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Nahida woke up in bed next to Bulma the next day, feeling tired from the previous night.

Because of the previous night, the room also smelled unpleasant. It was the smell of sweat mixed with the smell of sperm.

"Bulma, are you awake?" Nahida shook Bulma, but she didn't wake up. She was feeling exhausted. Nahida left the bed without waking her and put on his clothes.

As soon as Nahida left Bulma's room, Nahida bumped into some customers.

It was morning, so the customers were coming down for breakfast.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, owner. Why did you sleep up here?" A short, bald man asked. He was a new customer but knew that Nahida had a room downstairs. He was surprised to see Nahida upstairs.

"My room is filthy, so I decided to sleep in one of the rooms up here."

"Oh, right. The rooms here are very nice, the bed is comfortable, and that strange thing makes the temperature pleasant. I think the only problem is the windows."

"If the window is left open, the temperature control device won't work, so I leave the windows locked."

Of course, that was a lie. From the day Nahida's hotel became what it is now, he could no longer open the windows.

"I see. But that's not a complaint. Now, I will have breakfast to get on with my day. Do you have any idea what we'll have for breakfast today?"

Nahida followed the man downstairs.

"I do not make the menu, so I don't know."

"I see." The man walked over to one of the tables and sat down next to a man who was his friend. Nahida also sat down but at a different table.

Nazuna, who had already arrived and finished clearing the tables, was surprised to see Nahida. She was in front of Nahida's bedroom door and knew he had not left his room.

'Did he come from outside? He woke up early.' Nazuna smiled and approached the table.

"You're up very early." She said.

Nahida was startled but soon calmed down. "I didn't sleep well, so I've hardly slept tonight."

"You should rest! You don't have to worry about the hotel. I'll take care of everything."

"I'm going to visit my father in the afternoon. I can't sleep now... If I do, I might only wake up during the night."

"I see... Are you hungry? I'll ask Lucky to prepare something for you."

"Yes, thank you. And tell him to hurry. The customers are already waiting." Nahida wasn't the most crucial customer there. He first told Nazuna to worry about the customers waiting for their meals.

But of course, as soon as she arrived in the kitchen, Nazuna first spoke about Nahida and later told Lucky about the other customers.

Fortunately, the food was almost finished. The cooks Nahida had hired were becoming more efficient as they were close to being promoted to level 2. 

After a few minutes, all the customers began to be served. Of course, Nahida was also one of them.

"Hm, that's very tasty." Breakfast was very filling. As well as rice and eggs, there was also toast with strawberry jam and green tea to go with it. Nahida ate everything slowly.

He enjoyed the taste of the food.

And when the other customers started to leave, Bulma finally went downstairs for breakfast. When she saw Nahida, her face turned red, and she couldn't look him in the eye.

She sat down at another table and was served by Nazuna.

Nahida didn't want to go there because Nazuna might suspect something.

'I think I'll take a shower.'

Nahida left the dirty dishes on the table and went to his room. He took his cell phone and noticed some messages from his mother.

[ Mother - Son, you can see your father tomorrow morning. Your father is looking forward to seeing you. He wants to thank you for your help. ]

A smile appeared on his face as soon as Nahida read the messages.

'I'll go there now. I'll visit him and then think about what to do. I should go straight to Naruto's world when I return...'


Nahida finished getting ready and told Nazuna he was leaving to visit his father. As soon as he left, Nahida ran into his neighbor, but she didn't try to initiate a conversation this time.

She wished him a good day and then went to the convenience store.

Nahida ran towards the nearest train station and luckily arrived in time for the day's first train. 'I'm very anxious. I didn't get to talk to my father last time.'

Nahida's father was the person he hated most before he moved away. His father had always treated him like dirt, which had left some trauma in Nahida. However, now was not the time for Nahida to think about the past.

His father had just escaped death.

'I just need to talk to him for a while, make sure he's feeling okay, and then leave...'

Nahida sighed as he looked out the train window at the landscape passing by quickly.


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