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This is huge news for all my felow supporters! Recently I often made requests submited by you guys longer if those were on popular characters and thus I felt like it could be something I'd officialize to begin 2024 in the best of way! 🥳

To explain everything regarding this update to the request system:

The Request Popularity Bonus :

-Requests on characters I deem popular will be extended by up to 50% in lenght!
-I will include poses similar to those that were requested to make sure you enjoy your request even more.
-If you submit a list of poses in order, I will add the bonus poses at the end of the video.
-If on the other hand you do not submit a list of poses or if you only submit a general idea of what you want in your request (eg. "I'd like missionary and boobjobs"), I will simply put more poses than I would have to extend the lenght of the video.

Please note that the bonus lenght in itself is entirely arbitraty as in the decision to add a bonus in itself. This is because there is not a real definitive way to assert x or y character is popular or not and to what extent she is popular.

While this is a win-win situation for you and me this should not refrain you from submiting the character you would like to see me make a video on, initially I started THD to cover both popular characters and those that had never been. You can absolutely submit whoever you want! 😌

Lastly as some may have saw I have decided to release to everyone the Monthly Requests Posts so that people who might be interested in subscribing to such high tiers now better how everything works ^^


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