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"Drink up matey, and I'll tell you about Pyra's Port. A small cove, on the rocky coast, it weren't nothin' but a fishin' village 'fore an adventurer bought up the Red Bravo pub. They'd been a worldly soul, and saw opportunity where others saw nought. Them cliffs and valleys 'round the town gave good cover to customs dodgers, and t'wasn't long 'fore them fishin' boats were sitting low with contraband from the continent. Pyra's Port become a sweet name to many undiscernin' folk, and powerful players have taken advantage of the opportunities here. If you're lookin' to get in on the crew, then hang about. You can buy the adventurer a pint."

Welcome adventurers to the Smuggler Cove!

This rustic fishing village sits between steep valleys and a rocky coast, but beneath its quaint facade lies an underlying criminal enterprise. The boats returning from the sea come heavily laden, not with fish, but contraband and valuables smuggled in from across the seas. While the sailors make a fair cut of these taking, many of the ring leaders have made vast sums from their operations, and are wary of anyone seeming to move in on their territory.

Designed to serve as a NPC hub or an adventuring location, the multiple shops, tangle of buildings and towering fort should provide opportunity for both. There are also multiple entrances to subterranean areas, to carry the adventure into the heart of the smuggler operation.

The full high-res 60x80 maps also come in partitioned versions, for use on VTT's with smaller upload limits. They also come in gridded and gridless, day and night versions.

In addition, for Vanguard tier, all maps come in Modular Mansion versions. With 22 new rooms and entrances, you can drag, drop and personalise your own version of the maps. All of this is compatible with previous Modular Mansion maps, so if you'd like a pit trap in your pub, or room for a coastal wizard, you can do that!

Thanks again to everyone who took part in the polls, and to everyone on Discord who helped with ideas for this map. Next up is the Mountain-Top Monastery, to atone for all that smuggling. If you have any ascetic ideas for that then come let me know

As always, if you've got any feedback on this map, the patreon in general or ideas for future maps, then feel free to comment or come join the lovely people on Discord to hang out.

I hope you have some super swashbuggling adventures with this map, and that the authorities turn a blind eye to your criminal ways.

Much love,



TRAILBLAZER 1€ - Rewards  

VANGUARD 4€ - Standard Rewards 

   - Modular Mansion Rewards 



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