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[ "Small Lesser Taratect LV5" became "Small Lesser Taratect LV6" ]

[ All basic skills improved ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved ]

[ The skill "Pain Resistance LV1" has become Pain Resistance LV2" ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved ]

[ The skill "Poison Fang LV7" has become "Poison Fang LV8" ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved ]

[ The skill "Night Vision LV7" became "Night Vision LV8" ]

"Hmm, everything is progressing rather quickly. But I'm still a long way from level 10. There aren't many monsters here. Just more Ferects." Ah, it's true; I saw a trio of tiny dinosaurs.

But they were on level two and ran away when they saw me kill one of the Ferects. I could have gone after them, but I didn't.

'All right, let's eat and get some rest, after which we'll continue my journey in search of where the bee's nest is... Or was it wasps?' It doesn't matter. It's a great place to level up.

Not only that, but it's also the place where I can reach a deep part of the labyrinth and where the earth dragon is. Killing that monster will give me a frightening number of experience points.

But won't doing that hinder Kumoko's evolution? But I'm not Kumoko? So far, I haven't found out precisely whether I became her or I'm just an extra who ended up in this place.

'But I think I am an extra... It's impossible that I took Kumoko's place. I'll only find out the truth when I meet her.'


[ "Small Lesser Taratect LV6" became "Small Lesser Taratect LV7" ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved. ]

[ The skill "Thread Manipulation LV5" has become "Thread Manipulation LV6" ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved.]

[ Skill "Night Vision LV7" became "Night Vision LV8" ]

'Seriously, this is making me a bit sad. My skill number isn't increasing like Kumoko's.'

I even got hit by paralysis skills to try to acquire paralysis resistance, but I failed. Unfortunately, my number of skills seems to be limited...

I'm not Kumoko.

If I had become her, I would have the same ability to gain skills easily.

But to say that I didn't gain any skills, I did receive a rather interesting skill. However, I had to spend my points to buy it, and that skill is called:

[ Mana Perception ]

However, it cost all of my 500 points. For some reason, it's costly. I don't know the exact price Kumoko paid for her skills, but it's expensive.

'Now I'll focus on acquiring mana control to learn magic. After that, I'll think about other skills to learn.'

And why did I take this skill, you ask?

'I like magic. Yes, I love magic. Stories focused on magic are my favorite! I want to use magic! I remember that Kumoko was also very keen to use magic, but I don't think she likes magic as much as I do.'

I want to get all the magical elements. I want to become a wizard king or something.

'I'm exaggerating. It will take a lot of work.'

Small Lesser Taratect LV6

Skill Points: 0



HP 26

MP 26

SP 26

Average Offense Ability: 17

Average Defense Ability: 17

Average Magic Ability: 16

Average Resistance Ability: 16

Average Speed Ability: 271

Active Abilities

[ Editing LV1 ]

[ Appraisal LV5 ]

[ Poison Fang LV8 ]

[ Thread Manipulation LV6 ]

Passive Abilities 

[ Edit+ LV1 ]

[ Acid Resistance LV4 ]

[ Night Vision LV8 ]

[ Pain Resistance LV2 ]

[ Poison Resistance LV6 ]

[ Mana Perception LV1 ]


'Waaaaa~~ There are too many.'

I had arrived in a place I shouldn't have been. It was a place that was infested with monsters. It was the Ferect again, but there were too many of them this time! A colony of them! In other words, a lot of experience for me!

It was disgusting, though.

The monsters were all together. It is like a plague. 

'It's disgusting... But I have to do it.'

It was a small room inside the labyrinth full of Ferects. It's a nest of these monsters. Most were standing still, probably sleeping or resting, but some were moving around.

It was very dark, but I could see everything thanks to my ability [ Night Vision LV8 ].

'The way I am now, I can't kill all these monsters without using my editing skill. How many of them are here? One... two... three... There must be thirty of them. That's wild!'

Activating my [ Appraisal ] skill almost drove me crazy. The amount of names and levels was absurd. 

'Most of them are between levels 3 and 4... But there are some stronger ones. I even saw one at level 8. Fortunately, none of them have evolved.'

The strongest ones may be out. I have to do this quickly.

'All right, let's edit my strength since my speed is already high.'


[ Editing Activated ]

[ Average Offense Ability: 17 ]

'Let's put the strength at... 500. Let's not overdo it, I can't spend too much of my SP. If I spend too all my SP, I won't be able to kill everyone.'

[ Average Offense Ability: 500 ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved. ]

[ The skill "Editing LV1" became "Editing LV2" ]

[ Skill proficiency achieved. ]

[ Skill "Edit+ LV1" became "Edit+ LV2" ]

'What? Really? I thought the skill would take a while to level up. Can I make two edits now?'

[ Average Speed Abiliy: 271 ]

'Let's set the speed to 500 as well.

[ Edit successfully applied! ]

'My God, it worked! Now everything's easier!'


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