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Just as the legends foretold, the elusive cat boy makes a return! I present to you, iyarin's reincarnation! 

After months of redesign works, the time comes for the culprit to reveal himself! With his cattiness and brattiness cranked up from a hundred to a thousand! No longer content with only tormenting you through his obscene artworks, he decided to step it up and make things purrsonal. After all, you're his beloved "myaster!" And if you're not careful, he's going to melt your heart and leave you completely smitten, either through his cuteness or through.. various other methods.

Iyarin is the first digital character I have ever drawn, way back around 2014! Over the year his design slowly changes, and there was a point where he turned from furry to human, around a year ago! After that I feel like his design has always been a bit lackluster.

Since his design has always revolved around him being a nekomata, with this redesign I decided to give him a stronger cat identity, notably the hair that just plops out into the shape of a cat ear, the whiskers, and the collar that works as a contract that binds him to his myaster! I plan to make a full post breaking down his design changes throughout the decade, I think it will be very interesting! Though I will have to go dig through my dusty notebook for my super old sketches when i was in school!

Lastly, I'm usually always on discord, don't be shy and come hang out in the server sometimes! Thank you for being here, it genuinely means a lot to me! I will keep working hard to make the best artwork I can, I will make you proud! 

Wholesome Ver. (No Text)




Please lord let there be a follow up


If it were me, I'd slamfuck iyarin on the spot lol


That is one of the most kissable mouths I've ever seen.


Plot twist: To hell with her, we fuck the cat boy instead 👺


I have never been so attracted to a femboy since Astolfo, no desire to top them both, yep. I am just that much of a sub, love the idea of being cucked by both <3