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The afternoon passed, and Nahida had finally finished his training. He had spent the whole afternoon doing physical exercise and meditation, so the percentage in his status had increased a lot. However, it was still far from enough.

[ Chakra ] - 8.37%

'I think I'll need to train for almost a week to get this to 100%...' Nahida was very excited despite being tired, panting, and feeling aches and pains throughout his body.

'Damn, it's been so long since I've done so much exercise that I'm all sore...' Nahida stood up and started watching Sakura, who was doing some fighting moves.

As she practiced, she kept a serious look. The look on her face at that moment was different from the look on her face when she was talking to Nahida.

'And even though she tried so hard, she was practically useless in the main fights in the story... Well, she did have some relevance in the shinobi world war.'

Nahida felt guilty for thinking things like that. 

He shook his head and approached Sakura. As soon as she saw him, she stopped her training immediately. It was getting dark, so Sakura was already planning to go home.

"So, how did it go?"

"I'm much better now. I can feel some Chakra. I think if I keep training for a week, I'll be able to start learning some jutsus." Nahida wasn't sure but told her anyway.

"Is that so? That's incredible. Remember, when the time comes, I'll be the first to teach you, okay?"

"Sure, sure..." Nahida then put on his shirt. His sweaty body made it wet again. "Urgh, the smell of sweat is very unpleasant," Nahida said.

"I don't think so. It smells good." Sakura started sniffling, sniffing Nahida.

"..." Nahida was speechless.

'I think it's best not to say anything.'

Nahida and Sakura continued walking together until they returned to the village's busiest part. In the distance, Naruto could see them together; he clenched his fists but didn't approach.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Don't you have to concentrate on your training?"

"Don't worry, I'll help you until you use jutsus."


Nahida realized that Sakura was obsessed with him.

He watched Sakura walk away and put his hands on his waist. 'This girl...' Then, he prepared to return to his room and take a bath to rest. But... someone stepped in his way.

"What were you doing with Sakura again?" It was Naruto. 

He arrived and started pointing his finger at Nahira's chest. Nahida was momentarily startled, but it was funny how Naruto was much shorter than him.

'But I must be careful. He's stronger than me. '

Even though he had gone up a few levels, Nahida knew that Naruto was stronger than him. 'But I'm sure he won't be stronger than me for long.'

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Naruto, right? I want to return to my room now. I'm exhausted." Nahida raised his hands, showing that he didn't want confusion. The people around them were staring at the two of them.

"First, tell me what you were doing with Sakura." Naruto looked down at Nahida's sweaty shirt and saw his muscles. Nahida realized that he was having some impure thoughts.

'Does he think I did something like that to Sakura? Is he crazy?' Nahida thought.

"I was just training with her. She was helping me, that's all. Now, can I go back to my room?"

"..." Naruto didn't know how to prove that he had done anything against Sakura, so he remained silent.

"Know that I still don't trust you." It was the last thing Naruto said before turning and walking away.

Nahida let out a long sigh.

'Man, dealing with this guy will be annoying if Sakura keeps getting that close to me.'


Two days had passed since Nahida's training began. And despite training in the morning on his own, in the afternoon with Sakura, and meditating at night before going to bed, his percentage still hadn't reached 30%

[ Chakra ] - 26.33%

'That's annoying.' However, being able to feel the evolution didn't let Nahida give up. He could feel the Chakra expanding more and more inside his body. His body was adapting.

It was a good feeling, the feeling of becoming stronger.

'It's strange, though, since I feel stronger, but my strength status hasn't increased.'

Nahida went into his small bathroom and took a shower to sleep. Tomorrow would be four days since Nahida arrived in the world of Naruto.

He closed his eyes and began imagining how to learn jutsus quickly.

Nahida thought of doing the obvious...

He thought about returning to his hotel and reading the wiki to find out how all the jutsus worked so he could train them all. However, he first wanted to train without using the internet.

Then Nahida slept.

He woke up the next day feeling a little unwell. Ever since Nahida arrived in this world, the basis of his diet had been ramen.

And that was starting to make him feel bad.

'I don't even feel like training today.'

Nahida then decided to break his promise and return to his hotel.

'I want to eat something different~~' He wants to return there to eat. That's not bad, is it?

"As soon as I've finished eating, I'll come back and only go back there to eat again tomorrow!"


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