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Kelly's eyes shone a vibrant golden color, and the men still hadn't realized what they had gotten themselves into. The three men continued to smile as Kelly prepared to attack.



Punch ~~


With rapid movements like a gunshot, Kelly's hands struck the three men in the face at almost the same time. The men were thrown backward and fell to the grass with broken noses.

"Argh. That fucking hurts. You bitch, I'm going to kill you." One of the men got up and advanced towards Kelly, but Kelly's body spun, and her heel hit the man's chin, causing the man's head to spin and his jaw to be broken.

Not just his jaw but his neck.

The man didn't die instantly, and he could no longer feel his own body as he lay in agony.

"What is this? She's a monster!"

"Don't come any closer, you monster. Come on, quick." 

The two men got up and tried to run away, but Kelly followed them and hit one of them in the back, throwing him against the car. The man's head hit the car window, and red blood ran down his face.

Kelly grabbed him by the neck and threw him backwards. And with a piece of glass that she had ripped out of the window, she pierced the man's carotid artery. 

The man's eyes went wide as blood gushed madly from his wound. 

As the man lay dying, Kelly went after the last man. He had already got into the car and was preparing to flee, but Kelly managed to throw him out.

The man fell to the ground and began to crawl backwards.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I was forced to do this. They said, 'Let's hit on that girl'. I didn't want to do it, but they insisted." Tears streamed down the man's face.

"Please let me go, I swear I won't tell anyone what happened here and I won't even appear in front of you again."

Kelly stared at the man with empty eyes, and the man's body shook. Kelly knew it wasn't true. She knew he would probably go to the police. 

"I have to end this and clean up. I don't want to cause any trouble for my master."

"AAAAHHH, YOU DAMN MONSTER!" The man screamed in despair as he advanced on Kelly. He decided to fight, as he knew he couldn't escape. Then, the man's vision spun, and he could no longer move.

The man's head spun in the air and fell onto the grass, staining everything red.

After the man's body fell, the golden color in Kelly's eyes disappeared.

"What a mess!" She exclaimed cutely. "I'll have to clean it up before someone comes."


Nahida left the hotel to go after Kelly as soon as he heard the news. He wanted to focus on his evolution and getting stronger, but he thought leaving Kelly was a bad idea.

She could be dangerous.

'She's not just a receptionist. There's no way a "person" created by the system can be this normal.'

But Nahida remembers what happened to Shelly. No matter how many people attacked her, she didn't do anything. She didn't fight back. There's no way it's different now.

Nahida searched near the hotel but did not find Kelly. So he decided to follow the main road.

'She must have come this way.'

Nahida kept walking for almost 10 minutes. Then he finally saw something.

'A car?' He approached quickly and saw a blonde woman standing close to the car. 

"Kelly! What are you doing?"

When Nahida approached, he was speechless.

Kelly turned and looked at him with a smile as she threw something into a hole dug in the ground. The hole was several meters deep, and inside were several pieces of bodies.

The bodies had been cut into smaller pieces and thrown in. There was blood all over the area.

"What the hell have you done?" Nahida shouted, and Kelly's smile disappeared.

She tried to explain everything that had happened, but Nahida didn't want to listen.

"Why the hell didn't you run?! Why did you kill them? Do you realize what you've done? This isn't a fantasy world, do you realize what will happen to you?"

"No... Do you know what will happen to me?!" Nahida corrected.

He knew he would probably be blamed for all this, not her.

"Seriously, what a problem." Nahida didn't know what to do. "Continue what you were doing, bury them and then we'll clean up the blood. I'll get the car out of here and put it somewhere else."

Nahida was about to get into the car when he gave up.

His fingerprints would remain on the car if he did anything.

'I'll have to make Kelly do this, as she's not a person of this world. She can't be traced by fingerprint. I wonder if she has a fingerprint...'

Kelly quickly plugged the hole while Nahida looked on.

After that, Kelly pulled out a strange tool from inside her arm. It looked a lot like a small broom. When Kelly walked over the blood marks, everything disappeared without a trace.

Even though it was already a bit dry in the ground, the blood disappeared.

'What's that? Is she a murder expert who can hide all traces?'

Nahida still didn't know what had happened, but he knew that Kelly was nothing like Shelly.

'I have to be careful with her. I can't leave her alone from now on. She's dangerous.'


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