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I kept killing monsters but soon got tired. The most tired I feel at the moment is mental.

'And even after killing so many of them and running for a long time, I don't feel hungry...'

I no longer felt hungry after my new evolution. Before, I had to eat often, and my stomach started to hurt when I didn't eat, but now...

Now, I've gone hours without eating, and nothing is happening to me.

'That's good. I don't have to eat the disgusting monsters in this place.' The problem is that since I don't have to eat them, I'm leaving the monsters' bodies lying around. It can attract more monsters.

It's not just me who needs to eat in this labyrinth. 'Well, that's no problem since the more monsters, the better.' I need more EXP.

'Speaking of which...' While resting peacefully, some monsters that hadn't detected my presence suddenly appeared. It's the perfect time to test the skill I've just obtained.

Yes, I've got a new skill.

[ Intimidation LV1 ]

'I gained this skill after scaring many monsters with my appearance and strength.'

And since it's a passive skill, I only came out of my hiding place and looked at the nearby monsters. There were three Kohokoro, an armadillo that isn't very strong.

They were weak monsters and started running as soon as they saw me. I didn't go after them, though.

'Yes, it's working... I think.' Well... Before I acquired the skill, I was already terrifying these monsters... Is it working?

Also, In addition to this intimidation skill, I acquired two other new skills.

I got these two skills using my points. The first skill is [ Magic Power Operation ], and the second is [ Fire Magic ].

Yes, that's right!

As I said before, I have a dream of being able to use magic. I already could sense mana, but, I couldn't use it. Now, I can with the skill [ Magic Power Operation ].

I can control mana however I want.


To prove it, I created a blade with just mana that flew out and cut the stone before me. It wasn't a deep cut, but I'm sure it's enough to hurt a monster if I try.

But I didn't want just throw mana blades, so I bought the skill [ Fire Magic ].

Fire magic is the most powerful... At least in the fantasy stories I've read. I hope that's the case here, too. But what do I do?

'Should I create a fireball? A spear of fire? An explosion? A wall of fire to serve as protection?'

But... I don't know how to do that. Should I use my imagination, or is there some pre-programmed command? The system hasn't told me any commands.

'Right, let's try using imagination... Let's make the fire circulate me and then come together, creating a ball of fire.....'

Slowly, small flames began to appear, and soon, in front of me, a fireball began to be formed by particles of fire coming from everywhere. My eyes lit up with excitement.

The heat from the fireball was burning me, but I didn't care.

'That's so cool!' The fireball was red and incandescent. The glow it caused made the place I was standing in, which had previously been dark, light up. It was a mighty light.

But now, let's see the power of this magic.


And with my command, the fireball traveled... but... at a very slow speed.

And before it could hit the wall fifty meters away, the magic disappeared utterly.

'Is that because it's level 1? Ah, damn...'

I should keep using it to increase the level. I still can't edit it...There's still another 11 hours to go.

'Oh, and it's the first time I used my MP.'

The amount of MP spent was a little. I only spent 5 of my 250 MP to launch that fireball.

'I may become a powerful wizard in the future.'

So, I created another fireball and threw it at a closer wall. The fireball crashed into the labyrinth wall, leaving a black stain. It hadn't done much damage, but that's incredible.

So, I created another fireball.

Then, I created a fire arrow.

And after that, I created a small whirlwind of fire that swallowed up small rocks.

[ "Fire Magic LV1" became "Fire Magic LV2" ]


From then on, my fun with fire continued.


*Change of POV*

As the little spider continued to walk through the depths of the labyrinth, bodies and more bodies came into its view. It was a scene from a horror movie that made her body tremble. 'That monster must be nearby...'

The little spider hadn't even managed to up a single level because of the lack of monsters. Whoever the beast was that was killing these monsters, it was doing it just for fun.

'Maybe it's Mom... No, it can't be her. She wouldn't kill that many monsters and not eat them.'

And then, suddenly, the little spider's body shivered.

'Damn it, damn it!!!" She screamed internally and hid behind the rocks.

In the distance, something frightening could be seen.

A black spider... THREE times bigger. But the red crystal on the giant spider's forehead and the fireballs it was creating and throwing were what caught the little spider's attention.

The giant spider was jumping back and forth, seemingly enjoying itself.

'The aura of this spider...' The threatening aura made the little spider tremble.

'That's not one of my siblings...' The spider thought.

The spider slowly moved away.

'I have to go up. I can't stay here any longer!' The spider said confidently.


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