nearby village. I'll be back during the night."

"Oh, right. Sorry I'm late, I had to do something urgently."

"Don't worry, good work."

Nahida left the hotel and returned to Naruto's world. As soon as he returned, he noticed a few people nearby, and one of them was Naruto. He was staring at Nahida, but as soon as their eyes met, Naruto ran away.

'He's still suspicious of me.'

Nahida ignored this and went to the same open place he had gone with Sakura to train.

'I'm looking forward to what will happen once the percentage reaches 100.'

While training, Nahida kept thinking about Kelly.


A blonde-haired girl carried some market bags in a rural area near Nahida's hotel. Suddenly, a strange car appeared.

It was a black car with three strange men in it.

'Hm?' The woman looked confused when the black car with the dark windows suddenly pulled beside her. 

"Hey, what are you doing all alone in this area?" The man sitting in the passenger seat asked after lowering his car window. Kelly, who noticed that something was wrong, didn't answer.

And as she walked, the car was reversing to keep up with her.

Kelly stopped walking and turned towards the car.

"Can I help you?" Kelly asked coldly.

"I'm asking what you're doing in this area alone. Come on, get in the car. I'll take you somewhere safe."

The man gave a mischievous smile.

Kelly tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm telling you to get in the car. Let's go." The man in the passenger seat said. Just then, the car door suddenly opened.

Not just the passenger seat door, all three men descended simultaneously.

[ Defense mode ]

[ Defense mode activated ]

"I must eliminate the targets."


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