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Hi!! XDD

todays posting is my second animated work,

A-B-A type loop animation!

you can download video and gif containing .zip on lumpypaca website!

Honestly, this animation is a failure...🤕

The end result isn't entirely bad, but there were terrible issues during the process.

Initially, I planned for 8-10 frames for this, but I changed the goal to 12 frames And instead of creating one loop animation, I ended up with two loop animation connected.

As a result, the production time tripled😵😵😵😵😵😵 and it was not a good trial for testing animation. And since I'm very beginner to this kind of work, I also realized that the more frames I have to make, the more awkward the shadows and motion become🤧

However, I learned a lot from this attempt🥲 at least thats one good thing, i think 🧐

I've been watching a lot of animated videos on YouTube lately. I watched animations like Heart111 MV, I realized that maybe I could express effective movement with a small number of frames.

Since I've tried 12 frame animation for this time, So Im going to try to make 4-6 frames animationfor next time. Of course, I've been overworked a lot lately for animated work, so I'm going to stop doing this for a couple of weeks and get back to drawing. oh, and im going to stop holding pen for about two days days, please understand 🥹🥹🥹

oh snap, i wrote too long for very short 30frames animation posting😄

anyway, I'll try to make so much better thing for next time to show you guys!

thank you for visiting today, and hope you all have a lovely day today!

see you guys on next posting, Love you!!! ❤️❤️



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