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Hey everyone!

It begun! The Rato Raising Project!

So, just so you understand what I plan here, there will be 8 Subjects, each going on for 3 weeks, with the exception of subject zero. The subjects will be this Baby Steps thing, Form and Shapes, Perspective, Portraits, Gesture, Anatomy, Composition and Light and Shadows (rendering). This is all completely arbitrary, as I just want to go over all of the Art Fundamentals in around 6 months, which so that at the beginning of the next year I can think of what to do with my studies next.

For Subject Zero, the plan is just to adjust myself to the idea of doing a study-focused drawing everyday for a given time. It's different from just drawing whatever, since I'm following a particular studying method. This will be the only Subject that will last 4 weeks.

Here its the plan:

-In week 1, I will make two girls in 15 minutes each everyday (30 min total)

- Week 2, the two girls and two relaxed portraits (1 hour total)

- Week 3, the two girls, two portraits and two drawing of something I never drew before, like an animal, vegetable, vehicle etc (1 hour 30 minutes total)

- Week 4 I will dedicate 30 minutes to watching/reading a tutorial and the rest of the time practicing what I learned (2 hours total)

Hopefully this will all work out! For now, take a look at Day 1 of Subject Zero! In retrospect, I think I will do these in black and white, just because its too fast to bother with colors.




already starting the raising project 😭 they grow up so fast