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Memory transcription subject: Jimek, Venlil Art Student

Date [standardized human time]: February 2, 2137

The call with Callsi had been too close of a shave yesterday, and I wasn’t sure if she still had suspicions. When Dustin picked up, I had gone totally silent; how was I supposed to explain the two of us running off without any communication? The human, by contrast, had been cool and collected, as if lying about our whereabouts was just an average day. Maybe he’d been used to covering his ass to avoid getting in trouble with his other foster families back on Earth, though given how worried he was about angering us and being sent away, I was surprised he hadn’t been nervous at all.

“Where in the stars have you two run off to?” Callsi hissed. “How am I supposed to know you weren’t carted off by exterminators? I can’t look out for you without knowing what you’re up to.”

Dustin didn’t even flinch under pressure. “Oh hi, Mom! Aren’t you at work? You know about our art portfolios; we need to research our end of semester projects. We definitely told you—Jimek needs more practice with his leaves, and so do I. Trees are different here than on Earth, especially the ones that look like an inverted umbrella—cozan trees. The reason trees evolve is about competition for water and all sorts of nutrients, requiring deeper roots, and then those tissues supporting—”

“I don’t need a science lesson right now. Look, I got permission from Kaulin to take the afternoon off, and was going to surprise you. My plan was to come home, and learn to make a Terran dish together. One of the humans at the bar brought me a box of pasta and a set of instructions…I thought it would be something sweet to do. Ever since you started art school, we don’t spend much time together.”

“Hey, we’d love that, Mom! Jimek doesn’t know what he’s missing with human food, and you have no idea how bad I miss it. I’ll get him to wrap up his sketch, and we’ll come home. I’m sorry if we weren’t clear about our plans; I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I would really prefer if you and Jimek didn’t go off without supervision—not without running it by me.”

“Like I said, we did. I’m pretty sure. I want to be home in time for pasta, so I’m going to go and hurry back. Bye!”

My brother had flashed me a thumbs up when he disconnected from the holopad, and I’d exhaled a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. Despite how tiring it was to scamper all over Dayside City, I hurried to the public transit stop, ignoring my aching lungs and legs. The predator, by comparison, hadn’t even broken a sweat. I wasn’t sure if we’d made it home in time for Callsi to believe we didn’t go far, but she didn’t give me any more than a brief scolding. What had rattled me was when she commented on how neither of us had art supplies on us. Dustin covered by saying that we did our practicing with styluses on our holopads, before gushing over the pasta boxes to change the subject.

We had a nice afternoon cooking pasta together: very starchy and acidic! Callsi used a can of some Terran fruit sauce, boiling it like water. It was nice, but why did she have to pick today of all days to check on us? Now she’s going to be watching us closely.

However, my concerns couldn’t be on the stress of lying, since we were walking into the school now. William, Rauln, and their friends needed to show up today, like they promised, or else this was going to be another miserable start to the week. I always dreaded when I had to go back to this place; it wasn’t fair that the herd labeled me an outcast, because I was quiet and liked art. There was nothing wrong or predator-diseased about that! The bad people were the ones who’d hurt me because of my interests, but they never got any judgment from the other kids. I found myself sulking again, as I walked over to my locker. Every morning, I felt like I couldn’t do another day of this.

Cylek stomped up to me at my locker, earning a scowl from Dustin. “Your little blood-drinker can’t watch your back forever, Jimek. He can’t lay a hand on me now, either.”

“How’s your jaw?” my brother shot back. “You know, humans are very territorial. You step inside my bubble, and I’m entitled by Earth law to defend my turf.”

I knew that was a bald-faced lie, but I went along with it. “Yeah, Tarva is pretty understanding of UN customs. They’re only predators, Cylek. I feel like Dustin might lose control!”

The whistle sounded through the PA system, signaling that it was time to head to class, and the Venlil bully shot me a glare. I wriggled my way into the herd of students going to math, wishing I could disappear. Dustin gave me a hesitant look, wringing his hands; he didn’t want to leave me, with Cylek on the prowl, but he didn’t have the same first period class as I did. My human brother turned the opposite way down the hall, and most herbivore students parted around the predator—like they did whenever any Terran walked past or looked at them. I hurried deeper into the herd, sensing my tormentor shoving his way after me.

The math door was in sight, but nobody was impeding a riled-up Cylek. It was a fresh week, and he was gaining back the confidence to put me in my place, more brutally than ever. Not even a predator attack had deterred him; the guild was my last hope. William needed to throw this fucker into a predator disease facility to rot! I’d love to see the look on Vana’s face when she visited her baby in that place. Before I could dart into my class, a paw wrapped around my neck. My bully pressed a knife to my stomach, and flicked his ears toward the bathrooms. I swallowed, not seeing the exterminators, and allowed myself to be herded near a water fountain.

“I was looking up the human alphabet, figuring out how to write Dustin’s name. I practiced a lot this weekend,” Cylek hissed, as his friends sauntered up to me, holding me still against the wall. “Keep still, Jimek, and it’ll be cleaner. I know it’s been a while since your last carving, but I’m sure you haven’t forgotten how to bite your tongue.”

I pinned my ears back, trying to keep them out of reach; two Venlil kids held them up by force. “STOP! Why are you doing this?”

Cylek didn’t answer, and feinted toward my chest with the knife. Fear rocketed through my veins, as I worried about a fatal blow; the bully pulled up at the last second, slicing the straps off my backpack. My books tumbled out of the satchel, and I was grateful I had the sense not to bring my drawings here, to be ruined; that would’ve been a major setback on my portfolio. Vana’s son laughed with sadism, before moving the knife up to my ear. To think he’d gone to the trouble of learning the human lexicon, just to rub it in to Dustin. I closed my eyes, and waited for the searing pain of my soft ear tissue being carved up.

I’m going to fucking kill Cylek, tonight. I don’t know how, but I’m gonna kill him! Rauln and William did nothing, so I’m done waiting for someone else to do something!

The serrated edge of the knife never connected with my ear; my eyes blinked open, as I heard a grunt from Cylek. A newly-arrived Rauln was much stronger than he looked, taking the bully’s legs out from under him with a strong kick. The smoke-furred Venlil lashed his tail, rage smoldering in his eyes. The exterminator pursued Vana’s son to the floor, connecting punches that were surprisingly impactful. The other kids in the tormentor’s posse went after Rauln, but he turned around and headbutted the nearest one with unparalleled aggression.

The exterminator raised his paws, as seven children formed a semi-circle around him, and gave the most blood-curdling hiss I’d ever heard. He almost seemed to be daring one of them to make a move, propelled onward by his wrathfulness; this must be what Rauln meant by bloodlust, when he saw someone being hurt. Cylek was sprawled out on the ground, struggling to get to his feet. After having his hindlegs swept out from under him by a brutal kick, he took a moment to put weight on them. The bully looked outraged by the incursion on his torture.

“You must be new here,” Cylek snarled. “Let me teach you a lesson you’ll never forget. You look like you might be a final-year student, but you are beneath me.”

Rauln issued a maniacal laugh. “I’m an exterminator, you fool! I’ve been one since I was your age. I burned a human with a gun alive, took another one in a fist fight, and you think I’m afraid of you? Take a swing at me. Come on, tough guy! Scared of a fair fight?”

“If you were with the exterminators, you wouldn’t dare come near me. My mom is Vana—of Vana’s Flamethrowers. I’ll have you fired for this.”

“Mommy’s clout isn’t going to save you, after messing with a guild employee. Jimek works for the exterminators, and we don’t take attacks on our own lightly.”

“What? But he’s—”

There was a blur of motion, as a metal crutch came flying through the air. Even off-balance and saddled with a bad leg, William managed to club Cylek squarely on the back of the skull. The bully crumpled back to the ground, while the black-haired human hopped forward on one leg. Luala, who I recognized from my stop at their office, swooped in with a flamethrower, and sprayed fire at the ground. The children’s posse scattered at the sudden rush of heat, and a fully-geared exterminator bearing down on them. A Farsul, presumably Fyron, swooped in with an extinguisher to put out the pocket of flames. I collapsed against the wall, trying to stop myself from shaking.

“How’s it going, Chicken Parm?” William shouted at the Krakotl, as she pranced up to him. “I might have to send you back to the kitchen. You could use some more breading, fix up that bland flavor.”

“You too, Monkey Wings. It might hide the fact that you’re all fat, no meat.”

“I am not!”

“Are too, Human Tartare. And by the way, why don’t you call Fyron food names?”

Rauln hauled a dazed Cylek upright. “Because Will likes—”

“Because she doesn’t look like food!” William shouted over his roommate.

Luala scoffed. “And I do?”

“You basically look like a blue stuffed turkey. I’d call you Thanksgiving-themed names, but ‘Butterball’ is the only one I workshopped there. I planned to use it once I run out of chicken names.”

Fyron wrinkled her nose. “Back up. What was Rauln saying that Will likes?”

“Hating on loud, chirpy Krakotl, obviously. Rauln, get the kid and take him to the van—quietly. It’s time for a predator disease investigation.”

“Jimek needs to come with us, to give a witness statement,” Luala chimed in. “Don’t worry. We’ll write you a pass.”

I hesitated, as the Krakotl ushered me toward the parking lot; Rauln had already begun marching Cylek down the hallway, pushing him with unyielding paws. What if Callsi found out I wasn’t in any of my morning classes? She might buy that the first absence was because of a bullying incident, but if she got wind that I was absent all morning…she might assume I was hurt, and leave work out of worry! There’d be no way to hide the exterminators’ involvement, or to explain their sudden interest, especially if Luala wrote me a pass. However, if this got Cylek locked in a facility, it was worth whatever happened at home.

Mom can’t get in the way of my job at the guild; I’m gonna have to provide art pieces to them on schedule, or else they’ll revoke their protection.

I would get in touch with Luala, whenever I saw a window of opportunity, to find out what she wanted me to work on. I didn’t like the idea of drawing anti-predator imagery, but it was worth it for the seal of protection. The band of exterminators was doing what I’d wanted the teachers and administration to go through with for years! Cylek shouldn’t be immune from the obvious existence of his predator disease, just because his family was filthy rich and important. My safety should be important too; a dangerous herd member should be removed, no matter who they were.

Fyron placed a paw on my shoulder, as Will lagged well behind us on his crutches. “Are you okay, kid?”

“I’m fine. Thanks for helping me,” I mumbled.

“Of course. I know what it’s like to be hated, and treated like you deserve suffering. William does too, as a human…and Luala was blamed and even assaulted because of the extermination fleet. When it puts your safety in danger, someone needs to step in. I imagine you must be feeling so isolated, just like I am. Sorry, this isn’t about me.”

“No, it’s alright. You feel isolated, Fyron?”

“My own neighbors write terrible things on my door; I don’t feel safe at my own apartment. Rauln stopped attacking me, at least, mainly because Will wouldn’t take it…but he acts like I don’t exist. My family is trapped on their planet, sealed off along with my entire species. I have no idea what’s happening on Talsk, and no idea whether the next Venlil I pass will attack me. If Will hadn’t been nice to me yesterday, I might’ve…he was so kind. I really needed that.”

I perked my ears up, and lowered my voice. “William? He doesn’t seem very…”

“William’s not as rough as he’d like everyone to think. He’s a broken person who’s lost everything, just like I am. He copes by pushing people away and lashing out, which I hope you’re not doing, Jimek.”

“No, ma’am. Dustin, my brother, has been helping me with everything!”

“Good. My point is, when William has his guard down, he’s fun and exuberant. It’s just hard to get him to self-reflect or to open up about anything. Actually, do you know what Rauln was going to say that Will liked?”

“Um…” I fumbled for my words, hurrying to get further ahead of William. There was no way I could lie convincingly, so maybe I should tell the truth? If it was a joke, Fyron would brush it off. “I think Rauln was going to say…you.”

“I beg your pardon? Me?! Rauln wouldn’t imply—”

“Yes, I would.” The smoke-furred Venlil pointed a single ear backward, with the slightest acknowledgement that he was eavesdropping. “Human hearing is shit, don’t worry. Just keep your body language calm.”

“Will does not have feelings for me,” Fyron hissed.

“Sure, whatever. Will’s never going to admit it to himself or any of us, especially after you said you weren’t interested in him.”

Luala shot an outraged look at the Farsul. “What? Why would you do that to yourself? He asked you, and you turned him down?”

Fyron squinted, a flustered look in her eyes. “Will put me on the spot about my fanfic. It was embarrassing that you ever gave him that, Luala! I hated that he read it, and it would be worse if that was how I…confessed. And why is Rauln even getting involved?”

“I’m pushing the issue. Playing matchmaker,” the Venlil pyromaniac answered. “I don’t like the Farsul, any of you, but I want William to be happy. You’re the only thing controlling his volatility, so you might bring out a better side of him.”

“The fuck are you guys whispering about?” Exterminator Kane shouted, a pained growl in his voice.

I noticed Fyron and Luala looking at me, so I tried to think of something. “Uh, I was just thanking all of the exterminators for handling Cylek! I wanted to know how rough the screening will be…and yeah. That’s it.”

William Kane looked skeptical at my explanation, while Fyron drifted off into deep thought. I didn’t know if Rauln was right about his roommate’s sentiments toward the Farsul, but I got the impression that she had developed those feelings for the human. It was weird to get dragged into these grown-ups’ personal lives, especially when all but one of them were aliens. I wasn’t sure whether to root for an awkward confrontation between the duo or not. What I definitely didn’t want was to piss off any of the exterminators, and wind up with Cylek released free of charges.

Whatever I had to do or say to put an end to my days of being bullied, it was worth it. These exterminators had the ability to resolve my problems, so now, I just needed to see how their plan played out. Dustin was the one who suggested making William fulfill his bargain, and I trusted my brother. It was nice to see Cylek as the one terrified, left mute with horror, for a change. If anyone could scare that spoiled brat away, it was a predator with a flamethrower and untempered power.

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A/N - Part 2! Jimek gets cornered by Cylek and his friends as soon as Dustin ventures out of sight, but Rauln swoops in...along with a questionably-fiery Luala, a crutch-swinging Will, and poor Fyron with the extinguisher. Cylek is taken off for a predator disease interview, while Fyron has an admission pried from her by Luala. What do you think of the severely sadistic bullying from Cylek; what resolution do you hope for, and expect, from the exterminators? Will Jimek's absence from class be noticed by his mother, and will he find a way to extol his anger?

As always, thank you for reading and supporting!




Adam Myers

So excited!


I don't know if using flamethrowers against kids in a school is the best look, regardless of the context, but I guess the ends were worth the means.


Ha! Get goofed silver spoon!

John Benjamin Cate

I am very curious how this screening will go, especially with how the flamethrowers are no longer to be used. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a ton of flip flopping from the commander of the office.

Adam Myers

I am loving this series already.

Some Lvm

Ah, yes, the sauce of that Terran fruit every store on earth is inexplicably intent on hiding in the vegetables section. Must be a predator thing - not being able to tell one type of plant from another...

Jonathan Cardoso Mota

My dude what IS Cylek. That wasn't bullying. Like, fucking- "I'll carve his name on your flesh to show you what happens when you hang out with humans" is a degree of evil that is past bullying. This boy has Real Problems that need addressed.

Some Lvm

Well, its a good thing there is a PD facility reform all through out Skalga. Cylek needs a good psychiatrist... Even than, I am not sure he can be salvaged. And looks like Rauln does not really need any genetic modifications - he decided he can go all "old school" Venlil as is. Probably a bit too early for it being socially acceptable though. Sadly, now I am left wondering if Will is a closet furry, and if Luala will be jealous, should anything between him and Fyron actually happen...

Yannis Morris

I don’t think “Not treating Fyron like she’s responsible for something that happened centuries before her grandparents were conceived” is a sign of romantic attraction.


Definitely a sadistic monster. Human psychologists are 100% going to find something messed up with his head, if they're present. I'm not sure if the date this happened means Cylek's getting wheeled off to the Federation's crazy bin or just put on medicine and getting therapy, but I hope it's the latter.

Dragon Writer Luc

I faced a lot of bullying in middle school, but none were so brazen as to try carving things into me. The most I got was free water bottles at a high velocity. I wouldn't say Cylek deserves electroshock, but some sort of juvie or boarding school would be a good idea. One that doesn't allow knives.


Wow, they're still the galaxies worst law enforcement, lighting a school hallway on fire and kidnapping children. Pretty on par with everything else we've seen lmaooooo.

Jonathan Cardoso Mota

This is past when reforms start. Reforms start at the end of the Predator Disease series, Human Exterminator 2 happens *after* that series, and Venlil Foster Brother starts directly after the end of HE2

Edmund Lam

William is my favorite asshole.

Rusty Deviant

You got me wondering now if Rauln is a throwback, like how some humans can present some Neanderthal characteristics


It's not just that, it's also the lack of barbs pointed her way. Just about everyone else gets them, even Luala, who's in a similar boat. Also it's just a frenemy's ship, so take it with a grain of salt


Meh, they're about on par with US law enforcement. At least they only kidnap the children instead of shooting them all, Jimek included, like a US cop might.

Dragon Writer Luc

Immunity to consequences is a great way to find out how evil people can be. It's clear Vana has never tried to discipline her child, and quite possible that she believes her business is immune to any threat, even public opinion. Sadly, this is close to a real problem that needs addressing, and it's often not as simple as putting the kid on drugs and adding a psychiatrist. (Remember, we have another "nonconforming" character that was put on drugs for years.)

Youre a swedekisser arent you

Rauln is truly the most based asshole Venlil around, literally beating Cylek and daring his mates to join in. He's also the most firey Cupid the galaxy has ever seen. Long live Fywill!

Byron Ritchie

Honestly I think after the main series wraps up the next should focus on will and his squad mates That’s just my opinion though so yeah

Andrew Boivin

Rauln: “You attacked a cop dipshit” Will: BONK Laula: FLAME


I ship it, but for some reason I also want will to be like "I really don't like Fryon that way, guys, I'm serious!" At then end of this

Mr. Walker

I thought Will was involved in animal control only. Could he get in trouble for this?


I may be the first person to chant for violence, however, I can't help to be really worried for Cylek, I wonder if they'll truly help him change his behaviours, or if they'll just torture him until becoming numb. No child deserves torture, even if they're cruel It never ceases to amaze me how much the Venlil are terrible liars x'D Dustin for the win! I noticed that Jimek calls his own mother by her name in his own thoughts, that's an interesting cultural difference, calling everyone, including authority figures, by their given name, kinda like Icelandic people. Thank you for the chapter!

Mr. Walker

Category error. In botanical anatomy, a tomato is a fruit. But, chefs need their own jargon where they distinguish between sweet plant-ingredients and savory plant-ingredients. Words mean different things in different contexts. Also, the litteral definition of the word 'vegetable' includes fruit: "a plant or part of a plant used as food, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean."

Mr. Walker

Is it just me, or are all of the cannon 'xeno x human' ships 'f-xeno x m-human?'

Yannis Morris

Well this is at least a month before Veln puts those Facilities out of human authority


*Today, Rauln got to beat up and terrify an evil child. It rocked*

Some Lvm

@Mr. Walker: interesting - I never looked up the formal definition, and though it was all about which part of the plant it was...

Some Lvm

@Mr. Walker - well, gee, thanks for that! Now you made me take stock of them and... You seem to be right! And now my brain is trying to figure out if there is any significance to this...


The exterminators really have no rules at all about restraint, huh? Will just bashed a child over the head with a crutch and Luala started setting the school on fire and no one seemed to take issue with either.


Terrorizing the same school two times in a row? Rauln is about to get blacklisted :v

Tyler Ellis

Cylek seriously reminds me of all of those serial killer documentaries, where when they interview old school mates and they explain how they always did the most disturbing and fucked up stuff when they were younger. Like “yeah when we were in boarding school one time he snapped a squirrels neck and left its entrails under my mattress”. Cylek isn’t a bully, Cylek is going to grow up a serial killer. Also I really do hope Will has a thing for my favorite Farsul bc gauging her reaction (and fanfic) she does have something for him.


I wonder, did Volek build her flamethrower company from the ground up, or is "Volek" a family name? Or perhaps it's tradition to rename a company when someone new takes over.


He really is going to turn out a serial killer alright


What an aweful kid, how even connections let someone bring knives to cut people up on the regular is beyond me but I also don't know anyone with those to know either way. Time to lock this kid up for public safety. All went down weirdly well timed for the lack of planning.

Mr. Walker

Cylek is like the bullies in a Stephen King novel. Anyone else remember the switch-blade welding psychos from the "IT" miniseries? Note: Regretably I have not read the book or seen the new movie. I will get to it when I get to it.


@Mr. Walker It’s because the majority of the audience for nop are horny men. This is a Reddit story after all

Mr. Walker

@Som Lvm, context specific meanings, jargon, and linguistic nuance are very interesting.


I think that the UN needs to get involved in this. Sure, we aren’t supposed to interfere and tell the Venlil how to run their planet, but this involves us. Human children are attending Venlil schools, and if they allow this, think of what could happen to the humans. Fear is a major motivator in bullying, and Cylek shows that he had no issue going after someone that people suspected of having a strain of Predator Disease, so being actual predators is no guarantee to protect those kids. Especially if the school still hand waves it, like they did before. That is unacceptable, and as long as human kids are attending Venlil schools, so changes would need to occur.

Mr. Walker

@Som Lvm & @DragonCat, I was going to attribute the trend to SP15's own masculinity.


I think all the time about this series in general being a TV series, but I specifically think about the Human Exterminators' characters having their own spin-off show like Criminal Minds, except everyone but the human is kind of an idiot. And the human is also kind of an idiot.


I think it's a reference to Stephen King's "It". The bully in that book tries to carve his name into the fat kids belly like an absolute maniac.


I think actually fighting a predator and realizing we're not as monstrous and unbeatable relative to a Venlil inspired a lot of confidence in Rauln, even if he didn't really win. And it sounds like pretty much every human is a furry in the future. It's just people bangin' people. Some of them have fur and tails, but variety is the spice of life and everyone is sapient here, so whatever.


I don't think this is what people meant when they said dogs are man's best friend :( But I always love the stunning displays of professionalism from Will and his friends. Also: > "...get the kid and take him to the van—quietly." lmao The sheer, bestial brutality of this chapter is everywhere with impunity, from Cylek to the exterminators, but I guess that's just another Tuesday on Skalga/VP. And Cylek... If Venlil police are so corrupt that they'd let a child have his flesh carved up with a knife, I mean. Jesus Christ. Their society is demonic. There is no saving it. I'm enjoying this story, though!


@Mr. Walker, it could also be a subconscious choice by SP due to the fact that humans are more "masculine" compared to the aliens---we're larger, stronger, less emotional---and the aliens being "feminine" overall---smaller, weaker, more emotional. Of course, that's only under Federation genetic and psychological engineering (And those are just our traditional gender roles, I'm not expressing an opinion on them). Then again the Venlil are pretty much violent psychopaths ...Or maybe SP and the NoP fanbase are just a bunch of hormonal male furries lol


I am a bit surprised there hasn't been more pushback against it, considering how divided the galaxy is and its legacy of totalitarian, traditionalist societies.


I'm willing to bet it runs in the family. She just inherited the company and all the prestige that came with it.


@Reptani. I think your on to something there. Also we should do a poll, how many of us are male and how many are female?


Will and his squad are some of my favorite characters. Hell, they’ve probably had as many total appearances as some main story characters 😂


Maybe he just has an aggressive personality? I mean in real life everyone has a different temperament; so I don’t see why it can’t be the same for the aliens. It’s pretty obvious that “herbivore = weak and cowardly” is just propaganda.

Rusty Deviant

I would’ve thought so except he keeps being described as far more effective in an actual fight, with strong punches and a useful headbutt


Honestly “tomato is a fruit” is just nonsense. No sane person uses the botanical identification when refering to plants they eat, unless it’s in a scientific setting. But people keep insisting on calling tomatos fruits for whatever godforsaken reason.


Even once they are, they're still going to be heavily integrated with the exterminators, so at least in the city, Humans will still be able to exert _some_ influence. Plus, everyone at the local facility has been fired if not also incarcerated, so it would need to be restaffed from nothing. Good opportunity to get better people in. Maybe even a psychiatrist.


Come on, you're overreacting. It's not like they didn't put it out!


With luck, Cylek's issues are nothing that can't be fixed with cognitive therapy and antipsychotics.


Sure there is, and the first step is exorcizing the demon: The Federation.


I wish you cared as much about what we have to say when we offer constructive criticism as you do when we get the names of your side characters confused.


When the Exterminators can't, _they_ can! When there's no one left to ask for help, you still ask them. But you'd better be specific, or it's going to get... messy. No request too small! No order too tall! No job too dirty! When the going gets tough... the tough get filthy! William Kane of Earth... Rauln of Skalga... Luala of Nishtal... And Fyron of Talsk are... The Filthy Four! (Rated "R", in select theaters Friday)


I dont know why NOP is such a nexus of "america bad" rhetoric and im not even american.


Somewhat related sidenote: I hope we get to see Lisa and Olek come back to Skalga on leave at some point and visit the family; I just think the reaction to the inevitable "So where have you been?" question would be hilarious

Some Lvm

To be fair, most of the kids probably though Luala's show was cool, from a distance at least. I wonder what she would think about the legend of the Phoenix...

Some Lvm

Nah, the school is still predator infested, all part of the job!

Alekss Žukovskis

"ah yeah, we visited Dossur, got occupied, an angry lizard broke us out, so we helped facilitate his rebellion, so now we are working for him, went to the Grayscaled wriss, so now we are working directly under their Chiefest of Chiefs."

Rusty Deviant

I know, but who’s to say what a venlil with an older lineage of genes might express. Only SP knows and we gotta wait to find out!


It would be super interesting to explain all our different mythology to the xenos. I wonder what the krakotl would think about the regular use of avian imagery in general in our myths.


The fire was pretty funny but you can argue the crutch was sort of justifies given the kid was about to carve someone up with a fucking knife and had a posse of equally insane cowards. Just because they aren’t adults doesn’t mean that kids/teens aren’t strong