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Nahida finished eating his Ramen, and his stomach was so full it felt like it would burst at any moment. Being so full, it was impossible to train at the moment. He had to wait a while.

Kakashi stared at him briefly and got up after paying for the ramen.

"Where are you going?" Nahida asked while stroking his swollen belly.

"I need to get back to work."

"Ah yes, good luck. I'm going to my room to rest. I will train later."

"Good luck with the training." Kakashi waved his hand as he walked away. After that, he took a book out of his pocket and started reading. Nahida smiled and then looked at the old man.

"What did you think of the food?" The old man asked.

"It's the best ramen I've ever had," Nahida replied.

"Hahaha, that's good to hear."

Nahida turned away and started walking through the village towards the main building to return to his room. However, as he walked through the village, he was suddenly surprised by someone poking him in the back.

Nahida turned around and saw Sakura standing there.

"Have you finished talking to the Hokage?" She asked.

"Yes, I've finished. She even gave me a room to stay in."

"Really? That's great. So, what about the training? Do you want to do that now? I have some free time."

"Hmmm..." Nahida was so full he felt a little sick, but he accepted Sakura's proposal. She seemed so excited that he would have felt guilty turning her down.

"Right, let's go. But where are we going to do it?"

"There's an open field nearby. Ah, but before we go, can I go home and talk to my mom about it?"

"Sure, go ahead." Nahida realized that Sakura was just an ordinary teenager. 

'Right, I'll just stay here and wait for her.' Nahida leaned against the wall to rest and wait until Sakura returned. While he waited, Nahida managed to see a few characters.

However, he didn't see many.

'I haven't seen Neji or Hinata yet. I want to see what their eyes look like in person. They must be beautiful...' Nahida was sure he would see them soon.

And then, after long minutes. Sakura approached.

"What did your mother say?"

"She told me to be careful but said it's okay."


Nahida didn't know it, but Sakura told her mother she would be with someone else.


Sakura and Nahida were finally alone in a wide area. There were trees all around, and no one was around. The only sound that could be heard was the leaves of the trees swaying in the wind.

Nahida and Sakura stared at each other while Sakura tried to explain to Nahida how he could sense his Chakra, but even after long minutes, he couldn't sense anything. It seemed useless.

"You can't sense anything? Are you sure?" Sakura seemed to be losing hope.

Since Nahida wasn't from that world, Sakura had expected something to go wrong, but it was still frustrating.

"I can't feel anything. Should I do something special?"

"Try to concentrate hard... I don't know how to explain it to you very well."

Sakura had already explained the basic concept to Nahida. She couldn't explain any more than that to him. She couldn't think of a way to make Nahida feel the Chakra.

'I think it's useless...' Nahida opened his Status again.

[ Name ] - Nahida Yamato

[ Level ] - 19 (0/6000)

[ Strength ] - 115

[ Agility ] - 110

[ Endurance ] - 120

[ Magic ] - 230

[ Chakra ] - 1%

'Huh?' Nahida was confused when he saw the last thing that appeared in his Status. 'This is new. This wasn't here before.'

Nahida started to get a little excited.

"Sakura, I think it's working."

"Did you feel it?"

"No... But it's working. Let's get on with it." 

Nahida closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. He raised his concentration to the maximum, trying to see inside his body. He tried to detect some different energy there.

However, nothing was happening.

But even so, he kept his concentration.

A few minutes were they passed, maybe 10 minutes?

Sakura continued to stare at Nahida, hoping that something would change. However, Nahida opened his eyes, and Sakura noticed he looked slightly discouraged.

"What happened?"

"This is going to take longer than I expected."

[ Chakra ] - 1.26%

The percentage began to rise, but Nahida noticed something strange.

[ Chakra ] - 1.27%

Even without his concentration, the percentage went up by 0.01%, meaning he didn't need to concentrate and train for the percentage to keep rising. 'But training will speed things up.'

Nahida was eager to reach 100%


Nahida remembered a few things and also received information from Sakura. He knew training his body could help, so Nahida started doing it.

While Sakura watched him, Nahida continued to do physical exercises.

Push-ups, sit-ups, and he even ran for a while. 

'It's been a while since I've trained my body like this.' Nahida approached Sakura and took off his shirt, which was soaked with sweat. Sakura's face turned red when she saw Nahida's muscles.

'That's good. The percentage has gone up a lot.'

[ Chakra ] - 2.47%

'But I must keep going.'

Sitting next to Sakura, Nahida began to meditate, hoping it would help. And when it did, 'Huh? I can feel something. A smile appeared on Nahida's face. He was getting very excited!

In his stomach, he could feel something.

'That must be it. I need to increase that percentage and adapt my body to it or something... I would like to know if I need to do the same to use magic in Rimuru's world.'

Sakura continued to stare at Nahida's muscles as he meditated.


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