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Well today is a Holyday so I managed to finish it just now and I have to confess this chapter had three different titles; New Promises and Renewed Promises, Purposes of Blood, Distant Enemies. In the end most of those were focused on the second part of it so they were discarted or maybe saved for later. Thanks once more for all the support everyone, couldn't do all this without you all.

Fate/Bonds Beyond Humanity


70- Curse of Hindsight


Despite being back in Fuyuki for a few days  Shirou was unable to find himself relaxing at any point as there was always some sort of bad feeling in his throat or in the back of his head compelling him to do the one thing everyone stopped him from doing since leaving the Vault of Prosperity; Work.

Without work he found himself thinking things, bad things, angry things, things he should have no blame for yet he couldn’t help but blame himself as Olga Marie’s research was inspired by his own.

Ever since their return the two of them worked together to understand exactly what happened with Tsubasa and suffice to say it wasn’t easy. The first bump on the road was Animusphere's hesitation to open her workshop and give him a summary of her research so he could catch up.

That wouldn’t do and he needed everything.

It was their second big fight.

The second of eight in just two days, four that happened before Azazel stepped in and decided to work as a mediator between them while also helping in the work since he was the closest thing to an specialist in the matter of souls they could get.

Shirou tried to get his mother immediately but she was busy and Ajuka couldn’t leave the Underworld. Both also admitted they wouldn’t be much help as Noble Phantasms was his area of expertise, not theirs. The Mage knew that if his sister was around she could help more but Illya was in the Khaos Brigade so that was a big fat ‘no’.

So they worked like mad and Tsubasa had to take several tests which resulted in a crushed Olga and a sorry Shirou as they understood more of the situation. To make matters worse Yura simply didn’t comprehend what the problem was and they would properly explain the day when the final results were processed.

Inevitably that day had arrived and Shirou couldn’t relax no matter how many tried to help the night before.

Besides that he worked on anything else he could get his hands on, his old projects, his Noble Gears, his homework that he had Liz deliver to the teachers since instead of showing up to classes he had holed himself in either Olga’s workshop or his own, trying to do something.

His lovers helped, his friends helped but everytime he tried to do anything enjoyable he remembered Tsubasa's troubles. Much to everyone’s despair he failed to gather the will for his favorite hobby. His house had more residents after the reforms yet he hadn’t cooked once in two days. He knew Rias was worried, Xenovia too if her extra affection the previous night was any indication.

But even after making love he couldn't sleep, refused to sleep as he couldn’t help but think if he was a little more open then Olga wouldn’t have made the mistakes she made. That secrecy had robbed someone from their soul or at least their sense of self. Sure it wasn’t his fault, everyone told him as much, but he was a Sword and Tsubasa was a Shield.

They matched, they hated and complemented each other in a level that prompted guilt for the state the girl found herself in. It wasn’t his fault but he kept working anyway just so he could take his mind off the fact the process was absolutely irreversible.

He knew that before the tests and their results would just be the final nail in the coffin.

Deep in his workshop, which remained mostly unchanged despite renovations as the only new addition was a subterrain elevator, he worked into another project, one for Akeno. Medusa’s amethyst shone brightly between his fingers, different from his own but similar in truth as he tried to connect it with a special band for the High Priestess.

The ravenhead and Xenovia had agreed on the type of jewels they wanted Shirou to make for them. Or, at least make their Noble Gear’s ‘dormant’ state look like, and were he in a calmer state of mind he would have thrown an embarrassed laugh. That or a deadpan observation but thinking about it was just another distraction from his guilt.

That and also to avoid thinking about what else was happening while he wasn’t looking.

He just knew something else was wrong the moment Rias received reports from whoever was protecting Fuyuki in their abstinence. Even if he couldn’t read them he saw one had a red urgent-like tag and his first lover had stopped eating to read more clearly whatever was written.

That usually wasn’t a good sign but then she went to her bed and Shirou went to Xenovia’s before dragging himself back to work after making sure his knight was happy. His muscles may ache pleasantly but he refused to think about pleasant things. At least when he was alone.

Then he wasn’t alone anymore as the door beside the elevator, the one with the stairs outside, opened and Rias Gremory arrived with a robe, glasses, a cup of coffee in one hand and a stack of papers in the other.

“Can’t sleep?” Her hair was a bit of a mess and without anything below her clothes she was a vision of temptation.

Better than him for sure who was working in the heat with just pants and dropping in sweat but then again she liked that look so he would hear no complaints for the most part. “Yesterday you could.” He pointed out, resting his work on the table and turning to her. “Something happened?”

Rias frowned and shook her head. “Let me worry about my job. You should rest.” Paradoxically she offered him the coffee. “Or at least keep your energy up. It ends today, doesn’t it?”

“It has only been two-”

“It ends today, doesn’t it?” She repeated, her eyes locking on him. She was making clear that no matter the result he should stop blaming himself.

Relaxing in his chair, the Mage avoided the question. “She shouldn’t have done that.” Shirou retreated from his desk a little, giving Rias space to sit in his lap.

She did so without missing a beat. “It isn’t your fault, Shiro. Sometimes people just think they know more than they should and make mistakes. Now we can only work on fixing them.”

“There is no fixing this. Or maybe it is just that
 there is nothing to fix in any sense of the word. Not without True Magic.” The sort of True Magic no one had access to at the very least. Shirou’s eyes traveled to the reports in her hands. “You should be the one catching some sleep..”

“Don’t be a hypocrite now.” Despite herself Rias smiled. “You have been working from the moment the Rating Game ended to now without rest. That is almost three days straight.”

“Started at night, not the whole day. This is the third one, technically.” The Mage noticed her unimpressed look and shrugged. “Besides, I remember you and me taking a break yesterday.”

“That wasn't resting and you know it.” Rias replied with a giggle before throwing her stack of papers on the table and grabbing Medusa’s new jewel. “Already working on Akeno’s Noble Gear?”

“Just finished Xenovia’s. Well, almost finished.” He showed her a black piece of metal much similar to his armor’s but at the same time not. It was a different composition. “Just need Xenovia for the final touches but hers is already complete.”

Grabbing it, the redhead devil could see it was strong but felt nothing despite holding it. “Even without Durandal.”

“It is with Durandal that she will complete it. Akeno’s Gift is just taking too long because it has nothing to do with swords.” If it did then it would be just a day of work thanks to all the leg work previously done with Azazel. And his Reality Marble, of that Shirou was sure. “Since Durandal is a sword and I know exactly what I want this to do, it will work.”

“Because your soul said so?” She said jokingly but also not, pushing the cup to his face.

He took a sip and replied. “Because my soul said so.” His eyes return to the papers. “What happened? You weren’t this agitated when we got back.” Regardless of her concerns for him, Rias didn’t care much about Tsubasa’s soul.

“Some things happened while we were out.” The Heiress admitted with a casual shrug. Shirou could tell it was fake but didn’t call her out just yet. “Fuyuki was attacked.” Neither reacted to her words.

“And?” Because both knew that wasn’t enough to bother her. “Nobody died, if they had you would be less casual, maybe even ballistic. Instead you are disturbed
 I don’t like it. Somehow this is worse.”

“Let's just say that people suffered.” That got the man flinching and her hand quickly met his. “It wasn’t our fault and the boys protecting the town did their best. In fact, none of the victims seems to remember there was a problem and, like you said, nobody died.”

Yet something was bothering her and he could tell. “What happened?”

“That is something I need to investigate further.”

“You are avoiding saying something. What happened?” Rias looked into his eyes before looking down and telling him a summarized version of events. Events that hundreds of women suffered from but none can remember a thing and had dark implications. “That is disgusting. Who did that? Did they escape?”

“Needs further investigation.” She replied with a frown that made Shirou uncomfortable. “And I mean it.”

“How can I help?” The Mage of Swords would love dealing with the responsible party, painfully.

She poked his nose with her own. “What about just relaxing a little after Tsubasa’s final results? I certainly would love you cooking again.”

“Okay, while that is true, why do I have a feeling you are avoiding telling me something?” Shirou asked directly.

Which had Rias retreating again. “Look, I am going to be looking into it later so forget about it. Focus on your work, give Xenovia her Noble Gear and then get some rest.” Shirou was about to reply when she stopped him with a finger. “And I mean it. Let me handle this.”

Confidence from Rias was something Shirou expected and always found endearing. “Now I know there is something you aren’t telling me. Something I really am not going to like.”

Standing up from his lap, Rias let out a sigh and offered him the documents. “It is about Rin
 she was the one who solved the case
” Immediately Shirou grabbed the papers and began to read the whole thing. Those were different ones and translated to English. “Look, let me handle this. If something happened this is the sort of problem we need to approach carefully. And a woman speaking with another will be easier in these circumstances.”

Shirou couldn’t disagree but he really wanted to hit something

To kill someone.  â€œAre you taking Luvia with you?” She raised an eyebrow as the mention of her Rook. “Yes, they bicker and bite each other but trust me when I say this; if there is someone who can get Rin to open up, it is Luvia.”

The redhead would know, he had studied with the girl for years before he met Rias and during that time while Rin was popular she was also distant. Perhaps it was her magical background or just habits and responsibilities but there was once a shell around Tohsaka that made her almost unapproachable.

A shell that Luvia managed to crack every time despite their apparent hate for each other. “I can see your point.” Both nodded, plan in place. However Rias had a more present issue. “You know it is already dawn, right?” Her thumb pointed to the clock at a wall, surrounded by swords. “Time to get up. Or just leave the ‘man cave’, in your case.”

“Stop calling it ‘man cave’.” Shirou replied with a weak smile, file in hand. “That would be the gaming room down stairs.” He handed it over and his lover smiled.

It was a show of trust, he was going to let her handle it. “Gasper went straight there after school. Didn’t you notice the elevator passing through?”

He asked while standing up as both went to the stairs to exit the workshop, “How would I know considering there are a dozen things down there now?”

A valid question, a lot of the construction was focused on expanding the property downwards. The whole sewer system had to be moved, modified and rebuilt by the Gremory Group, to give them a lot of space. Thankfully magic could easily compensate and from what he could understand it was the same sort used in the Clocktower and directly connected to the leyline.

In either case he hadn’t had time to check everything out despite hearing Rias gushing over the reforms in an attempt to distract him the first day they got back. Shirou remembered hearing something about a pool and a gym but everything else was blank. His mind was too consumed by work and troubles to pick the details apart.

What he indeed knew for a fact was that if she hadn’t received the report about what happened to Fuyuki, and perhaps Rin but they weren’t sure, which was a thought that made his blood boil, she would have already given him a tour.

But both of them had things in their mind and the Mage of Swords was admittedly not dealing with his own very well and he knew the reason. ‘Tsubasa’s situation
 reminds me of my own.’ Freezing in place he looked at his own hand. ‘And that-’

“Shiro?” Rias noticed he had stopped with a concerned look.

He took a deep breath and nodded. “Going to finish this stuff with Olga Marie today.” Finish, not fix. He knew there was no ‘fixing’ anything. “Then I will help-”

“I already said to let me take care of that.” The Heiress said firmly, showing once for all he wasn’t the only one mad with the situation. “Just do what you have to do and I will do the same.”

“...Fine but if there is someone that needs a sword in the heart you better tell me immediately.” They exited the workshop and Shirou couldn’t help himself but look up. “I really don’t think we needed a second floor if we were going to get eight more underground.”

True enough his home had an additional floor built in the same style of the rest of the house and despite being a small thing with just a few extra rooms he failed to see the necessity for it. Previously there was just a small attic at the top but the new floor was the same length of the main house beat by beat.

In fact even with his mind lost in the whole changed Origin situation he had to stop and stare at his rooftop for five straight minutes the moment he arrived. Besides being extra space to clean, he was told that the reason for it was because he accepted more people in his house and it was good having a few guest rooms open just in case.

The fact Akeno, Kiba and Gasper moved in wasn't lost on him and Shirou suspected Rias just wanted her whole peerage under one roof even if Ise and Asia lived elsewhere. He didn’t mind, they were his girlfriend and friends, but he could only see the extra rooms as extra work.

Especially when Rias made sure he still had his own room between Xenovia and hers, something he waved it off but accepted as a necessity. “Did you already cook breakfast?”

“First thing I did was check on you. Want to help?” She knew he was going to say ‘yes’.

What they didn’t expect was to arrive at the kitchen and find Akeno already boiling something. “Oh my, you managed to drag him out of the shed for a change.”

“Calling a workshop a shed. My ancestors would have a fit.” Luvia commented while sipping some coffee.

“He has been working too much.” Not even the Mage himself dared to disagree with his first lover. “Good news is that he is cooking today.”

Akeno pouted as Shirou picked an apron and smiled at her. “Since you already started, why aren’t you the head chef and I will be the sous chef. We haven’t worked together that much.”

“Oh, I just love that idea.” The Priestess was giggling while pointing to some vegetables. “Then, sous chef Emiya-kun, please work on the salad as I make the soup and meat.”

“Yes, yes, chef Akeno.” He threw a salute for good measure and tried to smile.

His heart wasn’t on it and the other girls looked at Rias. “I will tell you two later. Actually I am going to need your help. Something happened in Fuyuki.”

“You can tell them at school.” Shirou’s hands worked in some lettuce and tomato. “No reason to ruin breakfast. Did you already prepare the rice?” Akeno opened a pot showing it was a work in progress. “Tea or juice?”

“Luvia was helping with the former before stopping for a sip.”

“I am not good with Japanese brews.” She hid her blush by taking another sip of coffee.

Rias shook her head and turned around. “Then, since I have some extra time, I will take a shower.”

“Didn’t you already shower?” Shirou recognized the smell of shampoo earlier. “Usually you only go for the second one when it is time to go.”

“Yeah but since Akeno is taking over breakfast today
” The King of Gremory shrugged with a grin before pointing at her Queen. “But you better not get used to it, the mornings are mine.”

“We shall see about that.” The ravenhead replied challengingly.

“Don’t make me call your goddess.” It was said with jest.

However the goddess herself illuminated the kitchen by stepping inside, her presence more radiant than a few days prior. “Considering both of you are lacking in the kitchen compared to my protector, I would prefer if he worked extra to compensate for the missing days.” Medusa declared, making the two girls wince at their inadequacies. “Good morning.”

“Morning, Medusa.” Shirou replied first.

“Good morning, Lady Medusa.” Akeno was a quick second, Luvia mirroring her greeting.

“Oh a very good morning and a convenient timing since everyone I need help with is in the room.” Rias declared suddenly but held back the details. It was just a heads up.

“Aren't Liz and Xenovia missing if you are going to need most girls?” The Mage commented as he swiftly took over the preparation of a few pots. “And neither of them should be missing school.” One of them was a teacher so there shouldn’t even be an argument there.

“Like we aren’t going to fumble the numbers if needed.” Rias replied while waving away as she went for a second shower. “Not that we will. It is the first week and most teachers aren’t taking roll calls.”

“And if they were, she could easily bribe them.” Luvia reminded everyone with a smile as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Shirou squirmed a little but chose to say nothing even as he took over more of the kitchen duties.

Akeno failed to stop him by growing curious about something else. “If we are having some ‘girl talk’ later shouldn’t we include Asia.”

“Unless you are still trying to protect her from the darkness of our world.” Luvia finished her coffee with a frown as Rias’ far away laugh told the whole story. “Of course you are. That won’t end well!”

“It will!” They could hear the shower being turned on from one of the closest bathrooms.

“As for your maid and knight, my protector, I believe the second will be busy protecting you.” Medusa replied playfully, making the redhead male groan. She sat on the table as Akeno approached to pour her some tea. “But your maid
 I confess I don’t know what she will be doing.”

“First week back is usually busy for teachers since they have to grade papers.” Pointed out the Rook magus.

“But she is a gym teacher.” Everyone grew quiet when another voice entered the kitchen.

“I’m helping the others.” Liz walked inside still dressed in her sleepwear. She grabbed a glass of water and retreated just as silently.

Akeno couldn’t help but chuckle. “Did she just come to reply and get out before we could ask for help?”

The white haired maiden’s head popped back in. “No. Thirsty.” And promptly departed.

Soon they could hear the TV turned on. “Well, I should set the table.”

“Please allow me.” The priestess began to collect the dishes immediately, neglecting her position as chef.

Something which made the purple haired girl frown. “You don’t need to treat me like that. Nothing needs to change.”

“But I want to.” Just as the hybrid had gathered everything, Medusa took half and deposited it in front of Luvia.


“You aren’t doing anything right now.” Pointed out the goddess before turning to the ravenhead. “And I want to help. Let me help, that is an order.”

“Wouldn't it be ‘gospel’ or something?”

“Shirou-kun, tone down the sass.” Warned a miffed Akeno as she was ready to reply.

Only words failed her as Kiba waltzed into the kitchen with a bright smile and quickly collected some of the plates.. “Good morning everyone. Glad to see that Shirou is back in the kitchen. Need help setting the table? Here, let me.” He picked a few glasses too. “I will come back for-”

“We will take everything else.” Medusa affirmed while throwing a strong look at Luvia. The blonde magus rolled her eyes but complied nonetheless. “Focus on getting everything set. Is Gasper up?”

“His door was closed when I passed by.” The Knight informed.

“Please tell me he wasn’t spending the whole night playing games again?” Akeno groaned as she returned to work in the soup.

As Shirou checked the rice he informed. “Not in the new room. As far as I am aware nobody used the elevator.”

“He has a computer in his room which I really need to convince Rias to place a password on outside of work hours.” Her King indulged her Pieces too much in Akeno’s opinion. “Either that or I need to nail his coffin’s door before going to bed.”

Shirou chuckled as they kept working on the breakfast and everyone else helped set the table or went to do their own thing. Several dishes were prepared and only needed to be cooked to be ready so it wasn’t long until they had little to do.

And Akeno turned to her with a clear face of displeasure. “You need a bath too, you know?”

“That I do
” He finished washing his hands and turned to her. “Do you need-”

“Lady Medusa and Rias will help me set up. Go wash yourself, relax a bit. We still have plenty of time before school
 Not that you are going, you bad boy~”

Despite her playful tone, Shirou couldn’t help with his retort. “I am not skipping. Arguably what I am doing is actually the responsible thing.”

“Not your responsibility.” Which was the crux in the matter and she approached to kiss his cheek only to stop and cover her nose. “Good grief, you really need a bath. Want company?”

“You aren’t ready yet.” He reminded her.

“Just to wash your back?” He paused for a moment, making her giggle. “I am not ready yet.” She recognized it with a shrug. “But if you need a distraction I can get Xenovia up. But then again maybe you would get too distracted and miss the car ride.”

“You kidding? If I ask her to wash my back or something, that is all we are doing.” The bluehead may be a pervert but that would never get in the way of her duties.

But Akeno knew that. “And I wouldn’t?” She asked while batting her eyelids at him.

“No, you are a bigger pervert and we all know it.” Rias returned with her school uniform, ready to face the day. “I placed some clothes for you, Shiro. Go wash before she loses her patience.”

“Yes ma’am.” Shirou retreated quickly as Akeno pouted before checking the final preparations.

Soon her King stopped by her side and the ravenhead noticed her face. “Bad news?”

After a moment of silence Rias let out a sigh. “Clean your schedule for tonight. This can take a while and it will be an all girl affair.” She honestly didn’t know but it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Are you really shielding Asia from everything?” The hybrid questioned.

The Heiress shook her head. “Asia isn’t equipped to deal with this sort of situation, I think. A good leader needs to know what are the best Pieces for every occasion.” She patted her Queen’s back. “Like a girl who bottled up her emotions most of her life.”

“Boo-hoo.” But Akeno understood the message; things were complicated.

At that point Shirou was already in the shower and letting water wash away the grime as he tried to clean his mind. ‘First Tsubasa then I can help Rin.’ Unfortunately the troubles didn’t want to leave him. ‘First Tsubasa then I can help Rin. One step at a time.’ Already his mind was trying to come up with some Noble Gear to give to the Tohsaka Head but it was falling short. “Shit.”

Bakuya fit the bill and he could use it but incomplete as it was without its pair the redhead had no idea what would happen if he used it for a Noble Gear. Best case scenario the thing just wouldn’t work without its twin. Worst case? He could legitimately destroy a Noble Phantasm

And that was the only option he had in mind at the moment, the only one without an owner and he had access to at least.

Fact was that powerful swords weren’t necessarily easy to find but then again he was working closely with Olga Marie over the last few days so he knew her system could, theoretically, be modified to work for humans.

“Illya knows more about Heaven’s Feel than anyone. If I could get in contact with her.” His concern then immediately shifted to his sister and he worried she couldn’t be safe. Not with the Khaos Brigade. ‘It has been months and they are just silent
 even dad has no clue what the Hero Faction is planning.’

Coincidently they lacked information only about the Hero Faction since the Old Satan Faction seems to be active and moving resources, mostly money. The Black Sheath, his father’s organization, was working to counter their influence but something was happening in Europe and the Middle East.

There was a war on the shadows, one fought with knives and poisons that Shirou wasn’t privy about but knew it had to be happening, Kiritsugu would do everything to stop a greater conflict and Sirzechs would approve anything for his Magician to do just that.

His mother told him that so far Illya hadn’t been accused but that really didn’t mean anything since she was raised by the Magus Killer. In truth his sister wasn’t a patient person but she could play long games when necessary. That and also the fact they didn’t know what she was doing didn’t mean she wasn’t doing something.

“One step at a time.” He closed the shower and stepped outside for a pair of jeans and white shirt. Those weren’t part of Kuoh’s uniform but he didn’t mind, he wasn’t going back there yet anyway. “Why not a normal t-shirt?”

Shirou couldn’t help but wonder as he buttoned up his own regardless. Stuck in a workshop as he was about to be it shouldn’t matter either way so he just accepted it. Even if it was about decorum or because Rias wanted him to look good he wasn’t caring much about it at the moment.

Problems still ran around freely on his head and even Bellerophon was starting to complain. ‘Sorry, sorry. There are carrots for breakfast today so
’ Another complaint was voiced and he frowned. ‘Just too much work.’

Eventually he made his way back to the living room to find everybody already sitting down and chatting around as Rias and Akeno finished placing the last dishes on the table. Most of them were already in their uniform but much like himself Xenovia had opted for normal clothes.

She also was wearing jeans but her left knee was pulled up and showing her leg and a top freely showed her bosom even if a sports bra was slightly visible beneath it. The young woman was happily chatting with Gasper, or to be more precise bullying him a little as the Bishop still looked half asleep.

Looking at how everyone was seated he made his way towards his place on the side of the new table. The previous one was deemed too small by Rias so they bought a new one while he was at Olga Marie’s workshop the previous day. Considering the new one was a huge circular table, if Shirou was in a better mood or rested, he would have cracked a joke.

Instead of that he moved to sit beside Xenovia who easily noticed his presence as he approached. “Good morning, Shiro.”

“Good-” Gasper tried to hide the yawn with a hand but failed miserably. “-morning, Senpai.”

“Morning.” He sat down and turned to his knight. “It is done.”

No further explanation was needed. “Really?” Xenovia almost jumped from excitement.

“Yeah, it is
 well, not ‘done done’ but once you connect it to Durandal the first official Noble Gear will be complete.” Shirou managed to smile at seeing her face light up at the news.

“And what about my new Gift?” Medusa asked while sitting by Shirou’s side, something that made both Rias and Akeno pout.

“Not a sword means ‘not easy’.” The Mage said half heartedly. “If push comes to shove maybe we can have Kiba’s sacred gear doing something but they can’t last without him.”

“Maybe with Blade Brotherhood they can.” The Knight of Gremory pointed out. He was sitting down beside Liz who patiently waited for the time to eat. “Those swords are different, I am sure of it. Just haven’t fully mastered them yet.”

Besides him Koneko shrugged. “Then maybe that is a bad idea.”

“True, true.” Akeno commented as she sat down. “Imagine trying to combine the power of a goddess with an unstable sacred gear. That would be a big boom.”

“It wouldn’t get that far.” Kiba stated nervously as he wasn’t about to bring the offer back to the table.

Especially when Rias sat down and clapped her hands. “No more business talk on breakfast, else we are going to be here all day.” She looked at Medusa before saying. “Before we start, can I ask for your help with something later?” A curious raised eyebrow was followed by a nod. “Thank you.”

“Can we get my Noble Gear after breakfast?” Xenovia asked with excitement which made Shirou chuckle.

“I don’t see why not. Say, Rias, do you need-”

“She is going to keep an eye on you unless Liz suddenly becomes available.” His lover interrupted playfully. A bit too playfully, he could tell. “We can’t leave you without a bodyguard in ‘enemy’ territory, after all.”

Calling the Sitri as enemies even as a joke was a bit forced but still in good fun so nobody but Shirou noticed the lengths Rias was going to not bring something uncomfortable to the table.

“Thank you for the food!” Was said by all before they dug into their meal.

Conversation there was mostly normal but the Mage of Swords avoided talking much, just replying when asked or someone tried to say something to him. His mind was still a storm of concerns and worries as he tried to piece together what happened in Fuyuki during his abstinence with barely any clues.

Truth of the matter was that he couldn’t do much about it anymore but trusted his lover and girlfriend to deal with it. Especially when his fellow redhead invited Medusa for the talk which could be argued was a move as important as inviting Luvia. In either case realities would be brought to light that day and Shirou would talk with them all when everyone was back.

Privately, obviously.

‘IAccepting that something had happened and I could have stopped it-’ Bellerophon’s loud call cut off his thoughts. ‘Yeah, yeah. I know I need to stop thinking about it.’

“Something wrong, my protector?” Medusa asked calmly as she finished her meal. She wasn’t the only one, most were done and were just chatting.

“He has too much in his head and hasn't slept in two days.” Rias pointed out while cleaning her mouth with a napkin.

“That can’t be healthy.”

“It isn’t.

“You two can calm down. Tsubasa’s last tests will be today and one way or another it will all be over.”

“Master.” Xenovia caught his attention with a concerned look. “Why are you so worried about her condition anyway? While I understand that a Noble Phantasm may have changed her Origin, and in turn her way of thinking, she is still the same person.”

“Is she?” Shirou asked honestly and the bluehead nodded. “Maybe but
 also not. When Sona saw the footage of the Rating Game she admitted that Tsubasa acted differently from how she usually should. Besides,” his hand moved to his chest, “having a Noble Phantasm in you is bound to change a lot more.”

Medusa’s eyes grew wide. “Do you think she has a Reality Marble?” All the table stopped and waited for his reply.

Only for Rias to let out a sigh. “No, nope, we aren’t talking business during the meal, remember?”

“Well, everyone is already done.” Pointed out Akeno.

“Koneko isn’t! Neither is Liz!” True enough both girls were still devouring their food. Rias let out another sigh, almost in despair. “Look, if she does or not, I don’t think that is the problem, is it?”

“No.” Shirou admitted as his concerns were different. “I just... I just want to help her but for that
 I need to know if she changed from who she was.”

“Because of your similar condition? I pretty much doubt that.” Rias challenged openly, knowing her peerage would ask no questions. “You aren’t that selfish, Shiro.”

“But I am different and the way she acted in that fight
 reminded me of myself.” He confessed with a shrug. “I couldn't help but think that if I was there I would make some of the same decisions and
 is that a coincidence or is she also lost without someone to hold her down?” He looked at all on the table with a smile. “Without someone to remind her to slow down it can be a very destructive path.”

“In either case she shall have her own peerage to watch her back, Shero.” Luvia finished her food with all the pose of a proper lady. “Also that can’t be everything but I agree with Buchou; you are too selfless to be thinking about anything that isn’t to help Yura-san. If you were any other magus, on the other hand

“Like you?” Koneko asked between bites, earning a glare but not caring enough to look back.

Accepting the nekomata’s attitude, Luvia still said between closed teeth, “Yes, like me,” her expression grew more gentle, “would be looking into ways to use modified Origins to reach the Root. By the way, is that route viable?”

“Not from what I, Olga Marie or Azazel can tell.” Shirou didn’t bother to look but if there was a chance he was sure someone would have said something. “Either way it is all that and my own worry that Yura Tsubasa may disappear. I just hope I am just exaggerating.” But that still wasn’t all. ‘There is also the matter of her Reincarnation.’

The Round Table wasn’t Avalon, not even close, but there were signs that Shirou saw in the fight and on the tests that told him the Rook wasn’t just a devil anymore which could be a huge problem considering she insisted on bonding with the shield because of Sona.

‘It isn’t Avalon.’ He reminded himself again.

“You are worried and that is sweet but after today I hope you can let this go. Sometimes, things take time, you know that.” The Heiress of Gremory said gently.

Which made him chuckle. “You spent too much time with my old man.”

“I am practically an Emiya already.” Rias replied as she stood up. “Well, while these two gluttons finish eating, who wants to help me with the dishes while Shiro and Xenovia go get her new equipment?”

“I can-”

“Focus on what you are going to make for dinner.” Medusa stood up followed by Akeno when she saw her goddess stand and Kiba who didn’t mind. “It has been long and I think everyone can agree we missed your meals.” She then turned to Gasper. “Maybe we should take him? He still looks half asleep.”

Xenovia promptly hit the former dhampir in the back of the head, making him jump. “I am awake!”

Some laughs echoed in Shirou's ears and he smiled at the shenanigans around him as his loved ones' presence managed to relax him more. His home was full of life different from the days where he and Liz waited for things to come in an empty house.

‘Truly I am blessed. Funnily enough it wasn’t by any god. Then again
’ He threw Medusa a look as she cheered for something Luvia said. ‘Who knows, right?’ Shirou also stood up and turned to Xenovia with a grin. “Ready for an upgrade?”

The knight jumped to her feet in excitement. “You bet.”

“See you all later.”

“Try to work less.” Liz managed to say before standing up and moving to the couch as everyone else went to do their own thing.

Including Shirou and Xenovia who made their way to his workshop. “So,Shiro, what exactly can my Noble Gear do?” The bluehead asked, excitement still pouring. “Did you manage to make it so it could fly?” They dropped by her room and collected Durandal which glowed in her hands. “Please say ‘yes’.”

“To be honest it is on the design but Durandal will have its say.” The Mage replied with a smile as he rubbed her back and let his hand rest on her shoulder. “Don’t worry too much. Remember that its Miracles mean that Durandal will adjust to you and I made sure that part also was on the design.” In theory that meant even if he screwed up the Noble Phantasm would compensate.

Not that he believed he did as previous attempts showed that creating a Noble Gear based sword was completely within his abilities. It was what the Burst Sword had been about as inserting his fire knife just completed its design. Everything else was his and Azazel’s skill of which the redhead learned enough to reproduce the success on his own.

Of course it was also different because it was first a necklace that would connect with a Holy Sword but in a sense it was much like his armor except more portable and even more versatile as it was made with superior techniques.

Had he not had the First Medusa Gift then the Mage of Swords would be considering updating his armor to a similar material but his own magecraft compensated that too. No, Xenovia needed the better design more than him, her and Akeno, since his skillset was rather unique.

Back to his shed it now had two doors on its walls, both of metal but the one in the left was at least two meters taller than the one in the right. The entrance itself was already big for starters as it was an old deposit or small warehouse but the reforms made it so that a car could easily enter either door.

The bigger door led straight for his workshop while the smaller one was the elevator for the other floors and on a whim Shirou went for the second one. It opened with a ping revealing the expected well lit cube with several buttons to the many floors. Buttons behind a magic barrier so only certain people could press them.

“Are you that tired, Shiro?” Xenovia asked upon noticing they weren’t taking the stairs.

“No, I just realized I never used this thing.” It would be a short trip but he decided ‘Why not?’ “Do you want to go somewhere before we drop by the workshop?”

“Why not get my Noble Gear first then we can go to the training room?”

“We have a training room? How much stuff did these guys install?” He knew they had ten floors, technically even as the elevator only showed eight as it wasn’t connected to the house, but it still had every other button and space for more. “You know what, I need a list.”

He pressed the right button and smoothly the metal box took them to the right floor in an instant. To be fair it wasn’t that far and there were just a few stairs from the entrance to the workshop but Shirou was somewhat impressed.

“Rias said magic makes this thing more silent and safe.” Xenovia supplied upon noticing he was studying the elevator. “All powered by the ley line. I have to say I think most ones in Europe lose to Fuyuki’s at this point.”

“It is still growing, hum.” The ritual which birthed him never left his mind and it was just another problem but one much easier to ignore. “No, it is better to say once it healed, it grew stronger from the experience.”

“Shiro?” She asked as the door opened.

“Nothing, just musing.” He advanced to his workstation as every single blade in his shop greeted him.

At least that was how it looked to Xenovia who was sure some of them seemed to shine more whenever the magus passed by and lost their luster as he stepped away. “You know, same as Fuyuki, I think nobody can beat you in what you do best at this point.” She picked a short sword from the side, its weight perfect and its edge sharp. “Maybe you are already the greatest blacksmith in the world.”

An honest laugh escaped Shirou. “No, not even close. If just compared to Muramasa or even God, if Durandal is anything to go by, I am lacking a lot.”

“But you are still alive. That means you will surpass them.” Xenovia declared with absolute faith which was flattering.

So much so that Shirou blushed a little. “You just know what to say, don’t you?” Picking up the black necklace he approached his knight with a gentle smile. “Are you sure this is the design you want?”

Xenovia leaned forward with a frown. “Doesn’t look like it, Master.” She sounded a bit upset.

While he would love to make something different from what she wanted he did respect her wishes. “It is going to grow smaller once the process is active and the metal will
 fold on itself for the lack of a better word.”

Explanation given the bluehead didn’t hesitate to smile and offer her neck for him in a somewhat sensual way which made him blush again as he fixed his creation around it. Then it began to pulse and glow in a suave teal color before shirking several times until it had fixed itself perfectly as a choker.

Of all kinds of accessories that one had some connotations that Akeno couldn’t resist but make and Xenovia didn’t hesitate to agree in absolute both as a form to show her devotion as well as letting her pervert side be a little more visible.

Much like its original form the choker was practically a black band around the bluehead’s neck. Despite looking like leather it was actually harder than his armor and could easily survive a direct strike from Muramasa. There were also no accessories on it as of yet, something Shirou knew was about to change.

“For the next part you need Durandal to bond with it.” Xenovia rose her blade close to her face, waiting for further instructions. “When I experimented with my swords it was a matter of breaking it apart and transferring its form to the Noble Gear.”

“But Durandal is indestructible.”

“... Metaphorically speaking.”

“Ah, right.” Closing her eyes the knight focused on her sword's Core while also feeling her Noble Gear’s power.

Different from the Holy Blade the Noble Gear felt like cooling coal, a little spark and it was just that. No fire was going to be lit without more fuel but neither would it be extinguished unless someone threw water at it. A piece of coal between hot and cold and she was the one who needed to light a new flame. Durandal answered her feelings immediately and a connection was born.

Suddenly the spark was bright, too bright even as Durandal began to react erratically.

Shirou was thrown off his feet and hit a wall while several of his weapons began to fall all over his workshop. “XENOVIA?!!!!” He almost rushed to her in concern as the power went loose and began to destroy the place.

The first thing to go was his smithing area as some of the equipment was cut in pieces, then there were some of his weapons lost on the ground that became scrap in less than an instant as the wild horse freed itself from its reins.

Holy Light surrounded the woman as she held the blade firmly and while Durandal wasn’t hurting her it was doing its equivalent of glaring at the Noble Gear with ‘strangeness’, much like if a horse saw a saddle for the first time.

And didn’t comprehend what it was so it lashed out.

The storm of light focused around her and for a second Shirou feared his lover would be cut apart but then he noticed her eyes. They were closed and her face was serene as she stood in the middle of the hurricane without fear.

“You are my sword.” She declared loudly, proudly and full of conviction. “And my Master, my Lord, offered something to make us even more bright. You will HEEL!!!” A powerful slash that cut nothing was unleashed and Durandal grew quiet. Like with any stubborn horse Xenovia watched it carefully for a second or two before nodding. “The day I can control you fully is almost here, I can feel it. But after that we are going to grow even stronger.”

Blue light left Durandal as a gentle humming could be heard around the workshop and the knight raised her sword again. Noticing her reflection Xenovia felt pride in herself as she managed to hold back her weapon despite how strong it was. And from that pride she directed her connection to it back to the necklace.

She saw the newly formed blaze in her mind’s eyes and felt her control over it growing until she knew what exactly the Noble Gear could do. It was made for her, a gift, a promise and the desire to protect inhabited within it. Novel and powerful but just an accessory.

An accessory for the Holy Sword in her hand, to make it shine further but also protect her when it shone too brightly. “Durandal!” Calling its name she felt the blade obey her will, its form shrinking much like the necklace did prior.

Becoming not something for her but a compliment to the Noble Gear, an essential part that was missing and now was there to make whole. The sword was Peerless and so its form didn’t change but looking from a distance Shirou could honestly believe it was just a cross.

“Master!” Xenovia rushed to her side, rightly worried, helping him stand up. “My apologies. I didn't know that Durandal was going to react like that.” She said while sweeping the blades around him away.

The Mage shook his head with a chuckle. “We should have started that on some of the other floors but don’t worry, it was nobody's fault.” After standing he couldn’t help it but touch the sword hanging on her throat. “I can hardly say that I saw this coming. It is barely bigger than my finger.”

“Right, right! Now I can take Durandal anywhere!” With a flex on her wrist the sword returned to its natural size in her grip, obviously now missing from the choker. “But that isn’t all it can do.”

“Obviously it isn’t but how do you already know that?” Shirou asked with obvious curiosity. “Confession time, I didn’t even know you would connect with it like that. Is Durandal telling you what else it can do?”

Despite being the Noble Gear’s creator and having his Reality Marble the Mage was lost on what that sword could do now. A novel feeling if he was honest.

“Not really but
” Xenovia could feel the sword’s power far more under her control. A more malleable and tame power. “It is like that quote ‘If I think, I exist.’

“Not what it is about but you mean to say what? That Durandal is more connected with you? That is great!” It meant Noble Gears were an absolute success, at least when the Noble Phantasm was already bonded to someone.

“Kinda?! Let me show you what I mean!” Xenovia could feel Durandal was about to do something amazing.

But Shirou felt the power building up and quickly held her hand. “Right
 not here because I think my workshop suffered enough for one day.” From the corner of their vision a sword fell from the wall, joining its brethren. “Looks like we have some clean up to do.”

“I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!” Xenovia apologized while bowing in guilt.

“Hey, relax. It happens. I was planning to melt down some of those anyway.” With his Reality Marble it was more or less a waste having those many swords just hanging around. At least that was what he told himself. “So, wanna go down and see what else you can do?”

“But what about
” Shirou gave his bluehead lover a look and she quickly smiled with a salute. “Yes sir!” She raced to the elevator and he couldn’t help but shake his head.

Thirty minutes later they were back to the surface as Xenovia was sweaty but pleased while Shirou was lost in disbelief about many things. “Okay, you need to practice some more but good job. I think you are officially the most unique Holder of Durandal ever.”

“Much thanks to you, Master.” She bowed, Durandal safely in her neck once again.

“Nah, much of it was your talent and disposition. I think of all the people to get my Noble Gear first, you are the best one since you managed to push it farther than I thought possible. And so fast too.” Without a doubt Shirou was impressed and Xenovia was beaming at the praise. Then he shifted topics to what really baffled him. “What I don’t get is why did they put a pool down there.” In his sleep deprived state he couldn’t let that go. “I thought pools were stuff you put outside.”

Making matters worse was that Xenovia was totally on board with his sidetracking.  â€œIndeed, indeed, Shiro. I completely agree. How can we sit by the pool and catch some sun when it is underground.”

“That isn’t
 you know you can just pick a chair and do that anyway, right?”

“But it isn’t the same

Both stood there looking at each other for a while before Shirou decided to move on. “The gym was nice. No idea who is cleaning that everyday, though.”

“Rias said the house is now full of preservation spells that activate every time someone isn’t using a room.” Xenovia divulged.

Which made sense in Shirou’s head but also made him freeze in place. “Wait, Medusa just said at the table she was loving cleaning the new rooms. ‘Fixing them up was a treat’.” He quoted.

“Yeah there are none in the house because she removed them. Don’t ask me how, goddess things I guess.”

Shirou let out a sigh of acceptance and moved on. “The arena was also nice, spacious. I could live without the seats for an audience but I think any attempt of having them removed will be vetoed.”

“Hey, aren’t we joining the Rating Games someday? That can be good for practice.” Xenovia was getting excited again but managed to hold herself back as they arrived at the van.

The first person who saw them was Gasper who jumped back in fright. “Cross!”

All devils quickly stopped whatever they were doing and looked at a grinding Xenovia. “Sword.” Durandal shone in her hand before returning to the choker.

“Oho, so the Noble Gear worked.” Akeno realized with cheer as she approached and touched the shrunk sword. Nothing happened. “I don’t think it has the same effects as a cross, besides being a Holy Sword and all that.” Her fingers moved to brush the choker. “That said, I love the jewelry.”

“Thank you.”

“Well a cross is just a sword pointing down.” Medusa commented from her seat, a book in hand. “If anything it is appropriated.” Her eyes dropped to the former dhampir hiding beneath a chair. “It almost scared Gasper to death, though.”

“Nah, he needs to grow more of a spine.” Said Xenovia with a grin before giving the Bishop a noogie. “Where is that brave warrior from the Rating Game? Would love to fight with him, test my new power.”

“Stop bullying him, Xenovia.” Rias said with a playful tone of warning. “Or at least get inside so we can go.”

“We aren’t going to school so we don’t need to hurry.” The bluehead replied while pointing to herself and the Mage.

That was when the redhead magus decided to put his foot down. “Maybe we won’t have classes but I want to get to Olga Marie’s workshop early. Unless you want to stay back because in that case yes, you are going to classes.”

Realizing her mistake, Xenovia bowed. “Apologies Master, I completely forgot about it. I will be sticking with you today.”

“Get in.” Koneko called from the front. “Everyone else is ready to go.”

The van’s horn resonated in the garage as it was turned on which meant Liz was also ready to roll. “Please don’t do that again.” Requested Luvia from the inside.

“Wimp.” Said the veteran Rook which almost had the blonde magus jumping at her.

“You were ready.” Replied Luvia with thinned lips.

“She is right, Koneko-chan. It is hardly fair.” Kiba also was a little startled.

“Sorry.” Was all Liz had to say about the matter.

The journey to Kuoh was rather quiet as nobody had much to say and the group could feel the somber mood. It had been ever present over the last few days but when it was just Shirou it was small and the redhead did his best to contain his frustration. However now two redheads had troubles now and while Rias had the better poker face she was usually the one doing most of the chatting.

Instead she was mostly quiet which in turn made Akeno quiet as she tried to divine her friend’s feelings with an expression that caught both Kiba and Koneko’s attention effectively making half of the car aware something was wrong.

When asked directly Rias deflected but that only made everyone else aware that something was amiss. None of them were idiots but they also knew that such matters could not be their business so many eyes turned to Shirou.

He knew why and quickly shook his head without uttering a word. Rin was also involved and depending how things went that could become a really private matter. Even asking Luvia for help may be too much but if there was one thing the Mage learned was those matters were best dealt with friends.

Besides, his exhausted mind was full of other worries and he knew to trust his lover. ‘One thing at a time.’ Kiritsugu’s voice echoed in his head.

They arrived as they usually did, Liz smoothly parking the van. Some people knew most of the ORC arrived together either way so there was no problem with them being seen with the exception of Shirou and Xenovia.

Unlike the others the knight and her liege were going somewhere else but if they were seen there would be questions. Either questions or memory alterations and considering what he learned a few hours ago the latter option left a bad taste in his mouth.

Regardless, that was always the last resort and all they did was wait a little for the others to go before moving around the cars towards Kuoh’s forest. From the school and following west there was the Occult Research Club surrounded by trees, also known as the old school building, up north was the university and besides it the forest went far.

It was there they went and unlike the other paths there were no roads or signs to guide them. Without a doubt it was the sort of path some students may grow curious and check out but the flora grew more dense with every step.

Not dangerous, nobody wanted anyone to get hurt by accident, but formidably challenging unless one was used to hiking or similar activities. And then both of them felt the first of several boundary fields, the more gentle of them that would turn around anyone below a certain threshold of mana.

Both had no problem in keeping going and arriving at the second barrier, one that would stop anyone not keyed to it from actively marching forward. A non issue as that was technically the first thing done to half of the Gremory group upon returning from the Underworld.

The last one was the more violent boundary field made to melt the flesh from anyone who reached that far without permission. Upon crossing it safely they arrived at their destination; a huge building with cylindrical design connected to two smaller ones of the same shape. All of them were green to blend with the environment more efficiently.

A wave of Emiya’s hand had the door opening smoothly and Xenovia shivering. “This place gives me the creeps.”


“Don’t know. Looks too much like a witch's lair or something.” If she was either referring to the low lights or the prevalent cold he couldn’t guess but the analogy seemed fitting.

But he had a better one. “If anything this is more clinical and depressing than anything else.” Shirou offered his opinion. “Even the Vault had lots of personal touches all around while here
 I think Olga Marie was focusing exclusively on her work.”

It wasn’t a place to live in or to have fun, just an office. A soulless office with little to no joy to be had.

Xenovia hummed before shaking her head. “Nah, that is dedication. If anything else the problem is
” They both stopped in the hallway as she snapped her fingers in triumph. “Like there should be more people here.”

“More people, hm? Maybe that is the case.” Considering the blueprints from the original project Shirou could believe it.

Arriving on the main workshop the door opened automatically and neither was surprised to see a certain fallen angel with his feet on a computer’s desk watching something on its giant screen.

“Morning folks. Back to the grind?” Azazel greeted cheerfully and Shirou felt a pang of envy.

“Good morning, Azazel. Stayed the whole night?” He asked anyway, putting a lab coat hanging on the wall especially for him as Xenovia gave a similar greeting and picked a chair to watch whatever the Governor General already had on.

Azazel turned to give the Mage his full attention. “Yeah. Needed to run something by Sona and ask her for a favor. Anyway, won’t change anything.” A tap of his foot on the keyboard raised several countdowns and messages were written. “Final exams are still in a couple of hours and your Sitri counterpart hasn’t shown up yet.” He gave Shirou a glance and the redhead knew the question that was coming. “Not going to fight her anymore, will you?”

“You have no idea of what you were doing!” Shouted the Mage while Olga Marie couldn’t help but stare at the monitor with an expression of panic. Nobody, neither Rias, Sona, Xenovia or Azazel could blame him after the preliminary results were concluded. “It is worse than I thought. Way worse. Her soul is completely altered.”

Before his eyes there was a diagram made with the best mixture of technology and magic that Ajuka Beelzebub could ever conceive. As the Magician of Sitri nothing was spared for Olga’s research so they knew the results were absolute.

“At least in the matter of souls there was only one family that could claim to have reached further in research.” Rias started somberly as while she understood only half of the data she was educated enough to get the gist of it. “And the Einzeberns were destroyed by the Emiya, their research resting with their killer and his wife.”

Azazel scratched his head as there were no fights anymore as the last nail on Olga’s argument’s coffin was hammered in. “Unfortunately that is only half of the equation. Shirou, how familiar are you-”

“WIth Heaven’s Feel? Not enough to fix this mess.” Shirou admitted with a growl that made the white haired magus flinch. “My sister was the one who studied that more so I think whatever we are doing it will have to be from the Noble Phantasm’s side.”

“Another can of worms.” The Cadre let out a groan as from what he learned about Evil Pieces there was little to be done. “Galahad’s shield is completely bonded with her Piece.”

“Nobody else showed any problem or extra symptoms.” Sona pointed out. “I mean, besides the hair and a slight change of attitude, Tsubasa is fine.”

Rias rubbed her chin, voicing her thoughts. “What are the odds of the shield being responsible for keeping her ‘fine’ per say?”

“High.” Her lover replied swiftly. “With how much it already changed her body, 100%.”

“That-that-” Olga shook her head and began to tap the computer in a panic as an unconscious Tsubasa rested inside a tube inclined to the wall with a comfortable chair a few meters ahead. “That can be true- It is impossible, no other Noble Phantasm has been so consuming.”

“It isn’t a matter of consumption and more the weight of its Legend. Normally it is already way more than a soul can bear.” The Mage of Swords was furious and his cold tone was enough to make Olga freeze.

Sona decided to run interference before things got worse. “But all the others were fine and showed no signs of gaining anything extra from their Noble Phantasms unless actively using them.” Tomoe was the most obvious example. “Should I bring them here-”

“Different procedure, no point.” Shirou cut her off coldly. Looking to his right he saw the chamber where they made contact with Heroic Spirits for their Noble Phantasm.

Not really since they used the one in the Underworld but it was the same design if not more spacious. From the security glass it was possible to see seven statues spread around in a circle, each one different from the last. They were the seven classes for a Holy Grail War, another proof the Einzeberns’ designs were used in Olga Marie’s work.

The girl herself kept panicking as her fingers ran around trying to find a solution. “I can fix this. I can fix this. I can fix this. I can fix this.” Sona approached from behind and placed a hand on her shoulder, the white haired girl jumping in place. She turned her head and repeated, “I can fix this.”

“Olga, calm down.”

“I am sorry, Sona. I didn’t expect something like this to happen but I can fix this.”

“There is no fixing this.” Shirou knew from experience the damage was done. “We still need to figure out the extension of everything that happened and what else is going to happen.”

The Heiress of Sitri glared at the Mage but Azazel moved to diffuse the situation by turning on another workstation. “He is right-”

“She isn’t probably a devil anymore.” But his distraction was brushed aside as Emiya continued his train of thought. “Look at these numbers; the demonic energy is in flux. Same with her vitals.”

“They may be wrong.” Sona said because it needed to be said, for Olga’s sake if for nothing else.

“Ajuka’s system or two nekomatas? Because I doubt both Yoruichi or Koneko are wrong on this.” He definitely sounded upset as his eyes didn’t leave the screen.

It took Xenovia approaching and boldly pulling his arm off to get his attention. “Master, are you alright?”

“He needs to calm down.” Rias began to approach as well. “What happened, happened. Now it is either mitigating the damage or fixing it.”

Before Shirou could try and shut off that possibility his first lover looked to the side prompting him to do the same and the redhead magus felt awful upon seeing the youngest person in the room about to cry.

And he knew it was his fault which just made him feel horrible, like he was the scum of the Earth.

Fortunately for them Azazel was already on a roll, gathering some flasks and turning on several machines. “Then we have a job to do, several in fact.” Pointing at the room for the ritual, Shirou already knew his part. “We need to crack this whole thing and make sure nothing like that is going to happen again. Which means we need to figure out exactly what this ritual can do to the smallest details. All good for you, Olga Marie Animusphere?”

Obviously it wasn’t, she was a magus and magecraft was supposed to be secretive with the knowledge only supposed to be passed to her descendants. Allowing access to outsiders was pretty much an unforgivable sin. But it needed to be done to know if other Noble Phantasms would have the same effect as Galahad’s shield.

Cleaning her eyes but still obviously close to crying, Olga raised her head. “Yes.” Nobody called out her red eyes.

“I have no more fight to give. Not about this.” Shirou commented while approaching a chair in a workstation and turning it on. Immediately dozens of notes showed up, his notes as his job was to figure out exactly how the ritual contacted Heroic Spirits. “Do you think I was too harsh?”

Azazel shrugged. “Yes but just above the right amount.” He turned to the redhead and leaned on his chair. “What she did
 there is no changing that and she needed to learn the size of her mistake but I think it was your coldness that scared her.”

“Before that the two had been fighting for half an hour. It was just stress.” Xenovia pointed out, defending her lover gently but decisively as her eyes dared Azazel to disagree.

The Governor General raised his hands in surrender, changing the subject. “Did you figure out how it can access the Throne of Heroes?”

“Mom suggested it can reach the Root but no, the ritual would demand way more mana.” And be actually capable of summoning a Servant or maybe the Heroic Spirit in full but Shirou knew that was impossible. The place would blow up before it got that far. “Our best hypothesis was that it is the equivalent of a small tread guiding both sides for contact. But figuring out who called which Heroic Spirit was easier.”

“Including Kuzuki?”

“Including Sensei, yes.” Not that they could prove it but Shirou was confident. “Let’s just wait for everyone to get here-”

The door opened for Olga Marie and Tsubasa with their school uniforms, the latter looking fine despite the news that her soul was completely different or that her shield may be changing her even more. If anything she looked completely relaxed and bored about the whole thing.

“Good morning, everyone.” No, Tsubasa was even chipper and feeling great if her greeting was anything to go by.

Same couldn't be said about the white haired girl. “You didn’t sleep.” Shirou pointed out first with concern.

Olga’s tired eyes did their best to focus on him before she let out a cute yawn. “Neither did you.” She forcefully walked ahead until she arrived at a huge table full of notes. She preferred to have her table instead of an office or just a workstation; it even had a computer of its own, a sin for the traditional magus. “Are the tests done?”

“Still processing.” Azazel replied gently. “A few more hours and it will be done. Not that we don’t have some work to get by.” He rose from his seat and approached the lilac haired girl with a few sheets of paper. “Here, fill these up in an hour if you will.”

“What is this? A test?” Now Tsubasa looked nervous. “We aren’t supposed to have them in the first week back, Sensei.”

“Not what some of my peers said, just school policy saves you all from extra homework. Bwahahahaha!” The evil laugh was a touch none of the students needed. Azazel waved some scared looks with a smile. “Relax, it ain’t so bad. I promise you can answer every question.” Pulling up a pencil nÂș 2 from his pocket he pointed to a desk. “As I said, one hour.”

Tsubasa looked at him, at everyone else and then back to the paper before shrugging and moving on. She sat on the desk and read the first question with a frown. “Are you sure-”

“One hour, Yura-san~” She huffed but her eyes returned to the paper. “Back to the point, our favorite redhead made some discoveries.”

“More like guesses but they make sense.” Shirou said gently, trying to convey he wasn’t going to blame Olga for anything else.

He didn’t need to, she was already blaming herself. “Is it anything that can fix Tsubasa?”

“... I have no idea how to separate a Noble Phantasm from an Evil Piece, especially one that managed to connect itself not just physically but also spiritually.” The Mage said honestly, his voice full of regret. He almost flinched when the girl only looked more depressed. “But I am sure the others are going to be fine since the basic ritual is safe
 so long they have an Evil Piece, that is.” The girl looked at him with hope, nodding her head for him to continue. “Right, do you want the bad news or-”

“I want facts.” Olga cut him off and while there was some heat behind her words they were full of caution.

“But where to start from?” Azazel asked. “What you want to know first?” Since she was unsure, Olga grew quiet and closed herself off, prompting the fallen angel to let out a sigh.

He turned to the Mage who also didn’t necessarily know where to begin so he turned to Tsubasa who was working on whatever Azazel wanted her to do. Without the final tests most of his arguments could be hollow as the Evil Piece mixed with Galahad’s shield could give unpredictable results.

Not that Shirou believed they would since in his mind the Noble Phantasm was many times superior than the Evil Piece. He just wished he was wrong. “It isn't a coincidence the Heroic Spirits Sona’s team managed to contact were mostly Japanese.” The white haired girl’s eyes grew sharper which the Mage found was a good thing. “Are you familiar with the Holy Grail War? At least what it should have been?”

“Few magi aren’t. ‘The Blunder of the Einzebern’ as it is called.” Olga replied just as sharply. “You read my journal, you know I based the basics of the summoning ritual on the theorized words and whatever my family managed to scrap from the blackmarket.” What Kiritsugu didn’t destroy or Irisviel didn’t collect anyway. “Seven Servants, all possible Vessels for Heroic Spirits. An excellent catalysis to make sure the ritual worked.”

“And that is the key word; catalysis.” The redhead said after a moment, all attention on him. “What you didn’t know is that unless a person had a catalysis to summon a particular Heroic Spirit then they are used as a catalysis.” Wide eyes showed almost everyone’s shock, Xenovia didn’t care. “Not literally, mind you, but their emotions and personality become the catalysis to call someone similar to them.”

“I suppose that, in this case, the Holy Grail would be doing most of the heavy lifting.” Azazel rubbed his chin while saying the grail’s name mockingly. “Same for the shield then?”

Olga Marie shook her head. “No, I already had a similar theory and made adjustments for the ritual to seek the most appropriate Heroic Spirit. In all cases it was all a success but Kuzuki-sensei is the odd man out.”

“Except he isn’t.” Shirou said with a smile. “Medea gave her power to him because she knew him.”

“What? She knew a Japanese teacher from the future? Thousands of years of distance, by the way.” Olga couldn’t hold back her disbelief. “Only if he is someone’s reincarnation.”

“He isn’t. I checked.” Now everyone was looking at Azazel who shook his head. “Hey, rules are rules; you want to know about the next life? Ask your god. Don’t have one, not my problem.” However he shrugged and added. “But calling Hades to check if someone from the old days had come back from the dead wasn’t hard. It cost me some cash but as far as gods go Hades is one of the nice guys.”

“Isn’t he the God of Death?” Xenovia asked carefully.

“Technically he is more of the
 God of the Dead. Don’t worry about it. Either way I can confirm that Kuzuki’s soul hadn’t passed by any reincarnation circle to be someone from the old days
 Not that I can think of many men Medea could tolerate.”

Shirou raised an eyebrow. “Most of the Argo’s crew except Jason. Definitely not Jason.” Then he shook his head, noticing he was rambling. “Anyway, that wasn’t from where she knew him, rather she probably knew him from this life but a different Reality.” His smile grew. “She asked him why he wasn’t human, she knew he was a devil and that surprised him.” They all heard from the teacher’s own mouth and Azazel’s eyes began to grow wide. “So in that case congratulations Olga Marie, you just proved something most magi have been trying to do ever since the Second Magic was a thing. What was the guy’s name again?”

Immediately Azazel knew who he was talking about. “Kischur? So he wasn’t pulling our legs? I will be damned!”

“Wait, wait, wait! Are you implying that
” Olga almost became boneless in her seat as Shirou smiled and nodded eagerly.

Much to Tsubasa’s irritation. “What the hell are you guys talking about?”

“Back to your test.”

“Cut the crap, Azazel, these questions are just stupid!” The lilac haired girl replied with fury but didn’t stand up from her seat. “Just tell me what you guys are saying. It is like everyone here knows what they are talking about and just hyping up the suspense.”

Xenovia understood the girl’s frustration and decided to explain since nobody else seemed willing to. “Because they are talking about a Sorcerer with a
 bad reputation to pop up everytime someone says his name; Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. Also known as the Kaleidoscope, Wizard Marshall, Victor Over the Red Moon and one of the most powerful men alive.” The lights on the place seemed to dimmer and everyone looked around legitimately waiting to see if someone would show up. “Huh, looks like he isn’t as omniscient as you feared.”

“Not fear but caution.” Shirou recognized with a chuckle. “The man has a habit of having his fun at everyone else's expense.”

“Yea, that is Kischur alright.” Azazel chuckled as well.

Then the youngest person in the room hit her hands on the table. “Forget about the Kaleidoscope! Emiya, you are serious, right?!” Olga demanded to know. “You are really saying that my ritual truly touched the Throne of Heroes and proved definitively that it existed beyond time and space?”

Crossing his arms the redhead relaxed as he saw the girl’s shining pride. “Speaking as someone who read all of the Einzbern research over the last few days, yes, that is definite proof.” He saw her smile and kept going. “Regardless of when or where Medea knows a version of our teacher and when he proved himself she gave him some of her power. Everyone else’s summons were based on their personalities but that is because only he had a true connection with a Heroic Spirit.”

“A connection beyond time and space, huh?” The former Exorcist revealed her own smile. “Sounds beautiful.”

Nobody would disagree with her, much less the redhead who continued. “Either way that explains why the first Heroic Spirits picked were Japanese as well, it is in our blood and the land we were born. But that doesn’t say that others couldn’t have gifted their Noble Phantasms, only that our countrymen had the first dibs, as it was.”

While the Magician of Sitri was beaming with pride at the reveal and discoveries, someone else took the words hard. “That also means that in the whole world there wasn’t a single Heroic Spirit who found the rest of us compatible.” Tsubasa’s words damped the mood a little but they were nonetheless true.

From a certain point of view. “While a catalysis guarantees a specific Heroic Spirit that doesn’t mean they have to listen to their summoner.” Shirou explained honestly. “Perhaps being Japanese may have locked out other options and Kuzuki-sensei’s bond with Medea was just strong enough to go past that.”

“Which meant that if adjusted the process could use other catalysis to get different pairs.” Already Olga’s mind was running with possibilities but she froze upon looking at the ticking clock in the monitor.

There were still hours left but the final results would define if the process was truly safe or not.


It was late in the day that Rias put her plan in practice. Not too hard as she was the leader, the King, and almost everyone heed to her words in a way or another. But as a leader she also had to choose the right pieces for any operation. She had told Shirou as much and making sure they were around without raising suspicion was the only real challenge.

Things needed to appear normal so Rin didn’t get spooked or afraid. Aware of the situation as she became the previous night Rias began to seek the signs of what had happened. What she suspected happened at least because she found little to none. The Head of Tohsaka acted much like she did before the break.

But in the moonlit world that meant little as mental attacks were not only possible but an obvious way to erase certain types of evidence. Which brought her back to the need of using the right Pieces for the right situation and while she wasn’t a Piece Medusa was willing to hear Rias out.

The good thing was that the goddess didn’t hesitate in helping, the bad thing was that Rias was proved right. “She has been touched by the Divine.” Medusa declared with conviction as Rin approached the old school building, Akeno slowing her down with conversation. “No doubt about it.”

“So it was a god.” Rias bit her lip as that was the worst kind of news considering the situation. “How sure are you of it?”

Medusa’s eyes began to glow as she focused them on the approaching raven haired women. Rias felt the mana grow thicker and more intense but held back her reaction as the power pierced every boundary field easily and touched the girls discreetly. So discreetly in fact the pureblood devil only detected it because she was besides the goddess.

In an instant both women reacted looking in their direction, Rin with a surprised expression while Akeno glanced at them for a moment before looking back at her friend. The next moment the priestess began trying to chat again, distracting the magus as she was aware of what Medusa did.

“If she wasn’t protected by the Divine that would have stunned her.” Declared Medusa with a pensive look. “And it was a powerful god to give such a strong protection. I can barely believe I didn’t notice it before.” It spoke of skill and cunning, either characteristic most unwelcomed in an enemy.

“Did you try to turn them into stone?” That clearly didn’t sit well with Rias.

But the purple haired girl shook her head. “I held back. It was strong enough that most people would be paralyzed unless they had some sort of protection.” She shook her head again. “Rin is strong enough to move again after a second or two but she acted much like my priestess. Akeno wouldn’t be affected either way since she has my protection but
 a powerful god gave Rin a Blessing of some sort and they are stronger than me.”

‘Not good at all.’ Still Rias nodded and moved to give the necessary orders.

As far as things went for Issei, Asia, Kiba, Koneko and Gasper that was a normal day and they had Contracts to collect. Akeno and Luvia wouldn’t go anywhere, staying in the side room waiting for a signal for when Rias needed help. She didn’t want to overwhelm Rin and Medusa would be enough support depending where the conversation went in the best case scenario.

She barely had any idea what that looked like, most of them ended with tears or blood and Rias would call it the decent ones.

Either that or the redhead would be forced to call the other two to help restrain Rin but she wanted to avoid things turning violent or any sort of negative reaction from her friend. A fool’s hope, she knew, as the topic itself was guaranteed to bring out bad emotions and thoughts. That wouldn’t stop everyone from trying their best to make Rin comfortable.

Her favorite tea, her favorite sweets, an amigable and calm atmosphere. The moment that the Tohsaka Head stepped in the room she wasn’t greeted by piles of documents like usual. Instead there were only Rias and Medusa sitting at the former’s table, both turning and offering smiles.

Which was enough for the magus to pause at the door. “Rin, please, come in.” Rias offered her most gentle and calm voice. That hesitation, however brief, wasn’t there before which told her plenty but not enough. “We are just chatting and Akeno prepared dozens of treats for us. Want some dango or rice balls?”

“So Emiya-kun is still in his funk?” Rin asked while approaching the table and looking how many sweets were there. “I do miss our bentos. Lunchroom’s food is good but

Medusa pouted a little. “Not Shirou Standard as Liz says.” The three women chuckled. “At least we got something for breakfast.”

“Really?” Envy filled the twin tailed magus tone. “Damn. Maybe I should move in with you.” She looked around, looking for anyone else. “Where are Liz and Setsuna? I haven’t seen them outside of class

‘Away because neither is equipped to deal with this.’ Rias thought while sipping her tea. “Liz is helping her fellow teachers while Setsuna has responsibilities as the highest noble from Kyoto in the premises.” All true, for all intents and purposes.

Folding her hands under her chin, the Heiress waited for her friend to relax. It didn’t take long and she began to second guess herself.

‘Maybe the pause wasn’t hesitation, just surprise.’ Rias considered for a moment before deciding it was time to get moving. Delicately. “So, Rin, tell me what you have been doing while we stayed in the Underworld.”

Rin paused mid sip. “Nothing much.” She replied before drinking the whole cup.

“Really? I heard you were asked for assistance on a case while we were away.” Rias waited for something, a spit take or even a glare. Nothing as her friend placed her cup down and picked some dango. “You went above and beyond with no need and I want to know if there is anything I can do to thank you.”

It was a soft but gentle approach on such matters, first bringing out the subject in a way that with praises and rewards while preparing to deal with the true topic by tackling it gradually, in a way that wouldn’t be too uncomfortable.

A plan Rin saw through easily. “You aren’t one for stalling, Rias.” None of the women reacted but Rias was looking at Medusa with some subtle panic while the goddess let out a sigh of understanding. “I suppose asking to let the matter go isn’t going to give me any results?”

Rias felt something trying to take hold of her mind, something she managed to bash away easily and frown as she tried to understand what Rin had done since there was no magic or mana.

Yet she wasn’t the only one who noticed the event, Medusa all too familiar with it. “So they gave you Charm...” The purple haired goddess said with a hum.  Amethyst colored eyes glanced to the side and met aqua as the magus looked back without retreating. “I understand you don’t want to talk about it-”

“If you say something about ‘talking helps’ I swear that-”

“How can WE help if you don’t tell us what is wrong?” Rias interrupted both, predicting a fight. Then she took a deep breath, more for the others’ benefit.  â€œRin, please, tell me what happened. I want to help you.”

Her fast thinking may have stopped things from escalating but the three knew things were far from good. They were all in dangerous terrain, Rin less than the others for obvious reasons as the other two wouldn’t blame her for leaving at that moment.

Instead she gathered her courage and crossed her arms. “But you can’t. Hell, I am not even sure of what exactly happened.” Rin replied calmly, way too calmly in Medusa’s opinion.

“Still something happened and you know it.” The goddess said with certainty. Both looked at each other and the shorter one decided to go for another avenue of inquiry. “Did you try to use Charm on anyone else?”

“I didn’t try to use it but I noticed that certain words seemed to have a stronger effect than before.” Rin was making clear she made some experiments, as any good magus would. “The effects are activated mostly without my input. Besides my own Charm I also noticed that my skin is now flawless without much care and that the quality of my mana has raised a notch. Plenty of good things.” The last said sarcastically. “By the way, does Charm work on anyone?”

“Only in people mesmerized by you. The more beautiful you are, or the more they are interested, the stronger is the Charm.” Explained Medusa. “Considering, of course, that you aren’t empowering the Charm to compensate.” She gave the goddess a look, clearly needing some more elaboration. “Love or lust, call whichever. By the looks of things that is what your Charm is more ‘geared’ towards.”

“Huh, that explains why my family is unaffected. Thankfully.” Shrugging her shoulders, the Head of Tohsaka turned back to Rias who watched her with a sad expression. “By the way, how did you figure it out? I am sure that even if unpracticed my Charm had every devil around ready to let the matter drop.”

Noticed by the three was there was no Charm in her words anymore, Medusa realizing Rin had slightly more control than expected. ‘Definitively Love in some form.’

“Yes but one of the Bishops composed the report and clearly was worried about you even if everyone else was willing to let things go.” From a cabinet Rias pulled out a report with a picture of the man. Didn’t take long for Rin to recognize the medic from that day. “Considering every other woman kidnapped had gaps in their memory and you were missing for six hours I would say this gentleman just earned himself a promotion.” Because the Heiress would make sure of it. Kindness or not he showed concern and initiative, she respected that. “Rin, I know
 No, I won’t waste time on this. Tell me what happened, what you need, to make things better. We know something happened but none of us has the details.”

“Neither do I.” Rin admitted bluntly. She sounded distant but no one else was willing to speak. “Whatever happened
 I don’t remember. I can’t remember. Much like those other girls, my memory was obviously messed with.” One hand massaged the other as her eyes looked at a wall. “Then there were the side effects, improvements from a certain perspective
 I want to get rid of them.” Her eyes landed on Medusa. “Do you know how?”

“They are, and it pains me to say it, gifts. Getting rid of them isn’t that simple or safe.”

“Then never mind. Better not risk it.”

Watching Rin’s callous attitude of the events had Rias concerned. “Are you-”

“Am I fine? Not really. But I put up a hell of a fight if the jewels I lost were any indication.” Rin chuckled, looking to the side sadly. “Hope you don’t mind with the extra hole budget.”

“Of course not.” The Heiress said it while standing up and going around her desk to take a knee and hold Rin’s hands. “Whatever you need, anything, just say it. I will help with whatever you want.”

Seeing such sincerity made the magus hesitate before she shook her head. “No, you can’t help with this. She is too dangerous.”

“‘She’?” Rias asked and Rin bit her lip at her slip. “You know who did this?” There would be blood if the redhead had her way.

“How do you know if she tampered with your memories?” Just the fact it was a ‘she’ gave Medusa a clear suspect.

Rin chuckled again. “Don’t underestimate a magus. Once I noticed the missing hours the first thing I did was check if I
 if I was still a virgin. Technically true if my assailant was a woman.” Physically at least that was what she was and considering she doesn’t even remember the encounter Rin would argue mentally too if only for her piece of mind. “Once I saw that yes, still am, I checked my Crest.”

“Your Crest?” Medusa sounded confused and rightfully so as Rias shared her confusion.

“My Crest. The place where Magi Families inscribe the secrets of their Magecraft to be passed through the generations.” Letting go of Rias’ hands, Rin made her magic circuits shine and a circuit board-like revealed itself in her left arm. “Probably took some effort to do it in the ‘throes of passion’ but I somehow managed to create a spell with the name of a goddess and add it to the Crest. Something pathetic that in reality is nothing but a message to my current self.” She looked up with a fierce look. “That is how I figured everything out. Then I tested what the bitch gave me, just to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind. Thank you for the confirmation, Medusa.”

“This is the sort of thanks I could live without.” The goddess replied as all pieces fell in place.

Which didn’t surprise Rin in the slightest. “Yet it is the thanks you are getting.”

“Who was it?” Dark energy began to emanate from Rias who took several steps back to not harm anyone. However it was more than clear she was mad even if her face remained stone cold. “Who was the bitch who dared to harm you? Give me a name and I will see her dead.”

Indeed her face showed no emotions but her voice, the dark aura, her posture, everything screamed murder. If she had the chance Rias would Destroy whoever harmed Rin no question asked. The reasons didn’t matter in the slightest, all that mattered was that her friend had been hurt.

Fluttering feelings aside, Rin buried it down skepticism as she knew the Heiress wasn’t powerful enough. “Thanks for the offer but you can’t help.” The darkness was gone as Rias stared at her friend, baffled. “There is nothing we can do about her anymore. Hell, I can't even remember what exactly she did or wanted. That is the worst part.”

Rage filled Rin’s tone no matter how much her words indicated the contrary. No, what they showed was a feeling of defeat.

“We both know what she wants; me.” Medusa declared with a heavy tone that left no room for discussion. “Memory alteration or not, it is easy to deduce considering the culprit.”

“Who was it?” Rias demanded to know again but the goddess shook her head.

“If she doesn’t want to say it, I won’t either. But it must be kinda obvious at this point, considering the Greek Pantheon is the one most interesting to me.” Medusa’s reputation in the Underworld only flourished days after the incident had happened so it was an easy deduction. “Besides that, this has their Modus Operandi written all over it; take what they shouldn't and offer what could be a wonderful gift if it wasn’t really a bribe.” Her words were cold, no less true. “Zeus wasn’t the only one with bastards; his children were just the most famous. The benefit of being sons and daughters of the King of the Gods. Fortunately for you, she always carried her own children, her best quality.”

Pieces started to click on Rias’ head as well. “It is one of the Twelve Olympians, isn’t she?”

“Forget about it, Rias. There is nothing you can do about this.” Rin sounded as cold as the purple haired goddess. “In the end, I lost nothing and even gained something. Certainly there are plenty of women who ended with a shorter stick.” The redhead gave her a sad look while the purple haired goddess looked irritated by the comment. “At least Hera won’t be after my head or something worse. If only I could get a better ‘gift’. Poseidon at least gave Caenis a choice.”

Upon saying such words she immediately regretted it as Medusa’s expression grew empty. “Of all gods the Greek ones are the most true to their nature. Taking what they want without fear and worry, the absolute peak. Real gods.”

Resentment was evident but Rin also knew she didn’t need to apologize, both had suffered because of that particular Pantheon. “Then you know that this isn’t a fight we can’t just take.” She turned to the devil in the room. “They are gods, most of the time they do what they want and get away with it. Because she is a god.”

At that moment someone lost her patience and the side door of Rias' office bursted open, Luvia marching inside with Akeno right behind pretending to try to stop the Gremory Rook. Pretending in truth because she herself was going to march inside Edelfelt hadn’t done it but the blonde looked absolutely furious.

Rin turned to her rival and couldn't help but chuckle. “Oya, did you heard-”

“Stop with the bluster and drivel, Tohsaka. Can’t you see we are here for you?!” Luvia grabbed the black haired girl by her uniform and Rin was too stunned to fight back. All watched as the magi women were face to face, one with confusion, other with resolve. “Don’t come at me with bites that even an ant could do better nor pretend you don’t want this fight!” She shouted the last word with vigor. “Don’t act like we don’t want it either. I am your rival! It is my job to screw you over even if not like that. If a bitch dared to cross that line then give us a name and step aside while we get vengeance for you!”

Everyone stood quietly as Luvia delivered her speech with passionate anger. Clearly she was worried for her rivaç and a need, a want to do something about what happened. And clearly she didn’t like that Tohsaka Rin sounded defeated for anyone else’s ears.

At least that was the impression they got until she let go of her fellow magus’ uniform with a smirk. “Also don’t dare to try and pick a fight with a god by yourself.”

Another smirk was the reply. “You think I am that much of a fool?” A confident one.

“Of course you are, because I would do the same thing.” Luvia stepped back as Rin fixed her uniform before standing with a hand on her hip. “So, tell me, who are we fighting?”

“Are you sure you want in on that?” The black haired magus asked carefully, a smile still in place. “She is a top tear goddess, you know.”

“Great! I always wanted to fight one of those.” Akeno inserted herself in the conversation, reminding the two they weren’t alone. “I wonder how much pain a goddess can take. Not you, my goddess.”

“Of course.” Medusa said with acceptance before turning ahead on the table, planning to ignore the rest of the conversation.

Opposite to Rias who folded her arms below her breasts and smiled. “Any goddess can be taken down a peg or two, given enough time.”

Looking at Medusa’s back one last time, Rin snarled before speaking with hate. “I don’t want to take her down a ‘peg or two’. I want to destroy her, humiliate her like she did me.” She managed to smile an evil smile like she was scheming something. “Doesn’t matter her plans, goals or worries, I want to figure out what she wants and make sure she doesn’t get it.”

“You realize she is one of the most powerful Olympians, right?” Medusa asked suddenly, not looking back. “That makes her one of the most powerful beings by far.”

“So what?” Rias said it before Rin could. “She hurt my friend. While that isn’t grounds for war, especially since we lack any evidence, I still want to make her pay.”

Ignoring the redhead, aqua eyes remained fixed on the goddess. “I want to make Aphrodite suffer.” She said the name and no one flinched or retreated, they were all on board.

“It will take time.” Rias reminded Rin while Luvia nodded and placed a hand on her rival’s shoulder.

“But that goddess will go down.” The blonde turned to Medusa. “If all she wanted was our resident goddess, I am sure that just keeping her safe will be enough of a nuisance.”

“... Still, I want more.” Confessed the magus as she stared at her arm where her Crest resided. “I want to make sure Aphrodite regrets being born.”

A more clear declaration of intent and an obvious tall order considering the opponent. “Sounds delicious.” Akeno couldn't help but say in excitement.

While Medusa remained quiet with trepidation.

“Got a three?” Azazel asked and Tsubasa gave him the card with a grunt. “Thank you~”

“You got a
” Olga fixed the cards on her hand. “... an eight?”

“Go fish.” Shirou said before frowning. “Anyone have an ace?”

“Goddamned!” Complained Tsubasa as she slammed her hands on the table. “Why are we wasting time playing cards?”

“We are waiting for the tests to finish processing.” The Cadre pointed at the computer with a glint on his eye. “Wonderful things those PCs, capable of juggling the data we couldn’t be bothered with.” Which wasn’t all it was doing but the fallen angel was happy to wait. “By the way, are you complaining because you have an ace?”

Mumbling under her breath the girl threw the card on the redhead’s face who collected it gently, blinked and said. “I think I won.”

“You have to be kidding me.” Olga Marie couldn’t help but say.

“No, I did. Here.” Throwing the cards on the table Shirou watched as the other three stared at them before folding their own cards.

“Damn it, I thought your luck was Rank E.” The other magus in the room complained which prompted the Mage to curse under his breath.

“Maybe the lack of sleep is powering me up?”

“Nah, that isn’t how it works, believe me.” The Scapegoat commented before pointing his thumb to Xenovia who was napping on a chair leaning on the wall. “If anything, sleep powers you up. Just wait for her to wake up and enlighten us with an observation or another.”

Shirou chuckled as he watched his lover napping. “She didn’t sleep much yesterday.”

“Oh, wanna share? It isn’t your first time anymore.”

“Perverts.” A furious flushing Olga Marie said, avoiding everyone’s eyes.

Tsubasa crossed her arms with a frown. “At least tell me what that stupid test was about.” Everyone caught themselves looking at her as she remained calm but with a tough expression on her face.

With a carefree smile Azazel said, “Better to give all the results at the same time so we have all context. It is why nobody here is talking about the superficial results and we are waiting for the computer in the first place.” His expression turned serious as Shirou looked depressed and Olga began to sweat. “Trust me, we don’t want to miss anything.”

That was when the door opened for Sona and Tsubaki, the King striding in confidently with an enviable poker face while her Queen was far more expressive with worry and caution as her eyes immediately found Tsubasa.

“Good afternoon to you all.” The Heiress said in greeting, offering Azazel the papers in her hand after the others greeted back. “I don’t understand why you need such
 uncommon test.”

Shirou, Tsubasa and Olga stared at the Cadre who began to review the papers. “All at its own time.” He smiled at every answer he read before picking Tsubasa’s test up and putting it on top of the stack. “Sometimes the most simple approach is the best one when anything else is uncertain. I am sure you agree, Sona.”

“I am not saying it was useless. I am saying I fail to see its utility.” She turned to her Magician and Rook. “How are you two feeling?” A sharp glance at the Mage of Swords showed why she was concerned.

As expected Tsubasa replied first. “Just great, Kaichou. Really can’t see why we needed all those tests.” She then glared at the computer screen with pure hate. “Or why do we need to wait for the results anyway.”

“Because the problem isn’t physical but in your soul.” By her tone and manner of speech the magus was pretty much admitting that there was an irrevocable problem, much to Sona’s chagrin. However Olga fixed her posture and offered a nod. “But so far we had no problems in looking for exactly how much
 how much was the damage and if there were means to fix it. Emiya- no, Shirou has been helpful.”

The redhead bowed his head again in apology. “It is the least I can do considering how much I blamed you for everything.”

“It is my fault. I played with a power I couldn't understand. I still can’t.” Forever she would envy Shirou’s connection with weaponry considering it allowed him to read even Noble Phantasms with precision.

Not that Sona cared for such. “And I approved an untested ritual for Tsubasa. The blame for all of this is all mine.” She raised her hand to stop both magi from speaking. “As a King, as a leader, I should be considerate to my subordinates and turn down whenever they offer foolish suggestions.”

“But it wasn’t stupid. It worked!” Tsubasa summoned her shield with a flourish. “I’m much stronger now. In fact I’m even stronger from the Rating Game.”

“Because your soul is getting more and more used to the Noble Phantasm.” Shirou explained easily. “Maybe it is just adapting or maybe it is losing parts of itself for you to use the shield properly. That is what the tests were all about.”

“Except I don’t feel anything really different, Sword.” Her reply was confident and challenging, not even noticing how she called him. “All I feel is fine and I got an extra boost on my numbers. A girl can’t complain.”

“You are also acting differently Tsubasa.” Tsubaki couldn't forget how the fight devolved during the Rating Game. “You were overly aggressive, refused to cooperate and barely followed orders-”

“You didn’t have time to give me orders! We were being destroyed back there!”

“Because you just charged ahead!”

“Hey, I could take it! I almost beat Akeno by myself!”

“But you didn’t and barely helped us coordinate!”

“She charged forward hoping to neutralize the threat before you and Nimura could be harmed.” Shirou interrupted with sharp eyes jumping between both girls before they settled on Tsubasa. “Then when that failed she went back to make sure you were safe, prioritizing your well being over her own.”

“Why are you defending her?” Sona asked cautiously as Azazel covertly moved closer to the computer.

The Mage’s eyes haven’t left Tsubasa who stared back. “Because that was what I would have done.” He confessed and the lilac haired girl knew that was an absolute fact. “Going ahead without a plan that only considered dealing with the problem
 reminded me a lot of my youth.”

A vein popped on the shield’s user forehead. “Are you calling me a child, Sword?”

“I am saying I get how you think, Yura.” He ignored the grumbles and cursing, turning to the Queen. “She cares more than she knows. A little bit too much in fact.”

“And how do you know that exactly?” Olga Marie was growing suspicious.

Shirou couldn’t blame her but before he could give a reply or excuse Azazel announced, “Test complete~” getting everyone’s attention. Both magi jumped to their feet and rushed to the monitor as the fallen angel began to tap some keys. “Hmhmmhmmmhmmmm.”

The three of them stood there reading every result while Azazel cataloged them with nothing being said but each of their faces told a story; the fallen angel smiled with enjoyment that none could comprehend, the white haired girl tired to remain distant but failed miserably as her eyes were full of emotion and the Mage of Swords remained mute with a sharp glare aimed at the monitor.

Sona and Tsubaki looked at each other, neither knowing what to take from the many expressions studying the results with so many contrats. The former was the one the leader so it was her responsibility to speak first despite decorum not being relevant however neither said anything.

Because Tsubasa had grown impatient. “So
 what are the results?” Clearly she couldn't read the room. To be more precise, she didn’t care either way. “Am I going to die or something?”

“Definitively ‘or something’ kind of scenario.”

““Azazel.”” Both magi glared at the older man who chuckled, apparently not taking the situation seriously at all. Certainly not like Olga who stepped away from the monitor and turned to Tsubasa. “You are
 you aren’t
” She didn’t know where to start.

Shirou placed a hand on her shoulder. “Do you want me to explain the results?” Clearly there was bad news.

With a sigh the white haired girl shook her head. “This is my responsibility as a magus and as the Magician of Sitri.” Taking a deep breath the girl focused on Tsubasa who folded her arms to hold herself back. “Emiya’s suspicions were correct, you can’t be called a devil anymore.”

The members of Sitri looked at each other with concern, the Rook shaking her head. “Nope. I’m pretty sure I’m still Reincarnated.”

“I agree, Tsubasa’s connection feels as strong as ever.” If she extended her reach Sona could see herself using Castling in a Rating Game as easily as it should.

“That is because the Evil Piece is working as intended, its conversion of mana to demonic energy is the problem.”

Upon hearing Olga’s vague explanation Tsubaki stepped in. “But you just said it was working as intended.”

“I know! Just
 let me finish.” Olga began to massage the bridge of her nose. Nobody stepped in and after half a minute she kept going. “The Rook Evil Piece is working and is fully functional in fact. The problems are happening when the passive effects of Galahad’s shield mix with it.” She turned to Shirou, asking him to take over.

“Do all Noble Phantasms have passive effects?” He asked rhetorically but Azazel still raised his hand. “Depends but even then most aren’t noticeable. If you recall during the fight with Kokabiel I described some of Caliburn’s powers.”

“How it made someone closer to the Divine.” Sona clarified for her Piece’s sake. “If I were to guess that would be the most blatant example of a passive effect?”

Shirou nodded. “You could argue that Caliburn didn’t have an ‘active effect’ of its own unless you count its massive unleashing of Holy Energy as one.”

“I endorse that message.” Azazel piped in cheekily, still typing in the computer. “Every time that sword unleashed a blast of destruction was because Artoria was flexing on our faces. Every time.”

“I wouldn’t say flexing.” Shirou grumbled tiredly.

“Wait, King Arthur was a woman?” Tsubasa asked in surprise, Olga also staring at the two men.

“That is not important.” The Mage said to keep the conversation from deviating too much. “What is important are Galahad’s shield and its passive effects. To put it bluntly they are extremely similar to Caliburn’s but in a smaller intensity.”

“Not surprising since Galahad was considered the most noble of the Round Table’s knights.” Xenovia pointed out while stretching herself and letting out a yawn. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing, you woke up in time for the big reveal.” Azazel finally stopped working and turned around. “Of course we are still on the prelude where those two explain some Noble Phantasm lore before getting to the point.”

Olga glared at the Cadre. “It is important. They need to understand how Galahad’s shield affected the process and how maybe other Noble Phantasms can do the same.”

“Even if the latter is unlikely.” Shirou confessed, mildly depressedly. “Unless another shield can be summoned by the first then the odds of this situation repeating itself is zero. Even less because the normal process summons a
 more compact version of the Noble Phantasm without passive effects as far as I can see.”

“Can you give an example?” While she kept going with the conversation, Tsubaki still felt some confusion which Tsubasa shared.

But their King understood perfectly. “Think about Durandal. While its Holy Energy and Light are terrifying powers, its passive ability of adaptation can be just as devastating.”

“Actually that isn’t a good example because Durandal’s Miracles are also active under certain circumstances.” The Queen rebutted and the magus wasn't in the mood to argue.

“Yeah!” Xenovia called her sword forward making everyone but Shirou jump to their feet.

While most were from shock, Azazel was from excitement. “You did it!” The fallen angel was going around and admiring the blade and the choker around Xenovia’s neck. “I was wondering why she was using a cross and it wasn’t affecting anybody but it is a Noble Gear! You managed to complete it. How did you compensate-”

“That is where Durandal’s Miracles come into play.” Shirou wasn’t going to elaborate but turned to an admiring Sitri who was processing the sword’s sudden appearance. “But Sona is right; once the Miracle would passively make the Peerless Sword become the ideal blade to their Owners. Since it didn’t need any input, it also took some time for the transformation to kick in.” He motioned Xenovia closer and once she was beside him the Magus touched her choker, dozens of lines of mana manifesting on the small surface. “Noble Gears are all about supporting and giving more control to Noble Phantasms by expanding their capabilities with sacred gear design. I call this one Peerless Armor because of its potential and Xenovia’s use.”

“It doesn’t look like armor.” Sona said with a deadpan expression as Azazel and Olga gushed over and observed the Noble Gear and Noble Phantasm pair.

“Hehe, just wait until you see me fight.” Xenovia’s eyes had a competitive glint that was unmistakable.

Then Shirou moved his hand to her back. “But back to-”

“Can you make me one?” Tsubasa asked, holding her Noble Phantasm up for him.

It wasn’t the first time his eyes rested on the shield and Shirou already had its full History on his Reality Marble. “Look, can we get back to talking about its effects on you. It is important.”

“So far you all made it sound cool that I have my shield. Even that talk about not being a devil anymore is stupid since Kaichou says we’re still connected.”

“It's because- Because it is complicated.” Olga bit her lip and her temporary coworkers couldn’t blame her nor the guilt she felt.

The Mage of Swords pushed the shield aside. “Look, the passive effects are important because they are the ones making you into something different from a devil.” He paused to let the information sink in but Tsubasa barely reacted. Letting out a sigh he kept his hand on the shield. “Try to open your wings.”


“Indulge me, please.” He asked gently and she decided to do so, ready to drop her shield only for him to keep it physical with his mana. “Kept it out.”

“How are you doing that?” Olga Marie asked, not even knowing it was possible.

“Stabilizing a Noble Phantasm existence outside of the metaphysical plane? That is Shirou’s bread and butter.”

“Careful, Azazel. If you speak too much of my Master’s secrets
” Durandal began to glow ominously.

Ignoring that interaction the lilac haired girl blinked and focused on her bat-like wings. Usually it would only take a thought for them to jump out and she could take the skies in the same instant.

Except they didn’t and Tsubaki noticed quickly. “Tsubasa

“Something wrong?” Sona asked upon hearing her Queen’s concern, all thoughts about Shirou’s invention washing away.

“I can’t
” Tsubasa stepped back and let the shield go, her wings manifesting. “There I did.”

“They look so frail.” Her King commented upon seeing the torn, thin leather form and almost skeletal. She touched one of them and feared it would crumble.

All were silent as Tsubasa tried to move her wings but it was practically in vain as all they did was twitch. “I can’t fly
” The admittance sounded so sad that it stabbed a knife in some of the present chests.

A feeling worse for Olga than anyone else who could only look at the ground with shame. “Your Evil Piece is trying to convert mana into demonic energy but Galahad’s shield is purifying it at a barely slower rate.” She bit her lip again but a hand on her shoulder stopped her from drawing blood. It was Azazel’s who nodded for her to keep going. “Without demonic energy you can’t use devil magic nor fly properly, your wings need it to even exist. As things are now, you barely have enough for them to manifest.”

“But my power, I can still feel it.” Tsubasa allowed mana to flow from her body and became almost like a bonfire for how hot and strong it was.

“You have magic circuits.” Olga revealed to the other girl’s surprise. “Sixteen of them which explains your previous capability to ‘see’ things even before you Reincarnated.” Remembering someone who worked for her family, she decided to bring up another thing. “You may also one day manifest Mystic Eyes as your circuits shouldn't be enough for precognition by themselves but-”

“That power she manifested was way more than just magic circuits.” Sona interrupted gently, still patient but unwilling to allow another tangent. “At the moment I can say for certain that Tsubasa is stronger than me and that our connection still exists. How can she be my Piece but not be a devil?”

Shirou and Azazel traded looks, neither willing to bring up Akeno’s situation. Fortunately they had another explanation. “Both answers lie in her Noble Phantasm.” Said the Mage. “Remember what we were talking about its passive ability? Galahad’s shield has an uncanny and powerful aura capable of purifying almost anything. It is a
 Anti-Evil Noble Phantasm and no matter how peaceful devils are these days, demonic power is still considered evil.”

“It is even in the name!” Azazel clapped to take some of the heat as all Sitri contingent glared at Shirou. “Evil Piece, demonic energy. Worry not that since neither is actively harmful for Tsubasa since the shield isn’t trying to eject the piece out of her
 but it is almost completely nullifying any sort of demonic influence.” He rubbed his chin while turning to the monitor and pressing some keys, a diagram of Tsubasa’s body popping up. “At least most of it since Ajuka’s equipment can’t judge your life force. If you are going to be long lived like a devil isn't a guarantee and he will want to run his own tests back in the Underworld.” Seeing the topic unnerved some of the present he tried to change the subject. “Also your body is processing mana faster and more efficiently because it is acting as a super magic circuit.”

“Pretty much even your magical energy use is going to be superior to most devils because of how the shield allows you to use it
 it already modified your soul to work with it.” Shirou hated that he was right.

But it was undeniable and the reason why Olga hated herself more than anything at that moment. “Tsubasa, I am sorry.”

“Why? What is wrong with my soul?” Obviously confused, she looked at everyone trying to find an explanation. “I already said-”

“That you are feeling stronger than ever. I know!” Olga Marie realized she shouted and pulled back. “I know
 I wish Emiya was wrong but

“Think about an empty cup.” The Mage started gently, Projecting a paper cup and placing it on the table. “That is the soul when you are born for most people except,” a small piece of metal appeared between his fingers, “by this little thing. Most people don’t know that they have it but it is the Origin that helps mold the experiences the soul will have.” He placed the metal inside and called a Muramasa, using it to drop water in the cup. “As you grow, experiences and hardships begin to fill the cup as the Origin helps to give it meanings and interpretations. Then, when someone is aware of their Origin,” the metal changed to a small sword, “their whole existence becomes far more tied to it. Soon you can see the colors, understand more of your own actions and fix your own mind into things to a point you fail to think in any other way for the most part.”

Leaning forward, Tsubasa watched everything with fascination. “What happens when the Origin changes?”

“What happened to the colors of the water?” The one in the cup had a metallic tint but mottes of mana began to leave it and soon it was crystal clear. “This situation by itself is abnormal, I can only think of one other person who went through the same thing
 For transparency's sake let me tell you; that person was me.” Tsubasa’s eyes focused on his and she began to understand. Everyone else did too and Olga refused to even look at the Mage. “The person I was
 is gone. Dead in fire and reborn by a Noble Phantasm. Only my cup was empty.” The water was gone and he created another piece of metal. “Then, with it, I began to make new memories. Our situations are similar but not the same. Not even close, you were still Tsubasa when a Noble Phantasm was planted in your soul.”

“You think I’m not her anymore.” Both stood straight, her eyes full of fury while he remained calm. “Hell with that! I’m still the same. Yura Tsubasa, Rook of Sitri!” Nobody said a thing but her friends watched the lilac haired girl with pride. “My memories are still here, I’m still Yura Tsubasa. Galahad’s shield didn't change me!”

Shirou let out a sigh and shook his head. “Much of what you did back in that Rating Game I could see myself doing. You didn’t care about your own safety, only to stop the threat.” He waved at her friends. “What would they think if you died?”

“That was a Rating Game-”

“And when it isn’t? Are you going to do the same thing?” His tone was empty of judgment but familiar and kind yet it was a slap in Tsubasa’s face. “When another Kokabiel shows up are you going to step forward without a plan or are you going to stop and think? Or are you going to die and leave them behind?” At her silence he let out another sigh. “That isn’t even touching on the issue of your memories. Do you know what you sacrificed by having a Noble Phantasm replace your Origin?”

“What?” She wanted to know but he shrugged his shoulders.

“How should I know? If you, maybe, don't even remember it?” He asked and Tsubasa blinked before placing a hand on her mouth and tried to second guess everything she had done over the last week.

Only for Azazel to let out a groan. “Okay, okay. Enough is enough. This is starting to get into uncharted territory and you are frightening the girl over nothing, Shirou.”

“But Azazel, Galahad’s Noble Phantasm isn’t a small thing. Going over the cup metaphor again, even if her colors didn’t change the water would start to spill and repel part of her personality or her memories.”

“Or just change her a little to suit its existence.” The Cadre tapped the still present cup. “You don’t know much about souls besides your own so let me tell you something
 they are bigger than this.” Everyone stared at the fallen angel with deadpan looks. “I mean that there is room for the shield and her personality.”

“So everything is fine?” Sona asked cautiously.

Azazel raised a hand to stop any further questions. “I didn’t say that and Shirou’s concerns were valid. I mean, like he said, their situations are abnormal, his more than hers.” He turned to the Mage with a grin. “But his was actually worse. The person he was sacrificed a lot to survive the fire; his memories, his emotions. Basically he was more dead than alive in every sense before Kiritsugu saved his skin.”

When all eyes landed on him Shirou shrugged. “It was Hell and I did whatever I could to get out of it

“And you did survive, Shiro.” Xenovia stepped forward to hold his hand.

“But not intact.” Azazel added. “Much of his changes to his Noble Phantasm was due to the fact he was an empty cup. Memories and hardship aren’t the only things filling the cup in that case.” He pointed to Tsubasa. “On the other hand his example was precise with Tsubasa; her soul is irrevocably different. She is a different person.”

“What does that mean?!” Tsubasa asked in a bit of a panic as she tried to think. “Did I stop like mustard or something? I did stop eating it. Was that because of the shield?”

“Tsubasa, calm down.” Sona tried.

And failed. “And my parents? Do I still love them? Yes, I do but is it the same love?”

“No, it isn’t like that.” Olga also tried.

And also failed. “What else is going to happen? Am I going to forget more things and become more like a shield? Is it going to- Ow!”

It was a Queen powered slap from Tsubaki that snapped the Rook out of her spiral. “Control yourself, Tsubasa!” Such an attitude was surprising, especially for Sona but Tsubaki had enough form the lilac haired girl during the Rating Game. She wasn’t going to give her teammate any chance to disregard her orders again. “You think Lord Azazel would bring this all up just leave you in the cold? Let the man finish.”

After a moment of silence Xenovia chuckled. “We should hang out sometime.”

“I would be honored. Say, can I get one of those Noble Gears?” Asked the Sitri Queen after fixing her glasses.

The swordswoman didn’t even need to turn to her lover. “I will
 see what I can do.” Another project for him but Shirou didn't mind. Instead he focused on Azazel. “So, what do the different circumstances mean for her?”

“Plenty but let's go with the basics. First, no more devil magic, that avenue is forever closed.” Nobody disagreed as they understood Galahad’s shield power. “Second, your life force? We need to run more tests, call more specialists but consider that you will live
 for at least five hundred years, give or take.”

“That is better than every human!” Olga shouted in shock as she expected something far worse.

“But still short of every devil’s natural lifespan
” Sona pointed out with worry, already planning to do something about it.

“Third,” Azazel moved along without a care, “you won’t get Shirou’s magic
 and we already can see Sona’s disappointed look.” They all turned to her and she blushed before fixing her glasses to disguise her embarrassment. “But yeah, you will get a downgraded version of it, mostly focused on Galahad’s shield and shields in general and I doubt you can straight Trace other Noble Phantasms
 Or anything else, really. You will need training.”

“I can help with that if you want. Although you are going to need someone to properly open your circuits and teach the basics.”

Olga turned to the magus. “It is Gradation Air, right? Leave that to me.”

“Fantastic. Number four.” Azazel slams the tests on the table. “You aren’t that different as you think or as Shirou feared.”

“That stupid test?” Tsubasa picked her own, Sona and Tsubaki leaning to check on it before looking at each other in understanding.

“That is-”

“-almost the same test.”

“He made you guys do it too?” Olga picked another one up. “Huh? Wait, are those-”

“Questions about Tsubasa? That is correct!” Azazel announced proudly as he spreaded the sheets and showed all tests filled by Sona Peerage. “Would be better to have an original sample before she underwent the procedure but that is the best we could do given the circumstances.”

Both Shirou and Xenovia also grabbed some of the tests, the redhead’s eyes widening. “I see...”

“‘What is Tsubasa's favorite color? Did she have any pets growing up? What is her favorite food?’ A simple personality test?”

“‘Simple’? Perhaps to someone who knows herself well but what if she had some brain damage?” Azazel tapped the side of his head with a grin. “Here’s something that is true to both humans and devils; the organ called the brain is connected to the soul which is the true repository of memories, dreams and a whole lot of other things.” He leaned forwards, enjoying the eager eyes seeking knowledge. ‘Man, I should have been a teacher way sooner.’ “When the brain is damaged its connection to the soul grows weaker and it grows harder to grasp somethings but the soul, my friends, the soul never forgets or dies.” Leaning back on his chair he concluded with, “Unless of course it is destroyed by gods, dangerous artifacts, forbidden spells-”

“You just ruined a nice moment.” Xenovia stated bluntly.

“Just speaking the truth and here is another one, you haven’t changed as much as we thought.” He pushed the remaining papers towards Tsubasa who dropped in a seat and began to read them. “Shirou is right, you are more aggressive and less worried about your own safety. But many of your tastes remain mostly the same if your friends’ knowledge is anything to go by.”

Indeed when comparing her answers to the rest of her own Peerage the Rook could see how many of those she had gotten right. ‘Right’ as in the majority of her team gave the same or similar answers.

Looking at each and every paper on the table, Tsubasa recognized everyone’s writing and how they described things about her in a way way too familiar. Sure enough some answers had some bias or were colored by other people’s opinions but every word was somehow familiar.

What was truly different about her, from everyone’s point of view unanimously, was the less prestative and more aggressive attitude. True enough there was a note from Momo it was like she was injected with coffee while Tomoe wrote she stopped caring about the small things.

Sona, her King, wrote everything right about her except her favorite type of man and added a whole dissertation how she was with teamwork before and after having Galahad’s shield inserted in her soul, all things Tsubasa began to realize after the prior conversation.

But all in all the written tests helped her reach a conclusion. “I’m still me.” She announced with a sigh of relief, her arms falling to the side as she didn’t realize how that was eating her..

“Indeed, indeed, indeed.” Azazel said with a smile. “While it is true that you are different, more aggressive and less cautious as Shirou saw, you are for the most part, yourself.” He grabbed the cup and filled it with bright mana. “The Noble Phantasm changed you. Lack of self preservation, more rigid in your own ideas and less disciplined. Almost the same as Shirou beat for beat except he has better self discipline. Does that say something about swords and shields? Or yourselves? Questions for later.”

Relief poured over pretty much everyone in the room as Tsubasa turned to her friends with a huge grin. It wasn’t perfect, she did change but she could say for sure she was herself and that was enough.

Considering everything Shirou felt a wave of happiness and guilt, turning to Olga Marie with a sad smile. “Looks like you were right, we had nothing to worry about.” She jumped in place and looked back at him but the redhead just bowed. “Sorry for stressing you.”

“No! You were right!” Olga bowed as well. “You were absolutely correct. Even if nothing went wrong this time I stepped over the line and risked my friend’s soul over greed.” She gulped before standing straight and shaking her head. “Worse, I risked her existence. Even if the tests say that almost everything is well
” Turning to Tsubasa, Olga bowed her head again. “I shouldn’t have accepted that proposition. I apologize, Tsubasa.”

“I already said it is fine.” The carefree attitude had returned for the lilac haired girl and she began to laugh happily while reading one of her friend’s responses. “Saji barely got anything right!”

“But it wasn’t fine and it was my fault as well.” Sona added with a somber smile. “But I am glad you are okay.” Looking at her Magician she nodded in understanding. “You weren’t the only one who was excited about a new discovery and we jumped too many hops for that to be safe. Next time, if we ever find a Noble Phantasm in the wild, we are being more careful. Goetia knows what sort of effects other Crystalized Legends can have if Galahad’s shield is already making Tsubasa almost human.”

Azazel chuckled. “Calling her human would be a stretch. She is almost like an independent Servant more than anything.” Not that he ever met one but that still made the girl an odd existence. ‘Interesting time

“In either case we all learned a lesson of not jumping to conclusions.” Shirou said with a bitter chuckle, focusing on Sona. “Sorry for the troubles I caused to you all.”

The Heiress also chuckled. “We also gave you our fair share of troubles, for that you have my apologies.”

Xenovia placed her arms behind her head and said, “With you and Rias it isn’t surprising you are always trying to upstage each other.” The group laughed as the pureblood devil fixed her glasses. “What? I ain’t wrong.”

“No, you correct I suppose.” Sona Sitri recognized.

Then Shirou turned to Tsubasa. “And sorry for the headaches and the tests.”

“Can you stop apologizing already?” Tsubasa dropped the papers on the desk and turned to him fully. When she spoke it was in her most respectful tone. ”And you were right, I am a Shield. That is now my Origin, something forever engraved in my soul because of this.” The shield showed up once again in her right arm. “I mean, from what you said I can only use shield magic now? What the hell does that mean?”

“Most weapon magic related to shields but also, Reinforcement, Structural Analysis. There is some other stuff but that is the gist of it.” Shirou informed with a shrug as Olga’s jaw fell at the short repertory of weapons the Mage actually had. “Don’t know how Projection is actually going to work for you since you are actually going to use your Noble Phantasm.”

“And you don’t? Sure you sure have plenty.” Sona was fishing for something.

Shirou wasn’t going to bite. “Mine is more complex than hers. Anyway, she needs to learn the basics first and after that I can train her to actually use a shield well.”

“I know how to use a shield.”

“We can agree to disagree on that.” Even if they weren’t his speciality, Shirou did try to learn how to use them in his early years.

The confidence of which he spoke made Tsubasa smile. “There! See, if it wasn’t for all of that I wouldn’t get this. We wouldn’t know what I can actually do.” She said while pointing at Shirou’s face. “But you know and those tests help, right? We’re kind of the same but not. Same sort of people.” Turning to her shield her smile grew bigger. “We are the people we were, just more since these Noble Phantasms bonded with us.”

“Us but more, huh?” The Mage chuckled. Wondered the type of person he was never had mattered but when she put it like that it made him happy. “Sure thing. I can teach you more than just magic, Kohai.”

A vein popped on Tsubasa’s forehead. “I’m not your Kohai. We’re the same age.”

“Pretty sure I am a few months older. Maybe more, I can't remember.” Moving faster than she could keep up, Shirou began to pat her head. “So do your best, Kohai.”

With a roar the lilac haired girl tried to hit the redhead’s back but he bent forward and avoided the attack easily. Almost everyone in the room began to shout for her to stop or to be careful but she kept spinning to try to hit his back. Sona and Tsubaki jumped away but Shirou jumped over the shield and began to pat her head again.

“Temper, temper. Yours is worse than mine. Hahaha.” A growl from her throat stopped his laugh and Shirou’s expression quickly turned serious. “Those emotions are stronger than most of mine to be fair, probably because I was more patient. But that rush, that comes from being a weapon, the extreme disregard for oneself...” He stepped back, Xenovia approaching him, as Tsubasa relaxed her shoulders, Sona and Tsubaki taking to her sides. “Best advice I can give right now is for you to find someone to stop that recklessness.”

“Like what? A boss? I have Kaichou for that.” Confusion filled her tone as she disengaged her shield immediately.

“More than a boss but then again if you two have that kind of relationship, sure.” He smiled gently. His hand soon found Xenovia’s. “But any weapon needs someone to take care of them after we can’t take care of ourselves. That is why it is important to find someone to keep you grounded and a place to return. If we don’t have that
 I think you can guess what happens.”

She could, in fact Tsubasa could envision herself lost in a forest or desert of some kind, battered and bruised or jumping from battlefield to battlefield without concern, fighting with her friends every time they asked her to slow down.

But he wasn’t asked just for a friend but a family or a lover, a place to really return. “A place to belong.”

“That is right.” Shirou affirmed confidently. “Those days they are the ones keeping me sane even if I am dodging their care for the most part.” Xenovia began to pull his cheek with her free hand.

“This guy has been awake for three days straight with worry over all this.” She informed the others. “Seriously, he is exhausted. So thanks for not being angry, maybe now he will rest.”

“I see
” Tsubasa noticed the care and the smiles they had. “A place to belong

“Sounds a bit corny.” Azazel commented from the side.

“I find the idea beautiful.” Tsubaki said after.

“Not really successful if he has been awake for this long.” Olga Marie had a blush on her face.

“You aren’t much better.” Sona reminded her Magician which made her blush harder.

“Also, one more thing
” Shirou said suspensefully, with a smirk that confused Tsubasa. “Its name is Lord Camelot. Not the kingdom, no, but its center.” Her eyes grew wide and she wasn’t the only one as all from Sitri couldn't believe he gave the Noble Phantasm’s True Name like that. “Don’t expect to use it easily as you don’t have the right mentality for it yet even if your body is adapted to it.”

“And what is the right mentality?” The magus in Olga Marie demanded to know.

Raising a finger to the sky he answered. “The mentality of someone who looks at the future.” Everybody was confused but Shirou just chuckled again. That was all they were getting from him.

Then Xenovia decided that it was time to go. “Look, love to stay and keep chatting but this Master of mine,” she hit his back hard enough he almost fell on the table, “needs to cook and rest. He especially needs to cook. He has been so in the funk these days that the people back home are about to revolt.”

“It can’t be that bad.” Tsubaki commented but Xenovia gave her a half crazed look that had the Queen taking a step back. “Can it?”

“He got better at it.” Durandal’s owner announced and the girls from the Student Council couldn't help but remember the treats they were offered in the past. It looked so distant it almost hurt them physically.

“Well, the work is done anyway so we can all relax for a few days.” Azazel chuckled before crossing his arms with a groan. “Not me though. I pretty much used all my vacation days for this.”

While everyone but Sona laughed, the King had a grin as she patted his back and made a note to give him some more as a thank you for helping with the situation.


Medusa watched the stars with a half lidded gaze as she sat in the front of the garden with her feet planted on the ground. The fact she had grown enough for her feet to grasp the earth had once bothered the goddess without end as it meant her power was growing. Soon she would be tall.

Soon for a god which was relative and yet, considering the enemies she would certainly face in the future, she wanted to grow up quickly and recover fully. Such thoughts spanned in her mind as her heart beated with worry as the events of the day replied in her mind several times a minute.

From the hard conversations to the planning to the fear that the Olympians were moving against her. Rias assured her there would be no attack while she was around since that would be picking a fight with both the Underworld and the Japanese but Medusa was uncertain.

She remembered well how clever the Greek gods were or dangerous they could be once provoked. Her sisters had underestimated Zeus and his followers but Medusa refused to commit that mistake again. Sure she didn’t know if Aphrodite was acting by herself or under the KIng of the Gods but she wasn’t going to discard either possibility.

Besides that, the events while she was absent did more than make Medusa unnerved. She wouldn’t have blamed Rin for any curse or insult yet the girl was calm. As calm as someone could be after swearing vengeance against a god but calm nonetheless.

If anything, everyone was excited by the prospect in some way even if Akeno and Rias were careful. Luvia certainly shared Rin’s spirit as the rivals made their plans together and against anyone else they would be a force to be reckoned with.

Except the enemy was a god.

’Of all goddesses, why did it have to be Aphrodite?’ Medusa couldn't help but think with some fear as she drew her knees to use them and her arms to hide her face, one eye still to the sky. ‘Athena can’t be behind this. She would never approve of such a method. Either way we should tell Sirzechs about the Greeks’ involvement but

Rin didn’t want to do it so Rias would allow the official report to go without any changes so Aphrodite didn’t know they were onto her. The magus wanted payback and the Gremory Heiress was happy to assist as promised. Keeping a goddess' involvement hidden was dangerous but so long as nobody declared war even her moves were limited.

‘Stupidity.’ Medusa fully hid her face as she couldn’t help but shiver in fear. ‘If there is any goddess who doesn’t care about the rules it is Aphrodite.  She won’t care about a war if she can get away with it, I am sure.’ After some thought the purple haired goddess let out a sigh. ‘What should I do-’

“Penny for your thoughts?” For a moment he was concerned about whiplash with how fast Medusa’s head jumped from its position to look at him. Still Shirou found himself chuckling in amusement. “Are you alone in the garden? That is new. Usually you have one or two of your creations for company.” He sat down on the wood floor beside her.

“Shouldn't you be sleeping? I am pretty sure the girls threw you in your room and locked it up.” Akeno especially was most insistent he needed to sleep and not even the Mage himself fought over it.

However there he was, sitting beside her. “You know that kind of doors take no keys.”

“It was a metaphor, my protector. Are you taking advantage of the fact that none of them are keeping an eye on you to work again?”

“I am just not sleepy.” Her deadpan expression almost made him laugh but he needed to keep on the down low. If Rias or Akeno knew he was awake they would throw him back on the bed and lock the room with magic. “It is early anyway, Kiba and Gasper aren’t even back.”

“And you need your rest.” She rebutted and he couldn’t even disagree as he was exhausted. Not for a need of sleep despite the many days awake but over everything that happened which prompted the goddess to ask, “Why are you still awake?”

“... I was going to talk with Rin earlier today but by the time we left the workshop she was having fun with Luvia,” Fighting almost to the death with only Akeno’s presence holding them back, “so I figured she was
 doing well all things considered.” At least he hoped because he found himself with no space to do anything and the girl left with just a small greeting and smile. “But she isn’t the only one with troubles today. So, what is bothering you?”

“You know what happened. Even if Rin didn’t talk I am sure my priestess and Rias didn’t hesitate.” Medusa’s reply was truthful yet his eyes didn’t leave her. “What?”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“What is there to talk about? The Greeks, at least one of them, isn’t willing to let me go for whatever reason.”

“If it will make you feel any better we can talk about that. We can talk about anything.” The Mage rested his back on a column and Medusa could see how tired he was despite the strong front. “Or we can talk about nothing. How was the dinner? I tried to make it special.”

Several different kinds of desserts including pies, cakes and handmade ice cream had a way to cheer everyone up. “It was fantastic. Makes me glad that I don’t need to worry about my figure. Pity the other boys missed it.”

“There is plenty in the fridge and Luvia locked it up with magic just to make sure Koneko isn’t getting them.” The two settled in a comfortable silence but Medusa could feel its weight.

Every single bit of it. “That isn’t what you want to talk about.”

“What I want to talk about is irrelevant. What matters is what you want to talk about.” His eyes never left her as she watched the stars. “Or if you even want to talk in the first place.”

“... I remember telling you something amongst the lines that not everything in a Legend is fact.” A probing observation, still skirting the issue.

However, enough was enough and while Shirou was patient he knew Medusa needed that conversation. “And I am sure you were never a priestess of Athena since I saw plenty of your memories when we first met. Most of which form your Core.” He waited for a reaction but took her silence as permission to keep going. “Never understood why Athena omitted certain parts with how important they are.” Looking for anything in general at that point the redhead noticed how the goddess had stopped breathing, waiting. “You never made a horse with your power. That alone should be odd enough.”

Letting out a sigh she felt had been held for months, Medusa felt her shoulders relax. “So you know
” It was his turn to stay quiet, to give her a chance to pour her problems out. She did. “What business does a virgin goddess have with sex? She wouldn’t dare to poke or probe in that topic much like she never did with motherhood
 well, except one time but she barely did what a mother is required to do.” Another pause, another sigh. “Did you know that Hera’s increasing pursuit of Heracles was because Athena tricked her into giving him some of her milk?”

“Really?” He did but let her talk.

“Yes. That is how far the Goddess of War went to avoid any responsibility of motherhood. She was the Guide of Heroes, not their mother
” After that Medusa grew quiet again before gathering her courage. “How many know?”

“I didn’t tell or ask anyone. As far as I am concerned they truly believe you were only pursued by the gods for recruitment.”

“Technically Poseidon didn’t pursue me, I was already alone on my island without my sisters and losing my mind. No, I had already lost my mind and was someone else.” The woman in the girl's body looked at her hands. “She was cruel, brutal, more beast than woman. A Gorgon in every sense but with a beauty as great as her monstrosity. Of all the gods, at least the Greek ones, the Sea God is without a doubt the one who most embodied the ideals of a god. Virtues and vices alike.” Her gaze moved to the sky as she struggled to remember the encounter. “His appetite is also the stuff of Legends for while Zeus chased beautiful women who were proper maidens the middle brother of the Three Great Olympians sought for the more feist and dangerous ones. It wasn’t for nothing that a half woman half serpent former goddess managed to catch his attention.” She scowled and shook her head. “Nagas and lamias don’t belong to Greece but somehow the ocean currents allowed them to approach and venerate me. Must have been Poseidon’s way of ‘payment’.”

Shirou looked at his hands and noticed they were bleeding from the strength of his nails upon hearing the story. Obviously knowing Medusa’s Legend he knew about it but hearing it from her own mouth, no matter how confused she was from the event, hurt much more. Another name was added on his lists and if the redhead had his way Poseidon would pay dearly.

She noticed his hands, his fury, touched his knee to calm him down. “I was barely a beast in that moment, more beautiful than I was when we met but just as berserk. Don’t worry, I barely remember anything.”

“That only makes it worse.”

“For humans, perhaps. But I am a goddess and above such things.”

Touching her hand with his own, she didn’t retreat despite the blood. “If you are above such things is not because of what you are but because of who you are.” Medusa stared at Shirou’s smile, gentle and understanding. “You are strong, patient, kind-”

“I killed people.”

“So did I.”

“You killed a bunch of murderers. I killed soldiers, heroes and warriors who just wanted to honor their gods and save their land from a creature.”

Patiently the redhead waited for the goddess to be finished before saying, “Did you even seek one of them?” The question froze her in place before she shook her head. “No, you didn't. There you were in your corner of the world and people went there to challenge you because their gods said to do so. That wasn’t your fault and I wonder how different things would be if the Olympians had left you and your sisters in peace.” His hand rested on her shoulder. “Maybe we wouldn’t have met but-”

“What ifs are pointless.” She cut him off gently, refusing to entertain the thought. Yet Medusa still blushed and looked to the side. “Yet I am glad we met, glad with the friends we made
 Maybe even if Fate was a little different, we would still find each other.” Then her gaze grew sharp. “But now that happiness is threatened. It is only a matter of time before Athena or Aphrodite do something irreparable and I-”

“I won’t let them.” Shirou declared firmly only for Medusa to shake her head.

“They are goddesses, Shirou. No, it is safe to say all Olympians can be involved in this one way or another and-”

“I will stop them.”

“Are you listening to me? No, do you think they are like me? Don’t be stupid, there is no comparison.” To not disturb or attract anyone she held back her voice yet he could hear fury, embarrassment and desolation in her tone. “There may be hundreds of Pantheons still around but have you ever wondered why most do nothing? Either gather or expand their Faith? Or perhaps start a war to change the status quo? Is because they are afraid of the top dogs. The real ones, certainly not the ones from the religion where God is dead.” Biting her lip she saw his expression didn’t change.

Instead the redhead looked at the stars with a sigh. “Let me guess, the Greeks count as one of the ‘top dogs’.”

“Greeks, Hindu and Norse. If asked I couldn’t say which one is the strongest but all have qualities that make them all the strongest.” She began to recite from memory. “Of all religions of the world, theirs is one of the most ancient and holds the greatest number of followers. Based in India they are the Hindu Pantheon with their Chief God Shiva, the Destroyer, even if he is one of a Trinity he is, without a shadow of a doubt, the strongest of their Pantheon. With him there is also Indra, who could also be a contender to Chief God if he wasn’t loyal. At least, when it comes to fighting, he is known to be as strong as his leader.”

“You did your homework.” Shirou knew some of what Medusa was saying but nevertheless was impressed.

She ignored his comment. “Because of their number of followers their powers are ever growing but even without them it isn’t hard to say either could sink continents
 with their pinky. With ease. Destroying the world would be child’s play. But followers sure aren’t everything.” Medusa looked into his eyes. “Odin proved that by just giving you a Rune, the might of magic. Not the only tool from the Norse because they are also known for their prowess in combat.” Turning around she only glanced at him as the redhead nodded. “Sure their version of Paradise, Valhalla, should be enough of an indicator about their preferable skill set. They are the ones with the greatest strength, specially the Strongest God of the North; Thor.”

“God of Thunder and Strength, Zeus equivalent.”

“Not even close. Their functions, ideas, ambitions and powers are completely different.” Medusa shot the idea down without missing a beat. “One is a King while the other is a Fighter, as in a pure warrior; he cares not about ruling, followers or rewards, just the fight itself.” The goddess never saw him but she could already imagine the titan of a man covered in Lightning and ready to rip the whole world apart just to defeat his enemies. His Legend with the World Serpent was proof of that. “Not even counting his hammer, Mjonir, he is far stronger than his father. Charismatic too. I have no doubts that if he really wanted it, taking down his brother and becoming King of Asgard would be easy enough.”

“But he isn’t our problem and we have a good relationship with Odin.” Clearly the redhead wanted to get to the point.

A point they both knew was coming. “Few followers, less than the Norse Pantheon, the Olympians hold several status despite that. Do you know why?” For the first time in a while he didn’t have an answer so Shirou shook his head. “Because people still use their symbols. Of all gods, they are the ones with less risk of being forgotten.”

Brand marks, messages, emblems, stories, the Olympian Pantheon had several of those spread around the world.

Be it Hermes’ Caduceus which was the official emblem of Medicine or the symbols of male and female derived from Ares and Aphrodite, more specifically Mars and Venus, everyone knew one thing or another about them.

All that not even counting some of their most famous figures like Heracles or Odysseus who once in a while had a movie or another way for their stories to be retold. That wasn’t even touching their influence in Rome which also spread their roots in Egypt. In fact that particular Pantheon was greatly weakened because of Olympus as well.

“The Twelve Olympians. Each and every single one of them can be a Chief God in their own right.” Medusa gulped hard at the notion. “Powerwise Zeus is at least as strong as Shiva but far more problematic. You could say that the Hindi Pantheon is full of powerful but peaceful gods but every single Olympian is ready to fight, be they peaceful or not.” Looking back at him she shrugged. “That isn’t even the end of it.”

“Their machine bodies, right?” She looked honestly surprised and the redhead chuckled. “I asked Azazel about them once and after that I read any information the Grigori had on hand.” Closing his eyes Shirou recalled all the knowledge about the Greek gods he had. “You are right, they sure are problematic. Not only are they gods of the World but also managed to get power from the stars and to put a cap on it killing them isn’t enough, you need to destroy both bodies to get rid of just one.” He let out a small but honest laugh. “Talk about unfair.”

Medusa relaxed and offered him a smile. “So you can see my point.”

“I always could see your point, doesn’t mean I will let them do as they please.”

“Are you mad?” She slapped her own forehead. “Of course you are. How could I forget?”

“Haha, really, how could you?” Shirou’s shoulders shook but he held back. “Don’t worry, I will find a way to protect you.” Patting her head gently, he felt the goddess relax. “I will protect everyone, even if the enemies are gods.”

“You fool. You absolute fool.” She hid her face to not give him the satisfaction of showing her smile. “Do you realize what you are proposing? Those are the strongest enemies, beings that lived longer than society and will outlive this one in the next. The Greeks especially
 you absolute fool.”

“Maybe I am a fool but I am your Champion, right?”

“I never called you that, not really.” Medusa shook her head beneath his hand. “I don’t want
 you to die for my sake. If they come-”

“Then I will fight them off.” Shirou declared firmly, leaving no room for argument. “I don’t care if it is Zeus, Athena or Poseidon
 Actually I want him and Aphrodite to drop by so I can teach those two a lesson.” He confessed with a dark glint in his eyes. Then they were gone and his honest smile returned even if she couldn’t see it. “So don’t worry. I will deal with them.”

“You can’t beat them.”

“I will figure something out.”

“No- you- you fool.” Medusa held herself back. “You absolute fool. Don’t use me like a benchmark for them
 Compared to the Olympians I am worse than trash

“Nah, you are Medusa. The newest goddess of Japan.” Shirou announced proudly. “And I am your Champion, so just give me some time.” He let out an honest sigh that had her looking at him again. “Even if I can’t beat them on power or skill, I will make something that can deal with those pesky gods. Don’t worry.”

“You are truly and utterly a fool, my protector.” She said calmly. Then her eyes turned cold. “If you at least had my other son.” A tilt of his head showed he was listening with great interest. “Compared with the pegasus, with Bellerophon, Chrysaor managed to make a name for himself despite so few Legends about him.” She researched their Legends far and wide both from books and the internet. There were so few about the giant and yet he had a name and descendants. “If Bellerophon represents the Sky and the Dream of Flying for Humanity, Chrysaor represents the Earth and the Nightmares it can conjure.” Looking at him again she touched the hand on her head. “He was also born with a golden sword.” His eyes grew wide and she chuckled. “I don’t know where he is or if Athena kept him for herself but if you had him
 perhaps then you could face a god
 After all he was a Father of Monsters.”

Shirou chuckled once again. “You know, Bellerophon is just happy right now that you called him son, however indirectly.” So happy he could hear the pegasus sing in his soul. Medusa blushed and the Mage kept going. “Also, I think you just want your two children close in some way. Who knows? Maybe we will find him.”

Standing up from his seat the Mage of Swords walked until he was in front of Medusa before dropping to one knee. He smiled confidently if a little roguishly as the goddess remained quiet not knowing what to do.

“Medusa, I made a promise to you before and you know how much of a bad liar I am but if you need to hear it one more time I will repeat it as many times as you want.” Placing a hand on his heart Shirou lowered his head respectfully. “I will protect you. And this isn’t about a debt, a favor or because I took you out from a cave. I will do it because you are precious to me.”

“Fool.” She said loudly, tears in her eyes. “Fool. Fool. Fool. Fool. Fool. Fool. Fool.” She began crying but he was quick to dry her tears. Medusa held his hand to her face. “You absolute fool
 Will you be my Champion? For real and in truth?”

“You don’t even need to ask.” A minute of silence passed, a full minute with the only interruption being the crickets in the garden, one of the few creatures Medusa’s children gave respite because she liked their melody.

Then the goddess stood up and held her hand on his head. “You, Emiya Shirou, are the Champion of a Goddess. Know that none of my Children will ever harm you and with them you will find a Home and Protection.” Like a spell was woven in his existence the redhead felt a calm glow involving his body. Then he blinked and it was gone. “Sorry I can’t give you much, I am still weak and-”

“You don’t need to give me anything.” Shirou declared while jumping to his feet. “I am the one supposed to be protecting you, remember? Don’t worry about it.”

“Truly you are the Greatest of Fools.” Her words were pontificated by the wind which seemed to roar with approval.

“You know what? I think I don’t mind that title at all.” Shirou raised his arms to the Heavens as if to announce despite doing so in a soft tone. “I am Emiya Shirou, the Greatest of Fools, Champion of Medusa. Tremble before my might.” Letting his arms fall he looked at the giggling goddess. “Certainly better than Merlin.”

“Infinitely so.” She said in agreement while approaching and taking his hand. “Then
 as my Champion knows that I won’t order you around, it would be both disrespectful and rude.” Her eyes were full of mirth as he raised her with just her hands holding his. She needed to bend her knees a little but had enough room to swing herself left and right. “But know that there is no escape, anyone who attacks me is automatically at war with you and must be dealt with considerable prejudice.” Using his arm as a pole she did a complete 360.

“So we are pretty much in the same relationship as before.” The Mage commented with a grin.

She nodded before planting his feet back down. “Yet I can still issue demands if they are both a matter of my security and for your own sake.” No longer playing around she lowered his hand and held it gently. “You need to go to sleep, Shirou. Your spirit is exhausted even if your body can keep going.”

“Huhuh, I suppose I did everything I needed for today.” Still the goddess made sure to drag him to his room and point at his still folded futon in its corner. “What a demanding goddess I have.”

“What foolish Champion I have.” He blinked at the rebuttal before laughing out loud which made him smile.

“I need to brush my teeth, you know?”

So he did, brushed his teeth and took a short shower as the night was slightly warm. Medusa waited outside the bathroom to escort him back to his room.

Her eyes hadn’t left him until he was tugged in his futon. “Sweet dreams.”


When next Shirou opened his eyes things were already odd as he immediately noticed, “The sun is in the wrong place.” After mumbling he closed his eyes again and turned around only for his eyes to jump open because of what that meant. “Damn it, I am late!”

The redhead rushed outside his room and upon not noticing anyone in the bathroom he quickly jumped in. In his rush he had forgotten his uniform and cursed again as after the shower he Traced some simple clothes and moved to the kitchen for breakfast, half expecting scrapes. Only to find some covered plates with rice, soup, salad and a relaxedly dressed Xenovia who was reading a book while guarding the plate.

Quickly noticing his presence the bluehead turned to him with a smile  â€œMorning, Shiro.”

“Where is everyone?” He revealed the dish which was still warm but his nose told him it was because of magic.

“Already in Kuoh. First period must have started
 half an hour ago more or less.” Xenovia tapped his nose with a giggle. “You woke up late today, first time since I met you.”

“First time ever
” For as long as Shirou could remember he was always an earlier riser. Either because of habit or due to nightmares, he was always up with the sun. “Why did nobody wake me up?”

“Just for school? You needed the rest.” A sentiment every single soul in the house had agreed to. “Besides, you really needed it. And I mean really needed it.” Xenovia repeated white standing up and massaging his shoulders. “After everything a day off isn’t that bad. It's the first week back from break anyway so nobody will care if you are still traveling or something.”

Or Rias would change the records but the message was clear; his health was more important and Shirou was finding it really hard to find any counter arguments. Just that he slept that much showed how mentally tired he was. Mentally because physically he felt perfectly fine.

More than fine, really. “If I am stuck at home for the whole day I think I will go nuts.”

Still taking care of his shoulders Xenovia began to count up. “We can go spar, or jog, or play some games, or check up the pool.” She approached his ear. “Or spend the whole day in bed doing some ‘exercise’.”

He wasn’t even surprised. “How you lasted that long in the Church I will never figure out.”

Xenovia chuckled. “Because I never had sex there.” Her hands moved to his neck and he let out a hum of pleasure. “Just relax for today, Master.” Letting out a sigh he did just that as she sat by his side and took out a pair of hashi. “Now say ‘aaaaa’.” Giving her a look Shirou was about to refuse but her eager eyes had him opening his mouth. “There you go. How is it? Akeno was proud of this one.”

“It is great.” He replied after swallowing it. “How did everyone manage to get ready and leave without me waking up? Was I that tired?”

“That and Medusa may have put a barrier to make sure everything was quiet in your room after Rias got your cell phone.” Xenovia fed him another mouthful of food before pointing the hashis at the stand. “Didn’t even need to bother because apparently someone forgot to charge their phone when he got back~”

Shirou wanted to facepalm but it was true. For the last few days he had been running around trying to help Tsubasa’s problem and completely forgot about it. He had even used the landline to call his mother, the little thing not even crossing his mind until Xenovia pointed it out.

Suddenly it made a great amount of sense why his mother hadn’t called back to ask more questions or interrogate him about the time spent in the Underworld.

Noticing his reaction his lover grinned and grabbed the thing before throwing it to him. “You lucky that you slept enough, it is already charged. Most people of our age would be losing their minds over it.”

“Thanks. Also most people our age aren’t running around messing with swords or trying to stop wars.” Shirou turned on the thing, already wondering how many calls he missed. His eyes grew wide the moment the device fully turned on and a dozen warnings popped up on the spot. “Eh?” Most from a specific number.

“Did mother call you?” Xenovia rested an arm on her shoulder while her head rested on the other.

“You calling her mother now?” He didn’t want to know what sort of talks the two must have had but it would also explain why Irisviel hadn’t shown up when her son stopped answering calls. “Anyway, yes there are two from her but
” His finger began to move the screen as there were a lot of missed calls registered, dozens upon hundreds, all from the same number. “I don’t know this-”

Immediately the phone began to ring again and it was the same mysterious number that had called almost a hundred times over the spam of one day. The code wasn’t familiar but with so many calls in just forty eight hours the odds of being some sort of prank was low. That or someone was really dedicated to the prank or perhaps it could be a trap of some sort.

Either way there were too many calls to ignore so he could either pick it up or block the number. The two traded looks for a second as their eyes went back to the phone on the third ring.

Just to show respect for the number of attempts, Shirou accepted the call and immediately put it on the speaker. “Hello?”

*Aaaahh, I am glad you picked it up. I was starting to think Angelo had been lying or you changed numbers.*

That voice, the voice from his dreams he heard even before meeting the owner, a voice that sounded like bells welcoming weary travelers in a city of dreams. A face was already on his mind even if the hair was wrong and he quickly shook his head to focus on the present.

“Artoria.” Shirou almost hit his face on the table for saying the wrong name.

*I am glad you remember me but my name is Altria.*

*Wait, he finally answered?* Another, younger, voice came from the phone. *I can’t believe- Are you still going to-*

*Not now, Fay. This is important.*

*Also risky. No way I am letting you do this alone. We need to get back in our room.*

Losing her patience Xenovia decided to speak up too. “Right, sorry but I don’t know you even if my Master does. Who are you again?”

*’Master’? Ah, right, Xenovia Quarta. Didn’t we meet during the stand off with Michael?* Even if they couldn't see it, both could imagine her pensive face before it grew serious. *Doesn’t matter. We can have proper introductions later. It is fundamental that we meet in Fuyuki as quickly as possible.*

“Why, what is wrong?” Her tone was too sincere for Shirou to doubt.

*Are you sure you want to do this, Ria? This isn’t just sabotage.* Fay pointed out.

Already the redhead knew it was for naught because the platinum blonde or silver haired girl that Shirou remembered stopping him from finishing off Vali in a dishonorable manner wasn’t the sort of person to back down easily.

*That creature is too dangerous to be left unchecked and we need his help anyway.* Altria said with a tone which eliminated any doubts. *Emiya Shirou, Fuyuki is in danger. I confess originally my call was to ask for a favor but with that creature already there I can’t stay silent.*

“Who is it?” Xenovia demanded to know, Durandal ready and waiting.

*It isn’t safe to talk on the phone. Can we meet?*

Considering the urgency in her words the redhead didn’t hesitate. “Of course. Can you tell us more about the threat or we need to wait for the meeting.”


*Let’s meet for lunch and we talk more there.* Fay took over and by the sound of things she had taken the phone. *We need to evade our friends if we want to make the closest teleportation circle discreetly.*

* After that all Shirou and Xenovia heard was hushed whispers before Altria had the phone again. *Look, since I have been trying to call you for a while now we aren’t exactly alone but the best I can say is this; you aren’t the only Mage alive.* She stopped for a moment for the information to sink in. *And the older one can barely be called a man. He is a monster.*



Pietro Deglie

That Medusa x Shirou scene was pure Gold, I Loved it. Also love Rin being Rin. Can't wait for next chapter and for Shirou and Altria to meet.


Good chapter! Shirou being this way becuase of what happened to Tsubasa is expected to an extent. Him figuring out that Medea knew Kuzuki wasn’t something I expected to happen. This makes me want Shirou to try it out even more just so he can see if he has any connection with anyone in the throne (EMIYA or Arturia). We’re finally back to what happened to Rin, glad that she was this open with them, I thought Aphrodite would have had more control on her. Still they can move forward to getting back at her! For Tsubasa I’m glad that things aren’t too bleak for her going forward, not great, but manageable. Shirou and her antics were funny and enjoyable. I look forward to Shirou trying to train her! Shirous conversation with Medusa was nice, but facing an Olympian
 he’d need a fully realized UBW or maybe a good bonded NP (from Arturia) to be capable of that, then again with Ascension he might just need Kanshou. Altria is back after a while! I look forward to Shirou and her working together! As always I can’t wait for the next chapter!


A Reality Marble isn't enough to defeat a god, at least not the major ones, but can be really useful to get there.