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Pack#24 & 25 rewards have been sent to charged patrons of September 1-21 & 22-30, if you got download problems or didn't receive the rewards, please note me.
繪集#24 & 25獎勵已寄出給九月1-21與22-30期間的贊助人,如果遇到下載問題或沒收到獎勵,請通知我

※Notice: If you didn't pledge me before I release the charge posts of September,  then you won't be charged and receive the Sep rewards.

Pack#1-23 and Mpreg OC story book "The Beast From Sodom" are available on Gumroad, if there's anyone want to buy past rewards, please check out my Gumroad shop => [★]
繪集1-23期與自創男孕繪本《索多瑪之獸》已於Gumroad上架,如需購買歷期獎勵,請至我的Gumroad賣場 => [★]

※Notice: OC comic layered files are not release.

$3 reward tier has been removed, if you don't pledge $3 tier, you don't need to edit anything, I changed other tiers title, so it might be confuse, but don't worry, your rewards content doesn't have any change.

Thank you for supporting and reading this! 感謝您的贊助與閱覽!   



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