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Hello everynyan~~! Welcome back to la casa del iyarin! 

It's been an interesting month to say the least! Ever since I posted the last art I have been learning RPG Maker everyday after I finished drawing! It's a little challenging since I have no game dev knowledge, but it's going well so far and I hope I can make a great game for you guys one day! 

Apart from that, I saw this art and I knew I could put the iyarin spin on it! I'll take any excuse to draw cute brats! And paizuri + rimjob is such a powerful combo to keep them under control! This is something to heal you guys up before my next cruelty. 🤍

By the way, did you guys know this position is called rimzuri ? Me neither! §(* ̄▽ ̄*)§

See you again very soon! 🤍🤍👋




GOATED with the sauce.


A very cultural drawing.😌👌


Omg this looks fantastic! Can’t wait to see the finished piece

Zeyla Ignis

Can't wait to play your game someday, keep up the great work <3


That's probably what haven feels like. I'm insanely jealous!!!


mfw Iyarin goes down the rpg rabbit hole (T ^ T)


Out of all the brats, who has the biggest dick 🎤


Red hair? Dress shirt? HUMUNGOUS badonkers? Love me some Gio Soon Bridget will bang em all :)