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Bissem - The Bissems are an aquatic race of flightless, tan-feathered avians with a contentious history. Their world has been plagued by wars and territorial disputes, due to the amplified differences among their factions: three main subspecies (tropical, temperate, and arctic) exist in the present era. A fourth subspecies went extinct during the colonial era. Bissems lack any international forum to settle their disputes, and are currently in the advanced stages of their Internet Era. Additionally, they are piscivorous, subsisting on fish.

Shortly after the end of Humanity’s War, the Sapient Coalition detected the spacebound transmissions from a faction called Lassmin, a newer power who’ve rallied for unity among Bissems. Many parties worried that contact could be complicated, not just due to the residual effects of the fallen Kolshian-Farsul Empire or because they are the SC’s first attempted uplift, but due to hostilities between Bissem subspecies. Any ambassadorial selections or perceived preferential treatment could be an issue.

The humans are attempting to minimize their impact on Bissem cultures, while also hoping their introduction to the galaxy is peaceable…and that first contact can help restore their homeworld, Ivrana.

Krev (as told by the ark ship humans) - When Ark Ship 3 flew toward a habitable world, outside of Federation space, the human settlers were greeted by an alien warship before they could land. The species, called themselves the Krev, are mammals with dark green scales, as well as long tails and tongues. The Terran settlers didn’t want contact with any more aliens, after believing Earth was dead. However, unable to fight, the ship’s captain answered the video hail with features fully covered.

The Krev declared that the world was a Krev Consortium—later learned to be a six-species pact—territory, and demanded that the humans leave. The ark ship’s supplies were dwindling, since this vessel chose to flee as far as they could make it, and contingency hydroponics efforts had not gone as planned. The Terrans pleaded that they did not have the supplies to travel any further, and that thousands of settlers would die without the planet.

The Krev held the ark ship at gunpoint for several hours, before agreeing for them to land on the planet and temporarily colonize the world. In exchange, the Consortium wanted regular material payments from the humans’ efforts. The terms were accepted, with little choice of any alternative. Substantial infrastructure was built underground to avoid the Krev spotting settlers’ “predatory” features via satellite imaging, and full disguises are worn for all aboveground meetings. This arrangement was assumed to be temporary by both parties.

However, the ark ship humans have not shown any propensity to leave after decades, despite the “owners” clearly wanting them gone, and colonists are beginning to resent the payments to the Krev’s pact. Judging by their payment collectors’ emotionless focus, the Krev are a reclusive species that have proved as disinterested in any connections as the humans are. Despite this, the continued secrecy and unforthcoming answers to prying questions from the settlers’ end, despite claims that it’s “a way of life,” has seemed to annoy the Consortium collectors recently.

A/N - The teasers for NOP2! If you're thinking this is short, here's 2K words of lore on the Bissems and the various intricacies of their homeworld. Two brand new species who will be majorly plot relevant, and I'm curious what you guys think (and will think) of both!

As always, thank you for reading and supporting! Nova family series is set after NOP1, so it can't drop until the finale releases tomorrow: it should be a fun one!


Yannis Morris

I’m imagining some Federation holdouts (Inside the SC or otherwise) finding out where Ark 3 went, going over there to uncover what humanity was *really* planning during the war, and then instead of blood running through the streets and us ripping animal fur with our teeth: It’s once again just a bunch of humans trying their hardest to get some aliens not to drive them extinct. Doing (most) of what the aliens say. And suffering in pursuit of that. (The holdouts: How devious! Will these plots never end!?)

Yannis Morris

I can see a Krev glimpsing a peak at some humans exposed skin, noting the paleness and visible veins. And then with that small knowledge of their anatomy, combine it with their tendency for underground infrastructure, and their commitment to covering up, and come to the conclusion that humans are a species that evolved in caves and are thus sensitive in above ground environments.