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Memory Transcription Subject: Taylor Trench, Human Colonist

Date [standardized human time]: March 16, 2160

There were several stares from unmasked passersby cast upon us, as concealed medics toted Gress to an isolated room. There were even a few cheers from miners who were happy, seeing the scaly alien knocked out. I’d allowed the stretcher to ferry me to the bottom of the elevator, before pushing my way off the platform. Doctor Adebayo was waiting alongside Mayor Hathaway, with both sporting full cloth masks to hide their features, in case the Krev awoke. I could sense the mayor’s immediate withering glare, as he saw me pushing my way into the room, desperate to correct my blackout moment. My head ducked with shame, as I tried to focus on the physician feeling the Krev’s neck vertebrae.

“Well, the good news is that Taylor didn’t get much power on the swing, and didn’t hit anything critical. Drew a bit of blue blood here, but for a minor head injury, I expect Gress to awaken a few minutes after the blow. So, soon,” Doctor Adebayo commented. “I’ll let you handle the fallout, but don’t be too hard on your buddy. He’s concussed. His judgment is impaired.”

I crossed my arms. “That’s the least concussed thing I’ve done all day! I’ve wanted to do that for so long. He was kicking us off of our own planet!”

“I’m going to see myself out. I have other patients to tend to. Make sure security keeps prying eyes out.”

Mayor Hathaway tapped at his mask, waiting for the doctor to leave. “Goddammit, Taylor. After everything I’ve told you about what it’s like to have an entire alien race come down on your head, you go do something like this?! This is your fault, not controlling yourself when there’s things much bigger than you at stake. I trusted you not to fuck us!”

“I’m sorry, sir. Gress wasn’t listening, and he was being totally unreasonable, and I just…I lost it,” I whispered. “Maybe I can talk him into letting it go?”

“You’re done talking to anyone! We both agreed our militia couldn’t fight off a paintball team, but now, these aliens will come looking for revenge. What happens when Gress doesn’t return? What happens if we do let him go back? We, humanity, have to start leaving, right now. You’ve basically forced me to hold this guy prisoner, in the hopes that we can negotiate something that doesn’t involve us all being killed, should they come knocking.”

“I don’t think we should hold him hostage, sir. That’ll just worsen the situation.”

“I don’t want advice from you. Get out! Get the fuck out!”

Cherise raised a finger. “Hold on. I think Taylor should stay. Gress knows who swung at him, and if there’s any chance we can fix this, it’d be by his aggressor apologizing…us showing we’ll hold him accountable. The Krev does know that Taylor has a head injury, so maybe it will be understandable that he wasn’t thinking straight?”

“You want me to hand Taylor over as a sacrificial lamb? I can’t do that, because then, Gress takes off his mask and sees what we are!”

“We can hold Taylor to our own justice, locking him up and proving it: through an ankle monitor, or something? That’s only if it comes to it. Do you have a better plan than just starting out with Taylor begging for forgiveness? Because I don’t.”

The mayor sighed. “No. I don’t have a clue what to do now. I swear to God, Trench, if you do anything else that fucks us over, I’ll have you executed. You will stay and kiss up to this Krev, whatever it takes, and I don’t care if it humiliates you. Our species dies if we get into it with these guys. We’ve been hiding ourselves for so long for a reason.”

“I’ll do my best to fix this. If…if it’ll appease Gress, I know you can’t hand me over, but I understand if, maybe, you can cut off my fingers…or execute me. I deserve some form of punishment, no matter how brutal, for what I’ve cost humanity,” I murmured. “That would show how seriously you take my offense.”

“We’re not doing that! Beyond how repugnant that would be, it also would make us look like violent, sadistic predators more than your assault already did. Gress will be waking up any minute, and I won’t be hearing any more of you trying to lay yourself out on the train tracks. I’m pissed at you, but I don’t want you dead, you fuckwit. Just shut up until you’re needed to show some damn remorse.”

“I will.”

Cherise turned her face to address Hathaway. “Sir, we have a problem. I’m seeing an ongoing broadcast on my holopad. Someone in my department’s tapped into this room’s security feeds, and is sharing them with the entire city. They want everyone to see what we’re asking the Krev.”

“We don’t have time to move him! We don’t need to be airing our dirty laundry in front of the whole group.”

“For what it’s worth, maybe we should try to get some answers from Gress, about who they are. After all the prying the Krev have done into us, it would be fitting.”

“I’ll…see what he has to say. Believe me, it’s really fucking hard to protect humanity from aliens we know nothing about! We’re trying to fix this, and to keep people safe.”

“We’ve kept them safe, and failed to keep them happy,” I sighed, earning nasty looks—I could sense them through the masks. “I know I’m not happy. Life at one percent.”

Cherise clenched her fist. “Taylor? Shut the fuck up.”

I performed a sarcastic salute, and stewed in my own self-hatred. The silence between our posse was painful, as I could feel my friends’ fury at me emanating into my bones. I tried to focus on what I could do to fix the situation, which I bore the full responsibility for. The Krev was laid out helpless in the operating chair, to be surrounded by the three of us for when he came to; I was hopeful that it was, in fact, a minor injury that I’d inflicted. As much of a failure to humanity as I was, I wasn’t a murderer—or someone that took joy in maiming a living creature. Just as the doctor suggested, Gress’ eyes blinked open in a daze, before his features took on a startled expression.

Gress didn’t expect me to attack him, or he would’ve never turned his back. He believed we’d just leave without any fight. Now, I can see it in his eyes; he’s afraid of us. Perhaps he already suspects humans are predators?

The Krev’s nostrils twitched with anxiety. “Hey, um, I can see that tempers flared. You don’t have to do this. Just let me go, and we can all forget this ever happened. You don’t want to do this; you can empathize with family, right? I have a child back home, who needs me in her life. I’m supposed to have custody of her this weekend, and she has a dance performance; her name’s Lecca. I love her with all my heart, and I want to get back to her. Please.”

“You try to pull on our heartstrings, when you couldn’t show any empathy for us?” I spat.

Cherise cracked her knuckles. “Taylor, shut the fuck up, or I’ll make you shut up.”

“Taylor Trench was in an accident, and his head injury seems to have made him prone to outbursts. Please forgive his aggression,” Hathaway said. “We don’t want any bad blood between our people, and it wasn’t the will of this polity for you to be uncivilly assaulted.”

Gress’ eyes narrowed. “Head injury or not, let him speak. It’s what he really thinks, isn’t it? Let him say what’s on his mind.”

“I think dozens of people wouldn’t have been hurt or killed, if you hadn’t pushed us to fork over a quantity that was well beyond what was reasonably due. You were just waiting for any opportunity to kick us out,” I growled.

“Of course we were, but that doesn’t mean we wanted for anyone to get hurt! You abused our empathy to let you land in the first place, because we couldn’t bear to play a part in people dying: even people like you. We wouldn’t let anyone starve in space.”

“People like us?” Mayor Hathaway stiffened, as Cherise and I recoiled in shock; all three of us had immediate concerns that the Krev did, in fact, realize that we were predators. “What does that mean?”

“Forget I said anything.”

“Nah, we heard you loud and clear. How exactly is it ‘empathy’ to rake us over the coals with the fees you charge?” I prompted.

Gress’ narrow tongue poked out of his mouth in thought. “Those fees were intended to get you to leave of your own free will, because we didn’t want to fight with you. We didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. This has been an ongoing arrangement for years, when it was always meant to be temporary; I’d say your group of colonists have sufficient resources to move on. It is our planet, and we weren’t going to let you have it for nothing.”

“We know you were looking for any excuse to kick us out. That doesn’t surprise us,” Hathaway sighed. “The question is what you mean by people like us?”

Cherise nodded. “That rhetoric is quite charged from aliens who were happy to profit off of us, and take advantage of our desperation.”

“Your desperation? That’s fucking ridiculous,” Gress grumbled. “You always want to take more from others. It’s never enough with you! We just want you to leave us alone.”

“What is it you think you know about us? Tell us what the fuck you mean.”

Righteous anger was shining in the Krev’s eyes, as if he believed his species had a legitimate grievance with us; that was an emotion I’d seen in the miners’ eyes. There was some trepidation swelling in my heart, at the thought that our efforts were in vain, and these aliens figured out we were predators from day one. I supposed our shitty treatment as glorified indentured servants was an upgrade from being wiped out. Still, it boiled my blood to think we’d hidden away underground when our secret was out. This would be the least fearful I’d ever seen an alien at the truth.

What does he mean by it “never being enough” with us? All we ever asked for from the Krev was a home, so unless he knows the full extent of conquest and exploitation in Earth’s past, that’s a baseless accusation.

“I mean that you people are fucking CRAZY!” Gress screamed, hurting my eardrums. “We saw where your subspace trail came from. Don’t you have enough space in the Federation? You have to come and take what’s ours? All we wanted was to stay away from you!”

Mayor Hathaway seemed stunned. “I beg your pardon? You…you don’t like us, because you think we’re from the Federation?”

“Obviously! We sent an expedition to your delusional corner of space, and we like our group just fine without your unscientific brainrot. We saw exactly what you do and what you stand for; let me say, you people should be ashamed of yourselves! The Krev Consortium just wants to avoid you, and fighting with your overpopulated herd. So much so, that we’ve hidden our signals, stopped expanding our territory, and haven’t accepted new members beyond our original six. So yes, we’re a little zealous in driving out outsiders, but we just want you to leave us the fuck alone!”

“I don’t think you understand—”

“Oh, I think I understand perfectly. You humans are like the Sivkits, but worse? And that’s why you’ve come here, an invasive species carried to our shores? We had no choice but to meet you with a warship, to contest your claim, when you showed up one system away from our homeworld. There was no hiding. And frankly, I don’t give an obor’s ass what the Consortium says; I’m done hiding reality to appease you people, with your shifty culture. We are herbivores, but we’re real herbivores—because real herbivores eat meat every now and then. So go ahead: burn me and get it over with.”

The three of us sat in stunned silence, staring at a quivering Gress. The Krev seemed to be finished with his rant, and slumped his head back against his shoulders. Tears swelled up in his eyes from the force of his emotions, which were mirrored by my own. I couldn’t process what he’d just unloaded on us. The Consortium had discovered the Federation, and hid away their entire society just to avoid them? If there was a single motive that I could understand for their stand-offish behavior, it was steering clear of those bastards; it was the same fear that had us chasing them off, and hiding beneath these masks even now. I also couldn’t believe that I’d heard another sapient race claim to eat meat.

How would the Krev react if they saw our binocular eyes, and realized that we’re predators? Gress seems to agree with our scientists on what an herbivore is, but his kind are still preyfolk. He already sees us as shifty.

I crossed my arms. “We’re not with the Federation. We’re…running away from them.”

“Taylor! Shut the fuck up,” Mayor Hathaway warned. “You’ve done enough.”

“This time, I think I’m doing the right thing. You heard what Gress just told us; he hates them as much as we do. Him seeing proof that we’re nothing like them; maybe it wouldn’t scare the Krev, sir. Maybe they’d understand why we…had no choice but to come here.”

The Krev squinted in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“I could show you. If…if my colleague, Cherise, would be willing to give me the key. I think we’ve been afraid of—angry at—each other for the exact same reasons. Maybe it’s time for us all to take a step outside of that…fear.”

Cherise stared at me for a long moment, hesitating over what she knew I was asking. I extended my palm in a simple gesture, and with a flustered sigh, the security guard pulled the key out of her pocket. Mayor Hathaway raised a hand to stop me, before seeming to reconsider, and standing back to watch it unfold. If Gress reacted poorly to what we were, then I’d miscalculated; however, we could hold him here, and he wouldn’t be able to tell anyone back in the Consortium. This might be the one final chance to earn their mercy, and I wouldn’t pass up a third opportunity.

I gently plucked the key from Cherise’s hand. “You don’t have to be afraid of us, Gress. We’re the same people we always were. Some people in the Federation think we’re monsters, but…we don’t want to hurt anyone. We just want a chance to survive, and we can’t change certain things about ourselves. Heaven knows, I wish we could.”

“You’re finally going to show me your face? Drop the privacy bullshit?” the Krev asked.

“Yes. In a few moments, you’ll know exactly why we kept up that…bullshit.”

I cast a final glance at Cherise for encouragement, and noticed that she’d turned her head, unable to watch from nerves. I drew a deep breath, knowing full well that this next action went against everything we’d been taught about how aliens reacted to the sight of us. This was an herbivore from an alien conglomerate who’d taken us to the cleaners; we shouldn’t trust him. Somehow, I managed to fit the key into the lock, and turn it loose. I slowly raised the face covering over my head, staring straight at Gress with the full weight of my binocular gaze.

Shock spread across the Krev’s face, once he glimpsed my cut-and-beaten skull; there were no screams at the intensity of my pupils, accelerated breaths at my harsh features, or any motor reaction that belied fear. Gress simply seemed stunned by our true appearance, and soaked it in for several minutes. I felt vulnerable and exposed, under his judgment—waiting for him to pronounce what he thought of our species. The surprise, and strange amount of disbelief, hadn’t left his eyes. Wordlessly, he gestured with his tail to my gloves. I thought I understood, slipping them off of my hands and revealing my feeble fingers.

“You’re…you’re…” Gress struggled to speak, and I waited for him to call us the pejorative word we despised. Predators? “Primates. The hands confirm it. How did I not recognize your appendage structure?”

The mayor hesitated, lifting his mask off to reveal a skeptical expression. “You know what primates are?”

“We do. We definitely do.”

“There’s other primates out there?” I asked.

“Yes. I know you just clubbed me over the head, and were absolutely furious with me, but you’re adorable, Taylor.” What the fuck?! “How could I speak to you like that? Now I feel so guilty! Uh, I’m sorry, I probably should explain before I make a fool of myself. To be clear, I’m quite aware that you’re sapient, and this might be weird, but…you know the obors? They’re…nonsapient primates from our home, and we…domesticated them. We keep them as pets.”

“You…what? I didn’t see this coming, at all. I’m not sure what the fuck I’m supposed to say to that.”

“Obors are such sensitive, loyal creatures. I have one of the cute little fellas on my ship; I take precious Juvre everywhere. I was worried who was going to look after him while I was stuck down here. Maybe you want to meet an obor? Unless that’s a really weird thing to say, in which case, I’ll shut up.”

Mayor Hathaway pondered it for a moment. “Okay. We…domesticate animals too, or at least, we used to, so we understand. Take us to your ship, but don’t touch any buttons.”

“Splendid! Frankly, now that I know you’re primates, you can stay forever. I can’t believe it; real primate people. It’s a dream! You’re not prepared for how much the Krev are going to want to…help. Well, pet your fuzzy hair spot; we’ve never seen primates as furless and babyish as you. Uh, I just said that out loud, didn’t I? Pretend I didn’t. Let’s go introduce you to Juvre!”

“Lead the way. We’ll show you part of the city, while you’re at it.”

Cherise undid her mask, turning to face me. “Are you going to be alright to walk, Taylor?”

“I’d like to come, but I could, um, use some help,” I admitted.

“Okay. We’ll get you a wheelchair, or something. I imagine you’d kick yourself, not being able to feel the sun on your face at long last.”

“You know me too well. Thank you.”

For the first time since ‘36, I allowed a glimmer of genuine hope into my heart, that we could carve out an open life similar to our culture on Earth. It seemed that the Krev had misjudged humanity, and that we’d misread their attitudes toward our colonists from the beginning; we’d never needed to hide our faces at all, by the sound of it. Perhaps from what had been a powder keg waiting to explode, humanity could finally get some help in our quest to survive and rebuild our species. We could learn more about these alien neighbors—ones that weren’t delusional like the Federation—and we could tell the truth about why we’d come to this system in the first place.

A/N - A chapter I was so excited for, I released it a day early! Gress comes to the underground city for treatment, as he's hauled down with minor injuries; Taylor offers any penance for his actions, though he's allowed to stay if only to apologize to the Krev. It's then that the conversation takes a turn, while Gress awakens--just as it's discovered that the security footage is being leaked live to the colony.

Gress expresses that the Krev can't stand the Federation, and have taken every measure to try to avoid them; they saw that the humans' subspace trail came from Federation space, and wanted them and their perceived lunacy gone. Taylor decides to take a chance and remove the mask, and Gress recognizes humans not as predators, but primates. Not just that, but he finds them adorable, and claims that Krev keep pet primates called obors.

What are your thoughts? Does this offer a different perspective on the Krev? Will the ark humans be able to try to trust an alien species at last? Are you excited for the avenues this opens up to explore about the Krev Consortium?

As always, thank you for reading and supporting!


Intricate Zebra

Buddy was so excited, he dropped it a day early lol. Thanks!

Pierre Florendo

Bwahahahahaha I was not expecting the turnabout of "adorable primates"


I find it somewhat difficult to believe that not once in over 20 years of semi-hostile negotiations did they mention that they thought humanity was from the federation and that the Krev weren't from it. That being said, it's good to see that there are other multi-planet civs out there that aren't part of the Federation, and it does explain how the Krev had no idea what a "terran" or "human" was despite them being probably the single most recognizable race in the Federation behind the Arxur.


Are… are we friend shaped? This is a very interesting turn of events.


Hahaha we're finally on the other side of the "cute aliens remind us of our pets" !! Go Krev Consortium !!


Ha! We are like cats to them! And we can all hate the Feds together!


Ohh I really hope they meet up with humans and realise that the feds are gone. Finally they stopped the masc bullshittery and showed the krev what they looked like. I wonder, if they do end up meeting humans (from earth), I'm wondering how it would play out? Bittersweet maybe? Or sour for some? Looking forward to more chapters SP!


We were WARNED A WHOLE WEEK AGO that we’d be FREAKING the fuck out at this chapter PALADIN YOU WERE RIGHT Writing a MASSIVE WHOPPER like that at the end holy shit lolololol aaaaaahhhhh


That's absolutely hilarious. I'm very excited to see the direction this will go.


I.… don’t know what to say I expected anything but this…. But I like it it’s quite funny to be on the other side of Cute aliens are adorable situations


I'm wondering what conflict is left in this storyline...


This is a fun chapter


Hehe, looks like Humans are on the receiving end of the ohhhs and awwws now.


The pendulum probably swings from one extreme right to the next one with the Krev becoming overbearingly patronizing. Kind of the dynamics between the Humans and the Venlil but with the Humans likely wanting to but being in no position to push back against.

print Path

Wake up an hour before the chapter releases, do you're morning routine or what ever, then at 7:59(my time btw) be ready at the page


Imagine going out of your way to avoid one specific neighbor only to figure out that neighbor has become a non-factor 25 years ago - and the reason they have become a non-factor has been living in fear, hiding their true nature from you while you actually adore them for what they remind you of. That's one hell of a mental whiplash for this society. I'm also curious how they will make contact with the SC and how the supposedly "last remnants" of Earth will find out Earth is actually doing well and was saved by the baby-eating fascist space Crocs of all people.


I thought I knew where that was going when Gress started talking about the federation, but oh boy was I wrong. Well done! Those humans have just gone from one extreme to the other lol. Nobody is going to be taking them seriously from now on. Little baby boos. Fantastic chapter!


Oh man, the lizard people think we're adorable? That's a curveball I wasn't expecting. Huzzah! Headpats for all!

Edward ward

Wait until Gress sees a human kid. He thinks a 30yo is cute a 5yo well probably kill him from the cute

Alicja Pielichowska

YES YES YES YES this chapter has made me fall in love with the storyline before I’ve even read the rest.


Well that was unexpected; wounder what the combination of "Humans are cute" and the guilt of "We put them through 20 years of torment" is gonna do to Krev-Human relations Also: I bet this is gonna make the eventual first contact between the Krev and SC real awkward (The Krev seem to be even worse at controling their cuteness response then humans are) -Krev captain: Hail the Fed space vessel -Human SC explorer vessel captain: This is SCS Discove... Are you okay? -Krev captain: *dying of cuteness overload*


“Please don’t kill us!” “Monkey!”


Really great chapter, loved it. I thought this was going to be darker, but I am pretty happy with us being adorable!


From Sen Help (for me) to Sen Help (for humans)

craig spaulding

With how you hyped this up, I knew there would be some twist on our expectations, but I never expected this. Turning the “aliens are so cute that we can barely control ourselves” trope around on humans is hilarious. I wonder if this will be lighthearted from here on out or if some even worse tragedy will emerge

Edward ward

I also really want a chapter from Gress' POV now

Anthony Mears

I would assume they monitor fed broadcasts for Intel reasons and I thought he would say. " Oh crap, your the guys that are fighting those insane feds". I can't wait for them to learn how the Feds treated the cute monkeys and get their blood boiling.


Oh boy. Now the Krev are gonna be all “the Fed want to kill the ‘puppies’. PROTECT THE ‘PUPPIES'! CHARGE!”


Federation: "Abhorrent predators!" Krev: "BABY!"

Byron Ritchie

Nop 2 climax prediction: SC:you saved us? Why? Krev: mmm monke

Blake S

Ask the krev if its weird that some humans allso keep pet primates


Okay this was fun. And to drop it on my birthday? Oh, you shouldn't have

Vladi Vladi

My disappointment is immeasurable that Taylor or Cherise or the Mayor didn’t have a heart attack or brain aneurysm and die at the reveal.

Vladi Vladi

Just like the Kolishians and their prion plague, which nearly killed them and forever drove them insane and afraid, the Ark Humans survive a single genocide at the hands of 300 herbivores because of their appearance that leaves them with 4 thousand survivors and become just as stupidly mistrustful. Just like the Kolishians I don’t harbour pity or respect for these Ark-humans, just because they got burned, just because they are nearly extinct, just because everyone in the Orion Arm hates them, it doesn’t excuse their lack of hope, of curiosity. The Krev are from a completely separate corner of Space, they aren’t part of the Federation. They have no reason to fear front facing eyes or sharp teeth. The only excuse Ark-Humans have is fear. Fear is not something that should bind sapient curiosity.

Yannis Morris

When Gress said that “Now that we know humans are primates, they can stay forever” I started wondering whether it’s a trick chapter. And cool. The only species so far to have primates in living memory. I wonder how smiles are gonna translate

Vladi Vladi

Krev seem cute, I wonder how their primate dogs look like

Yannis Morris

So, working of the Ark 3 humans data: The Krev Consortium are either crusade against what they believe to be Federation Space or feel outright lied to when Humanity is doing great, actually

Yannis Morris

Well there was never any misunderstanding that the Krev were part of the Federation. Everyone knew they were their own thing

Yannis Morris

Either the discovery of the SC (where humans are doing great, actually) or the Krev Consortium work with their outdated info and attack SC space assuming it’s Fed Space


Damn, I was expecting the Krev to recognize humanity and get pissed that a perfectly fine species lied about being almost extinct. But the Krev finding humans cute is like humans finding the Farsul cute. We're like dogs to them and this one chapter probably turned the Krev from enemy to best friend, now that everything's been sorted out. Now I have no clue what the overarching plot for NOP2 will be! Still hoping that the SC and the Krev make contact and break the news that the Federation got fucked up big time. I also want to see how Aafa's doing in present day, since NOP1 ended with them just being occupied. I want to see the progress (or lack thereof) with the citizens. I also want to see the same with the Arxur. Inb4 the Bissems become best friends with the Krev

Yannis Morris

Please don’t let us be the only sane species in the galaxy. It’s a really bad sign

Yannis Morris

Wait did we get a mention of obors before this chapter? It’s probably just a turn of phrase but it seems like Gress expects us to recognize the name

Yannis Morris

“You always want to take more from others. It’s never enough with you! “ Maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but I’m a bit confused here? Even if humans were part of the Federation… What did we do that suggested that this was our modus operandi? The most I can see that we’ve “taken” from tthe Krev was 20 years on the planet. Granted, that’s still a *planet* but I don’t understand what we’ve asked for that makes him think we wanted more than that.

Vladi Vladi

Not necessarily. Feds knew what Primates were. Besides humans, there were alien primates on planets, common enough that even Arxur can look at a human and say: that’s a primate. It’s one of the constants of the setting: aliens look like animals you have at home. It’s just that most aliens look like Earth’s animals, it still goes both ways


There are still 100+ federation remnant factions.


They have pet monkeys, that's... Kinda hilarious actually. I think I spoke with five different people that wanted to write or read a fic with this exact scenario and yet I didn’t suspect it 😅 Though, misunderstandings based on ignorance seem to be a building theme, and I'm getting flash backs to all those HFY stories where Humanity goes to avenge a cat or dog folk 🫥 A possibility is that the Krev will 180 and become over bearing. But I think it's more likely that there will be a huge public out cry against the Federation as some are bound to be sick of hiding from them too. The sivkits were mentiones, so I suspect they are the closest "Feds" to the Krev, and if the consortium is going to lash out they are going to get it first. The bunnies will probably be too shocked at a random genocidal force coming after them and might scramble to get help from their "old allies". The pro Humanity avengers will be very confused when they realise that they are fighting Humanity.


They probably have sci-fi stories of aliens like their pets, just like we do. And then they stand in front of him! (He said it's a dream come true, or something to that effect.)


It doesn't say they surveyed the Feds RECENTLY. They probably did so a long time ago, before humans were found to still be alive.


I think they just saw what was going on in federation space and decided to avoid anyone from that particular area.


Some ark humans might be very depressed if they found out earth survived, because then, even more so than with Gress, the suffering was for nought! Earth is actually in its Golden Age


I think most of us were expecting the Krev to not have a problem with predators or even be ones themselves and also hiding from the Feds, but the Krev actually thinking humans are *adorable*? Now I'm hooked.


I know, which is why it makes sense that they wouldn't recognize them

Blake S

Thier obviosuly not montioring them that closely if they missed the fact they dont really exist anymore


To be fair, the ark humans haven't had any contact with the rest of humanity since before the arrival of the extermination fleet. They didn't get the memo about the archives, the full story about the Arxur, or the Kolshian prion paranoia. They don't know that the predator reaction was something that was brainwashed into everyone by the Kolshians. As far as they know, that was a completely natural, instinctual response that sapient herbivores all seemed to share. As for why they didn't try to learn more about the Krev? The Krev saw that the ark ship came from Federation space. Logically, they assumed that the humans were a fed species expanding into new territory. The Krev didn't want the feds to learn anything about their society because they knew that those dumb zealots would try to wipe them out for being omnivores. The ark humans couldn't learn anything about the Krev because the Krev refused to tell them anything about themselves. The curiosity was always there, but it's not hard to see how easily that would be superceded by the logical pragmatism and caution that comes from believing that your city of refugees is the last chance humanity has to avoid extinction.


Ohhhhhh, I thought the Krev knew about the Federation and were afraid of them. I totally called it. I still think Hathaway may screw this up but if he doesn’t then the Krev are gonna want to fight the Feds over this. This is awsome the cute thing was a complete surprise and I love it!!! Are we gonna get a Gress POV? This has me squeeeeing!

Dragon Writer Luc

"You" here refers to the Federation as a whole, not humans. It's not about a particular species here.


I wasn't expecting that turn of events... But I'm whole heartily welcoming it👀 Just like I was saying all the time! I'm looking forward to see more of your story Wordsmith :3

Anthony Mears

or earth animals look like aliens. it a matter of perception. I wondered about that some time ago. I think only 1 species didn't have an earth analog, the crazy prehnsile tongue people that sacrifice predators. I was wondering if perhaps there was so.e seeding shenanigans going on or if it was a case of parallel evolution


I hate Taylor with so much rage and passion, but atleast he finally had the sense to take the gamble. And what do you know? It paid off like we all expected. Seriously though, I might physically die if I have to read through Taylor's PoV anymore. SP you do worryingly well at writing infuriating protags like him and William Kane. I really need a Gress PoV though.

Anthony Mears

is this the ark ship that Ari's dad was on? to be honest, I was more interested in the bissem storyline until this turn of events.


I can see what may happen. The Krev and the humans return to earth to try and take what they think is a destroyed earth. Accidentally creating a war between the Krev and the SC


Someone watching the live stream at least needed to have, you don’t go from losing your identity from fear to wait they like us without some neurons clashing.


I'm dying. I'm dying. This is the best plot twist ever. I'm fucking dying. Get wrecked, Shyamalan!


Well, they don’t have a faster than light network with the feds and the ark ship was going faster than light for three years. Anything from earth, saying “hey, we’re fine” would have to come in a faster than light bottle to reach them in a reasonable amount of time. I don’t know what the distance between Milky Way arms are, but they’re definitely not in the Orion arm given prior descriptions.


I am genuinely not sure if you are trolling. In case you're not, I have an honest, little question for you: did you, infact, read yourself, what you wrote? "the Ark Humans survive a single genocide" A SINGLE genocide? Out of curiosity, how many genocides - murder of a lot of people of a particular group with the intent to exterminate the entire group - would be enough grounds to live in fear? "The Ark people" are war refugees, exiles from an overwhelming number of species wanting to eradicate them. Not just get out of their space. With passion they want them dead, to the last infant. I teach refugees. They are so, so grateful someone took them in. They love the freedoms they now have. But fleeing to savety is not the end of their struggle. They have nightmares. When they hear loud, male voices or the sound of brisk boot hitting the ground, they turn pale as ghosts. A loud bang makes them hyperventilate and shake. They are deathly afraid of dogs. And they are the strong and lucky one. The ones who got away. They all lost someone. As "the Ark People" did, or think they did. "become just as stupidly mistrustful", you wrote. Stupidly? You actually think being hated by trillions, getting basically extinct and "burned", they are not allowed to be mistrustful? The people in the ark have been born to mistrust, fear, and resentment. They have been raised to just feel those emotions. They live underground, hiding. They have never felt the sun. Generational trauma is not something you just 'decide' to do away with, and live a happy, curious life. It involves epigenetic changes that are being past to childern, grandchildren etc. "A study published in 2016 found that Holocaust survivors AND THEIR CHILDREN were more likely to have changes in their FKBP5 gene than others. FKBP5 is a stress gene that links to anxiety, depression, and PTSD." (https://www.health.com/condition/ptsd/generational-trauma) You must have lived a charmed live, you summer child! Or, if you are trolling, it is not funny. It is blind to the suffering of others, and has no tact.


No it isn't. I saw the world that existed during Farsul Abductee, and it's only going to be even more of that after 23 years. Life on Earth in 2160 is like food in England in 1940: It sucks. The Krev Consortium is where it's at!

Amanda Chowning

Ok, we know the Krev eat some meat, and seem fairly ok with it (defending it), despite being herbivores. And now we know the Krev are nearly as scared and angry at the federation as us. Honestly showing our meat factories might actually strengthen our position, because not only are we the cute sapient pet animal people, but it would make it extremely unlikely, borderline impossible, for us to be federation. Might even add some sympathy points to “Yeah the Federation tried to kill us all.” Heck, even just a “Foward facing arboreal primate eyes are viewed as predatory by the foundation, they wanted us dead” would probably earn some points. Also, adding to the people who were like “Yeah something was up with the Krev.” Didn’t know the specific thing would be, but fleeing from the Feds was on the potential list in an earlier comment I made, as well as alternative possibilities (omnivores, carnivores, insectivores, parasites, parasitoids, etc.) I knew there was a reason they wanted them gone so bad, and the rent was just a way to try to get rid of them.

Vladi Vladi

My family on my mother’s half are refuges and we’ve lived through a regime. Yes I am trolling. The Ark-humans have suffered an incomprehensible loss in their eyes. Of course their fear is justified. Of course they aren’t curious, they are paranoid and traumatised. They are “prey”. Like the Kolishians, like the Farsul, like the cattle survivors. They have endured a horrific event and emerged scarred. Doesn’t mean I won’t draw parallels to how Kolishians view the world, through a “prey mindset”. Doesn’t mean I have to like em either. The Krev already were more interesting than the Arkship refugees and now it’s revealed they are the “humans find anything cute” trope in reverse AND they despise the Federation because they aren’t brainwashed? Yeah of course I like the Krev more than the highly xenophobic, traumatised, human refugees


Dang it, now I absolutely need the next one. Between this and the upcoming bonus, I think I got plenty of motivation to make it through a week of hard work.

Vladi Vladi

Do not mistake my boredom for callousness. This is ink on paper, not blood and bone. I want to see more of this world it’s been 30ish years since the last setting deep dive. Reading about the refugees living in isolated paranoia outside the Orion Arm isn’t really gripping. It’s an underground city, they can’t even see the planets, I have no idea how the situation is like in Krev space. But now we will, now it gets exciting, now I get invested. Now I care


That went from bad to good quickly. Not that I’m complaining; NOP1 was focused around an outside threat. Avoiding conflict here suggests that NOP2 will be focused on internal threats. A nice change of pace. I bet this is going to lead to humanity deciding to return to the Federation for revenge (with or without the Consortium, I don’t know). It would be interesting; human raider attacking Ex-Federation planets, and not responding to hails (possibly being misidentified as Arxur or Bissem) only for them to be eventually captured, and they find out that there are humans inside. Then you get the Ark Ship humans having to learn that Earth survived the attack and defeated the Federation, and that their paranoia was for nothing. Then you also have the Consortium’s response when they find out about the Federation, possible renewing contact. Imagine the SC and other parties reaction to seeing completely unbrainwashed aliens and realizing how much they were messed up by the Kolshians and Farsul all over again. Also, I called it; the humans landed super close to the Krev home world! I normally don’t mention if I call something, but this is an exception; I think I actually said that they landed in a neighboring system, at one point.


Even some tigers, cheetahs, and other big cats in captivity have emotional support puppers

Vladi Vladi

True herbivores are few and far between. You need to self-metabolise or consume a lot to just get by on plant matter. After all, big thing eating little thing is how the ancestor of all multicellular organisms has always done it. A lot of herbivores can eat a bit from a carcass in a pinch since you never forget that massive boon


@Vladi Vladi Wait… you actually admitted that you’re trolling?!? I seriously don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen before. I’m at a loss. Wow. That is… wow. I’m going to have to spend a while thinking about this so I know how to react the next time someone does this… wow.

Vladi Vladi

Why are you so invested in the happenings of ink on paper? Why does my opinion or general lack of interest regarding the suffering of fictional characters indicate naivety or an immoral mindset? Make place in your heart for living, real people, care about real people suffering and getting hurt, not ink on paper. Also why wouldn’t I admit to trolling? I’m making fun of a fictional character, a thing that is incapable of fighting back, of retorting. Instead relying on fans to do it for it.


@PhyscoKrusk Are you seriously arguing with the writer over the claim that Earth is in a golden age, when your evidence is the small fraction of this world that you’ve been allowed to see? Look, don’t bother responding to this; I’m staying out of this. I’m just giving you a warning that I don’t think you’re winning this one. Best case scenario for you, Space Paladin doesn’t respond or subtly brings the discussion to a close immediately.


Well, to be fair, the Krev aren’t looking at total annihilation based on first impressions.

Wesley Rigg

Your word choice scares me. Golden age implies it isn't going to last.

Wesley Rigg

Print path can be beaten. The first time I went for first comment, I got it. Then never again.

Jay Scott Raymond

Awesome sauce! I was thinking the twist was going to be the Krev have some religious veneration of predators action going on but this is even better. Makes sense the Krev know about the Federation. Hiding a space faring civilization is more than a little difficult. Blocking signals wouldn't cut it. The heat signatures alone are a dead give away.

print Path

Exactly Am not a God am just a man Plus competition is always good


Might've been mentioned before and I've forgotten, but how do humans and Krev communicate? I assume they have translator tech, but was that functional from the get-go, or was there some workaround? Especially since it's now confirmed that the Krev explicitly rejected the Federation and presumably wouldn't have access to their human language logs.


All the miners that died, looking at this from the afterlife: Ayo wtf

Amanda Chowning

Oh yeah, extreme herbivores that don’t eat any meat in nature are uncommon. Things like deer, bunnies, horses, cows, etc. will all eat meat on occasion. The only animal I can think of that probably wouldn’t eat meat is koalas- since they’re so stupid they will potentially starve to death if you put leaves on a plate, because they usually only think of leaves on a tree as food. But the Feds kinda artificially created that, due to every race either being brainwashed into never eating meat (the ones that were already herbivores) or given a meat allergy (the non-human races that were originally omnivores). Krev are herbivores that, unlike the Feds, seem to partake in the occasional meat consumption and be morally defending it. The fact that humans are omnivores would indeed strengthen our position, because it would firmly place us on the side of the Krev not the Feds. Granted the Feds have converted omnivores before, but we’re a race that literally has entire meat factories, not occasional boons.


The Sivkits cut and run the instant the archive data dump went out. Wherever they are now, it's not where they were before.


Hahahaha that's absolutely hilarious! They seem like they will be pretty reasonable if they hate the feds


I think my favorite part about the whole "you're cute" twist is that it really shows how much of our perception is psychological. Members of Federation and former Federation species, even those like Cilany and Recel who understood that humans aren't monsters, saw us as scary and/or ugly because that's what the Federation taught them. Whereas Elia mentions in her POV that she doesn't get how someone could see a human like her brother as scary, and the species with pet monkeys thinks we're cute in the same way that we think dogs are. Exact same reality, wildly different perception.


From what it sounded, I think they just cut communications with everyone because they kept recieving info.

Dookus Maximus

I think it's safe to assume there's some translator tech. The Krev themselves are made of 6 different species, and from different planets I believe, so it's likely they had to overcome language barriers somehow. Of course with only 6 species learning the languages wouldn't be impossible, but I'm just connecting the dots.


Amazing chapter, figured the Krev wouldn't have an issue with humanity's appearance, but the fact they already knew (and hated) the Feds and the whole Primate Pets thing were certainly unexpected twists! Can't wait to see more!


Taylor isnt the first POV to need redemption and a wake-up call! He has many flaws and mistakes to atone for and live with 😅


Gress POV is possible, there’s a side story idea I had about him…but I can’t share until after Chapter 16, when he talks about his past


Branching off from earlier, we have a fair amount of speculation going on as to what happens next, and I would like to raise the following point: Gress was fairly emphatic about the Consortium's (apparently natural) opposition to the Federation, but his initial assumption was that Humans were part of the Federation means that they scouted Federation siege before Humans were initially discovered. There is one other critical piece there, and while we don't have a clear confirmation yet, I am going to gamble on this being true: The Krev Consortium does not know about the Arxur. As the Arxur are currently confined to their 20 light-year "sovereign space" around Wriss, there is functionally no news getting out about them, and likely very little getting in to them. I propose to you all that, in the event that the changing dynamic between the Consortium and the... uh... Tellurian Republic?? In the event that it prompts them to send new scout missions to reassess Federation encroachment, there is a greater-than-zero chance that they will find the Arxur Collective before they find anybody else. Anyway, food for thought.


Good ol' Federation making life worse as always. It is funny that Taylor's assault on Gress was basically the best thing he could've done. I mean he wasn't allowed to reveal anything about humans (despite the secretiveness clearly annoying the Krev), and there was pretty much no way to stop Gress from leaving because of that, so knocking him out was really the best bet. Frankly, these people were really stupid for not thinking of something to reveal to the Krev about humanity. I mean seriously, it was obvious they didn't like how much humanity was hiding abiut themselves. A little transparency could've built some trust, which could've lead to proper conversations between the species much faster. Shame that people had to lose their lives to make things change, when things could've been solved with a few words.

everything very

I'm so curious about the obors!! How will they react to a human? What's the role of a ships obor ?an emotional support animal maybe? They'd have to be very mellow and respectful for the description from gress to be 'loyal and sensitive' instead of mischievous like I would imagine for a pet with opposable thumbs XD. I wonder if because of their dexterity they are trained as little helpers:0! Like instead of a dog fetching a newspaper it's a little monkey that just fully is able to pick it up with it's little fingers:D I wonder if they can use tools if not make tools! I wonder what obor nail care is like? Do the krev ever paint obor nails lol? I wonder what monkey they're most adjacent to visually, I feel like they ought to look like spider monkeys:) maybe they'll look kinda ugly to us? I wonder if they have tails? Do the krev have climbing toys for them? How did they get domesticated? Was it mutual? Was it a tarantula and frog situation making the obors an icon of/for child/egg safety ? Was it because of monkey fingers being able to and clean pangolin like scales making the obors valued for cleanliness and health? Did these associations ever bleed into religious practice or belief? I wonder how the krev deal with obor babies, I guess it all depends on the litter size but apes are generally very not ok with being separated from their children, especially not ones that are described as sensitive. I wonder if there's different breeds of obor? Is there immoral obor breeding practices that are going to have a krev equivalent of emergency article 56 to hide immoral treatment of obors from arkship 3 :0.


I'm glad my guess was kinda correct. I figured they were avoiding the federation. But my guess involved a UN scout ship coming into orbit just in time to difuse the argument that was brewing. I was not expecting the "we have you but as pets" and love the turn around of the established "humans find everything cute" being done to them.


What a Twist!:tm: Really curious on how this is gonna go, and now when other Humans find out about this.

everything very

We're getting the pretty privilege :0


We are the cat girls now.

Bungus Grungus

I would have expected Gress to be a bit more incredulous, or to have acted slightly more concussed, but he's sort of in the middle of the two.


Totally agree, but to play devil's advocate; Taylor and the others tried to compromise by letting Gress see the city without the people so he could see the damage for himself, and made it clear that the masks were important to their society. I can't remember exactly but a chapter or two ago Taylor also said he'd "be considered a traitor to humanity" if he removed his mask. On top of that the Krev were just as secretive, which doesn't exactly reassure a clearly desperate civilian population without any ship to fight the warship hanging over their head.

Greg Gougeon

Happy crap lol. That's now how I expected that to go at all. Thanks for the suprise. I loved it. I could not have thought of a better story ever. Man am I excited to see where this goes. I love that they think we are the cute baby creatures lol.


Broken Masquerade goes wrong


They did try to compromise, but the way they wanted to hide their whole populace for said tour of the city gave Gress even more reasons to be suspicious of the whole mask thing. And he didn't seem to be buying that explanation prior to that either. Though Taylor really would've been thought of as a traitor if he took the mask off, considering what the humanity expected the Krev's reaction to be. So there was some truth there ironically. The Krev definitely were secretive too, that's for sure. Both sides had their reason for the secrecy, but had one side offered even a bit of trust, this situation would've been over much faster. Of course, everything seems simpler in hindsight.


The authentic Venlil experience: getting ready for the scary alien to lash at you only to be told you are adorable I wonder what these pet primates look like. Are they more like chimps, or are we talking something like golden lion tamarins?


Cress just went from having the worst diplomatic job, to having the one everyone would fight over. Lucky him


I am guessing something like a Tamarin in size but we have no idea. Maybe its more like a small chimp or a orangutan looking thing.


@Space Paladin Please don’t say that. I’ve been giving the materialistic, business driven aliens the benefit of the doubt, rather than assuming that they are going to fall into the many plot holes other materialistic alien societies fall into in other stories. Oh dear… now I’m getting anxious again…


Okay, seriously well done with this one SP. You hit me with not just one curve ball that I love, but two


This is not where I thought this would go at all, but I'm not complaining. I figured they would just not care that we're meat eaters, but for them to think we're adorable because they have monkeys as pets? I'm both flabbergasted and a little jealous of Taylor.


@Vladi Vladi Some people use fiction in order to better understand themselves and others. I’ve personally used fiction to hone my interpersonal skills and speech patterns, as well as to challenge my own internal world views. People like that (and me) HAVE to take fiction seriously, because we don’t get anything out of it otherwise. I don’t deny, we tend to have trouble letting people experience fiction at a surface level. It feels like a waste to us. I know that, for me, I have trouble because, when I’m looking through the comments, I filter out the short, shallow comments, and look to the others to hone my world view. A long, thought out, but otherwise ridiculous or unfair comment registers in my mind as a challenge; a point of view contrary to my own to test my own against. When someone responds with more ridiculous or unfair arguments, it starts to feel like an insult, not to the fiction, but to me, since I took the time to engage in a civil discussion (which you signaled you wanted by putting so much thought into your comment), but that courtesy isn’t being returned. Basically, it makes me feel as though I’m not being treated as an equal. That being said, it’s not entirely fair, since just because I FEEL like someone is signaling they want a discussion, doesn’t mean they actually are. That’s something I try to work on. To my credit, I didn’t get involved in this one; I was just commenting that I was shocked that you admitted to trolling. As for that, simply put, I’ve never seen anyone admit to trolling in the past. Trolling is done primarily as a bid for attention, so most trolls will do anything to avoid admitting it; usually, after they admit it, people stop paying attention to them. That’s why I was shocked. If you are just trolling, your statements about a work of fiction doesn’t really reflect on your character (if you actually DID care, and we’re serious, it would to an extent, since it indicates your world view, and suggests how you would treat other people). However, I would say that choosing to troll DOES impact people’s perception of your character. Trolling is a directed at ACTUAL people who care about a subject, not fictional characters; it’s about provoking a reaction from them as a joke. Unfortunately, the troll is usually one of the only people who finds the joke funny. The other people tend to find the joke hurtful or infuriating. Just like you want to be allowed to follow this series on the surface level and make some jokes about it without people taking stabs at your moral character for it (something that I agree shouldn’t be done), those of us who are seriously interested in the series would like to have legitimate discussions, rather than have someone bait us into an argument with someone who doesn’t care for that deep talk, and don’t like to see posts that the poster knows goes contrary to people’s thoughts on the series put up without a person legitimately wanting to stand by that argument on a moral ground. Our beliefs are wrapped up into our opinions on this series, so a controversial post attacks those beliefs; we don’t want to have that happen unless the poster has put enough thought and effort into the topic to wholeheartedly stand and fight by it. And I get it, you don’t understand HOW we can get so invested into a fictional story like this. And that’s fine; I don’t understand how you can take it only at a surface level. But just because I don’t understand your way of interacting with the story DOESN’T mean I can’t accept it. That’s a choice that you can make too. I wouldn’t call what you did necessarily “trolling” it seems to me like you just didn’t understand how the joke would be received. Or that some people would take it seriously. I would recommend that, to avoid a miscommunication in the future, you could end similar posts with a line clarifying that your post is meant to poke fun at the story, and that you aren’t looking for a serious discussion. At s if you still get unwanted comments attacking your stance, like you did here, at that point it’s THEIR problem and a sign of THEIR character, not yours.


I had no interest in the Krev chapters until now. This was a neat reveal.


Bruh I literally said that the Krev like primates as a joke theory wtf lmao. Also Gress try not to be based challenge (2024 degree of difficulty: impossible)


That's absolutely hilarious. Imagine if they'd just shared a TINY BIT up front, how all this could have been avoided...


There’s like 80 + 80 SC and The Shield members after expansion no? So not 200+


Literally no empire in history has stayed as the strongest unstoppable nation perpetually. That’s all it means, you’re overthinking it. Golden ages can last hundreds of years.


@Elias I think phyco was joking but I’ll let them explain themselves.


Ha, we thought the bissem plot would be chill and the krev would be hell, but it’s actually the other way around!

Some Lvm

Nope. Absolutely not. As hilarious as this reveal is, assaulting Gress still isn't the best thing Taylor could have done by far. Basically, the little bastard is the luckiest dipshit in the colony - first he survives the drill explosion with only a concussion, then he is pardoned for assault due to being adorable. If humanity didn't turn out to be Consortium's Zurulians, his actions would still be enough to spoil any good will between humanity and the Krev. Or at least for Gress to demand punishment and reparations. No, Taylor is still a dumbass and most likely forever will be. He might get a redemption arc in the future, but honestly I would not get my hopes up...


You were not lying about this chapter being one of your best


I’m very much excited for when we get to see our humans tour Gress’ ship!


@Anthony “Even if this one wasn’t the same pathogen, it was close enough to hit home. Convergent evolution is our universe’s reality, predator. It’s why we see such similar patterns on all worlds.” Ch 175 - Maronis

Edmund Lam

Instead of "humans are space Orcs", it's "humans are space dogs"!


Yeah just because the Sivkits went full isolationist doesn’t mean that they abandoned Tunsas lol.


This chapter felt sooo short


Honestly Hathaway pisses me off way more, like he unloaded his responsibility onto a concussed man and then he blames the concussed man for doing something dumb? Like for fucks sake you’re the leader take some responsibility.


Also the twist is distracting everyone from what a piece of shit scumbag Hathaway is. Obligatory fuck Hathaway.


I have a feeling the Consortium encountered the Federation fairly early on in its reign, but long enough within said reign for the Kolshian/Farsul narrative to take root. Or, quite possibly, the Krev even clandestinely witnessed one of the first 'uplifts' and collectively went "fuck that noise."


We’ll have to see what the obors look like next chapters: whether it be more great ape—like ourselves—or more a little pet monkey!

Tyler Ellis

Now wait wait! What have my Sivkits done? Last we heard they fucked off out of federation space and now we know that the Krev know of them. I had a theory that I didn’t share about one of the consortium races being the Sivkits who are basically indentured servants not allowed to leave and to work forever, wonder how close I am!


The traveled over to the other side of the coin from the pet keepers to the pet like i love it..... And suddenly the pov that I'd found boring is amazing nit Biss level but this just got good

Tyler Ellis

If I had to guess we gave them the imperial Japan treatment. Rebuilt their home and economy from the ground up and put in leaders who were pro-human. It’s a strong possibility that they’re very close to us now expecially since a majority of SC races wanted them punished or worse, yet we were the ones who spared them.

Bungus Grungus

I like to think the krev were very secretive as they saw the federation as an existential threat.


The whole thing with Krev was kinda predictable, after Gress was clearly displeased with hiding faces behind masks and showed some empathy. But… I didn’t expected the whole “OMG, you so cutie balls!”. And it’s hilarious and wholesome in a way. Nice spin around humans trying to pet everything “friend-shaped”. Even if I saw that part of NOP2 less interesting then first contact with Bissem… Now I’m very eager to see humans learning to live with obsessive lizards trying to pet every human they see. It’s gonna be hilarious!

Amanda Chowning

I was guessing it might be both, similar to how we have a wide variety of dog breeds. There might be lap dog primates, guard dog primates, big dumb goofy family pet primates, etc. I’m getting that humans are essentially space puppies to them. Their main domesticated pet animal, known for their loyalty and companionship. And they mentioned we have juvenile physical traits compared to their primates (I guess they fluff up more as they grow).


fantastic twist - I was not expecting this direction. Now the humans will get a little taste of what the venlil and other cute aliens experienced


They're more like obsessive pangolins. He's compared the two before and they are scaled mammals.


Hard to say, but Gress only mentioned the Federation; he didn't say one word about the Arxur, and that's kind of a big thing to just miss. Not only does that suggest that the last time they checked Federation space was before Humans were known to have survived, but it suggests that it was before the Arxur were discovered. Your Sivkits are probably still free as the wind.


We aren't distracted from it. We just recognize that he's the kind of scumbag who thinks there's no such thing as bad publicity. We're simply denying him the thing he wants more than anything else: Coverage.

Ryeloaf Breadmen

I hope Taylor still faces legal consequences for his actions after this is all sorted out. He's been a fucking menace and willfully endangered, killed, and now attacked someone. If this gets brushed aside I'm gonna be upset


I’ll also point out (in addition to what was said by others) that Gress said the humans landed ONE system away from the Krev home system. Imagine if mysterious aliens from a sector of space that still follows Federation ideology suddenly sent an Ark Ship to Pluto, and when humanity tries to chase them off, they claim that their ship is about to stop working and they NEED to land, at least for a few months. Then imagine that those months become decades, and this species makes sure to tell and show you as little as possible. As far as the Krev we’re concerned, humanity was preparing a staging ground to launch an attack to take the Krev home world.

Rick VanHoute

I can see why you wanted to get this out early. Probably my favorite bomb drop after the cilaney interview.

Yannis Morris

@Amanda Chowning Well humans legitimately exhibit Neoteny and it’s not because of the hairlessness


You don’t know how many spin-off fics you have just spawned into being with this chapter lol. It’s nice though to see governments outside the federation. Makes the galaxy feel that much larger. Keep it up!


What a fun chapter and twist, great job SP!

Alekss Žukovskis

Well, now im sitting and grinning like an idiot. If only we had met these guys first.


Wow! Didn’t see the reaction of “you’re cute little space monkeys” coming. Now I gotta know how they’re going to tell Griss how they’re not federation colonists but refugees from an extermination campaign.


I almost didnt read this chapter as I was still very pissed off at Taylor and the other dipshits. I am still pissed at them but glad I read it!


Between "humans are space orcs" and "humans are space mice", the "humans are space dogs" came outta left field but is by far my favorite lol.


Alright, put the next chapter in the bag 🔫😠👉💰 In all seriousness the ark chapters have been way too doom and gloom for me and I had no idea how I wanted the story to go but this knocked it outta the park. Also “fuzzy hair spot” sent me

Some Lvm

Well, if there are more of them like Taylor, they are going to be pissed they are no longer special, since they are no longer the last of their species. They might even consider nuking the earth themselves to regain their special status, all the while blaming earth humans for all their troubles.

Some Lvm

Well, as usual I did not see this twist coming. It was fairly obvious the Krev would not have issues with humanity, but for them to know enough about the Feds to hate them, and to find hairless monkeys adorable to boot... Its too much! Now for some reason I am imagining what hilarity will ensue, if the first SC vessel to make contact with the colony would happen to be a Technocracy exploration ship. Some colony official: "This is a protected planet of the Krev Consortium! Go away federation scum!" An uppity Yotul captain: "Why do you have a rag on your face, and how the fuck did you monkeys beat us here?" The colony official: "Ahh........." Krev warship showing up: "You will not burn our adorable or... Humans!" Yotul captain: "Wha......" (place meme with cat and apple loading animation here)


Would make an interesting AU! Earth being in Consortium space, is observing the Feds from the outside


I look forward to seeing what Consortium fics people come up with! 😅 this is only the tip of the iceberg for all the stuff we’ll learn involving the Krev and their allies


Excited for the krev to roll up on federation space to avenge their new puppy (monkey) friends, only to find federation space no longer belongs to the federation.


Federation dun got evicted by the new human land lords.


Given that Gress specifically nentioned "unscientific brainrot", and described the lengths their corner of the Galaxy took to avoid Federation interference, I would absolutely agree with that assessment.


Reminds me of “They are Smol.” I love this version of hfy, it’s hardly ever done in favor of doom and gloom. Excited to see where this goes. The Bissim chapters have been awesome so far and now I am all in here too. Can’t wait!


The more I think about the more I realize how badly several neutral worlds are possibly gonna he genocided.

Edmund Lam

Consortium sends a stealth scout ship to help their primate pals find out what happened to Earth. Hilarity ensues.

Conure King!

Maybe some indentured servitude to the Krev? Forced to be an ambassador?


So what you’re telling me is we resemble their pets… Humans are the Krev’s version of alien cat girls 😂….


I have a feeling someone's going to smile at Juvre and Juvre is going to freak out.


The problem with getting an early really good chapter is the extra wait for the next one!


I just got off the tail end of a 50+ hour work week, with ALL my fellow techs out with Covid (they have since recovered)... I was too busy and too tired to read this when it came out... I must say... Krev revealing that we humans are "friend shaped"... I am giddy! I adore this twisty direction! XD Good Lord, I needed this kind of happiness after such an intense week! THANK YOU for this magnificent story! Between friend shaped pangolins and friend shaped penguins... I wasn't ready for friend shaped primates! PPP friends unite! :D


I hope you get rested up, but I'm glad that this chapter was able to give you some reprieve! It's about time someone finds humans adorable!


Credit where credit is due: that caught me completely off guard. I thought the Krev were going to be these opportunistic slavers trying to force humanity into eternal debt-slavery, using the threat of eviction as a way to keep them in line. Their actions still make complete sense this way, so it's a very refreshing, even pleasant way to be blindsided. Now maybe without that constant terror over everyone's heads, the colonists can hold a fair and egalitarian election to depose Hathaway and put someone else in charge, as well as hold the three bumbling banditos to justice.