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★May 11 UPDATE:

I Google about Paypal and their NSFW policy, I find out Paypal actually is a partner with some adult, porn sites. WHAT??!?!


But Paypal doesn't change their policy even they seems like hit punch on their own face. I still not sure using Paypal to do NSFW art commissions, selling digital NSFW arts, games, supporting someone who made NSFW arts or literature is legal or not. But... seems there's not many NSFW artist have been banned, I think I can just forget it and let it go, fuck off Paypal. = =




Here is one of my WIP sketch, but it's not the point, I just wanna submit some graphic to make sure you will notice this message.


I just know Paypal is not allowed internet porn graphic trading few hours ago. Surely I'm the last one who know this. Since I start a Patreon account, I never set it as a NSFW account, it just because I want to show up in the search bar. I saw many NSFW artists on Patreon, I thought Patreon's NSFW policy just like Tumblr (I'm a silly fool I know) but mean while it's not.


I decide to use Payoneer,  seems it's the only choice. (I'm not an American so I don't have any bank account in US) But I have to spend whole month to set up, for now I'm still using Paypal, I hope they will not to caught me before June.


I know many artists are using Paypal to take NSFW commissions or selling 18+ digital products, and their Paypal account still working, doesn't be banned. But I don't want to get any trouble, maybe someday I'll be famous lol! I don't want to be caught!

我知道有許多創作者依然使用Paypal來接NSFW委託繪及販賣R18數位產品,而他們的Paypal帳號也好好的,沒被封鎖, 但我不想惹上任何麻煩,也許有天我會變大手哩lol!我不想被逮捕!

Anyway, I haven't set my Patreon account to NSFW. But I suggest, if you use Paypal to supporting me, you better change to using credit card or another ways to pay. I may be turning to NSFW account in next month or someday, using other ways to paid me is more safe to you.


Here's another problem, I'm using Gumroad to sell past rewards, but Gumroad is not allowed Payoneer. I must shut down my Gumroad account for a while until I find another way to keep selling but not breaking Paypal's rule, or just use other online shop service. If you know any other good online shop service, please tell me.


I haven't post any NSFW in this month, I might not get trouble soon but I'm starting worry about that. I may only post 1~2 NSFW in this month, I'm sorry. You may think I'm too careful, okay you can start laughing. ><

我這個月還沒張貼任何NSFW作品,我應該是不會很快惹上麻煩,但我已經開始擔心了,所以我這個月可能只會貼1~2張NSFW,非常抱歉,你可能會覺得我太小心翼翼,沒關係你可以開始笑我 ><


I will turn back to draw 2~4+ NSFW per month until I got a Payoneer account, It will takes 1 month or more, please wait to middle of June, I promise I will not give up to draw NSFW mpreg artworks or commissions.


I'm sorry about everything, you can delete your pledge if you don't accept. Thank you for reading this. qq




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