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I bought the game tool TyranoBuilder in late last year. Recently, I'm finally starting to try how to use it to make a simple visual novel game.

So far I'm completed a couple of chapters. I'll use simple sketch characters first, when I completed the scripts, I'll draw the colored version and change the pics.

The game plot is based on my OC manga→[BLOOD SQUARE]. Because I have no updates with this story since 2019, I want to make a simple game to complete it. I'll finish the first 3 chapters in the basic sketch testing version as soon as possible. (Of course with English version)



遊戲劇情是基於這篇自創漫畫→[BLOOD SQUARE~第十九分局狩魔錄~],因為這篇從2019以來就一直沒再更新,所以我想弄個簡單的小品遊戲版來填坑;前三章我會在近期內盡快弄出來(當然也會做英文版)

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