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Hello everynyan!! Here is something I'm working on for this halloween! Quite spooky isn't it!

For those who don't know, this is iyarin, it's me!! The one pulling the string behind the scene, harbinger of despair and mastermind behind the heartache! Expect me to show up from time to time! ψ(`∇´)ψ

He's essentially the first character I have ever drawn, so he is very special to me, and I have a lot of meta and unhinged idea I want to do with him and all the way he plans to bully you!

Lastly, thank you! Your support means a lot to me, and I will always keep drawing better and harder!! I also plan to put up a character poll soon so please look forward to it! ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆




going to sword fight him


Wait- we can be bullied by our favorite patreon artist, Iyarin??? Screw astolfo- I want more Iyarin!!! uwu ♡♡♡


ahaha, you're making me blush! i have separate plans for both of them, iyarin is my own creation so i can afford to be a bit more unfiltered when it comes to morally questionable stuff. But I'm also deeply passionate about astolfo! so you can look forward to both, different femboy bully flavors!