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I stared at the snake for a few more seconds and advanced towards it. I hit it this time, but my attack did less damage than I had hoped. The snake managed to avoid the attack hitting its head, so I hit its body.

But even though I hit its body, the damage wasn't significant.

A relatively deep cut had appeared, but the snake's HP had hardly decreased, and it was already starting to regenerate HP.

HP 3.654/3.994

'Damn, can I poison it?' I avoided going for its head and went straight for the snake's tail. Then I bit with all my might and pierced its skin.

My fangs invaded its body, and my poison was injected.

The snake, which didn't seem to care much about the poison, attacked me but missed the attack and hit the rocks. 'I don't know if it had any effect, but it must be working.'

SP 120/350

'But my SP is running out. I have to finish this.' I started running and biting the snake on various parts of its body. I'm causing damage.

Even though its defense is high, it's not enough to stop me.

However, I'm running out of time.


My SP was reaching a critical state and didn't look like the snake would give up so easily. Its HP was still above 1,000 even though its body was all wounded. That's hell.


Losing my mind, I faced the snake head-on and started swinging my eight legs, trying to hit it however I could. I didn't know how to devise a strategy that would work... I will use brute force!

'DIE, DIE, DIE!' I made several deep cuts on the snake's body, including its face. Its left eye is destroyed.

SP 20/350


My body was too heavy. I was getting very close to my limit. If my SP reaches zero, I'm going to die.

And then, as the snake came towards me, taking advantage of my tiredness, I saw a stone flying towards it, hitting the snake directly in the right eye. Although it wasn't a strong attack, the snake felt it.

I looked over and saw the two monkeys holding stones in their hands.

'My children...' My eight eyes filled with tears.

They continued throwing stones and encouraged me to continue my attacks. I continued to slash and slash until its HP, which was already below 1,000, began to drop rapidly.

And then...


The snake's tail swung violently, heading straight for my two little monkeys. Their bodies, which didn't have much defense, were pressed against the wall by the snake. They died.

The snake was almost blind, but it was still able to kill them.

And that was the reason for my fit of rage. I'll make this snake suffer.

SP 10/350

I cut its mouth, making it squirm in pain, and then I moved closer.


'Fireball. Fireball. Fireball.' I began to throw several fireballs into its mouth, causing the snake to be cooked from the inside out as it agonized in pain. 'That's for killing my little monkeys!'

I screamed in my mind as my MP was quickly drained, along with the snake's HP.

[ "Fire Magic LV3" became "Fire Magic LV4" ]

And then.


The snake's large body collapsed. It's dead.

And me? I'm almost dead.

SP 2/350

Although my HP is almost full, my SP is at its limit. I immediately deactivated the editing skill and completely lost the strength in my body. As I didn't level up, I didn't recover.

'Damn...' Then, I lost consciousness next to the snake's body.


When I woke up, my body felt heavy. I couldn't even walk properly. I opened my Status to take a look at my situation.

SP 30/350

It's still too low.

'I should find somewhere to rest...' I started to walk and went over to the monkeys. When I touched them, the message to change the Status of their bodies didn't appear. 'So I can only use their body once?

That sucks, I wanted to revive them. They helped me find this treasure.

I approached the snake again and touched it.

Elroe Baraggish LV25

[ Status: Dead ]

'Change Status to alive.'

At my command, the snake's Status changed to alive. When it stood before me, I had to look up because of its size.

'It would be so nice if it continued with its skills...'

Hm? Wait, it kept some skills!

To my surprise, the snake had kept the skills [ Deadly Poison Attack LV10] and [ Stealth LV10 ]. They're excellent skills, that's great. All right, let's do the editing.

"Edit its SP to 30, attack to 30, and defense to 30.' It doesn't need speed. I want the snake to use its Stealth skill to get close to monsters and kill them. However, in this place, it will be difficult.

With only 10 HP, this snake will die with just one attack, even if its defense is 30.

'But I can't leave the snake here. I have to use its body somehow. You, come with me.'

We returned to the same place where I had met Kumoko. This place had already become my temporary "base." I'll stay here for a while longer.

'Right, you're staying here for now. I'll keep you here until I can increase your Status more.'

If I left its body to rot where I killed it, I might not be able to revive it afterwards. So it was good to revive it and bring it here. The problem is whether this snake will stay alive until my ability levels up.

'Well, I'll do my best to protect it.'


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