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Nahida knocked faintly on the door and heard footsteps coming towards the door. They were Kakashi's footsteps. The door opened, and Kakashi was surprised to see Nahida standing beside Sakura.

Kakashi looked at Sakura, and she just smiled.

"You, go away." He told her.


"We need to talk to him, so have fun elsewhere."

"All right..." Sakura had to obey. After saying goodbye to Nahida, she left, and Nahida entered the room with Kakashi. Tsunade, who had seen him enter, let out a long sigh.

'I didn't think he'd come here so soon.' Tsunade thought.

"What have you come here for?" she asked him.

"Do you have to be so rude? I want to talk."

"I told you, the market is out of the question."

"But I've explained everything to you, haven't I? There's nothing dangerous. Oh, and I heard you two talking." Nahida looked at Kakashi. "I agree with Kakashi's idea. You can take care of everything and check the products. Is that all right with you?"

"..." Tsunade looked at Kakashi. She seemed a little annoyed with him.

"So, what do you think?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"Right, you can take as long as you like."

"Did you come here just to talk about it?"

"No, I also came here to ask for help with something else. I am considering staying here for a while. I was looking for a place to stay."

"You could rent a house or something."

"Is it that easy to find houses around here? There are a lot of people."

"You can if you search. Kakashi, help him."

"Huh? Me?" He didn't want to do this. Nahida realized this and refused to accept Kakashi's help.

"No, it's okay. I can find a place to stay on my own."

"But why do you want a place to stay? Your hotel is already here in the village. Just go back there when you go to sleep." Tsunade said. And she was right. It was much easier for Nahida to go back to his hotel to sleep.

By doing so, he could save money.

"I don't want to return to my hotel for a few days. I have some staff members, so staying away for a few days is not too much trouble." Nahida said to Tsunade.

Nahida hadn't told Nazuna he would be away for a few days, but she certainly realized it because of the large backpack Nahida was carrying. 

But even if she didn't realize it, Nahida knew Nazuna would care for everything while he was away. The only problem was the market, but Nahida had bought many products, so he was sure it would be enough for a few days.

"And why don't you want to come back?"

"I even came to train."

"Train?" Tsunade was surprised and confused. She knew Nahida wasn't from that world; why would he want to train there? He probably couldn't use Chakra and didn't even know how people from that world fought.

But she was wrong. Nahida knows very well how they fight.

"Yes, I want to train. I don't know yet if I can use Chakra like you, but I'm willing to try."

"So you know about chakra."

"Of course, I know. But I still don't know if I can use it."

"And you want to stay here in the village for a few days to see if you can develop the ability to use Chakra... You know, it's not that easy. I think you'll be disappointed." Tsunade smiled.

"I don't mind," Nahida replied. "Now I think I'll go. I have to find a place to stay, and I also have to have lunch in a little while. I want to try Ichiraku's ramen."

"Do you know Ichiraku?"

"Of course I do."

"..." Tsunade watched as Nahida left, accompanied by Kakashi, and before they left, she called him. "You can stay here if you want. There are plenty of rooms." That's what she said to Nahida. Nahida couldn't believe it.

Was she inviting him to stay at the Hokage's residence for a few days?

"This isn't a trap for you to kill me while I'm asleep, is it?"

"Maybe," Tsunade replied.

Kakashi, listening to their conversation, let out a long sigh. He seemed to be disinterested.


Kakashi took Nahida to a bedroom he had never seen in the anime. Afterward, Kakashi left the room and left Nahida alone.

"Let's put the things here." Nahida put his backpack in the corner of the room and then tried out the bed. It didn't compare to the quality of the beds in his hotel, but it was good enough.

Nahida also went to take a look at the bathroom. 

"It's good enough."

Nahida now had to prepare for his training. But first, he wanted to eat the ramen he had always wanted to try. He had only eaten a snack before leaving his hotel and was getting hungry.

When Nahida left the room, Kakashi was there.

So he escorted Nahida out.

"Do you want to come and eat ramen with me?"

"Sure," Kakashi replied in a monotone.

Nahida smiled bitterly, and they walked to Ichiraku's Ramen.

"It's nice here, and the smell is great." A few customers were eating, but two seats were available for Nahida and Kakashi. And then Nahida remembered something he still needed to do.

He hadn't turned his money into the currency they use in Naruto's world.

'Can I do that here?''

To Nahida's disappointment, it didn't work. 'I have to be inside the hotel...' 

"What happened? Are you out of money?" Kakashi asked.


Nahida remained silent.

"It's okay, I'll pay it for you."

"Are you sure? Thank you."

Nahida then placed his order with the kind old man. He asked for the best-selling ramen.

As soon as the ramen was placed before him, Nahida's mouth salivated.



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