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Wooly hated stereotypes! But here he was, looking down into the ravine, a dwarf very much scared of heights. It was a good thing Ilenia was scouting ahead, he'd hear no end of it otherwise! He stroked his moustache and considered the scene: The bridge was precarious, and exposed, but they'd already lost time when the wagon lost it's wheel. Despite his better judgement they had to push on. Over the bridge it was.

I count Six!”. Bol sharply turned to stare at Yeemik; He was honestly surprised his colleague could count that high! Overcoming his amazement, he squinted back through the tree branches. His sharp Goblin eyes picked out six caravan guards indeed. Tough, but doable. If they could get that wagon on the ropebridge, and cut it low, they could pick the winnings out of the valley at their leisure! His sharp fanged mouth curled into a smile.

Welcome Adventurers to the Ravine Crossing.

Travelling overland can be a risky but profitable business, for merchants and brigands alike. Whether it is the high mountain passes or the winding coast, many roads lead to perilous bridge crossings. With plenty of sight-lines for sniping Rangers, narrow cliff paths for flanking Monks or just pushing the bridgehead like a barrelling Barbarian, opportunities abound for your players to fight tactically or still somehow fall into the valley with a comedic coyote-style slide whistle!

Thank you everyone for supporting my map making! It means the world to me that people appreciate my art and get to go on adventures with it. I'd be excited for any feedback or suggestions you may have, and to hear how your adventures go down: Pun very much intended!

Much love,



TRAILBLAZER - 1€ Rewards 

VANGUARD - 4€ Rewards 



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