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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Though there is something important directly caused by said exams. I will most likely be gone until the 17th of May (when my exams are over). Therefore no request from May will be released before said date. I am still unsure as to whether I'll be able to discuss you guys' requests until then though don't worry that won't have any impact on the quality of your upcoming request nor will it impact June requests either! 😌

Like we've been doing for the past few months, you will find a template to submit your monthly request right down below ^^

Name of the chara (you can provide the model you want me to use):
Name of the anime/manga/game she is from:
(additional) Name of the poses you want (it is recommended to provide links & timecodes from a video in which I used the poses):
(additional) Link to the map you want me to use (provide a link to one of my videos in which I used the map you want):

Once we have worked out what your request is, I will give you a date corresponding to when the video will be up on my PH account. Once we confirmed everything together, no modifications to your request will be taken.

In addition, to make the requesting faster I would advise to submit everything at once, including potential questions, though prior to sending them please check this guide here, it contains a lot info that may answer your questions.

Please make sure to DM me with your requests, you have until the very last day of the month to submit your request.

Learn more about each tiers & how requests function here.
